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Ok, so before I start the story I have a question?



.... Will it offend anyone if I write about gay couples? Is there a rule against it?

Because in my story there are gay couples that I can change to straight but I need to know. I really like these characters together and since they are from the original story that mine is based on then I'm trying to keep it as close as possible. so yeah just post if you have questions. Again, I'm just asking but will it offend anyone? I'm not gay but I know people who are, like some of my friends, and yeah thats about it.

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Ok, so before I start the story I have a question?



.... Will it offend anyone if I write about gay couples? Is there a rule against it?

Because in my story there are gay couples that I can change to straight but I need to know. I really like these characters together and since they are from the original story that mine is based on then I'm trying to keep it as close as possible. so yeah just post if you have questions. Again, I'm just asking but will it offend anyone? I'm not gay but I know people who are, like some of my friends, and yeah thats about it.

If no one is offended, then I think it is okay if you write a story. If someone makes a complaint, I can always edit it for you.

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Shadows lost in the light

“Shut it down!” a tall blond woman screamed. “Kaiba, start your back up system.” She continued by pointing at her cousin. A tall brunette man punch a system of numbers and the computers screen sprang back to life. She watched as the screen seemed fine, after a few minutes she stood and walked towards a seat. Sighing, the woman slumped into a chair. “I think that should save most of your work, Kaiba. Um… I’ll report this and then get back to you when I figure what’s going on.”


Here's the first paragraph.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My dad moved everything to the upstairs computer and now I have to use open office and he won't put word on and its killing me.


I know, the computer I use for the internet only has Openoffice too. I prefer Microsoft Works, which i only have on my non-internet-enabled computer in my room.



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My dad moved everything to the upstairs computer and now I have to use open office and he won't put word on and its killing me.


I know, the computer I use for the internet only has Openoffice too. I prefer Microsoft Works, which i only have on my non-internet-enabled computer in my room.






*sends the rodent forces to chew on all the cables of the upstairs computer*


Hope that helps. :lol:

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no biggie it just going to cause more problems when I have to email things from school to hoime and back again. But it won't work and then he'll put word on. so really its a good thing. *grins evily*

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no biggie it just going to cause more problems when I have to email things from school to hoime and back again. But it won't work and then he'll put word on. so really its a good thing. *grins evily*

You are soooooooo smart.

I love it!!!

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yep. but I'm grounded for reasons that i'm not going into and it may take a while to reply that is it will be when i'm not at school.


Oh, I am soooooooo sorry.

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yes well to sum it up when i'm mad I cuss and my mom found out what i was saying and grounded me but its all good because its going to be good for me and she seems to be getting over it.

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yes well to sum it up when i'm mad I cuss and my mom found out what i was saying and grounded me but its all good because its going to be good for me and she seems to be getting over it.

Parents look out for you the best they can. When you think of it, it takes intelligence to use words that express your frustration and anger, that are not cuss words.

And you being such an intelligent person, I am certain you could do a very good job of finding the most appropriate words.

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Here it is! Its called Just isn't so. I think i may write a one shot of Jade take on the story. See if you can pick up the hints of him still caring about her.

Just isn’t so

Karen stared blankly at Jade. What was she supposed to say? After six months apart, Karen had gained the courage to shallow her pride and ask her ex boyfriend on a lunch date. Now here she was listening to him talk to her about how great his new girlfriend was!?! Well, Karen was to say the least was shocked. She had loved him for the longest time, pined over him, for the past six months and just after a month he had a new flame. At least that was what she caught from the strange new language that was coming from her ex’s mouth. Karen looked at Jade and could remember clearly when he would stare at her the way he looked now taking about this …this Lisa. She now hated the name Lisa and wished that her hair was brown instead of the strawberry blond that she was born with.

Staring at her tuna salad, Karen made the decision to be kind. It wasn’t his fault that he had moved on. It was hers for holding on to a love that just wasn’t true. Karen had hoped that after six months Jade would still feel the flame she did. That he would understand that even though they were so busy before that they could work out their problems. Six months before, jade and Karen were happy and carefree but of course, every couple had problems. Thiers had been too much time at work and not enough time together. Both of them had been trying to get their lives back on track and jump start their careers. They grew apart but both still felt the love and passion that had brought them together. The added bonus was they both had the same group of friends. Now the same problems and group of friends did nothing but separate them.

