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Inside Hiros' Schoolbag


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March 19 2008,


Dear Journal,


Well, today was like always, annoying Ms. Ogre always trying to give me detention >_>... Oh, I played Europian Handball for Gym, Only let one goal in as goalie :D. Hmm, I just got this odd call from my friends Girlfriend o______o;;. Dunno whats for dinner yet though :/. Still researching about the hammie I want to get when I get a job, hopefully sometime next year. Browsin sites and forums like always, chattin on MSN. Etc, Nothing really special today. Keep ya posted tommarrow, Hiro.

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March 19 2008,


Dear Journal,


Well, today was like always, annoying Ms. Ogre always trying to give me detention >_>... Oh, I played Europian Handball for Gym, Only let one goal in as goalie :D. Hmm, I just got this odd call from my friends Girlfriend o______o;;. Dunno whats for dinner yet though :/. Still researching about the hammie I want to get when I get a job, hopefully sometime next year. Browsin sites and forums like always, chattin on MSN. Etc, Nothing really special today. Keep ya posted tommarrow, Hiro.


My suggestion for a hamster would be a fancy. Black bear, teddy bear and dwarf hamsters have a life of about 1 1/2 to 2 years. The fancy hamsters, such as the gold and white, grey and white, brown, usually are a little bit larger and have a much longer life span. Horatio lived to almost 5 years. Hubert was 5 years old when he passed away.


The most critical part of a long life for a hamster is a very clean cage. You can potty train your hammy and then clean out his potty almost every other day, with a little scoop.


Next most important is having interaction with your hammy. The hammys get into the ball every night. They love getting out of their cage and having a romp in their ball. I have another one, she loves wandering around in my oversized long sleeved shirt. If I see her in the morning, she wants to jump out of her cage into my paw, then she goes up the sleeve. She could do this for as long as I would let her. Another hammy will go to sleep on my bed if I let him. They like interaction. No hammy likes to be caged without the ability to get out.


Another important thing to remember is: NO bleached paper products. NO toilet paper, NO kleenex, NO tissue paper, NO paper towel. You can use newspaper. The other products can get stuck in their pouches. The bleach is not good for them either.


Every day, I make sure that I have a little something different for them. Pay attention to what your hamster likes and doesn't like. I have an overwhelming bunch of goodies for each hammy. Chew twigs, lava blocks, corn cobbies, a variety of other things to keep the hammy occupied.


I can give you lots more information if you want.

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Cool, Thanks for the info, I hear Aspen bedding is the best for hammies, is that true? And also I plan on getting a Dwarf Black Russian Campbell because personally I dont like long haired hammies because my friend had one and its fur kept getting stuck in its wheel and what not. Could you recommend me an average price for a; cage, some food, treats (prolly wont need this because Ive got snacks here already such as salad, apples, pears), bedding and a ball? I also hear that Sandbaths are the best idea so I was thinking of furnishing a little "Sandbox" in his cage for him, would that be a good idea?

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Cool, Thanks for the info, I hear Aspen bedding is the best for hammies, is that true? And also I plan on getting a Dwarf Black Russian Campbell because personally I dont like long haired hammies because my friend had one and its fur kept getting stuck in its wheel and what not. Could you recommend me an average price for a; cage, some food, treats (prolly wont need this because Ive got snacks here already such as salad, apples, pears), bedding and a ball? I also hear that Sandbaths are the best idea so I was thinking of furnishing a little "Sandbox" in his cage for him, would that be a good idea?

Aspen is the best. What I recommend is a potty with potty litter. Hamsters use these like the sandbaths. If you decide you wnat a sandbox, please make sure that you get cleaned sand that comes in bags from the hardware store. Please do not use sand from the beach or somewhere like that.


As for cages... there is a big variety of cages you can get from 15 dollars to 30 dollars. My favorite is the Habitrail cage for small hamsters. It is really cool. There are lots of attachments you can add to your cage. You can also use a fish tank, but I don't think these are as secure as the cage. In addition, they have a tendency to get hotter than the cage. When you get ready, if you have your mother or father contact me, I will send you a cage, dish, water bottle, potty, ball and some extra tubing. There are a number of extra cages and supplies here and they are in great shape, almost new, so I can send you some pictures of it if you want.


