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the Village market..

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Along the dusty road came the wagon.. eventually stopping in an disused feild outside a small town.. Gently, the owner of the wagon and his squirrel assistant disembarked, and proceeded to unpack their load.. erecting a pair of tents, and unloading several boxes. Eventually, placing a sign out front. " Lexx's Ropework emporium and tack shop.. custom orders taken: no request too bizarre."


[yeah.. I Figured the old topic deserved it's rest.. so here's a more rural flavor of the same.]

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Along the dusty road came the wagon.. eventually stopping in an disused feild outside a small town.. Gently, the owner of the wagon and his squirrel assistant disembarked, and proceeded to unpack their load.. erecting a pair of tents, and unloading several boxes. Eventually, placing a sign out front. " Lexx's Ropework emporium and tack shop.. custom orders taken: no request too bizarre."


[yeah.. I Figured the old topic deserved it's rest.. so here's a more rural flavor of the same.]

How fantastic!!! Perhaps I will be the first customer.


I would like to order some motorcycle leathers to protect my little hammy body. Can you make something like this? :D

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A small caravan pulls up, dusty trails arising from the horses hooves. A male steps out and looks at the sun, "Right bout business time" he said as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. He pulls the tarp covering the caravan up and over as a small sign "Ye Olden Weapon Shoppe" with a small desk and a register inside. Many weapons concealed behind it, Swords, knives and bows. He sighs as he takes a swig of his Kamikaze, lips pucker as the sour lime rushes past his lips. He ties the horses to a spike in the ground secured by three large rocks. He leans against the inside of the wall. "Metal working and custom items" on a small sign placed gently under the register. "Now open" he said with a smile as he tilted his cowboy hat over his left eye.

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A small caravan pulls up, dusty trails arising from the horses hooves. A male steps out and looks at the sun, "Right bout business time" he said as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. He pulls the tarp covering the caravan up and over as a small sign "Ye Olden Weapon Shoppe" with a small desk and a register inside. Many weapons concealed behind it, Swords, knives and bows. He sighs as he takes a swig of his Kamikaze, lips pucker as the sour lime rushes past his lips. He ties the horses to a spike in the ground secured by three large rocks. He leans against the inside of the wall. "Metal working and custom items" on a small sign placed gently under the register. "Now open" he said with a smile as he tilted his cowboy hat over his left eye.


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As the tarp fell over the caravan, loud metallic clanking could be heard along with forceful grunts. Shortly after he emerged with the blade. It was giving off an icy glow, the Frostblade. He stepped onto the ground, placing it in the sand giving it a nice clean sheen. He lifted it and wiped off the excess dirt, and went to the back as he started pushing something with his foot, sharpening the blade. He stopped abruptly, walked over to him and smiled holding the blade out. "'Ere ya go, That'll be 20 dollars, and be VERY careful, this is quite sharp" he said with a smile.




It's all yours.

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As the tarp fell over the caravan, loud metallic clanking could be heard along with forceful grunts. Shortly after he emerged with the blade. It was giving off an icy glow, the Frostblade. He stepped onto the ground, placing it in the sand giving it a nice clean sheen. He lifted it and wiped off the excess dirt, and went to the back as he started pushing something with his foot, sharpening the blade. He stopped abruptly, walked over to him and smiled holding the blade out. "'Ere ya go, That'll be 20 dollars, and be VERY careful, this is quite sharp" he said with a smile.




It's all yours.

Do you have Meat Grinders?

Or Meat Cleavers?

Or Katanas?

Or plastic butter knives?


...'cause I need some. Well not the Meat Grinders. I have some of those. Need some Meat Cleavers to go with the Meat Grinder.

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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.


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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.

>:D! -pays for her Meat Cleaver-


Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)

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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.

>:D! -pays for her Meat Cleaver-


Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)

Lexxy should be here soon. You will need to ask him.

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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.

>:D! -pays for her Meat Cleaver-


Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)

Lexxy should be here soon. You will need to ask him.


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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.

>:D! -pays for her Meat Cleaver-


Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)

Lexxy should be here soon. You will need to ask him.


[Fine by me.]

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The same proccess repeats as before with the ninja sword. Something is oddly different though. A scream is heard with a blood curdling slice. The sounds of hades itself. He smiled with a small bit of blood on his cheek, he wipes it off holding the meat cleaver. "'Ere ya go mate" He said happily humming.

>:D! -pays for her Meat Cleaver-


Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)

Lexxy should be here soon. You will need to ask him.


