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Studies of Interest - God

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This is a brief synposis of the theories, research, and studies of interest I have develoded over the last year and a half or so. The main subject is basically God and everything related. I will go into deep depths with these, things most likely never explored before or published. The first topic will be posted when this topic is ready.


Subjects that will be explored and explained are:


  • Creationism versus Evolution
    • Which one is True? And how?
      Could God have used Evolution and Creationism together?
      And if so, why the controversy?

Early Man and the Present Man

  • Was Adam and Eve the first?
    What was 'perfect' about Adam and Eve?
    Are we the same today as back then?

The Coming of Jesus and the effects

  • Was Jesus real?
    Why did He die?
    Is He really who He says He is?

Building and restoring faith

  • How do I have faith?
    Is my faith real?
    I've lost my faith, how can I get it back?
    With all the wrong, how can I believe there is anything right?

Life after death

  • Is Heaven and #### real?
    Where am I going?
    Is there any proof?


More topics will be added in the future. As you can see, I have my work cut out for me for the future.


I am called to be a Spiritual Leader unto His sheep, and be a wiseman to the masses. These things I will teach His Sheep. The time of religion and playing church is over. A new wave is happening, and this generation will be the leaders. It will be more spiritual than ever before, and wisdom will pour out. There will be Godly and Spiritual knowledge pouring forth, things once shuned by the Church now accepted, because it is His Truth. Times are changing. Are you ready? Maybe these findings will help you out, maybe make you believe. I don't know, but I know I will do anything I can.

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