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Days in the Life of Mega Wolf

Mega Wolf

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Well, here is where you'll find the daily going-ons of MW's life that are completely irrelevant to other topics. I figured since so many people have their own topics, I might as well make one. Besides, the Hado area was looking rather lonely. Today in the life of MW?


Today, well, was alright. I wore a dress to school, which is something I've never done before, so that was interesting. It was interesting in the fact that everyone was telling me about how nice it made me look and whatnot. My friend, who is getting his hair cut this weekend, came to school with sorta liberty spike things. Like, he literally looked as though he was getting a Statue of Liberty costume prepared because it was only one row all to the front and he made it green. So all he needed to do was get a torch and a book, possibly put on a green gown. A certain teacher was nagging me to get my pigs' faces clipped, and she remarked that they looked like cotton balls, which was a total exaggeration, but I found that to be amusing. Ah. And then in sixth period, I fell asleep during the test for about twenty minutes, but it's not exactly the most intense class ever. In other words, I'll just be continuing my test on Monday. After school, I had to stay at the ag department, as weigh in for Youth Fair was today at five. Along with that, we had to clean our own pens today and lay down new shavings. That was pretty amusing. Since it was hot today, I sprayed my pigs down with water like three times. Humm... I had to go dump a wheelbarrow out and I was pretty near fainting, so I had to take my time. I've been near fainting like three times this year, so I need to start drinking more water. So, later on I ended up having to clip my pigs faces, of course, but it made it really difficult because they were being way too affectionate.


That's all the news for today.

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I would not want to get close enough to a pig that I could shave it.



The closest I've been to a pig was TODAY cause I had bacon with breakfast.

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I would not want to get close enough to a pig that I could shave it.



The closest I've been to a pig was TODAY cause I had bacon with breakfast.

I had pancakes. BE JEALOUS!!!!!

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Well, here is where you'll find the daily going-ons of MW's life that are completely irrelevant to other topics. I figured since so many people have their own topics, I might as well make one. Besides, the Hado area was looking rather lonely. Today in the life of MW?


Today, well, was alright. I wore a dress to school, which is something I've never done before, so that was interesting. It was interesting in the fact that everyone was telling me about how nice it made me look and whatnot. My friend, who is getting his hair cut this weekend, came to school with sorta liberty spike things. Like, he literally looked as though he was getting a Statue of Liberty costume prepared because it was only one row all to the front and he made it green. So all he needed to do was get a torch and a book, possibly put on a green gown. A certain teacher was nagging me to get my pigs' faces clipped, and she remarked that they looked like cotton balls, which was a total exaggeration, but I found that to be amusing. Ah. And then in sixth period, I fell asleep during the test for about twenty minutes, but it's not exactly the most intense class ever. In other words, I'll just be continuing my test on Monday. After school, I had to stay at the ag department, as weigh in for Youth Fair was today at five. Along with that, we had to clean our own pens today and lay down new shavings. That was pretty amusing. Since it was hot today, I sprayed my pigs down with water like three times. Humm... I had to go dump a wheelbarrow out and I was pretty near fainting, so I had to take my time. I've been near fainting like three times this year, so I need to start drinking more water. So, later on I ended up having to clip my pigs faces, of course, but it made it really difficult because they were being way too affectionate.


That's all the news for today.

Oh man! I thought you were weighing yourself for the county fair and cleaning out your writing pens.

Gah. I'm so stupid! :rolleyes:

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This weekend in the life of MW:


Yesterday was pretty interesting. I had shown my pig, Emilia, in the show ring for the showmanship portion of competition. I was doing this, confident in getting second place. It Tara had been penned as one person to stay in for the next round. Next, I was chosen... following suit were three more people, and in addition the novice winner(who had basically gotten lucky since few of the novices had any clue as to what to do, hence they were all looking pretty rediculous) ended up in the ring with us. So six of us were in the second round of advanced showmanship, which is basically just all people who have shown at least once, and it was pretty weird. First, we were taken out of the pens one by one. Tara made a key mistake by using the show stick between the shoulder blades, which can potentially bruise the meat and that's considered really bad. So then eventually we were all out and he totally surprised us by taking our show sticks away and having us use our hands as show sticks to see how well we would adapt. Then, we had to switch pigs with people. Tara and I had a pig switch and her pig is way bigger than mine and apparently usually a biter. But I did really well. In fact, I got into master showmanship since I ended up being first place. It was out of abou 15 people, I guess. I don't know for sure. It was pretty funny, since my friend who is full of advice about pigs didn't place at all and she was so annoyed and blamed it on her pig. Whatever. :rolleyes: So anyhow, I was stuck in uniform all day and had to show a lamb, goat, and steer(bull that has had his reproductive ability taken away). I was awful at all of them, and there were four people in our master showmanship section. So I got fourth out of four, but that's okay, seeing as most people don't get a chance to anyways. The goat was being stubborn, the lamb bounded away from me, and the steer is 5x larger than I am and I had a hard time getting it to move. Then three of my friends came to swim and sleep over. So we swam around 7:30, as it was a really hot day, and then ended up chatting in the jacuzzi. After that, we went into the guest house and watched Disney movies to search for innuendo. And then today I hung out with friends and helped Julian with math.

