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So, it seems to be all the rage now, this whole topic for you thing.

Lesse, what's going on now.


Front and foremost lately, things with my one friend have been difficult.

The one who had been in brazil for 7 months and has been back for a few weeks.

The one whom I had thought I would end up going out with when she got back.

The one whom things are now extremely awkward with now. >.<


Y'see, I told her about how I had had feelings for her, and though we would start dating when she got back, and how now I think it would just be awkward and I don't think of her like that anymore, and how I'm not quite sure of my feelings. Turns out she had thought we would get together when she got back, but then the first time we had saw each other after she got back she had realized that it would just be awkward if we were to date. But we mutually agreed that we should just stay good friends. But she says that she can't talk to me without thinking of how I had liked her and how she had liked me at one point, and that it just makes it weird. And then things with her parents aren't going to greatly, so that makes things harder for her and thusly I feel sorry for her and I want to be able to comfort her but I don't want to make things weird and I really don't know how I should act towards her. And it is all blah. >.<


My grandfather is still losing his battle against pancreatic cancer. I feel so sorry for my grandmother. She has to wake up every day, fearing the worst...


One of my good friend's parents (mom and stepdad) are getting a divorce. So she will go live with her mom, and her step-brother will go with his dad/her stepdad. But my friend and her step-brother are close. So things will be hard for them.



However, positive news!


My one friend put a poem up on a site that is an online community of authors and such, and the webmaster liked it so much that he had it published in the front page of a poetry book. So she was really happy about that. She is the one person I know in real life who knows everything about the situation with my friend described above. >.<

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

It's right above the Mason-Dixon line you know. ;) I consider it a southern state usually.

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

:lol: Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. :lol:

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

:lol: Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. :lol:

Ah, well...to me, everything below the Ohio river and east of the great plains is the south :lol:

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

:lol: Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. :lol:

The South doesn't want Arkansas. neither does the midwest, the northeast, the west, Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, or anyone else. Someone had to do it

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

:lol: Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. :lol:

The South doesn't want Arkansas. neither does the midwest, the northeast, the west, Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, or anyone else. Someone had to do it

And Arkansas kicked the Clintons out. :lol:

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Maryland isn't (all) southern...

But we have some rednecks in the MD. More the farther south.


So, 'nother update in my topic.


Was at my grandfather's today...

Family easter gathering. It was nice to have everyone together, but, my grandfather wasn't really there. Like, the pain meds have addled him. I hate to say it, but I think things might be better if he were to just pass...

But I got to play with my cousins. My one cousin who got into cornell (ivy league) college. Who is in 5 AP classes now (his last year of high school.) My other cousin who is the only one in the family who has yet to do anything spectacular. x3 My other adopted cousin and her (unadopted) brother. Beat the two of them at once with my bad hand at foosball. xD


After that, had to take my bro back to his college, so that kinda stinks. His easter break is over, and I liked having him home.


But I have the next week off, so, fun times.

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Maryland isn't (all) southern...

But we have some rednecks in the MD. More the farther south.

In Florida the rednecks are called Crackers. :lol:

What crazy upside-down Florida do you live in? D:


We don't refer to them as anything here, we just periodically kick them in the teeth.

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Maryland isn't (all) southern...

But we have some rednecks in the MD. More the farther south.

In Florida the rednecks are called Crackers. :lol:

What crazy upside-down Florida do you live in? D:


We don't refer to them as anything here, we just periodically kick them in the teeth.

Such violence! :o


There are even Florida Cracker Horses and Florida Cracker Cattle! :lol:

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

You live in the South????????? :blink:

Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.

Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people...

:lol: Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. :lol:

The South doesn't want Arkansas. neither does the midwest, the northeast, the west, Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, or anyone else. Someone had to do it

And Arkansas kicked the Clintons out. :lol:

I guess. XD

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So, I guess you all didn't buy that southern speak...


aaaahhhhh, let me think of some other silly excuse...

it was a typo? :blink:

I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know.

Horatio is South-er than you.




Yupp, southern speak. :rolleyes:

:lol: LOL :lol:

Yup... I'm South-er than you.