[Fine by me.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It's open. Check the original TAWPEEK if you want to see what we have. We have many things!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~

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Along the dusty road came the wagon.. eventually stopping in an disused feild outside a small town.. Gently, the owner of the wagon and his squirrel assistant disembarked, and proceeded to unpack their load.. erecting a pair of tents, and unloading several boxes. Eventually, placing a sign out front. " Lexx's Ropework emporium and tack shop.. custom orders taken: no request too bizarre."


[yeah.. I Figured the old topic deserved it's rest.. so here's a more rural flavor of the same.]

How fantastic!!! Perhaps I will be the first customer.


I would like to order some motorcycle leathers to protect my little hammy body. Can you make something like this? :D

The owner ponders the question for a moment... "Well, I could give it a go.. But I think that Fine feline over there might be more experienced for matters of that sort." he guestures down the way to where Kat was pounding in a sign..

{can't belive I forgot to reply to that...}

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{Pays Hiro}


Er, I mean, I'd like some leather pants. Preferably tight. ;D

Er, I mean, I'd like an awesome leather jacket. x3

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Do you do small items? I need a hammy motorcycle suit. Black leather. Jacket, pants and gloves please.

But of course! :D *drags the tool box back behind a shimmer red curtain and loud construction noises are heard*

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Do you do small items? I need a hammy motorcycle suit. Black leather. Jacket, pants and gloves please.

But of course! :D *drags the tool box back behind a shimmer red curtain and loud construction noises are heard*

Wonderful. I would like to order two full suits please.

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XD So what's it gonna be, Cheesey. I GOTTA KNOW.


Also, what color leather? Fringe or no fringe? Shiney or matte?


bright neon purple. Fringes. Shiny. Thin, revealing.






































































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*noise reaches a crescendo, then abruptly stops. Kat staggars out from behind the curtain, silhouetted against a cloud of dust, but raises two hamster-sized motorcycle suits and a flashy watchband all made to the desired specifications high above her head, and beams of light from on high shine down upon them* It...IS DONE

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*noise reaches a crescendo, then abruptly stops. Kat staggars out from behind the curtain, silhouetted against a cloud of dust, but raises two hamster-sized motorcycle suits and a flashy watchband all made to the desired specifications high above her head, and beams of light from on high shine down upon them* It...IS DONE

These are purrfect! Superb workmanship. The highest quality I have ever seen!

*pays - Kat - * Thank you. Thank you so very much!

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*noise reaches a crescendo, then abruptly stops. Kat staggars out from behind the curtain, silhouetted against a cloud of dust, but raises two hamster-sized motorcycle suits and a flashy watchband all made to the desired specifications high above her head, and beams of light from on high shine down upon them* It...IS DONE

These are purrfect! Superb workmanship. The highest quality I have ever seen!

*pays - Kat - * Thank you. Thank you so very much!

Hey, no problem. :D *the dust immediatly clears, the light vanishes, and the saintly music cuts off*

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  • 3 weeks later...
*notes the slowdown in things, and puts up a "out to lunch, back soon" sign before riding into town on his squirrel assistant.*

*grabs Lexxy and his squirrel assistant and throws them into the back of the helicopter*

Let's go somewhere interesting for lunch. How does that sound?

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Lexxy... do you make saddles?

Yep, 'tis one of the cornerstones of my little Business.

we can make saddles for just about anything, and know people who can handle everything we can't, except the impossible.

Somehow I missed your reply.


I need five saddles. One for my horse, one for when I borrow your Chocobo, one for my mule and two special saddles for jack rabbits.

*hands over lots and lots of cash*

Here is your payment in advance.

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Lexxy... do you make saddles?

Yep, 'tis one of the cornerstones of my little Business.

we can make saddles for just about anything, and know people who can handle everything we can't, except the impossible.

Somehow I missed your reply.


I need five saddles. One for my horse, one for when I borrow your Chocobo, one for my mule and two special saddles for jack rabbits.

*hands over lots and lots of cash*

Here is your payment in advance.

very well then. *sets to work taking the relavant measurements, and beginning construction.*

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Lexxy... do you make saddles?

Yep, 'tis one of the cornerstones of my little Business.

we can make saddles for just about anything, and know people who can handle everything we can't, except the impossible.

Somehow I missed your reply.


I need five saddles. One for my horse, one for when I borrow your Chocobo, one for my mule and two special saddles for jack rabbits.

