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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Farewell, for now


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This may be my last post for a long while. Stupid rogers is now charging a buck twenty for every 1 gig of bandwith. And with three computers running through one router will rake in the money. Sadly I will miss you guys again, and hopefully be back on some time later. T_T HATE ROGERS SO MUCH.

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This may be my last post for a long while. Stupid rogers is now charging a buck twenty for every 1 gig of bandwith. And with three computers running through one router will rake in the money. Sadly I will miss you guys again, and hopefully be back on some time later. T_T HATE ROGERS SO MUCH.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hiro please don't go. Just come and visit your topic and post quick. At least once a week, just drop in and give us an update.

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Ill try hopefully. I wanna go and #### kick them. Garbled for a reason. OMG I HATE ROGERS SO MUUUCH GAH.

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Yup. Bad news and good news. Good news I got bout two months.. Bad news it apparently starts the month of my birthday....SCREW ROGERS!

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Yup. Bad news and good news. Good news I got bout two months.. Bad news it apparently starts the month of my birthday....SCREW ROGERS!

Glad we will see you for two more months.

Use the counter like Leguan said. That's a great idea.

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Yup. Bad news and good news. Good news I got bout two months.. Bad news it apparently starts the month of my birthday....SCREW ROGERS!

You should change the board settings to reduce bandwidth. Disable signatures, avatars, whatever images you can turn off. This will reduce the amount considerably.

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Yup. Bad news and good news. Good news I got bout two months.. Bad news it apparently starts the month of my birthday....SCREW ROGERS!

You should change the board settings to reduce bandwidth. Disable signatures, avatars, whatever images you can turn off. This will reduce the amount considerably.

That's a really great idea!!! Thanks Jesse!!!!

*delivers to Jesse's log a crate full of micicles, all flavours*

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Disable signatures. Yeah. Thank you for that hint. I hate scrolling through excessive long signatures. Makes everthing unclear.


With disabled sigantures and avatars the traffic should be negligible.

Absolutely. I always forget about the really easy things. :lol:

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Lol but hopefully this is some elaborate April Fools joke :/ Apparently no body else got one.

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