Now Hoops is South-er than me.

The only people who are really the most South-er are those people who live in Key West. LOL

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I live in Australia.


More specifically, South Australia.


Anybody want to argue who's the south-est now?


North America has north in it for a reason...


Hard to beat your location!!!

Hard, but not impossible.


...New Zealand?




Though I don't think there are many kiwis here.

Or... Antarcticans..? o-o xP

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I live in Australia.


More specifically, South Australia.


Anybody want to argue who's the south-est now?


North America has north in it for a reason...


Hard to beat your location!!!

Hard, but not impossible.


...New Zealand?




Though I don't think there are many kiwis here.

Or... Antarcticans..? o-o xP

You're right. The guys living in Antarctica probably are too busy with scientific experiments and staying warm to think about posting. :lol:

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I live in Australia.


More specifically, South Australia.


Anybody want to argue who's the south-est now?


North America has north in it for a reason...


Hard to beat your location!!!

Hard, but not impossible.


...New Zealand?




Though I don't think there are many kiwis here.

Or... Antarcticans..? o-o xP

You're right. The guys living in Antarctica probably are too busy with scientific experiments and staying warm to think about posting. :lol:

All they have to do is get on the roof down in there and then they are the south-est person in the world. xD

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There will be an update later, I'll just need more time to type it all up.




Sorry it is taking a while, haven't had much time on the compy lately.

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Well, here goes mah update. Might take a while.


'Kay, so, on wednesday last week, I went to my friend Brian's house. Walked the long way to get there, cause it was nice out. As I got to his house, he was pulling out of his court and decided to make it look like he was gonna hit me. xD His sister was all freaking out. kinda funny. xD We went and picked up his friend Greg. After that, we got back to Brian's house and started playing halo. More people showed up, till there were about ten of us there. Including my one friend Taylor. She is one of the rare breed of girls who is a cute geek. Like, listens to geek music, hangs out with my brother and I ('nuff said), plays video games, the whole shebang. xD But after the whole incident with the girl from Brazil, I'd started liking Taylor. Problem: she has a boyfriend. Bigger problem: her boyfriend is a good friend of My brother and I. So I'd hate to steal her from him. D= But anyway, we were all playing super smash bros (domination) and Halo (ph41lur3), or some guitar hero(not too shabby). Then twelve of us piled into a friend's escalade, listening to dragonforce and going to pick up pizza from Pizza Hut. (got one free from an unclaimed order!) On the way there and back, taylor sat in my lap. x3 But we got back, played some more video games, and decided to go to this big playground and chase away the potheads / play around. xD Taylor had me spinning her around on this spinny dealie, and the same on the tire swing. And of course I had to steady her as she got off those, cause she dizzy, and isn't that well balanced to begin with. (She isn't deformed, just not very graceful. x3) As we all got tired out, we went up on this one hill. Taylor was watching stars, and asked me to lay down next to her, cause she was cold. and later again, I was helping her out cause she had gotten on top of this concrete wall, only to realize that she wasn't sure how to get down. x3 (Some people were doing some wall running, cause they're awesome like that. She wasn't as able to get down. And she has to be careful, cause she's a hemophiliac.) Anyway, we headed back to Brian for more gaming and such. As the night wore down, Taylor ended up asleep on my shoulder. And she clings in her sleep. xD As I was about to go to sleep though, she woke up and asked if I was comfy, cause I was more sitting than laying. Ended up with her and I laying next to each other with my head resting on her chest (not me trying to take advantage or anything, just a matter of not much room and comfort) with her legs on top of me. As she slept, she ended up holding me in her arms, essentially. Also, she started holding my hands in her sleep. Like, in the interlocked fingers kind of way, not just blah. Also, at points she was rubbing my shoulder and neck, or (I counted) 3 times I was pretty sure she kissed the top of my head.


