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B - Basic

I - Instructions

B - Before

L - Leaving

E - Earth


This is the acronym commonly used for the Bible and it's meaning. So what does this mean? And if it's the basic, where is the advanced?


It's the B.I. because it's the, literally, basic instructions for people before going to heaven or ####, or staying to the tribulation.

It is a step by step process to build faith, to live a bountiful life, to spread the word, to work miracles in His name, to preach, to learn, to share. It is the simplest form of learning of salvation, and how to obtain it.


This is where everyone starts. It is the basic, the foundation, the soil which the blocks are placed to build upon your daily walk with Y'Shua. You learn of the prophecies, the miracle, the works. You learn who God is, who Y'Shua is, you learn the basics of faith, of following, of life. And it leads into the life of Y'Shua and the meaning, the reason for salvation, and finally... Salvation itself. You learn why you need. After this is learned and happens, a person moves on to the writings of the Apostles. These are applies principles and steps after salvation for your daily walk with Y'Shua. These help in your daily life. It also helps in knowledge and wisdom.


And staying here is perfectly fine. But, naturally and through evolution, a person should grow.


So where are the advanced and expert instructions? The bible doesn't mention or speak of them... And what are "advanced instructions?"


Advanced instructions are deeper things of the spirit and of God. You learn these from your daily walk through the Ruach HaKodesh or Holy Spirit. You can also learn this from preachers and ministers, who teach of deeper things. These things learned are for deeper people, more spiritual, people who want to learn more. Why? Because otherwise, this information has no influence on other people. But that's a little too harsh, isn't it? Perhaps. Sometimes this information will make a person want to grow more.


These instructions are no longer instructions but Words of the Spirit and of God. They're meant to enrich the lives and help a person grow. They're much like the writings of the Apostles, but are specific for each person. This is also, usually, when a person learns more of themself and matures. It's like the teen stage of your life. You're growing and enriching, learning about yourself. Versus the basic, or child/infant, stage where you're just now learning the new things.


So if there's the basic and advanced, what more is there? There's the Shepard's instructions. These are God's personal instructions for His will for a person. This is used for Ministers, Teacher, Priests, Pastors, Apostles, Evangelists, etc. They're meant for leaders, for servants, for people who follow His will for them.


Why is this part reserved for those people? Because these people are given the responsibility and care of His sheep and children, they're meant to preach, to teach, to give, to father, to lead. This specific set of instructions can be learned at any time in a person's life. It has no specific time line. But it is more for those who guide His Sheep.


There is also the Master's Instructions, also known as the Servants',which includes the Shepard's Instructions. Now what is this you may ask? It is specifically designed for Prophets and Apostles (There are different types of Apostles. This specific is for the "Rank" of Apostle, given to those who perform the highest duties of the Lord.) Now, does this mean P&A (Prophets and Apostles) are Masters? Quite the opposite. It means they're servants of God, the Master. It is His instructions. Many Ministers and etc also have this "booklet", if you will, and follow it. These servants of the Master are called for specific and timely things, to deliver messages, called to actions, to do anything that He requires. P&A are trusted people who are given information, wisdom, and knowledge to carry and sometimes deliver and teach. Yet they are the lowest and are servants to the people, his sheep, and God. And it requires great sacrifice of self, to give into the more Spiritual duties of God.


So you have, in my words:

Believer's Instructions

Follower's Instructions

Shepard's Instructions

Master's/Servant instructions. Master being God.


There are many variants of these, which are determined by gifts, annointings, etc, but these are the main groups.


The believer is a new person, who believers and accepts Y'Shua. Most people stay here and never grow. Sometimes they still believe, but don't follow...

The follower is a loyal person, who seeks deeper things of God and His Spirit, who wants to advance and grow. They have a daily walk and follow His Words.

The Shepard is a leading person, who is trusted with something sacred: God's Sheep, His children, Y'Shua's Bride. They preach and teach unto His Sheep, and watching over, protecting.

The Servant of the Master is a highly trusted follower who believes deeply in God who walks daily with God and each step is a step in His Will for them. It is true we are all servants of God, and that Y'Shua was a servant for us, but this specific term is for the P&A and those who perform these duties and can be classified as such.


So why type this out? Why tell you all? And you may ask yourself why you read it...


I typed it because it's been on my mind for a long time lately, words given by God, things to think about, to teach about. I am teaching to the people so that they may learn. It may or may not have influence on you, but it is knowledge to be learned. And you read it because you were interested. OR maybe you just like reading what Taynio has to write because he always does.


But I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope it explains some things. If there be any glory or honour in this, may it go to Y'Shua Messiah, Lord and Saviour.


Also, the first piece of my "Studies" is coming out soon. I had typed it all out, but an error occurred and wiped out all my information. So I had to type it, unfortunately. But it will be out soon. And I hope you enjoy it, as well.

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[ Welcome back, Taynio! You have been missed. Please go to Warm Wishes to the IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ topic and make a post saying you will abide by the rules so I can get you approved for instant appearing posts. Thanks. Horatio ]

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lol I saw the topic title and my mind immediately jumped to, "The B.I.B.L.E.....yes that's the book for me! I stand alone on the word of God, the B.I.B.L.E.!" lol that was the first song I could play on the guitar by memory when I was taking guitar lessons back in the day. :rolleyes:


As for basic instructions before leaving earth, are you familiar with the song by the same name?