He had moved on, Karen just had to live with that. Now if only the world didn’t end and she could just somehow fake her joy for him when inside she wanted to scream and cry because of the pain. She was a professional Broadway actress so she could pull it off. Oh who was she kidding, she was miserable without him in her life. Moving stiffly, Karen looked up at Jade and caught his eyes lingering on her lips. Did he remember what it used to be like between them? Karen doubted it. She smiled but could tell that he was suspecting it falseness. Looking him dead in the eye she tried hard to see if he loved her anymore, she saw nothing. Karen blinked and washed away the unruly emotions that had swarmed her eyes; she had never liked to show her emotions very much. But since she was Seto Kabia’s cousin it ran in the family.

“Well, I’m glad you’re so happy. But I can’t stay. So Goodbye.” She reached for her bill and was stopped by his hand. It was still warm and comforting. Karen looked down to conceal the tell tale tears in her eyes. “Wait, you haven’t told me about yourself and what you been doing the past few months. And I saw your show, you were amazing! So what have you been doing lately? Well, besides the show obviously.” “I really would love to tell you but I must go. I have this meeting and…” She trailed off. “Well, then let me pay for your meal.” Jade said. “No, that’s fine” “But…” Karen looked up and Jade was surprised to see the change in her mannerism. She said very coolly and calmly, “I’m not your problem anymore, so don’t worry about me. We’re not on a date and I’m old enough to pay for my meal. I really must go so I think I’ll just leave.”

Shocked, Jade let her get up and pay for her meal. When she was about to turn to go, he stopped her and said, “Can we meet again? I really want to hear your voice again” Karen looked up quickly and smiled, “Yes, I’ll be glad to meet. You should even bring Lisa!” And with the courage that she had gain in the last six months, Karen walked out the door and left her one true love staring after her.


Two hearts connected

Two souls becoming one

Two lives meeting

Fate stepping in

Love growing dim

Two hearts forever in tune leave

Two people loving from afar

True love’s price is too much to bear

Life is taking them away from each other

They had the chance to live forever



Just wasn’t so

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  • 5 weeks later...

This is after Just istn't so, its later on that day and its Jade veiw so there.


Carrying a memory

Jade glanced out over the ice blue water. Living in Japan had its advantages when one wanted to see the coast. Course it had it disadds too, but nothing could beat or ruin the sight of the sea with the starlight shining down on it. At least he hoped it wouldn't be, he needed the comfort from the ocean now more then ever. Shadows and starlight danced across his face and body as he walked towards the bridge. The perfect spot to watch the sea was up ahead. Just of the side of the local park’s garden and near the entrance to the sand below. The rose garden was Jade’s destination. The rose garden had always been there even before he could he remember his past life. It was always in the park. The garden had always been his refuge from life's problems, his safe haven, his one remaining reminder of his past life. He had shared this haven with her and now as he neared it he could feel years of magic protection fall away to let him enter. No mortal would have known that this garden had been there for millions of years. 'No' He thought, 'No one knew this except for his friends, himself, and of course, her.'

Jade entered the rose garden and walked towards the ledge of the stone wall that blocked anyone from falling the five feet down towards the sandy beach below. He looked up and saw the moon dance with the starlight on the water. The roses smelled divine in the crisp night air. He knew as he watched the waves crashed on the beach that he wouldn’t find peace tonight. She had been here, he could still sense her and he could still feel the ripple of pleasure that always happened when his power was close to hers. Closing his eyes, Jade concentrate. He let himself wallow in her former presence until he thought he could drown in his grief. Jade wondered, as he opened his eyes, that if he reached out in the air if she would feel his touch.

Six months ago, he had everything. He had a successful producing company, he had a house, friends, and he had her. She was everything and he let her go. So if he had to stay here just to feel close to her then he would turn to stone on the spot. Pulling out the ring box in his pocket, he opened it. He had planned on this ring being on her finger by this time when he had bought it but he just ended up pushing her away from him. 'How does one go on living when you can't get past the heartache, pain,and memories that haunt you when you break up with someone?' Jade thought as he opened the ring box. Inside the velvet box lay and silver band that was decorated on top with three diamonds. He had wanted a simple but exquisite design to please her. Karen Dixon, he knew , wouldn't have cared what the ring looked like as long as he meant the question behind it.

Jade picked up the ring and watched bitterly as the stars and moon cast its light on the stones. The ring glowed with life and the diamonds set in the middle played and threw the light this way and that. The light from the ring had caught sight of the slow tears that came down Jade's cheeks. He made no move to wipe them away, he knew that he was alone and that no one would see the only physical sign of his heartache. He let himself give in to the urge to cry like a baby over his breaking heart. Only the moon and stars knew that while Jade cried, that across town tears were coming down on Karen's cheeks as well. They were the only ones that knew that in this moment two souls longed for one another and that both were carrying memories.