But, I'm not entirely sure if she really was asleep. Cause at one point I moved my arm, cause it was going kinda numb, and I had to move her all about to get it free. And she should have woken up. And also, the way she held my hands seemed more than coincidental. Cause one hand wasn't in the right position for interlocked fingers, and of course I was trying to hold her hand, cause I think you know why by now. x3 But like, we tried several different ways until it was comfy. x3 Or if I squeezed her arms, she'd hug me tighter. Like, she basically would react to anything I did. Like, I even had to move her legs cause they were slipping off, and she seemed to know what I was doing, and like, I dunno. It's just everything together.


Also, she has been collecting can tabs for making this costume for otakon. So I brought in a bunch (49) from my friend's house and from scout camp, and she was really thankful. Grateful enough to plant one on my cheek. :blush: And because of my donation, others noticed and have pledged to help collect more, so she kissed the top of my head (this time for sure).


And she gives me a hug every day before and after school.


So I'm in a huge mental debacle right now, what with how she is acting, how I feel, the whole thing with her current boyfriend, and I'm all like. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.









Also, on saturday to sunday, I was on a survival camp in scouts. where we had to make our own shelters. Where it was freezing cold with lots of wind. Where we ended up sleeping on/under picnic tables next to a campfire. xD

I now have a bunch of little burn holed in my blanket, jacket, and three in my jeans from flying embers. And I look like my face is sunburned. But we basically burned at least one tree's worth of wood.


I managed to pull down a dead tree by myself, basically. I felt pretty beefy. But now I have two scratches, one on each hand. though, if the one of them scars, it'll look pretty cool. x3


But when I got back sunday, I found out that my grandfather had passed away from the cancer on saturday. Kind of a relief, though, cause it is all over now. Except for the funeral, which will be tomorrow. I just hope my grandmother is fine...



So, that's all for now.


That took a while. >.<

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WOW... so much has been happening.

As for the first part... I certainly hope this guy isn't bigger than you.


Camping... glad you didn't freeze or get burnt.


You grandmother will have a bit of a rough time. First it is the love of her life that is no longer with her, but it is a relief to see his suffering end.

You, your grandmother and family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.

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WOW... so much has been happening.

As for the first part... I certainly hope this guy isn't bigger than you.


Camping... glad you didn't freeze or get burnt.


You grandmother will have a bit of a rough time. First it is the love of her life that is no longer with her, but it is a relief to see his suffering end.

You, your grandmother and family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.

Nah, He's cool. He wouldn't be the type to beat me up or anything. But like I said, I'd hate to take her away from him. But only because that would be stabbing him in the back, really. Something you don't do to friends.


And I do have three little burns where the sparks hit my pants. x3


But yeah, I'm glad we will all be there for her at the funeral.

At least I get of school for it. >.<

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WOW... so much has been happening.

As for the first part... I certainly hope this guy isn't bigger than you.


Camping... glad you didn't freeze or get burnt.


You grandmother will have a bit of a rough time. First it is the love of her life that is no longer with her, but it is a relief to see his suffering end.

You, your grandmother and family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.

Nah, He's cool. He wouldn't be the type to beat me up or anything. But like I said, I'd hate to take her away from him. But only because that would be stabbing him in the back, really. Something you don't do to friends.


And I do have three little burns where the sparks hit my pants. x3


But yeah, I'm glad we will all be there for her at the funeral.

At least I get of school for it. >.

Here is the rule I would use. Do not do anything to promote the relationship. If they break up, I would wait a while and then ask your friend if he minded if you dated her. This would show your friend respect and keep your friendship. Friendships are destroyed over members of the opposite sex.


Much too close on the downwind side of the fire for me.


Glad you will be there for your grandmother and family.


Please go to Krisluvsdogs topic and help choose a poem. I am torn between a couple and need some help.

Here is the link:




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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.


4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. :lol:

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.


4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. :lol:



What's that supposed to mean? x3

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.


4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. :lol:



What's that supposed to mean? x3


You go from being a stud muffin with long curly hair to a serious guy with much shorter hair.

No more looking like that guy who does butter adverts.

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.


4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. :lol:



What's that supposed to mean? x3


You go from being a stud muffin with long curly hair to a serious guy with much shorter hair.