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This weekend in the life of MW:


Yesterday was pretty interesting. I had shown my pig, Emilia, in the show ring for the showmanship portion of competition. I was doing this, confident in getting second place. It Tara had been penned as one person to stay in for the next round. Next, I was chosen... following suit were three more people, and in addition the novice winner(who had basically gotten lucky since few of the novices had any clue as to what to do, hence they were all looking pretty rediculous) ended up in the ring with us. So six of us were in the second round of advanced showmanship, which is basically just all people who have shown at least once, and it was pretty weird. First, we were taken out of the pens one by one. Tara made a key mistake by using the show stick between the shoulder blades, which can potentially bruise the meat and that's considered really bad. So then eventually we were all out and he totally surprised us by taking our show sticks away and having us use our hands as show sticks to see how well we would adapt. Then, we had to switch pigs with people. Tara and I had a pig switch and her pig is way bigger than mine and apparently usually a biter. But I did really well. In fact, I got into master showmanship since I ended up being first place. It was out of abou 15 people, I guess. I don't know for sure. It was pretty funny, since my friend who is full of advice about pigs didn't place at all and she was so annoyed and blamed it on her pig. Whatever. :rolleyes: So anyhow, I was stuck in uniform all day and had to show a lamb, goat, and steer(bull that has had his reproductive ability taken away). I was awful at all of them, and there were four people in our master showmanship section. So I got fourth out of four, but that's okay, seeing as most people don't get a chance to anyways. The goat was being stubborn, the lamb bounded away from me, and the steer is 5x larger than I am and I had a hard time getting it to move. Then three of my friends came to swim and sleep over. So we swam around 7:30, as it was a really hot day, and then ended up chatting in the jacuzzi. After that, we went into the guest house and watched Disney movies to search for innuendo. And then today I hung out with friends and helped Julian with math.

A video of you and the steer would have been great, followed by one with the lamb and the goat. :D

Awesome first in the pig arena!


Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend after all.

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This weekend in the life of MW:


Yesterday was pretty interesting. I had shown my pig, Emilia, in the show ring for the showmanship portion of competition. I was doing this, confident in getting second place. It Tara had been penned as one person to stay in for the next round. Next, I was chosen... following suit were three more people, and in addition the novice winner(who had basically gotten lucky since few of the novices had any clue as to what to do, hence they were all looking pretty rediculous) ended up in the ring with us. So six of us were in the second round of advanced showmanship, which is basically just all people who have shown at least once, and it was pretty weird. First, we were taken out of the pens one by one. Tara made a key mistake by using the show stick between the shoulder blades, which can potentially bruise the meat and that's considered really bad. So then eventually we were all out and he totally surprised us by taking our show sticks away and having us use our hands as show sticks to see how well we would adapt. Then, we had to switch pigs with people. Tara and I had a pig switch and her pig is way bigger than mine and apparently usually a biter. But I did really well. In fact, I got into master showmanship since I ended up being first place. It was out of abou 15 people, I guess. I don't know for sure. It was pretty funny, since my friend who is full of advice about pigs didn't place at all and she was so annoyed and blamed it on her pig. Whatever. :rolleyes: So anyhow, I was stuck in uniform all day and had to show a lamb, goat, and steer(bull that has had his reproductive ability taken away). I was awful at all of them, and there were four people in our master showmanship section. So I got fourth out of four, but that's okay, seeing as most people don't get a chance to anyways. The goat was being stubborn, the lamb bounded away from me, and the steer is 5x larger than I am and I had a hard time getting it to move. Then three of my friends came to swim and sleep over. So we swam around 7:30, as it was a really hot day, and then ended up chatting in the jacuzzi. After that, we went into the guest house and watched Disney movies to search for innuendo. And then today I hung out with friends and helped Julian with math.

