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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I feel I ought to make a list of the characters before I ever begin writing the story.


Most of the characters come from users on the board, though most of them are inactive users.


-Invisionists, and their sanities-


X0X_Skye_X0X (Acorn)

Prince Moo Cow (Sheepy Shippin)

Z True princess (Horsey Dude)

Topazia (Patchwork, Zombiecat)

Caedmon (JesusIsMyHomeboy)

Isthmus (Ralph)

Insanity's Captive (No Sanity)

King Of The Chipmunks (CoolantKing)

Mystic Hamster (Hamster Magician)

Cha Cha Slide (Hum Pa Hamster)

IEatRice (Mizu)

Moogles Anonymous ( Thank God I'm a Country Boy)

Hoops Ahshirt (Oitaroh)

Toto (xZNoDoubtxZx)

HogwartsHamster (Hammy Potter)

Arkcher Ahrroww (Gamechamp)

(He has a pet, LPP)

Dog Lover (Nutmeg)

Taynio (Ugg)

Roger (Snake The hamster)

Leguan (Spellcheck)

Cheetaspot (Fantasia)

Jesusfreak (MyLove2Jesus)

Miss Kitty Girl (Sweet Lollipop)

Spot (Spot^3)

xMyOwnMindx (Teenage Zombie)

SnowyDanny (Climber)

MilkyWay (4StarGirl3)

Kep (Fungus)

Otter (Rantan)

Erendayu (Iron Donut)

Miss Bunny (Rose Hamster)

Top Banana (<('')>)

Jesse (SSJ6)

Moosey (Bobo)

Mastermind (MewBlast)

SleepOverFanatic (Chattie)

Disasteriffic (5trong Bad)

KrisLovesDogs (KrisDaDogg)

Cobra Bubbles (Aumenter)

Battleship Goat (Four Wheelin')

The Hamster (HammyLover)

Mega Wolf (AlphaWolf)

Phantom Dog (Cloud Wolf)

LifesEagle (UKGal)

Hamsterfireball (Jeenyusgirl)

Kat Dacatis (Setsuna)

Cheesemaster (Liquid Ninja)

Funky Monkey (Im_Soo_cool)

That Flute Chick (Softball Cutie)

Mushroom_king (Paper Mario Master)

(and Mondrobi)

Dippy Hippy (Boing)

NeoDudette (New and Improved)

Vixen. (ManiacGirl)

Mira The Spacehamster (Space Kitty)

Alternate Realities (Austin)

Dr. Flippinchocsnappywaffin (Cyber Hamster)

Kyo And Kun [Plush Kirby] (Cort)

Mullaypop (Chibachcachi)

Sheena (Tyrant)

EmilyE (Merry)

Dark Hamster (Super Happy Fun Fun Ninja)

Wildcat (Paws of a Tiger)

AnnaBananaGal (CornholioBob)

The Grim Hamster Lord (Hamsters Achieve Domination)

Vanilla Star Hamster (Hampster)

Campsoup1988 (Rudolph)

Lovely Laura (Wishbone)

Commander Nightshade (Hamster Lord)

Coca Cola Bear (Eliises)

Hamster Lover (Starry Star Sierra)

Inky Rabbit (Soul Sweetie)

GoonieGirl (HangyBoy III)

Horatio (Florida Hamster)

Frenchie (Nutsky)

BraceFace (Plexus)

Schimmislick (Jamster)

Lexxscrapham (~)

_____ (Changes)

Hamsterking (Hoosier)

Hamsterweb ( Dido-Dodo)

Stewart (Jack)

Who Are You? Who Am I? (Clarytis)

(She has a pet, Ardnek)

Glowurm (Happy)

MindlessChica (Pink Angel)

Anonymous [blaze and Eric] (Sisters)

Animalkidd (Guinea Pig Man)

Kenny Boy (Tom TM)

Skwerlhugger Will (Guehu)

Vlad Tepes (2Cool4School)

Chair (Walnut)

Cheese Woman (Canadian mandie)

NoTaco (Hamstergirl

(NoTaco's pets: Toothpick, Chicken Beam, and Weasel)

Honey (Silvia)

Kay (Cupcakelover)

Hamster On A Skateboard (GetOutMore)

Social Outcast (Lightning)

Poison Ivy (Ivy Python)

Not Telling You My Name (NameGotTaken)

The Spy (Just A Name.) (Little m)

Sammy The Hamster (Hamster Awards)

Hiro (Hamster of Fury)

Kaei (Kaise)

Gaurd101 (ConverseAllStar)

FuzzyHamster123 (Sammy Hammy)

The Almighty Doer of Stuff (Darky)

Super Katie (Mamby)

Clean Machine (RoboWizardsRule)

Dadadeedadeedadodo (I'm Steak me me me)

Cow (SomeDude)

Juicyfruit (DustinF)

Hamster Chic (TrixieLove)

DJ Beauty (Pink)

Dr. Technology (Hamster Rock)

Bubble gum Hamster (Scarlette Pietro)

Solrai (Suirue)

Samadaro Yobana (Hoooligan)

Mystery X (Teddy's Rat)

Siamese_02 (Penhelm)

Shopper (Hamster Rule U)

(She has a pet, Pink Swing Hamster)

Serafina is So Cute! (Sabrina The Hamster)

Redwing The Phoenix (A.H.)