There are good hamster treats, such as yogurt, corn cobbies, that are healthy for your hamster as well as great for grinding down their teeth. They also have other types of seed mixes. You can spend anywhere from 2 to 5 dollars on some of these treats. They are not totally treats, as there are seeds, fruit, corn, nuts, but this is not what you would want to feed your hamster on a regular basis.


I will get you a list of prices for all of the above, just give me a day or two.

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HOLY COW! That would be AWSOME! And could you send me some pictures? Either on here or MSN if you want or email. But yeah what I need to do first though is get my room situated is because I moved rooms again so its a mess but once its cleaned up, I might be ready, showing responsibility to my mom. And thank you so much Horatio! Such a nice guy! Hmm...I give chu the "Award with no name because I cant really think of one at the moment award" =D

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HOLY COW! That would be AWSOME! And could you send me some pictures? Either on here or MSN if you want or email. But yeah what I need to do first though is get my room situated is because I moved rooms again so its a mess but once its cleaned up, I might be ready, showing responsibility to my mom. And thank you so much Horatio! Such a nice guy! Hmm...I give chu the "Award with no name because I cant really think of one at the moment award" =D

I will put the pictures on here. Please give me a day or so.

You will have to clear this with your parents when you get ready for the hamster.


When you get your room situated, you have to remember, you cannot put this hamster in the window or where the cage will be in sunlight or drafts. If you have a desk, or table, you can put that along the wall where it is protected from anything that will disturb it. Also, remember, hamsters have very keen hearing, you do not want them right next to the speakers on your CD player.

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*!*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Ooh, Ooh, the teacher trying to give you detention reminds me. I was sick last week and couldn't get to school, so now i have ISS because of it. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Okay, I plan on getting a small table with like cupboard doors so I can place its food etc in there. I just have to figure out where to put that. Well, Im off to finish doing what Im doing then going to go do my room. Byes!

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Okay, I plan on getting a small table with like cupboard doors so I can place its food etc in there. I just have to figure out where to put that. Well, Im off to finish doing what Im doing then going to go do my room. Byes!

The best place for food is in a tupperware type container, in the freezer.

The table with cupboard doors sounds like a fantastic idea. You can store potty litter, shavings, bedding, chew toys and all those neat things there.

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Past two days have been living H e double hockey sticks. Next door neighbour went with her baby to the hospital cause he was breathing funny so guess who got stuck babysitting her two other ones. Thats right, 12 straight hours of babysitting with no sleep/food/drinks/bathroom whatsoever... AND SHE STILL ISNT BACK. Thank god their uncle came x.x... Anywho. Im revamping my room and whatnot. So tierd though, only got bout 3 hours sleep alltogether in the past two days. The bags under my eyes are now classified as tote bags. T_T, well, drink, bathroom, DS FTW then to go back to revamping my room. -Yawn- Peazy peeps!

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Past two days have been living H e double hockey sticks. Next door neighbour went with her baby to the hospital cause he was breathing funny so guess who got stuck babysitting her two other ones. Thats right, 12 straight hours of babysitting with no sleep/food/drinks/bathroom whatsoever... AND SHE STILL ISNT BACK. Thank god their uncle came x.x... Anywho. Im revamping my room and whatnot. So tierd though, only got bout 3 hours sleep alltogether in the past two days. The bags under my eyes are now classified as tote bags. T_T, well, drink, bathroom, DS FTW then to go back to revamping my room. -Yawn- Peazy peeps!

That was great of you to be able to work so many hours. The next door neighbor should have had some food, etc. for you, even if you were there on an emergency type situation.


You will need to get some sleep like TBFOF... for about 24 hours straight. :D

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*!*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Ooh, Ooh, the teacher trying to give you detention reminds me. I was sick last week and couldn't get to school, so now i have ISS because of it. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Wait, huh? Why would they suspend you for being absent? :blink:

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I loveth that glowurmy signamature thing, wheredja get it?

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Okay, and thanks for the compliment. Im guessing its due to the sentance structure, grammar and proper punctuation. Either or, Tommarrow I'm going to be making the little shelf thingamajig so I'll get some pictures of the progress and the final product.

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Okay, and thanks for the compliment. Im guessing its due to the sentance structure, grammar and proper punctuation. Either or, Tommarrow I'm going to be making the little shelf thingamajig so I'll get some pictures of the progress and the final product.