Awesome! Congrats on doing so well! ^_^ And oh, Disney movies....have you seen the box for the Little Mermaid movie? The castle tower aside, just look at facial expressions and where their eyes are going..... :rolleyes:

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This weekend in the life of MW:


Yesterday was pretty interesting. I had shown my pig, Emilia, in the show ring for the showmanship portion of competition. I was doing this, confident in getting second place. It Tara had been penned as one person to stay in for the next round. Next, I was chosen... following suit were three more people, and in addition the novice winner(who had basically gotten lucky since few of the novices had any clue as to what to do, hence they were all looking pretty rediculous) ended up in the ring with us. So six of us were in the second round of advanced showmanship, which is basically just all people who have shown at least once, and it was pretty weird. First, we were taken out of the pens one by one. Tara made a key mistake by using the show stick between the shoulder blades, which can potentially bruise the meat and that's considered really bad. So then eventually we were all out and he totally surprised us by taking our show sticks away and having us use our hands as show sticks to see how well we would adapt. Then, we had to switch pigs with people. Tara and I had a pig switch and her pig is way bigger than mine and apparently usually a biter. But I did really well. In fact, I got into master showmanship since I ended up being first place. It was out of abou 15 people, I guess. I don't know for sure. It was pretty funny, since my friend who is full of advice about pigs didn't place at all and she was so annoyed and blamed it on her pig. Whatever. :rolleyes: So anyhow, I was stuck in uniform all day and had to show a lamb, goat, and steer(bull that has had his reproductive ability taken away). I was awful at all of them, and there were four people in our master showmanship section. So I got fourth out of four, but that's okay, seeing as most people don't get a chance to anyways. The goat was being stubborn, the lamb bounded away from me, and the steer is 5x larger than I am and I had a hard time getting it to move. Then three of my friends came to swim and sleep over. So we swam around 7:30, as it was a really hot day, and then ended up chatting in the jacuzzi. After that, we went into the guest house and watched Disney movies to search for innuendo. And then today I hung out with friends and helped Julian with math.

Awesome! Congrats on doing so well! ^_^ And oh, Disney movies....have you seen the box for the Little Mermaid movie? The castle tower aside, just look at facial expressions and where their eyes are going..... :rolleyes:

oh, oh, I noticed that once....talk about rule 34...

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Actually, a lot of the Disney movie innuendos aren't really what most people think they are. O: Like, people see a little Easter egg in the background and mistake it for something vulgar. The SFX in the clouds in Lion King is a good example, as people kept thinking it said SEX. Although, I cannot account for the Little Mermaid box art.


Also, good job with yo pig :D

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Actually, a lot of the Disney movie innuendos aren't really what most people think they are. O: Like, people see a little Easter egg in the background and mistake it for something vulgar. The SFX in the clouds in Lion King is a good example, as people kept thinking it said SEX. Although, I cannot account for the Little Mermaid box art.


Also, good job with yo pig :D

Yeah. Another one was the priest during the wedding in the little mermaid. I'm sure most people have heard of that one. And I'm pretty sure there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

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Jeanette is sleepy, yo. XD We pretty much checked out all of those innuendo deals. As far as the priest thing... that's so totally not a knee. I don't think people have knees that move that way. The SFX thing... well... who knows, it may just be a cover up. XD

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Today... I got my permit. That's pretty cool. Umm. Dunno. I'm freaked out by grades at the moment. Beyond that... nothing much new. Just waiting for Disneyland.

Yay permit! ^_^ I got my permit the summer after I turned 16, and then didn't get my license until I was almost 20. And here in CT, you don't need a permit after you turn 18. :rolleyes:

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Alright... two days until Disney Land. Um. Heh. Let's see. Today there was jazz band... we didn't have a lot of people come today. So we just sorta goofed off. It was pretty fun. Next week we're having a jazz band party. XD The last half hour I talked to my friend Thomas. Um. After jazz band, our band teacher asked Thomas and I which pictures she should send in for her drum corps profile information since she's going to be an instructor. She does way too much. o.o Then, she showed a few of us who were left her engagement pictures. XD I stayed the longest and saw all of them, so that was pretty funny since I saw some that she didn't intend for any of the students to see. And no, they weren't THAT bad. XD That was pretty amusing and then she just sorta had to go home since for some reason there had been a tornado at a place near where she lives. o.O I was like, what? Tornadoes? *tilts head* XD Then I walked my pigs.