*hands over lots and lots of cash*

Here is your payment in advance.

very well then. *sets to work taking the relavant measurements, and beginning construction.*

Thank you for starting. I have a couple other projects for you when these are complete.

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*as a keytar-weilding moogle delivers it's rendition of a spagetti western soundtrack, Lexx steps out from the tent with a handtruck loaded with clearly-marked boxes*

There you are Horatio, One horse, One chocobo, one mule, and two jackrabbit saddles. As ordered.

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*as a keytar-weilding moogle delivers it's rendition of a spagetti western soundtrack, Lexx steps out from the tent with a handtruck loaded with clearly-marked boxes*

There you are Horatio, One horse, One chocobo, one mule, and two jackrabbit saddles. As ordered.

*looks at the magnificent craftsmanship*

These are truly a work of art! They look like they will be perfect!

How much additional do I owe you?

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*as a keytar-weilding moogle delivers it's rendition of a spagetti western soundtrack, Lexx steps out from the tent with a handtruck loaded with clearly-marked boxes*

There you are Horatio, One horse, One chocobo, one mule, and two jackrabbit saddles. As ordered.

*looks at the magnificent craftsmanship*

These are truly a work of art! They look like they will be perfect!

How much additional do I owe you?

actually, the wad of cash you handed over at the outset covered it. You mentioned having a further project in the works?

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*as a keytar-weilding moogle delivers it's rendition of a spagetti western soundtrack, Lexx steps out from the tent with a handtruck loaded with clearly-marked boxes*

There you are Horatio, One horse, One chocobo, one mule, and two jackrabbit saddles. As ordered.

*looks at the magnificent craftsmanship*

These are truly a work of art! They look like they will be perfect!

How much additional do I owe you?

actually, the wad of cash you handed over at the outset covered it. You mentioned having a further project in the works?

Glad to hear I don't owe you any additional.


Yes, I am collecting the drawings for you as we speak.

It is a secret project so you will get the drawings when they are complete.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

*makes sure to screen financeers carefully.*

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

*makes sure to screen financeers carefully.*

*fills out application for financing*

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

*makes sure to screen financeers carefully.*

*fills out application for financing*

Wait, did you just apply twice? :blink:

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

*makes sure to screen financeers carefully.*

*fills out application for financing*

Wait, did you just apply twice? :blink:

Duh... :blush:

I'm a blonde hamster. What do you expect?

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*staples up an addition to the sign, making it KAT'S LEATHERWORKS AND FEATHER-SWORDS*


:D *waves long, pretty feathers at people*

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*sets up specially-reninforced soap box as podium*

Lexx's tack shop and rope emporium is pleased to announce the re-introduction of our training courses. Ask about convenient payment plans.

Sign me up! Please let me know about the payment plans. :D

Very well,our most common plan is a series of smaller deposits in advance of the course date, although we have also seen some who found individuals willing to loan them the money, usually in exchange for their services after completing the course.

*applies for financing*

*makes sure to screen financeers carefully.*

*fills out application for financing*

Wait, did you just apply twice? :blink:

Duh... :blush:

I'm a blonde hamster. What do you expect?

*wonders if Horatio plans on enrolling in all the courses...*

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hehe, I actually just came across a pic i found on internet a while back that kinda resembled a hamster riding a chicken..

style reminds me of ursula vernon, but I can;t recall if it is or not..

Where's the pic??? :D


And for me, I believe courses are a must. :lol:

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hehe, I actually just came across a pic i found on internet a while back that kinda resembled a hamster riding a chicken..

style reminds me of ursula vernon, but I can;t recall if it is or not..

Where's the pic??? :D


And for me, I believe courses are a must. :lol:

okay, since you asked..post-3481-1210997118_thumb.jpg

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hehe, I actually just came across a pic i found on internet a while back that kinda resembled a hamster riding a chicken..

style reminds me of ursula vernon, but I can;t recall if it is or not..

Where's the pic??? :D


And for me, I believe courses are a must. :lol:

okay, since you asked..guinea.jpg

That's a great pic! Thanks!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
When you're done with that, think you all could chant "Spam" for a while?


*puts a viking hat on Horatio* :D Huzzah!

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...When did Lex become a one-man (and a bunch of moogles) musical?


Oh well, I don't really care. Though, I would like to see some Operator Please...


- Glowurm

Ooh! Ooh! Play Zero Zero! Or, no, maybe you could do Pantomime! Or, even better, you could play Yes Yes or Two For My Seconds! Oh, or 6/8! Argh, I can't choose!

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