Great! Here is my email address: pmajr@mac.com

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/Start rant.exe


Report cards, why do they even use these things. Completly useless in my opinion. They just drag kids down emotionally and often cause beatings. I find that the students mind cannot simply be put down on paper due to preformance of work. Me for example, one of the smartest kids in the class but I only got a 63 average because I dont hand in projects, why? Well because for one, I HATE working, to much time and to much work. Unless its a typing, or art project keep it the heck away from me. Alot of kids are mismarked, theres these selected "Good" children who mark everybodies test, including their own, so for all we know they could be changing their marks to get better grades. I for one, couldnt care less if I failed because I know they cant judge me based on what they see on a piece of paper or bristol board. I have sloppy writing, thats why I type things very often, I got screwed as a little kid because I never memorized the multiplication table so Im bad when it comes to multiplication. Im alot more active then I look. Im a little over normal weight (141 for 14 years old isnt the best) and I have bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep at a young age but when I want to be, I can be very physical and very active. But I prefer to stay in my nice dark room watching TV or playing games or staying in the dark downstairs playing on my computer. For all who agree with report cards being useless say "I"!



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/Start rant.exe


Report cards, why do they even use these things. Completly useless in my opinion. They just drag kids down emotionally and often cause beatings. I find that the students mind cannot simply be put down on paper due to preformance of work. Me for example, one of the smartest kids in the class but I only got a 63 average because I dont hand in projects, why? Well because for one, I HATE working, to much time and to much work. Unless its a typing, or art project keep it the heck away from me. Alot of kids are mismarked, theres these selected "Good" children who mark everybodies test, including their own, so for all we know they could be changing their marks to get better grades. I for one, couldnt care less if I failed because I know they cant judge me based on what they see on a piece of paper or bristol board. I have sloppy writing, thats why I type things very often, I got screwed as a little kid because I never memorized the multiplication table so Im bad when it comes to multiplication. Im alot more active then I look. Im a little over normal weight (141 for 14 years old isnt the best) and I have bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep at a young age but when I want to be, I can be very physical and very active. But I prefer to stay in my nice dark room watching TV or playing games or staying in the dark downstairs playing on my computer. For all who agree with report cards being useless say "I"!






I see them as a reflection of effort, not ability.

I'm really a lazy student. I often do my homework in class or in homeroom. I only do it at home if I know it will take more than 20 minutes. I love procrastinating. xD

And 220 for 16 isn't too good in terms of weight.

But I do have a large frame with a lot of muscle. x3 And insulation. But, like you, I can really exert myself if I want to.

But aren't dark rooms with a glowing screen the best thing ever?

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But aren't dark rooms with a glowing screen the best thing ever?

You should consider a career as an Air Traffic Controller. They sit in dark rooms with glowing screens for a living. :lol:


Yeah, but playing with those can get you in trouble. D=

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But aren't dark rooms with a glowing screen the best thing ever?

You should consider a career as an Air Traffic Controller. They sit in dark rooms with glowing screens for a living. :lol:


Yeah, but playing with those can get you in trouble. D=

True! :lol:

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Heh! BUTTONS! -Presses them all- (In the distance) KAPLEWSH.


Other dude: What was that?


You: o___________o;; Ohsnap..err I mean...Nothing at all! ^ ^;; -Changes name and flees to mexico- :P

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Heh! BUTTONS! -Presses them all- (In the distance) KAPLEWSH.


Other dude: What was that?


You: o___________o;; Ohsnap..err I mean...Nothing at all! ^ ^;; -Changes name and flees to mexico- :P

*hops in jet and flies after Hiro to Mexico*

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:

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Yus plz. I think someone already tried to steal my kidney. -Looks at another person holding a scalpal lifting the side of my shirt up-


Me: EH! -Pimpslap-


Mejican dude: -Imitates Zoidberg and runs off-




I've gotten some inspiration to make a new sword, im currently working on the design plans =D.