No more looking like that guy who does butter adverts.


I'm still a stud muffin. My hair is a little below my shoulders now. I'm still favio. xD

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Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3


But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!


Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind.


Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort.

Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. :lol:





That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't."

Your advice was what I had already planned. x3


And I was like, 6 feet away. x3


And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.


4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. :lol:



What's that supposed to mean? x3


You go from being a stud muffin with long curly hair to a serious guy with much shorter hair.

No more looking like that guy who does butter adverts.


I'm still a stud muffin. My hair is a little below my shoulders now. I'm still favio. xD

Okay... cool!

Favio... that's the guy I was thinking of. Butter boy.

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I had dinner. x3 You and your time differences.

If you remember correctly, hamsters are nocturnal. So, after sleeping all day I woke up and had breakfast. :D



I'd call that a time difference. xD

'S all relative.

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By the way, here is a pic from before tha' cut.

Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker.




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By the way, here is a pic from before tha' cut.

Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker.



My hair gets really frizzy when it is humid. Your's too?

But some of my friends love to play with my hair, cause it goes into little spirals than can be springed. x3 It amuses me that is amuses them so much.


But my hair has varying shades of darkness. Like, the outer hair is a lot lighter than my under hair. Or however you would phrase it.

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By the way, here is a pic from before tha' cut.

Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker.



My hair gets really frizzy when it is humid. Your's too?

But some of my friends love to play with my hair, cause it goes into little spirals than can be springed. x3 It amuses me that is amuses them so much.


But my hair has varying shades of darkness. Like, the outer hair is a lot lighter than my under hair. Or however you would phrase it.

My hair is made of frizz. And it's the same way with the different shades in it. Although mine's more wavy than curly. The funny thing is, when I was little, my hair used to be pin straight and platinum blond. :lol:

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By the way, here is a pic from before tha' cut.

Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker.



My hair gets really frizzy when it is humid. Your's too?

But some of my friends love to play with my hair, cause it goes into little spirals than can be springed. x3 It amuses me that is amuses them so much.


But my hair has varying shades of darkness. Like, the outer hair is a lot lighter than my under hair. Or however you would phrase it.

My hair is made of frizz. And it's the same way with the different shades in it. Although mine's more wavy than curly. The funny thing is, when I was little, my hair used to be pin straight and platinum blond. :lol:

I had a bob when I was a kid. XD

My friends thought I was lying when I told them that...

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Well, my grandfather's funeral was packed. He has touched a lot of people's lives, really. I choked up at one point. But the whole occasion seemed more like a celebration of his life, rather than a mourning of his death. So, it was nice, really. And it is nice that it is all over with, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?




VanStaHa just doesn't roll off the tounge well. :P

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?




VanStaHa just doesn't roll off the tounge well. :P

:lol: True, but it is a little shorter. :lol:

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?

u can call me katie that is my real name.


yes she does she says u r rly cool, i wont 2 see it 4 myself.

she also says u hav cool hair. i dont remember much of wut she says sorry

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?




VanStaHa just doesn't roll off the tounge well. :P









I wish I had never thought of that.

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?




VanStaHa just doesn't roll off the tounge well. :P









I wish I had never thought of that.

Good one. Or there could be a couple varieties if you don't care for that one, all taken from Glowurm's idea...

Vesh, Vish...

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?

u can call me katie that is my real name.


yes she does she says u r rly cool, i wont 2 see it 4 myself.

she also says u hav cool hair. i dont remember much of wut she says sorry


Katie works. xD


But yes, I luff my hair.

And don't worry about not remembering everything she says. She can tend to ramble sometimes. ;D

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?

u can call me katie that is my real name.


yes she does she says u r rly cool, i wont 2 see it 4 myself.

she also says u hav cool hair. i dont remember much of wut she says sorry


Katie works. xD


But yes, I luff my hair.