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I wrote this for my class but it seems that I could just use this as the two part of Just ist so and blah balh... so yeah I'll write more later after I finish Shadows in the light which has these two in it. So did you guys like it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

[here's a one shot with Karen and Jade in high school]

Meeting Him

She had seen him several times in the halls at school and had always wondered who he was, but since he was older, none of her friends seemed to know who he was. Karen Dixon found herself deliberately going to her locker just to catch a glimpse of him, hoping that he might say something to her. As school was drawing to a close, she decided to finally talk to him. That was until her cousin, Yami, came up to her saying that his friend had notice Karen looking at him. Needless to say, Karen started to freak, for she knew that the mystery man was friends with her cousin. ‘What if he knew that it was me? What if it’s someone else? My cousin has more friends and I’ve seen them too. This is nothing; I’m just scared that’s all. I’ll be fine’ At least that was what she hoped for when she was led by Yami to meet him.

“Yami, I really want to meet this friend of yours but I have this thing and all.” Karen started to back away. Knowing her to well, he just grabbed her arm and dragged Karen to meet him. “You and I both know that you are scared, which is stupid. Come on Kare Bear, its fine; he’s not going to bite or anything. In fact, he really has been bugging me for information about you.” Yami said using her nickname that everyone called her. Sighing, she knew that she was defeated, when Yami had something on his mind then you could never change it for him, except maybe Yugi, his best friend. Plus, she didn’t think Yugi would help her now since he too had been bugging her about her mystery man. While she was being dragged she started to think of conversation openers for the meeting. She came up with nothing. ‘*sighs* This is that best I can do, Hi. Well, it helps about nothing. This guy probably has a girlfriend. Or with my luck, is gay or just needs a friend. Or he could tell me that I weird and to stop stalking him. Have I been stalking him? Na.’

Soon, Karen found that she was standing in fount of him, he was amazing. Was he really this cute up close? Karen asked herself. Apparently from the stares she earned from both he and Yami, Karen had missed introductions. “Um… I’m Karen Dixon. Yami’s cousin, it’s really nice to meet you…” “Jade. I’m Jade Gemes, its great to meet you too. I notice that you were looking at me lately and this is probably weird, but… do you think you could …um… eat lunch with me today?” “Lunch um… ok.” ‘Lunch? He wants to eat lunch with me. Great! That went well, now to stop staring at him like I was five and I could possibly get out of this with dignity. Note to self: Kill Yami.’ Karen thought as she heard her cousin snicker. “I have to go now but it was great seeing you, see you at lunch!” With that Karen walked off. As Karen walked off, Jade stood there and didn’t blink. Yami wasn’t even sure he was breathing. “I am going on a date with her… A date? With her? … Oh, crap, what am I going to say…” Jade thought out loud. Yami sighed and supplied the answer. “You go and be yourself. It’s not that hard, she’s just Karen.” Jade turned and looked at him “Just Karen! Yami, you may not think she’s hot but trust me she is.” Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Jade continued “I didn’t want to ask her out this way but she looked so great and I couldn’t think… She’ll probably hate me and I’m going to really mess this date up.” Yami leaned away from the post that he used as a stand and stood next to his love stricken friend. “She likes you too, Jade. Yugi told me so. She’s been asking about you. If she’s going to hate you then why did she ask about you? Come on, we have to get to class or Fran will beat us about the head. You know she loves to do that”

Later that day as Karen was walking to lunch, her friend Lydia ran in to her. “Hey, aren’t you eating with me and the gang today?” “No, I have to eat with someone else. You now that guy I like, that’s friends with Yami.” Lydia nodded. “Well, he asked Yami to meet up with me and now I’m headed on my way to eat lunch with him.” Lydia smiled, “Oh, like a date? Karen’s got herself a date.” “NO! It’s not a date we are just going to be friends and get to know one another. That’s all.” Lydia laughed as Karen tried her best to get rid of her blush. “Well, good luck. I have to meet everyone. See you later” With that, Lydia hugged Karen and ran off. Karen continued on her way, hoping that this was really a date, dispute what she said to Lydia. What Karen didn’t know was that is was a date. The first of many that soon turned the friends into a couple that was envied by many in her school.

*A year later*

Karen grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and ran to meet the rest of her friends. To think that she was gradutating and her boyfriend and her would finally be together again. Jade, who was a year older, had graduated the previous year. He and his friends now attended Tokyo U and had come back to see her join the collage newcomers this next school year. Smiling up at Jade, Karen couldn’t think of anything that would make her world perfect. Soon Karen and Jade where swallowed up by the crowd of friends and classmates. Happiness rated off Karen as she gossiped with her friends, to think that all it took was meeting him to make her feel this way.

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