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Going Home/The Whole Truth/Some Days

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*he Final Cut*~*


Some days I'll sit in wonder

Why I do the things I'm told to do

when they really don't help me much at all

I'm just a commodity, I'm here to give you money,

We're all here to give you money,

every test question

all the work completed

This isn't for my future

I'll never use this


And to add to my torturers barking orders down my throat,

I have tiny schoolyard demons all around me

They're all around me

Just waiting for me to snap

Someday I will snap

Violence is not the answer, I tell everyone I meet,

but I feel there's no future in forgiveness

There's no future in being kind


All the famous people

All the famous kids

They're all the meanest kids you meet,

The nice ones die alone


I don't wanna be like the kids who cause the shootings,

but I feel like killing the ones who wrong me is the only way to do it

Mock me, and slap me, whatever you do

I think, one day you'll regret it


No one knows I really want to kill them


I hate and fear Death but would laugh if they died


I don't care


I wouldn't even care if I saw their parents cry


They deserve to die


Because they get satisfaction out of hurting me and others


I can't let people get in my way, 'cause I've got dreams as well

But when your dreams get shattered, broken on the floor, and then they take the pieces and you cut you up with them

I'm afraid of trouble, but I really want to beat them

I want to see their noses bleed

All on my own part


All the popular ones are the meanest kids

Nice kids finish last

The nice kids are the ones

Who will die alone


Take my strength and let it fall

Take my emotions I want to be numb

I don't want to be sad anymore

I promised I would never cry again


I can't let stupid schoolkids get into my path

People tell me that



You don't know that it's impossible



You don't know how much I want watch them bleed

for what they did to me



I'm telling you my secret, it's the whole and honest truth

Never truer words were said before I told this to you


Sometimes I just want to go home


When I am already home




I just want to get out of this town


Away from these people





I just want to drop out and not get the education that means so much to me


It means so much to me, I know I've got a future

I don't want to ruin it

But they make it so hard




I only Wish

My only wish

Please fix my screwed up mind







I've had enough for one day

This is all I have to say


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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