And don't worry about not remembering everything she says. She can tend to ramble sometimes. ;D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~


What in God's name are you talking about? I don't ramble. At least, i don't think I do. Man, my pants are still wet from the field trip to the Amusement park today. I laugh at VSH, beardo, and the others who went on the Plunge after working so hard to dry off, lol. Anyway, It could be worse. I could be wearing jeans, which take longer to dry than these pants. I don't know what exactly they're made out of, but they're green. I bought them so i could cosplay as Jeff. I'm also wearing the jacket. I bought it for a mere seven dollars at Goodwill! Excellent! Oh dear Smitus, did I just say Excellent and Mere? I swear that Professor Layton is a bad influence on me. I can't help it, though. British people are really awesome, as are Germans, French, The Swiss, Polish, Hungarian, Icelandic, and other Europeans. I went to Europe a couple times. It's awesome. I once went to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is in the Netherlands. LSD used to be legal there, but some guy jumped off a building so it isn't anymore. Also, only citizens of Holland can buy Marijuana. Oh well. I wasn't really planning on getting any in the first place. I bought a Hitler mustache on Animal Crossing, as well as a men's toilet. I'm not entirely sure why i bought it.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I bought a Hitler mustache on Animal Crossing, as well as a men's toilet. I'm not entirely sure why i bought it.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Your mother would let you purchase a men's toilet, but she said no to the Yellow Meat Grinder?????????

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I bought a Hitler mustache on Animal Crossing, as well as a men's toilet. I'm not entirely sure why i bought it.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Your mother would let you purchase a men's toilet, but she said no to the Yellow Meat Grinder?????????



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  • 4 weeks later...
Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

How much is he paying? :lol:

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

How much is he paying? :lol:

Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that. :P

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

How much is he paying? :lol:

Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that. :P

I hope he has lots of money. :lol:

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

How much is he paying? :lol:

Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that. :P

I hope he has lots of money. :lol:

I'll pay in hugs?

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Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*


Yeah. x3

Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. :rolleyes:

I will edit anything I am asked to. :D

Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. :P (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)

How much is he paying? :lol:

Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that. :P

I hope he has lots of money. :lol:

I'll pay in hugs?

What kind of cheese will you be when you hug me...

hopefully not a smelly one. The smell is really hard to get out of my fur.

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hey i no u cheesemaster!


mk talks about u!



I'm sure she does. xD

Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by?

katie, that is my rel name :D


KK Katie. ^^



Anyway, update for the week, expect a lot of me+"Shannon", the guilt involved on my part, and the wondering what exactly she is wanting. If you remember anything, you should know who "shannon" is.


We've been taking the HSAs in school this week, but I didn't need to take any of them, so school has been 3 1/2 hours late for me every day so far.


Monday, I woke up at like, 9:00, which was amazing, and then after school I went over to "shannon"'s house and watched a movie with her and some other friends. We saw Alvin and the chipmunks, which was alright, except for the voices. >.<. After that, my friend, shannon and I went to best buy, where my friend got a new TV, then we all went back to his house to play some DDR. We only had one mat, so when my friend was up, shannon and I were sort of cuddling on the sofa. When her and I are relatively by ourselves, we tend to cuddle a lot. ^^


Tuesday, I went over to shannon's house around 7:00, with some other friends, where we watched across the universe, which was good, but I didn't really like it that much. The music was okay though. x3 No real cuddling this time, but I associate that with the larger number of people, 5 instead of 3. After school, I hung out with my friend joe. We ended up making a cake, and joe decided it would be a good idea to slip some laxative into our other friend's drink. x3 not sure what happened to him.


Wednesday, I went over to shannon's house, but I had to walk there, which takes about 30 minutes. she lives right behind my school, so normally I would just ride the bus there, and then walk to her house. However, my bus was a minute earlier than normal, so I missed that. There is a bus stop like, 200 freet from mine, where a different bus picks up the kids. That bus hadn't come yet. I went there, but when the bus came, the driver wouldn't let me on. I find that something should be changed about that. >.<

At shannon's house, though, we watched the first chronicles of narnia movie. And it was just the two of us, so naturally we ended up cuddling on the sofa. For the record, she is really comfy to cuddle with. Anyways, after the movie was over, she went upstairs to do something, not sure what. When she came down, she pounced on me on the sofa, which ended up in a big tickle/pinching war. I won. :3