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Alright... two days until Disney Land. Um. Heh. Let's see. Today there was jazz band... we didn't have a lot of people come today. So we just sorta goofed off. It was pretty fun. Next week we're having a jazz band party. XD The last half hour I talked to my friend Thomas. Um. After jazz band, our band teacher asked Thomas and I which pictures she should send in for her drum corps profile information since she's going to be an instructor. She does way too much. o.o Then, she showed a few of us who were left her engagement pictures. XD I stayed the longest and saw all of them, so that was pretty funny since I saw some that she didn't intend for any of the students to see. And no, they weren't THAT bad. XD That was pretty amusing and then she just sorta had to go home since for some reason there had been a tornado at a place near where she lives. o.O I was like, what? Tornadoes? *tilts head* XD Then I walked my pigs.

Tornadoes in SoCal?

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Tornadoes/tornado warnings. XD Yeah, I thought it was weird. :wacko: So Disneyland was crowded yesterday... I was hanging out with four seniors, seeing as they were some of the few non-idiots that were there. You know how you have to take a tram from the parking lot to the actual park area? Even if you don't, that doesn't matter, that's what happens. So anyways, some of the freshmen decided to run right in front of us and take the seats in the rudest way possible. So we decided to go for harmless revenge, which will later be described. So we were walking around and whatnot, and it was quite fun. We went on a few rides, ate some good food, and shopped for a little bit. It was, well, usual Disneyland. So... harmless revenge. We basically bought a couple of disappearing ink squirters. That was pretty funny. They were like, WHAT?! And then they got over it, seeing as it disappeared fast. Hmm... fun stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm super sorry guys, I've been really busy. Or rather, lazy. My days have had a considerable amount of sleep. :wacko:

Same, I've been sleeping a lot lately, Although it could be the fact that I have a lot of creative juice flowing nowadays (i can't concentrate well on that kind of stuff unless i am sleeping or walking. i like sleeping.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

XD I love Oscar Wilde's quotes. Another one of my favorite is, "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."

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Well, okay, so I keep disappearing. Sorry guys, I just keep on doing other stuff. XD Well, from the 29th-6th, I was busy at fair with pig-related stuff. Neither of my pigs made the 200lb minimum for the auction, so I had to figure out how to sell two pigs without being in the auction after working my you-know-what off to try to have them make weight. Well, fortunately, I did not lose money. I sold one to a friend's parents and the other to a friend's grandpa who proceeded to donate it to the school, therefore making it quite a possibility that any meat I eat at the ag department may in fact be my pig. o.o Anyways, through fair, there was a lot of annoying drama and bickering that was not needed at all. For most of it, I was uninvolved or attempted to get people to chill out because they were flipping out at each other for absolutely no reason. Then, of course, someone was mad at me for defending someone else, when really all I was doing was telling her to chill out and that what the other person said wasn't a big deal. Honestly, your own opinion about yourself is all that matters. She wouldn't have been so miffed about being called a tramp behind her back or the opinion that tattoos are trampy if she didn't think she was being even slightly like that. So, what'd she do? She texted someone saying, "OMG jeanette is on her side" and then I didn't read the rest because I had just glanced over with no intention of reading, but she hit send and when I said that, "Okay, so you don't want people talking about you behind your back and you'd rather be told stuff to your face but it's okay for you to talk about me behind mine? I saw the message you just sent, but I'm not going to flip out." And I swear it, I did not flip out. But then she lied to my face and said that someone else had sent that to her when her phone clearly said "sending". It wouldn't have mattered so much if she hadn't proceeded to lie about it, yet unlike several other people regarding their little problems, I did not cause drama over it. People were being completely rediculous about nothing and I was fed up with it. My friend that I had vented to (he was staying out of the drama so it was chill) said that he was surprised that I hadn't flipped out earlier despite being caught in the middle of a bunch of nothing fights amongst friends. What annoyed me the most was the switching around from, "I hate this person!" to, "This person is my best friend!" Irritating. So. Irritating.


On a brighter note, I saw a Weird Al concert and played Rock Band a few times.

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Drama... unfortunately I can't agree with Jesusfreak. Even in adult work situations... it still exists.

I just try and steer clear of it all. Less stress.

Oh it still exists for sure. It's just usually not over such stupid stuff. Or maybe I just have a much more mature and laid back group of friends than most people.

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Haha, yeah, my friends' parents always tell me I'm way ahead of even adults in terms of maturity level. It's hilarious. Every time, I'm like, "Really?!", because I always figure that by the time people are adults they know how to get over petty arguments. Then I actually take a look at the arguments amongst adults and I go, "Ohhh."

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Haha, yeah, my friends' parents always tell me I'm way ahead of even adults in terms of maturity level. It's hilarious. Every time, I'm like, "Really?!", because I always figure that by the time people are adults they know how to get over petty arguments. Then I actually take a look at the arguments amongst adults and I go, "Ohhh."

