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Meeting a new man

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Meeting a new man

You're different then i thought you would be

You've changed into something amazing

The boy who left turned into a man

I'm meeting a different man

But who is there, the man of boy?

Are you the same as before or did the boy go away?

I guess I'll see when I meet this different man

Meeting a different man

Two little kids ran down a gravel path. They skipped and played; both trying to ignore the time or the slowly setting sun. Suddenly, the girl stopped and looked at her friend, “ Will, we be friends even when you leave?” she said. “ We will always be friends, Sarah!” The little boy answered. Sarah stared at her feet, she was nervous. Her only friend, Mikey was leaving to move in with his aunt. Mikey’s parents had died in a car accident a few months back and their will stated that Mikey would live with his closest living relative.

“But… But Mikey, you’re going away and I’ll never see you again and I’ll be sad. We won’t grow up together, we won’t be together forever like we planed. I’ll never see you again, what if you never remember me. We’ll grow up and you’ll forget me! I can’t … I’m scared you leave and never come back.” Sarah screamed. It wasn’t fair that her best friend was leaving it just wasn’t fair. “ Don’t worry, I’ll come back and then we can be friends again.” Mikey soothed her. He bent down and picked up a green blue rock. Giving it to Sarah he promised her “ I, Mikey Walters, will come back for you. I’ll be your friend forever and I’ll never forget you.” He shoved the stone in her hand and kissed her forehead. Then he turned and ran to follow his aunts voice.

Down the path, he turned around and then screamed “ I Love You, Cherry!” Sarah watched slowly while Mikey disappeared from sight. She looked back on all her memories with him and locked them away in her heart forever. When Mikey was gone from her sight she walked away, Sarah looked at the park now with sad but slightly grown up eyes. She realized that her mom was right when she had told her when Mikey told her the news. ' You'll grow up Sarah, into a wonderful women. Life has a plan for you and this is just a stumbling block. When you raise your head again, you'll learn that the world is smaller then it seems.' With her mother's words ringing in her head Sarah walked away from the park towards her future.

20 years later

Sarah Roberts sat in the park with her briefcase, and a ice cream cone. After a long day at her office she needed the sweet sugary treat to distress her. Being a writer was harder then Sarah thought and for the up tenth time she thought about moving her work things home and just work there. At the same time she liked that her office was close to her favorite deli and then there was the fact that her editor's office was a floor above her. Wait... maybe moving her things wasn't such a bad idea.

She shook her head and sank back into the bench. Licking her ice cream she gazed into the endless blue sky just letting her thoughts wander in to nothingness. She unconsciously reach into her jacket pocket and took out a now smooth green blue rock. Her best friend had given it to her when she was four. Often during her life, she had thought about him and wonder maybe if he was ok, or if he had forgot her despite his promise. Despite her young age she still remembered the day that her Mikey left.

While Sarah gazed into the sky, she didn't notice a man staring at her. He was tall with red hair that seemed unkempt without his efforts of straighting it. His gray eyes danced and darkened under the sun rays. He seem absorbed in studying Sarah. Feeling a gaze on her, Sarah turned and return his stare. “Can I help you, sir/” she asked polity but with a hint of warning should he want to ask her out. She never really liked playboys. “I don't know if you can, miss. My name is Michal Walters and I was wondering if you knew a Sarah Roberts? Se was a childhood friend of mine and I came back to town to try and find her.” Sarah stunned replied “ I'm Sarah Roberts, Are you Mikey?” Smiling Michal answered ' Yes, my sweet Cherry, I believe I am.” With that Michal sat down and began to stare his life with his long lost friend and the time Sarah was stunned to find that she was meeting a different yet similar man.

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Ok you two are lucky that I have notebooks to write stuff in. I found all my story and i'm going to sit down and type them up then I will bondbarde you with storys and poetry.

*thunderous round of applause*

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!!!!!

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