After school, shannon and 4 of my other friends all went down to cyberden again, where we played more DDR, halo, CounterStrike, Smash Bros, Starcraft, and other random things. For dinner, we went to the same awesome burger place again, Fuddruckers. They ask for your name there, so they can call you up for your order. One of my friends said there name was charizard, and shannon claimed to be Mudkip. x3 The funniest part about it is hearing the person calling you up with an entirely serious tone of voice. xD

On the way back, we had a big discussion about gravity, alternate dimensions, string theory, black holes, light, absolute zero, fusion reactions, and all sorts of physics things. Cause we are a bunch of awesome nerds.


Yeah, pretty awesome week thus far.

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so I herd u leik mudkipz? :rolleyes: And yes, you are a nerd, but in case you haven't noticed, you're in good company. The other day in the car we had a discussion about limits because Phil said to Scott, "You're testing the limits of my patience..." and that just turned into one big math discussion. Add to this the fact that half the music being played in the car was DDR music.... :rolleyes:

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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


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Tuesday, I went over to shannon's house around 7:00, with some other friends, where we watched across the universe, which was good, but I didn't really like it that much. The music was okay though. x3


I LOOOOOVE Across the Universe....I was just listening to the soundtrack this morning and last night. Awesome movie!!




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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


Nah, that's kinda understandable. *hugs*

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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


*gives Cheesus a second hug*

Well, I feel like she lead you on, so I don't believe it is your fault you feel broken-hearted.

Although, I do believe you should look for someone else as I would not be able to trust this young lady.

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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


awww...I'm sorry that happened to you.

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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


Th exact same thing happened to me Friday night when I went out to dinner for my birthday.

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so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position.


We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her.


I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.


Th exact same thing happened to me Friday night when I went out to dinner for my birthday.



I'm sorry man. Stinks, doesn't it?

But I bet you didn't have to endure 10 hours of it. ><

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I was at the BMW motorcycle shop waiting while my bike was being serviced. In the meantime, this bike appeared and when I went out to look it over, here is what I saw.



Then after a closer look...


Click on the pictures Cheesey!

What do you think?

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I was at the BMW motorcycle shop waiting while my bike was being serviced. In the meantime, this bike appeared and when I went out to look it over, here is what I saw.



Then after a closer look...


Click on the pictures Cheesey!

What do you think?


I think.

That they are pretty awesome!

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I was at the BMW motorcycle shop waiting while my bike was being serviced. In the meantime, this bike appeared and when I went out to look it over, here is what I saw.



Then after a closer look...


Click on the pictures Cheesey!

What do you think?


I think.

That they are pretty awesome!

I thought so too!

Glad you liked them. :D

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Cheesus, post more! (also, the line under the topic title in forum view still has the old username in it.)


*cough* Horatio... :rolleyes: ..



:lol: LOL :lol:


I just love that special button! :D


YA RLY! Well, not anymore, seems you fixed it. :lol: And you are most welcome. You also get a fish award for use of "O RLY." :lol:

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Cheesus, post more! (also, the line under the topic title in forum view still has the old username in it.)


*cough* Horatio... :rolleyes: ..



:lol: LOL :lol:


I just love that special button! :D


YA RLY! Well, not anymore, seems you fixed it. :lol: And you are most welcome. You also get a fish award for use of "O RLY." :lol:

*throws the Fish Award over to - Kat -*

Thanks, but I stole that from her so I have to give it to the rightful recipient. :D

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Cheesus does plan on posting more, just, Cheesus has been slightly busy lately with various whatnots and soforths. Also have some summer work to finish up...


This year I am taking two AP (college level) courses, AP Calc and AP Chem, so that might be interesting. As well as 21rst century english, a non-brit-lit course replacement for traditional english 12. Another fun thing is forensic science, curious to see how that goes.

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Cheesus does plan on posting more, just, Cheesus has been slightly busy lately with various whatnots and soforths. Also have some summer work to finish up...