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/Start rant.exe


Report cards, why do they even use these things. Completly useless in my opinion. They just drag kids down emotionally and often cause beatings. I find that the students mind cannot simply be put down on paper due to preformance of work. Me for example, one of the smartest kids in the class but I only got a 63 average because I dont hand in projects, why? Well because for one, I HATE working, to much time and to much work. Unless its a typing, or art project keep it the heck away from me. Alot of kids are mismarked, theres these selected "Good" children who mark everybodies test, including their own, so for all we know they could be changing their marks to get better grades. I for one, couldnt care less if I failed because I know they cant judge me based on what they see on a piece of paper or bristol board. I have sloppy writing, thats why I type things very often, I got screwed as a little kid because I never memorized the multiplication table so Im bad when it comes to multiplication. Im alot more active then I look. Im a little over normal weight (141 for 14 years old isnt the best) and I have bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep at a young age but when I want to be, I can be very physical and very active. But I prefer to stay in my nice dark room watching TV or playing games or staying in the dark downstairs playing on my computer. For all who agree with report cards being useless say "I"!





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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:

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I'll take hanging out on a sunny beach, with warm balmy breezes and crystal blue waters any day.



Aaaah, I want to have holidays. :lol:

Here all the snow is molten, now it is raining and still cold.


My parents spent the last two weeks in the Dominican Republic. Today they returned and are freezing. :D

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The Canadian weather isnt the best. I live here, I know. We got 192 cm of snow this winter. And its really cold ALOT of the times

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I'll take hanging out on a sunny beach, with warm balmy breezes and crystal blue waters any day.



Aaaah, I want to have holidays. :lol:

Here all the snow is molten, now it is raining and still cold.


My parents spent the last two weeks in the Dominican Republic. Today they returned and are freezing. :D

The Dominican Republic is wonderful. I am assuming they were in the Puerto Plata area, which has really beautiful beaches. The island of Hispaniola is beautiful, even the Haitian side.


The snow is magical when it falls, then it after a couple days of turning to brown slush, everyone just wants it gone. :lol:

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

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Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

Which you shouldn't be proud of.

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Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_< Well maybe I can't say that because I haven't tried it but I don't plan to. I can't even stand the smell of alcohol.

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Beer BOO

Wine BOO

Spirits WOO! :D


Spirits are the only thing that actually taste good.

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Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_< Well maybe I can't say that because I haven't tried it but I don't plan to. I can't even stand the smell of alcohol.

I hate the smell of alcohol. I make me really sick if I smell too much...

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Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_ well maybe i can say that because haven tried it but don plan to. even stand the smell of alcohol.>

I hate the smell of alcohol. I make me really sick if I smell too much...

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

Which you shouldn't be proud of.

Oh, but I am. :D

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Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

Which you shouldn't be proud of.

Oh, but I am. :D

Usually you are not rude.

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Beer BOO

Wine BOO

Spirits WOO!


Nothing is better than having a barbecue and a cold beer. :D

Brewing and of course drinking of beer is an old tradition in Germany. We have a great variety of different beers. For example, there are 31 different brands of Kölsch, a beer exclusively brewed in Cologne.

I don't like wine very much, but when it is freezing a Glühwein (mulled wine) at the christmas market- that's it.

Spirits I don't like so much, but mixed they are fine. My favorite is Jägermeister Red Bull. Sounds strange, tastes delicoius. :lol:


In Italy they sell "alcool etilico". Nearly pure alcohol, 95%. I bought one bottle and brought it as a gimmick to a party of a friend of mine. Some " tough guys" wanted to drink it pure. It's too bad that I didn't have a camera. This stuff burns like ####. :lol:

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Beer BOO

Wine BOO

Spirits WOO!


Nothing is better than having a barbecue and a cold beer. :D

Brewing and of course drinking of beer is an old tradition in Germany. We have a great variety of different beers. For example, there are 31 different brands of Kölsch, a beer exclusively brewed in Cologne.

I don't like wine very much, but when it is freezing a Glühwein (mulled wine) at the christmas market- that's it.

Spirits I don't like so much, but mixed they are fine. My favorite is Jägermeister Red Bull. Sounds strange, tastes delicoius. :lol:


In Italy they sell "alcool etilico". Nearly pure alcohol, 95%. I bought one bottle and brought it as a gimmick to a party of a friend of mine. Some " tough guys" wanted to drink it pure. It's too bad that I didn't have a camera. This stuff burns like ####. :lol:

Glühwein when it is freezing at the Christmas markets are almost a tradition. I have enjoyed that.

Wines, when used to accompany a meal, not to sit and drink at a bar, for example, can enhance the flavour of the meal.

In Paris, when at dinner, you take a bite of your meal, a sip of wine often followed by a sip of water. This is a very enjoyable

way to taste wine. Wines also can enhance the flavour of cheeses.

