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How long has it been since I was on here? I've certainly changed a lot, physically and psychologically. I'm turning 15 in June. A lot of things have happened. How much did I miss?

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How long has it been since I was on here? I've certainly changed a lot, physically and psychologically. I'm turning 15 in June. A lot of things have happened. How much did I miss?

Plush Kirby !!!!!

You have certainly been missed!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully with all the changes, life is still going great for you! Please do stay and post more, we miss having you around!

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How long has it been since I was on here? I've certainly changed a lot, physically and psychologically. I'm turning 15 in June. A lot of things have happened. How much did I miss?

*glomps* Hi! I hope everything has been fine with you. There hasn't been too much to miss recently as the boards have been getting somewhat inactive. :( So I hope you stay and liven things up alittle. :D

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Yay for... STUFF!!!


I missed you guys, too. I haven't been able to get on here for a while, but hopefully I will post more! I still remember you guys!


I love your avvies, peeples!

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I always thought you were MK.

Reallys? I always though MK was awesomer... :blink:

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How long has it been since I was on here? I've certainly changed a lot, physically and psychologically. I'm turning 15 in June. A lot of things have happened. How much did I miss?

*glomps* Hi! I hope everything has been fine with you. There hasn't been too much to miss recently as the boards have been getting somewhat inactive. :( So I hope you stay and liven things up alittle. :D

INACTIVE?!! OH NOES!!! I KNEW IT!! The zombie hamsters must've gotten out of hand while I was gone!! They're eating the joy!! We must act!! *gets out machine gun*

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Oh, and my sister's getting a tablet this afternoon (she's getting it now), so I can draw stuff on my computer again! :)


I can already hear her squealing... :blink:

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Heh heh... meow...

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  • 5 months later...

Aaaagh! I am such a liar! I said I'd be on here more often! GAH! DX

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Aaaagh! I am such a liar! I said I'd be on here more often! GAH! DX

What will make this so much easier is if you would go to the Warm Wishes forum, read the first post in the topic called IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ. If you agree, please make a post there that says so and this will allow you to have your posts appear immediately without moderation.


Welcome back!


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Aaaagh! I am such a liar! I said I'd be on here more often! GAH! DX

The fact that it says "royal rainbow" under your avatar makes me happy. :lol:

Lol I'm glad it does! :lol:

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You need to go to the Warm Wishes forum and make the post please. This is required in order to have your posts appear immediately without moderation.

Please do this as soon as possible.


Click on the link:



Thank you.


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LoL, I love the quote in your siggy. I would so be in the 8%! :lol:



lol me too. XD The jeans I'm wearing today came from Steve & Barrys (only $8 and I didn't have to hem them), and my T-shirt is a college T-shirt that I got at some event for free. :lol:

I'm wearing my Elton John shirt that I made for the Atlantic City concert, and sweatpants from the Gap. My mom most likely got them on sale. :)



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LoL, I love the quote in your siggy. I would so be in the 8%! :lol:



lol me too. XD The jeans I'm wearing today came from Steve & Barrys (only $8 and I didn't have to hem them), and my T-shirt is a college T-shirt that I got at some event for free. :lol:


I haven't been in there for 11 months as of yesterday! Woo.

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LoL, I love the quote in your siggy. I would so be in the 8%! :lol:



lol me too. XD The jeans I'm wearing today came from Steve & Barrys (only $8 and I didn't have to hem them), and my T-shirt is a college T-shirt that I got at some event for free. :lol:


I haven't been in there for 11 months as of yesterday! Woo.

I love free T-shirts. Especially ones that are XXXL. This was I can use them in my cage for warm bedding. :lol:

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LoL, I love the quote in your siggy. I would so be in the 8%! :lol:



lol me too. XD The jeans I'm wearing today came from Steve & Barrys (only $8 and I didn't have to hem them), and my T-shirt is a college T-shirt that I got at some event for free. :lol:


I haven't been in there for 11 months as of yesterday! Woo.

I love free T-shirts. Especially ones that are XXXL. This was I can use them in my cage for warm bedding. :lol:

lol shirts that big, I could wear as dresses if i took them in. XD I actually have two of the same shirt, but one is size small and the other is medium.

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