This year I am taking two AP (college level) courses, AP Calc and AP Chem, so that might be interesting. As well as 21rst century english, a non-brit-lit course replacement for traditional english 12. Another fun thing is forensic science, curious to see how that goes.

Cool! Let me know how you like the forensic science course. I think that would be a fun course.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.

I think that is sooooo cool!


It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet.

The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.

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The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.

I think that is sooooo cool!


It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet.

The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.

Not learning is not cool, but perhaps he can teach you something by the end of the semester.

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The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.

I think that is sooooo cool!


It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet.

The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.

Not learning is not cool, but perhaps he can teach you something by the end of the semester.

I assume that it might get more in depth as we progress into the year. I've still only had four class periods of forensics.

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The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.

I think that is sooooo cool!


It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet.

The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.

Ooh, classes with no established curriculum are often the most fun, as long as you can deal with being a guinea pig class. The first few class periods of any science related class are usually introduction and review. As long as the teacher knows what he's doing, the class should get more interesting soon.

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The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.

I think that is sooooo cool!


It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet.

The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.

Not learning is not cool, but perhaps he can teach you something by the end of the semester.

I assume that it might get more in depth as we progress into the year. I've still only had four class periods of forensics.

I agree.

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Ahaahaha. I'm just that awesome.

What a coincidence you would say that, 'cause the speech was about the coolest person we knew.


DISCLAIMER: You're not the coolest person I know. That title belongs to me. X3

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I see how it is. xD


Gah, AP chem is taking up a lot of time, what with reading chapters, taking notes, and egregiously long homework...

No matter how cool your hair is, it will never live up to my rainbow suspenders.

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  • 1 month later...
I found an icon online that I wanted to post here. I didn't eated it like I usually do though.




When I see a picture I want to upload, I just drag it to the desktop. From there if I want to edit it, I would drag it to the iPhoto icon and then edit away. When the edit is complete, I attach the new picture out of the Photos group.

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  • 1 month later...


the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.



That's excellent!!!!


You just earned yourself The Double Gold Star Award!!!

w00t! Now, just for Cheeseman to actually get over here and find it.

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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.

Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? :rolleyes:

Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too!

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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.



That's excellent!!!!


You just earned yourself The Double Gold Star Award!!!

w00t! Now, just for Cheeseman to actually get over here and find it.

You could always post this picture in his topic.

*cough, cough*

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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.



That's excellent!!!!


You just earned yourself The Double Gold Star Award!!!

w00t! Now, just for Cheeseman to actually get over here and find it.

You could always post this picture in his topic.

*cough, cough*


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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.

Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? :rolleyes:

Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too!

*wonders if they flying spaghetti monster fits in here somewhere*

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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.

Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? :rolleyes:

Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too!

*wonders if they flying spaghetti monster fits in here somewhere*

Of course... there is always room. :D

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the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.

Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? :rolleyes:

Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too!

*wonders if they flying spaghetti monster fits in here somewhere*

He and The Great Muffin are h0m33z

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  • 1 month later...
Apparently guests REALLY love this topic.



:lol: LOL :lol:

That's great!

I have never seen anything like that before.

And then when I checked back a minute later, they were gone. :unsure: I must have scared them off...



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Apparently guests REALLY love this topic.



:lol: LOL :lol:

That's great!

I have never seen anything like that before.

And then when I checked back a minute later, they were gone. :unsure: I must have scared them off...



The most important thing is that you captured them with a screen shot! :D

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Apparently guests REALLY love this topic.



:lol: LOL :lol:

That's great!

I have never seen anything like that before.

And then when I checked back a minute later, they were gone. :unsure: I must have scared them off...



The most important thing is that you captured them with a screen shot! :D

Gotta love the PrintScreen button...I was watching a video on Youtube a few minutes ago, and had to pause it for a minute, and the image was so sweet I had to save it...


(From Elton's "Your Song" video)



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  • 4 months later...




Thought he might need that.



Mushroom_king, you always come up with the greatest things.

*hands MK The Double Gold Star Award*

I'd like to thank The Internet, for helping me find so many lulzy images...

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