Spirits are kind of strong for me. And Leguan forgot to mention, some beers are not served cold... they are warm and to me... awful!!!!!

Of course, I don't like the taste of beer. :lol:

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Beer BOO

Wine BOO

Spirits WOO!


Nothing is better than having a barbecue and a cold beer. :D

Brewing and of course drinking of beer is an old tradition in Germany. We have a great variety of different beers. For example, there are 31 different brands of Kölsch, a beer exclusively brewed in Cologne.

I don't like wine very much, but when it is freezing a Glühwein (mulled wine) at the christmas market- that's it.

Spirits I don't like so much, but mixed they are fine. My favorite is Jägermeister Red Bull. Sounds strange, tastes delicoius. :lol:


In Italy they sell "alcool etilico". Nearly pure alcohol, 95%. I bought one bottle and brought it as a gimmick to a party of a friend of mine. Some " tough guys" wanted to drink it pure. It's too bad that I didn't have a camera. This stuff burns like ####. :lol:

*~*The Grand llusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Don't worry about not having a camera to catch funny stuff. That always happens to me. And hilarious stuff happens ALL the time at my school.


Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_< Well maybe I can't say that because I haven't tried it but I don't plan to. I can't even stand the smell of alcohol.

I hate the smell of alcohol. I make me really sick if I smell too much...

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:




Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

Which you shouldn't be proud of.

Oh, but I am. :D

Then why aren't you rude to other people? Why just me?


(Note: Disabled emotes 'cause there were too many. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Beer BOO

Wine BOO

Spirits WOO!


Nothing is better than having a barbecue and a cold beer. :D

Brewing and of course drinking of beer is an old tradition in Germany. We have a great variety of different beers. For example, there are 31 different brands of Kölsch, a beer exclusively brewed in Cologne.

I don't like wine very much, but when it is freezing a Glühwein (mulled wine) at the christmas market- that's it.

Spirits I don't like so much, but mixed they are fine. My favorite is Jägermeister Red Bull. Sounds strange, tastes delicoius. :lol:


In Italy they sell "alcool etilico". Nearly pure alcohol, 95%. I bought one bottle and brought it as a gimmick to a party of a friend of mine. Some " tough guys" wanted to drink it pure. It's too bad that I didn't have a camera. This stuff burns like ####. :lol:

*~*The Grand llusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Don't worry about not having a camera to catch funny stuff. That always happens to me. And hilarious stuff happens ALL the time at my school.


Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_< Well maybe I can't say that because I haven't tried it but I don't plan to. I can't even stand the smell of alcohol.

I hate the smell of alcohol. I make me really sick if I smell too much...

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:




Me: One tequila please.


Bartender: Que?


Me: Huh?


Bartender: Que?


-Akward silence stare off-


Me: Uhm..no speaky mejican, un tequila por favor.


Bartender: Ahh! Tequila! Tengo que ver algunos prueba de la edad senor.


Me: o____O;; -Translator- Oh..crud. Stupid age limits >_> -Sees Horatio- ZOMG Horatio! How did you know I was in Mejico? err...-cough- Mexico.

Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro.

Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? :lol:


except I made a tawpeek about it.

Then you can help me bring Hiro back. :lol:




Video games.


Those are important.

I can never understand what you're saying. :blink:


No problemo!







~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~


~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~


THING. :rolleyes:

That was rude.

Well, I guess I'm just a rude person. ^_^

Which you shouldn't be proud of.

Oh, but I am. :D

Then why aren't you rude to other people? Why just me?


(Note: Disabled emotes 'cause there were too many. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*




Just cuz.


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Good news. Learned how to play caps ( A Drinking game :P ) and Euchere. Our Florida fund is going well. 234.95 :D



Drinking is stupid. :P

Ugh, yes! Highly overrated! <_ well maybe i can say that because haven tried it but don plan to. even stand the smell of alcohol.>

I hate the smell of alcohol. I make me really sick if I smell too much...

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:




But you didn't say that. :blink:

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And Leguan forgot to mention, some beers are not served cold... they are warm and to me... awful!!!!!



Huh? Warm beer? Where? :wacko::blink:

Munchen. Actually it was not all warm, perhaps just one or two types. And as I am not a connoisseur, it might actually have been some type of ale.