:lol: Exactly. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

The Greek Mythology is enjoy. To me, that is really enjoyable reading.

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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

You had to read the Bible? Surely not the whole thing... :wacko: Maybe I read your post wrong.



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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

You had to read the Bible? Surely not the whole thing... :wacko: Maybe I read your post wrong.



Mega Wolf's a speed reader. It only took her a week to read the whole thing. :lol:

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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

You had to read the Bible? Surely not the whole thing... :wacko: Maybe I read your post wrong.



Mega Wolf's a speed reader. It only took her a week to read the whole thing. :lol:

Ah, OK. :P I'm usually quite a fast reader, but it's taking me forever to get through Pride & Prejudice. Probably because it's assigned reading, and not something I picked up myself. :rolleyes:



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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

You had to read the Bible? Surely not the whole thing... :wacko: Maybe I read your post wrong.



Mega Wolf's a speed reader. It only took her a week to read the whole thing. :lol:

Ah, OK. :P I'm usually quite a fast reader, but it's taking me forever to get through Pride & Prejudice. Probably because it's assigned reading, and not something I picked up myself. :rolleyes:



When you finish that one, you can start on War and Peace. :lol:

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We had tests on our summer reading in American Literature and it was epic failure because I didn't read the Bible like we were told to understand Bible allusions and for understanding the Greek Mythology allusions I read but didn't really pay that much attention. XD

You had to read the Bible? Surely not the whole thing... :wacko: Maybe I read your post wrong.



Mega Wolf's a speed reader. It only took her a week to read the whole thing. :lol:

Ah, OK. :P I'm usually quite a fast reader, but it's taking me forever to get through Pride & Prejudice. Probably because it's assigned reading, and not something I picked up myself. :rolleyes:



When you finish that one, you can start on War and Peace. :lol:

Only after I read the other book and a half I have to read for school! lol



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No, it was like 50 different things from the Bible... but I didn't read it. >.<


Oh, and I really love Pride and Prejudice. The subtle humor is the greatest thing ever. XDDD I read it in 7th grade, and then I picked it up again last year. ^_^ "You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least." lol.

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No, it was like 50 different things from the Bible... but I didn't read it. >.<


Oh, and I really love Pride and Prejudice. The subtle humor is the greatest thing ever. XDDD I read it in 7th grade, and then I picked it up again last year. ^_^ "You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least." lol.

If I had picked it up myself, I might have liked it more. But forced reading always gives me a slightly negative attitude. :angry2: LOL



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Right now, for English, we are reading The Crucible.


Our AP English classes had to read that and the Great Gatsby over the summer. I am so glad I am not doing it.

But I am so upset that I am not doing US. I had planned on taking regular, since I had such a hard time last year after everything happened and getting caught up and who hah. So I wanted to just get my average back up and what not. But my class is so stupid, and slow.

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Right now, for English, we are reading The Crucible.


Our AP English classes had to read that and the Great Gatsby over the summer. I am so glad I am not doing it.

But I am so upset that I am not doing US. I had planned on taking regular, since I had such a hard time last year after everything happened and getting caught up and who hah. So I wanted to just get my average back up and what not. But my class is so stupid, and slow.

Just focus on getting your grades up. This will be over sooner than you think.

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Oh, I love AP, we can actually have intelligent conversations. :rolleyes:


Example, yesterday was a question of whether or not we feel safer since 9/11/01. Now, if anyone would like to debate that, please, not in my topic, take it elsewhere. lol

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Right now, for English, we are reading The Crucible.


Our AP English classes had to read that and the Great Gatsby over the summer. I am so glad I am not doing it.

But I am so upset that I am not doing US. I had planned on taking regular, since I had such a hard time last year after everything happened and getting caught up and who hah. So I wanted to just get my average back up and what not. But my class is so stupid, and slow.

We read the Crucible last year in English class. I read for the part of Elizabeth Proctor. That was fun.

I read the Great Gatsby for Book club. It was OK.

I'm doing honors US this year (as opposed to Ap) and it's going well... AP stats is also going well.



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Our teacher said she would like to read it in class, but it would take too much time since our class is usually a class for seniors but at our school we have it as a Junior class, so we rush through things more. XD Yet, supposedly most score well on the AP test.


Anyhow, life? Um, my best friend at school is Mike(one of my exes. In fact, the one that doesn't annoy me). We had a four hour conversation last night. o.O You know how I've been considering making a band for over a year now? Well, he was in a band, but that never worked out because they didn't have a vocalist. So now Prisoners of Insanity might exist. XD lol. However, there is another band that we know that might end up thinking we're copying them because they're newly formed, one of the band members being my "rival", or so it always ends up seeming so. Really, we're just making a band for the lolz.