OCIrish Dancer Girl (Lucky Shire Girl)

Queen Slime Hamster (ALGRIEMANN)

Sci-Fi hamster (Saga)

The Teen Silver Eye Fox (The Golden Eye Fox)

Omega Shenron (Stevo)

Woodstock (Emo E Chee)

Cracko (Sky Blue)

The Hamster Reaper (Spell Caster)

Tiffany XD (Hez)

Warcraft Nut (Hamster Max)

Skatie Katie (Do Ya Do Ya Dude)

Angel Girl (Haptom's Girl)

Cutie Puppet (Graf Vonn Bezle Bub)

Great Red Fox (Dog Demon Girl)

Becky4Goldie (Lalala555)

Hamster in ?? (2Die4)

C.C. Edna (Luigi's Mansion) (Yes, I found a user named Luigi's Mansion)

AlienFreak (AndyBeBad)

Rainbow Hammie (Dream)

Rebel Dork Drummer (Softball Punk)

123007 (Sandy)

Diragono (Coralie)

Emmajade (ZayZayJak)

Dibbs (Peterette)


Julia, Dawn, and Sterling (Voodoo, Ice Climber, and Twitch, respectively) (these three are made up)


-Bad Guys-


Some of them are made up.


Takari Fusion (Or, The Fusion)




Dark Water


Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal

STFU Pheasant

Captured Thought

Flare, Rain, and Cobalt




(These ones are all made up)


The Mordred Family-The workers in Arkcher's Mansion

Aloysious Ahrroww-Arkcher's father, and a well-known inventor.

Lara Ahrroww-Arkcher's Mother.

Derringer Ahrroww-Arkcher's brother.

Sharona and Aretha Ahrroww-Arkcher's two sisters.

Jeff-Arkcher's school friend.

Paula-Arkcher's school friend.

Thomas Foster IV-Arkcher's rival.

Patricia Loralie-Stewart's wife.

Lloyd Foster-Stewart's rival.

Claus-Stewart's brother.

Hannah-Stewart's Mother

Hamster 2.0-Arkcher's 3rd robot.

PickUpSticks-EmilyE's husband.

NameWithNumbers-EmilyE's Daughter.





Hamsterdam (Main City of Invision)

The Ahshirt Desert (Hoop's turf)

Mt. Jazzeh (Cold summit to the south; Arkcher lives here)

Swissconsion (Peninsula, Cheesemaster's turf)

Port of Cheese (Major city)

Mushroom Islands (colourful jungle)

Taynio (A rainbow cloud about the Mushroom Islands)

Forum Forest (Forest off to the West)

Outside The Wall (Bleak mountain where some sinister plot is being planned)

Hamsterking's island (Lovely green island)

Leguan (Leguan's island, home to foreigners)

Adstar (star-shaped islands, where authors and artists live)

Mt. Lexx (Lexxscrapham's mountain)

Hue (Invision's first moon)

Error (The second moon, has toxic air)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Why are some in parenthesis and some not?

The ones in parenthesis are the character's sanity.



I'm so confused. Are all the people in the first section real members?

Except for Julia, Dawn, and Sterling, yes. Like I said, most of them are inactive.

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Why are some in parenthesis and some not?

The ones in parenthesis are the character's sanity.



I'm so confused. Are all the people in the first section real members?

Except for Julia, Dawn, and Sterling, yes. Like I said, most of them are inactive.

But, some people are the same as they are in the parenthesisl, ike Topazia (Patchwork, Zombiecat) , and then some aren't, like Guard 101 (ConverseAllStar)

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Why are some in parenthesis and some not?

The ones in parenthesis are the character's sanity.



I'm so confused. Are all the people in the first section real members?

Except for Julia, Dawn, and Sterling, yes. Like I said, most of them are inactive.

But, some people are the same as they are in the parenthesisl, ike Topazia (Patchwork, Zombiecat) , and then some aren't, like Guard 101 (ConverseAllStar)

i didn't mean for them all to be the same person as their sanity. some users here who have side accounts, like me, Hoops, or Topazia, I made those their sanities, but for others, it's random.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Mah sanity's name is Nameless, remember? :C

Happy's an imposter-sanity. D<


- Glowurm

Nameless! You're the only one for meeee~! <3



I gave Nameless a name

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name

(Plus, we already have characters with names such as Not Telling You My Name and _____.)

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

Not that I'd ever want to change sanities, so I don't want the ability, but... LUCKY! ;A;


- Glowurm

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

[MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE]

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

[MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE]


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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

[MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE]


NO! Not in to the pit! IT BUURRRNS!

-turns in to a book-

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...Nameless has a name. Nameless' name is Nameless.

Nameless isn't nameless, that's just Nameless' name.



- Glowurm

...'Cause I don't. ;A;

i changed his name



Nameless has a new name?



For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A;


- Glowurm

But then... how would you do that? o-o

[Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]

[MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE]


NO! Not in to the pit! IT BUURRRNS!

-turns in to a book-

-wakes up Cheesemaster- I JUST SAVED YOU FROM GANON

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