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Oh, ok. München. Bavaria. Foreign country.

You can't call it beer what they are drinking there. :lol:


It's quite funny because the bavarians are the typical germans for most people. You know, these stereotypes. Leather trousers, bavarian veal sausages, pretzels and so on. However, for germans bavaria is a foreign country. You even can't understand the language they are speaking there because they have a very strong dialect. :D

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Oh, ok. München. Bavaria. Foreign country.

You can't call it beer what they are drinking there. :lol:


It's quite funny because the bavarians are the typical germans for most people. You know, these stereotypes. Leather trousers, bavarian veal sausages, pretzels and so on. However, for germans bavaria is a foreign country. You even can't understand the language they are speaking there because they have a very strong dialect. :D


So true. I have a cousin in Baltrium, on the North Sea, and her dialect is not understandable by my friend in Mainz.

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Just cuz.


I'm amazed at your heartlessness.


Some people do things just to see a reaction from others.


What's that supposed to mean?

That means that I don't believe you are as heartless as you would want some people to believe.

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  • 4 months later...

Guys, Im in need of some desperate help. Ever since my dad passed away lifes falling apart. My mom got a new boyfriend and everythings fine. But everyone around us hates him just cause we've moved on and they havent. Then because the lady downstairs who we split te house with wanted us to pay 2/3 of the bill bcause we have "home cooked meals" which shes saying we use the oven every day. And we refused because it was supposed to be 50/50 but that didnt go over so she said ses ringing a realtor and we're selling the house. We cant do anything cause of the trust agreement. So e went out and found an amazing house. We are in proccess of buying it. And everyone on the street except Roy hates us. Now even my family is turning on us. Im ready to basiaclly take my own life. This has gotten to be too much. What can I do? I ned help desperatly. Everything that can go wrong has... HELP. Friends hate us, family hates us. The only two people that actually UNDERSTAND whats going on is Roy and my Uncle Paul and possibly one of my aunts but we hvent been able to talk to her.

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Guys, Im in need of some desperate help. Ever since my dad passed away lifes falling apart. My mom got a new boyfriend and everythings fine. But everyone around us hates him just cause we've moved on and they havent. Then because the lady downstairs who we split te house with wanted us to pay 2/3 of the bill bcause we have "home cooked meals" which shes saying we use the oven every day. And we refused because it was supposed to be 50/50 but that didnt go over so she said ses ringing a realtor and we're selling the house. We cant do anything cause of the trust agreement. So e went out and found an amazing house. We are in proccess of buying it. And everyone on the street except Roy hates us. Now even my family is turning on us. Im ready to basiaclly take my own life. This has gotten to be too much. What can I do? I ned help desperatly. Everything that can go wrong has... HELP. Friends hate us, family hates us. The only two people that actually UNDERSTAND whats going on is Roy and my Uncle Paul and possibly one of my aunts but we hvent been able to talk to her.

UCK!!! You are shouldering too much pressure. Do you have time to talk with your mother? How long has it been since your father passed away? How are things progressing on the buying of the new house? Will that be accomplished soon? How are you treated by the people in the new neighborhood?


Sorry for all the questions, but this is the time that you need to look inside yourself and rely on the person that your father and mother taught you to be. It is really hard to ignore the people who are giving you a hard time, but for the next bit of time, that is what you will need to do. You understand completely that you cannot bring your father back and you need to move on, this is wonderful that you have such a good grasp on life. Unfortunately, the others have not reached the point where you are. When they cannot understand, they lash out, angry, hurt and without any thought. The loss of your father is something that will take them some time to come to terms with. In the meantime, try and contact all those people who understand your feelings and are in agreement with you. Roy is who? Try and talk with your mother, Roy, Uncle Paul and any other relatives who agree with your point of view. As a young hamster, I lost my mother and the difference was my father was totally lost without her. Every person dealt with this loss differently and it took some people a very, very long time to come to terms with her death. My father needed to duplicate the wonderful relationship he had with my mother and found someone in a shorter time span that most would have agreed with. The problem was that they did not see him mourning and sad every night when he got home from work.


Here is what I want to know... how does your mother's new boyfriend treat you? How does he treat your mother? Do you like him? Do you feel that he is good for your mother? What you have to consider is that your father and mother had such a good relationship that you mother felt the need to find someone to duplicate those good feelings with. Of course, no one will ever replace your father, but you can have a good relationship with the new person that comes into your life.