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Our teacher said she would like to read it in class, but it would take too much time since our class is usually a class for seniors but at our school we have it as a Junior class, so we rush through things more. XD Yet, supposedly most score well on the AP test.


Anyhow, life? Um, my best friend at school is Mike(one of my exes. In fact, the one that doesn't annoy me). We had a four hour conversation last night. o.O You know how I've been considering making a band for over a year now? Well, he was in a band, but that never worked out because they didn't have a vocalist. So now Prisoners of Insanity might exist. XD lol. However, there is another band that we know that might end up thinking we're copying them because they're newly formed, one of the band members being my "rival", or so it always ends up seeming so. Really, we're just making a band for the lolz.

Forget about the copying thing... I say go for it!!!

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I like how Giles Corey goes out with a bang. "MORE WEIGHT!"


We have now come up with our actual band name. Cynosure. It's out of a vocab book because we needed a name that sounded less like a punk or heavy metal band. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, first band competition yesterday we totally did horribly. Our drill is terribly impossible, though we're actually condensing it now so that it can be more effective. We got last place by only half a point, though. Our drum major conducted really badly, too, though. lol. People don't really see that we had practiced it much better that morning, though. We actually could have swept away the competition had we totally pwn'd like we had during practice.


In other news, I got a haircut.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, basically, I've been super busy. So, I went to my grandpa's funeral a couple of weeks ago and straight after that went to a band competition. Band is eating away my life like no tomorrow, let me tell you. Mondays I am not home until somewhere around 9:30 because it's 5-9 and I just don't make my parents waste gas so I just stay at school. Tuesdays I get home 5:30 and do homework. Same with Wednesday and Thursday. I've had to go to football games most Fridays. This Friday is the last game, though. It's pretty hectic. Saturdays are competitions, or in the case of in a couple of weeks, 9-9 practice. Sunday I'm hoping to get my band together. We may be able to play at Winter Formal, if we get some songs down by then. It'll be easier for us to meet because marching season is over in three weeks. Sundays are my free days, so we'll probably meet Sunday. Second semester I will be hopefully helping tutor elementary school music after school. Oh, and if I do drum corps, my entire summer is going to basically be computerless. Funny how insane my life is at the moment.


To top it off, I got a Wii on Sunday. :)

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So, basically, I've been super busy. So, I went to my grandpa's funeral a couple of weeks ago and straight after that went to a band competition. Band is eating away my life like no tomorrow, let me tell you. Mondays I am not home until somewhere around 9:30 because it's 5-9 and I just don't make my parents waste gas so I just stay at school. Tuesdays I get home 5:30 and do homework. Same with Wednesday and Thursday. I've had to go to football games most Fridays. This Friday is the last game, though. It's pretty hectic. Saturdays are competitions, or in the case of in a couple of weeks, 9-9 practice. Sunday I'm hoping to get my band together. We may be able to play at Winter Formal, if we get some songs down by then. It'll be easier for us to meet because marching season is over in three weeks. Sundays are my free days, so we'll probably meet Sunday. Second semester I will be hopefully helping tutor elementary school music after school. Oh, and if I do drum corps, my entire summer is going to basically be computerless. Funny how insane my life is at the moment.


To top it off, I got a Wii on Sunday. :)

Whoaaaaaaaa, your schedule is worse than TBFOF's. :I


Hopefully you will make it through the year!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seriously? It's December?

Well, life is now at a stop for business for a little while. I mean, for the most part. Marching season... is over. Strange. Practice is ceased.


Um, tomorrow I have floriculture practice 3-4. Parade practice is just this Thursday 3-5. Saturday is the first floriculture contest and then after that I have to march in the Christmas parade. Other than that, nothing. Just homework. And floriculture. I'm auditioning for a drum corps 12-14th. Hmm... don't have much else.


I won't be busy for a little while. lol. Summer you guys won't see many appearances at all from me, though. XD

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Seriously? It's December?

Well, life is now at a stop for business for a little while. I mean, for the most part. Marching season... is over. Strange. Practice is ceased.


Um, tomorrow I have floriculture practice 3-4. Parade practice is just this Thursday 3-5. Saturday is the first floriculture contest and then after that I have to march in the Christmas parade. Other than that, nothing. Just homework. And floriculture. I'm auditioning for a drum corps 12-14th. Hmm... don't have much else.