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"What we have here is a failure to communicate!"


Actually, what we have here are many parts to the bible. Mainly, 3 to 4 main parts. And what are these parts?


  • 1)Creation and Fruition
    2)Laws and Prophecy
    3)The First Coming, The Completion, the Salvation
    4)The Second Coming and Tribulation


And what exactly do I mean by these?


The first part is the creation of the universe and the events being set in motion to make way for the second. From the beginning in Genesis to Abraham, Jacob, Noah, all of these things... They're teachings of character, of faith, obedience, how we should try to be. They're not laws, but more of character improvement advice. Granted there are laws created during this time, the focus is on man itself and God's continual "evolution", or perfecting, of His creation. This is what I call "Fruition", or the harvest God planted is now starting to take root and become plants. And soon 'Water' and 'Sunlight' will be added to help the plants grow. And then the harvest...


The second part, the Laws and Prophecy, are the Water and Sunlight previously stated. Now how are these related? Well...

Water and Sunlight are key components to helping plants grow, in general. We are like plants, which need Water and Sunlight, Laws and Prophecy.


Now what's so special about these Laws? And what about the Prophecy? And who's the Prophecy for?


The Laws are the Sunlight to the plants. The direction of sunlight to a plant determines the amount of growth and the direction of growth. Laws help determine the growth and direction, hoped for in the "right" direction. With Laws, it is determined that a plant will not stray or lean towards a direction not desired. But if that sunlight is shaded, or rather Laws broken, the plant can wilt and die. As is such the same thing if the Law is broken, the penalty was death. And those who disobeyed or broke the Law did in-fact die.


The Prophecy is the water to the plants. It is essentially the life of the plants. And it is the life of all things. But how is the water Prophecy? What are the relations? The relations lie in with Who the Prophecies are for. Since the acts of Adam and Eve, events were set into place so that man may be redeemed. Throughout the Old Testament, many prophecies are made about the coming of Jesus, miracles to be performed, places visited, things done. Water also was recognized as the medium which "wiped away sins" or rather, in the real sense, wiped away the former self to reveal a cleaner version of the real you. This also is a symbol of the Prophecy of Jesus. Jesus is our Salvation and Redeemer. He took our sins, pains, illnesses, etc upon himself. He wiped clean our slates and revealed a cleaner person. The last part of water is seen as life. And if Jesus is the water which wiped our sins, then He is also the Water which is the Life. For Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life.


The Sunlight is set on the plants, and the Water has been poured. Now it is the coming of the Lord.


{I am rather tired of typing right now. And what I am sitting on (my butt lol) isn't doing so well. So I will finish later. I do hope you all are enjoying these words of wisdom and teachings. And I thank you for reading.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Sunlight is set on the plants, and the Water has been poured. The plants are growing, but not in proper form. They need to be tended to. Now it is the coming of the Lord, the Gardener.


The Coming is just that. After all the Prophecy has finished for that era, and when is time for the salvation of Man, God sends His only begotten son; Jesus. the Ultimate Sacrifice, the White Lamb. (John 3:17?) says "I come not into this world to condemn it, but to deliver/save it." He has come to trim the bushes, pick off the useless weeds so that only the glorious and perfectly formed garden remains in it's perfect environment.


The time of the "Coming" can be seen up until the event where we find John "The Baptist" and Jesus. Jesus was more or less a man until that time, granted he still was Son of Man, Son of God. But it wasn't until the Water washed off the flesh of Jesus to reveal Messiah Jesus, the Anointed Son of God come to save Man and containing the (Ruach HaKodesh), or the Holy Spirit. So all the things done in the time of Jesus, Son of Man, were the Sunlight and Water. This was to shape the mind, body, and soul of Our Lord to prepare Him for the time coming where He himself will be tested and in the end have to make the right choice.


Thus is the Completion era. Flesh, Spirit, and Soul of the Messiah Jesus is now complete and ready to take on God's Perfect plan and Will for the salvation of man.


Jesus set on to find a flock of sheep out of the ordinary and below-average men during the time. Most were fishermen, soon to be Fishers of Men. These men, 12 of them, became known as the Apostles. And in these years it came to pass that Jesus, the Water and Lamb, would fulfill the Prophecies in each and every way.


These times are completely based on setting and completing the foundation for the next step. All these Prophecies are leading up to the "Head Prophecy", which is the Sacrifice of the Son of Man and Son of God to not only take on our sins, pains, illnesses, sufferings... but for our lives and so that we may live and have everlasting life. And this is the part usually missed in the "Jesus died for our sins." statement people make. Jesus died a perfect death, in the sense of what it was for. It was for EVERYTHING about us that we do not need and for what we do need. This is the final part of the Completion and the first part of the Salvation.


The greatest blessing, the greatest gift that God has given is Salvation.


{Salvation of Part III will be added as soon as I type it. But right now I have too busy with other things. Again, thanks for reading. I did not have the same "poetic voice", as I am told, to this, but nonetheless I hope it is interesting.}

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