I have asked HampsterKing to give you approval for your posts to appear immediately. (It may take a little time, he is slow.) Please go to the Warm Wishes Forum and look at the topic IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ. Read the first post and make a post saying you agree to the terms.


We will keep you in our prayers, thoughts and heart to have this resolved. Please come and post as we are here for you.

We love you and will never judge you. We want to share in your burden and help you get through this trying time. You are an important friend to us.



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(Ignore speling mistakes, my brother messed up my keyboard and now it doesnt type properly >___>) Plenty of time, we have talked. He passed away January 17th I believe, So its been about almost 9 months. Buying thehouse is fine. Its almost complete, as o now we get the keys Oktober 18th. The new neighbourhood is pretty good. No offence to anyone but there arent many indians there which is a good thing IMO. I know culture is imporant and everything but there are waay o many in Canada nowadays. Roy is a man across the street who gets drunk often, but hes cool. My moms new boyfriend is a great guy, hetreats eveyone here fine, he always consults us (Me and my brother) before doing anything big. Yes I do like him quite alot, hes got a great sense of humor. Thats the basic summary of it all. :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

i know how that stuff can be, you just want to crawl into a hole for a while and stay there forever, but you can't and you shouldn't because someone, somewhere loves you. you may not know it, but someone loves you, and they need you.


chill out with someone for a while and in no time you'll feel wonderful again.


read a book


watch something funny on youtube


do one thing everyday that makes you laugh

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(Ignore speling mistakes, my brother messed up my keyboard and now it doesnt type properly >___>) Plenty of time, we have talked. He passed away January 17th I believe, So its been about almost 9 months. Buying thehouse is fine. Its almost complete, as o now we get the keys Oktober 18th. The new neighbourhood is pretty good. No offence to anyone but there arent many indians there which is a good thing IMO. I know culture is imporant and everything but there are waay o many in Canada nowadays. Roy is a man across the street who gets drunk often, but hes cool. My moms new boyfriend is a great guy, hetreats eveyone here fine, he always consults us (Me and my brother) before doing anything big. Yes I do like him quite alot, hes got a great sense of humor. Thats the basic summary of it all. :/

It's great to hear that your mother's new boyfriend treats you and your brother well and is a nice guy. Just the fact that he has respect for you both is really terrific. Today is the 19th, so hopefully you will have received the keys to your new home. Good luck, good health and good fortune in your new home. May this be a step in a most positive direction.


Nine months is a pretty long time and I hope you are ready for what the future holds with your mother and her boyfriend. Everything sounds like you are heading for good things to happen in your life. Just focus on everything positive and you will get through all the negative.


We are always here for you.

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i know how that stuff can be, you just want to crawl into a hole for a while and stay there forever, but you can't and you shouldn't because someone, somewhere loves you. you may not know it, but someone loves you, and they need you.


chill out with someone for a while and in no time you'll feel wonderful again.


read a book


watch something funny on youtube


do one thing everyday that makes you laugh

Great advice!!!!!!

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i know how that stuff can be, you just want to crawl into a hole for a while and stay there forever, but you can't and you shouldn't because someone, somewhere loves you. you may not know it, but someone loves you, and they need you.


chill out with someone for a while and in no time you'll feel wonderful again.


read a book


watch something funny on youtube


do one thing everyday that makes you laugh

Watching YouTube or Homestar always makes me happy.

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Yeah, as schimmi said... There is always someone who loves you. A real person. That person needs you. I often think about what my friends lives would be like without me in it. And if you are a good person, so you have definitely made a good impression upon the lives of those you know of.

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Well everythings been going well, highschools fine, boring...fine none-the-less. Theres this girl in my english class I really like, tomorrow I plan on seeing if I can get her MSN and eventually ask her to the Halloween dance but I haaaate getting dressed up.


Q & A Time!


Q1: Im fat, and I aint afraid to say it. Im 148-153 area usually, and I have no abs whatsoever. I do have muscles under all the belly fat but I want to burn it off. Halp~


Q2: I also tend to neglect to brush my teeth and I have this wierd yellow goop all over the back of my tongue whereas I heard you can use a spoon and scrape it off, which I plan on trying tonight or so. But back to the teeth for a second, I know brushing my teeth will help it from turning any more yellow but brushing alone will not make them white. What relevantly cheap products can I use?