I won't be busy for a little while. lol. Summer you guys won't see many appearances at all from me, though. XD

Will pictures be forthcoming for the floriculture?

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Haha, fail, totally forgot to take pictures. Oh, well, they were kinda fail anyway cuz I'm quite out of practice.


It's okay though, because I actually got 10th place! ^-^ Mostly because of ID and reasons for the judging class of roses. :D Quite fun, and I got 65 out of 75 on my ID test. My lowest scores were my corsage and arrangement. XD

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Haha, fail, totally forgot to take pictures. Oh, well, they were kinda fail anyway cuz I'm quite out of practice.


It's okay though, because I actually got 10th place! ^-^ Mostly because of ID and reasons for the judging class of roses. :D Quite fun, and I got 65 out of 75 on my ID test. My lowest scores were my corsage and arrangement. XD

10th place sounds fantastic! You must have talents that you didn't know about. :D

I wish that you had pictures for us. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
lol, yeah, it does look like that. XD Shredded wheat, crossed with Nintendo's Thwomps.

Somehow, when I get a first impression... it is hard to eradicate the error message.

The problems may stem from the talking little shredded wheats on the adverts.

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Yeah! They're really active and fun, except for Little Emo Fishy, which is one of the glowlights that tends to just sit in it's corner by itself most of the time. :o But sometimes it wanders out of its corner to join the others.

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Yeah! They're really active and fun, except for Little Emo Fishy, which is one of the glowlights that tends to just sit in it's corner by itself most of the time. :o But sometimes it wanders out of its corner to join the others.

Perhaps as it gets a little bigger it will feel like joining the others.

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Indeed, maybe it will. It seems to be interacting with the others more now.


But I'm a little sad now. One of my tequila guppies hopped out of the tank.


Not being a fish tank owner, I would have thought you would have had some sort of top on the tank, that would prevent this from happening.

*sends a red rose to Mega Wolf to put on the grave of the tequila guppy*

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Well, not all fish really need tank covers too badly. o.o Like, my tetras don't even bother going towards the top and the otocinclus just sorta hangs around and seems to be incapable of hopping out.

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Well, not all fish really need tank covers too badly. o.o Like, my tetras don't even bother going towards the top and the otocinclus just sorta hangs around and seems to be incapable of hopping out.

There's more than one Tetra? o_o





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So... drum corps. Intense stuff.

Anyhow. I'm hoping to get the Sony Mylo before drum corps so I can have internet access without having a full sized laptop or netbook. Idk. If anyone has an idea for me, I'd appreciate it. Like, if there's something better than the Mylo.

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So... drum corps. Intense stuff.

Anyhow. I'm hoping to get the Sony Mylo before drum corps so I can have internet access without having a full sized laptop or netbook. Idk. If anyone has an idea for me, I'd appreciate it. Like, if there's something better than the Mylo.

The iPhone. :D


Nothing compares to the iPhone. The internet is so fast that is actually saves your parents money. :rolleyes::lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
lol. iPhones are cool. But, I suppose I'll be "stuck" with the Mylo, especially since I have a bit over a year left on the Sprint contract. XD (plus the Sprint plan is the most convenient for me)

Throw the Mylo into the toilet. That should fix it. :lol:

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lol well my phone is a Razr (horrible phone, by the way) and the Mylo is just basically handheld internet thing.

I like the Razr. What is wrong with yours that makes it so horrible?


The Mylo needs to be buried in the backyard. Have a party, give it a funeral, then say good-bye.


Save your money and talk your parents into an iPhone. :rolleyes:

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Mine freezes up really easily, possibly because I store so much on it or perhaps due to excessive use. Not a durable enough phone for me, the phones I use have to last two years. I may only have a new phone with the renewal of service plan at the end of said two years, as the phone is generally free or at a reduced price with that.


(lol I haven't even bought the Mylo yet)


Talking my parents into the iPhone would be impossible, as that would require a service change due to the fact that I use Sprint. lol. I still have another year left on my current plan.

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Mine freezes up really easily, possibly because I store so much on it or perhaps due to excessive use. Not a durable enough phone for me, the phones I use have to last two years. I may only have a new phone with the renewal of service plan at the end of said two years, as the phone is generally free or at a reduced price with that.


(lol I haven't even bought the Mylo yet)


Talking my parents into the iPhone would be impossible, as that would require a service change due to the fact that I use Sprint. lol. I still have another year left on my current plan.


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My boyfriend sent a Valentine's-gram thingy to me today. lol. It was cute. Choir was basically sending their Madrigals(the top group here) around singing The Way I Am and then for others some song about a teddy bear with a chain around its neck(I dunno), and Michael sent me the former. It was cute. Though, humorous, because one of my good friends is a Mad. XD


Ho humm... I swear, I get far too occasionally curious/bored. So, I'm an idiot and listen to my ex's music he makes(my strange hope for perhaps restoring friendship with the person I was closest to for a year and a half, I'm thinking the whole dating thing was the part that didn't work, but, I realize I'm foolish when I say the suchlike). Fortunately, his latest ones are about how he's done being in love with me but he's still got memories of the past(well, 'tis progress). Though, it's a bit creepy hearing him utter the numbers for my address and describing the fact that it's a dead end street. Never realized that being in a culdesac could feel a bit creepy. lol.

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The creepy part is how he describes it as a dead end and spouts out the numbers to my address. lol.

Very creepy.

Perhaps he says it is a dead end to your face, but wishes for something else.

It is hard to tell what he is thinking because he is so strange.

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lol, you know, much of lyrics don't really admit to mistakes or ones own faults but rather point fingers at the other person.


Like, you never would hear in his lyrics that he pretty much verbally abused me, tried to control me, and cried on the phone to make me say that I loved him and I had to basically force myself to believe that.


Just sayin'.

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lol, you know, much of lyrics don't really admit to mistakes or ones own faults but rather point fingers at the other person.


Like, you never would hear in his lyrics that he pretty much verbally abused me, tried to control me, and cried on the phone to make me say that I loved him and I had to basically force myself to believe that.


Just sayin'.

:lol: So true. If the lyrics were as you said, then no one would buy the CD because they thought the guy was a maniac. :lol:

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lol. True. But with his lack of personality and his lack of a nice singing voice, I don't think many people would buy his stuff anyhow. XD


But perhaps I'm a maniac for even thinking about him so much, despite the fact that I am way happier in my current conditions. :/


Like, I'm happy until I go into the bad memories that won't go away and the formerly good memories that accompany them.

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lol. True. But with his lack of personality and his lack of a nice singing voice, I don't think many people would buy his stuff anyhow. XD


But perhaps I'm a maniac for even thinking about him so much, despite the fact that I am way happier in my current conditions. :/


Like, I'm happy until I go into the bad memories that won't go away and the formerly good memories that accompany them.

Very soon you will be leaving these memories behind and going off to college.

Shortly thereafter, high school relationships will be something you laugh about.

Of course in his case, you might be checking the police blotters to see if he did something rash. :lol:

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lol yeah college... can't wait to get out of high school.

Or, at least until next school year, as I'll never have to see his rediculousness again and I'll never have to hear about how he's telling people he's "fine, but he misses the old times." :rolleyes:

Haha, I think it'll be funny if he does something weird and dumb. (too late?)

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lol yeah college... can't wait to get out of high school.

Or, at least until next school year, as I'll never have to see his rediculousness again and I'll never have to hear about how he's telling people he's "fine, but he misses the old times." :rolleyes:

Haha, I think it'll be funny if he does something weird and dumb. (too late?)

If he is already talking about the "old times" what's he going to say when he really gets old? :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rough day. One of my friends pretty much tried to commit suicide by taking 10 pills of whatever it was(well, can't remember what medication it was, but in 5 it could've had him in a coma). The fool did it this morning at school and in first period was when he was sent to the hospital. He's fortunately not dead, nor is he in a coma.

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Rough day. One of my friends pretty much tried to commit suicide by taking 10 pills of whatever it was(well, can't remember what medication it was, but in 5 it could've had him in a coma). The fool did it this morning at school and in first period was when he was sent to the hospital. He's fortunately not dead, nor is he in a coma.

Thank goodness he took the pills at school. Had he tried this at home at night, then he might not have made it.

Please keep us posted on how he is doing. He will be in my heart for a speedy recovery and for his life to turn around.

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He apparently made it to his contest practice yesterday, so he's not so badly off. They gave him basically reversal pills. It may be assumable that anti-depressants can be countered in this way. He's on 24/7 suicide watch. He didn't come to school today, though.

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He apparently made it to his contest practice yesterday, so he's not so badly off. They gave him basically reversal pills. It may be assumable that anti-depressants can be countered in this way. He's on 24/7 suicide watch. He didn't come to school today, though.

Oh my. I hope he is doing better.

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So Julia, my pink-haired foreign exchange student, is extremely awesome. :D

Awesome!!! I am really excited for you as you now have a fantastic new friend!!!!!

Being from Austria, Julia probably speaks German, French and Italian, in addition, of course, to English. Time for you to learn a new language! :D

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