Q3: I've never had a date to a dance, and I hate dressing up for Halloween. I wouldnt know how to act, I follow the typical white guy stereotype of "White boy cant dance". I cant dance regularly and I dont know how to slow dance. Any dating tips are welcome in this section.


Thanks for reading and answaring peeps~

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Well everythings been going well, highschools fine, boring...fine none-the-less. Theres this girl in my english class I really like, tomorrow I plan on seeing if I can get her MSN and eventually ask her to the Halloween dance but I haaaate getting dressed up.


Q & A Time!


Q1: Im fat, and I aint afraid to say it. Im 148-153 area usually, and I have no abs whatsoever. I do have muscles under all the belly fat but I want to burn it off. Halp~


Q2: I also tend to neglect to brush my teeth and I have this wierd yellow goop all over the back of my tongue whereas I heard you can use a spoon and scrape it off, which I plan on trying tonight or so. But back to the teeth for a second, I know brushing my teeth will help it from turning any more yellow but brushing alone will not make them white. What relevantly cheap products can I use?


Q3: I've never had a date to a dance, and I hate dressing up for Halloween. I wouldnt know how to act, I follow the typical white guy stereotype of "White boy cant dance". I cant dance regularly and I dont know how to slow dance. Any dating tips are welcome in this section.


Thanks for reading and answaring peeps~

It's great that you are asking for help! We all want to see you succeed.


Q1: How tall are you? You can start working on yourself by doing sit-ups in your room each morning when you get up or at another time of the day where you can be consistent. You can also start doing push-ups. Don't worry if you can do a million your first day, just do what you can, they try and do ten more. The next day, try to do the same number. This goes for both sit-ups and push-ups. I can give you some more exercises if you wish, but this will get you started.


Q2: You need to brush your teeth at least three times a day. Also brush your tongue, roof of your mouth and all around your gums. Flossing is a must as well. Do this at least twice a day. To get your teeth white, you can use a whitening toothpaste such as Colgate whitening or another one that you prefer. Listerine makes a whitening mouth wash that you can use each time you brush. There are other methods but if you don't brush, there is no use trying to get your teeth white. Girls like guys with great hygiene, so I suggest that you shower each morning and if you have to, brush your teeth in the shower. This should at least help you to get a routine going.


One thing to remember is that teeth are very important. If you don't take care of them, you will lose them. The big problem is that when you smile, your teeth are the one thing people notice, so if they are rotten, this will turn people off before they get to know you.


Q3: Hamsters don't dance. Someone else will have to answer this one. The good thing about dressing up for Halloween... if you are in a costume, no one knows who you are... :lol: unless you give it away. :D

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Sit ups really dont do much for me, I can do like 200+ a night. Im trying this bicycle crunch instead of that. :/ But yeah I'll have to try that toothpaste.

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Horatio stole my "how tall are you?" question. According to the bmi calculator I found online (google BMI), if you're 5' 6" or taller (I used the higher end of your weight estimate), then you're actually healthy weight. As for getting in better shape: swimming works your whole body, and is a good thing to be good at. Running also helps. Also try just sucking in your stomach if you're not doing anything else, like just sitting in class or whatever. It might help tone it up a bit. Also, try replacing soda with water. Soda is the biggest factor in childhood obesity, believe it or not.


For the teeth brushing, I used to also neglect brushing my teeth. The trick is to incorporate it into a routine so you don't forget. I don't brush my teeth three times a day like horatio though. :lol: Instead I brush my teeth right after I get dressed and use the bathroom. The only downside is that whenever my morning routine gets messed up for some reason, I tend to forget to brush my teeth. :rolleyes: Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash might help. Most mouth wash burns my mouth, so I use a kind that's alcohol free, I think it's by crest. Also, they make toothbrushes with tongue scraper things on the back, and mechanical toothbrushes work better than normal ones.


I can't help you much with the dance thing aside from say that I never had a date to any dance in my life. I always just went with friends, and I think it's way more fun that way. I don't really know much about dancing either, all I do is try and more or less imitate what everyone else is doing. As for slow dancing, the only time I've ever slow danced was in the act of learning an actual ballroom dance (I forget which one, but it was *really* simple). From what I can gather though, most middle school/high school slow dancing is kind of you just have your arms around each other and kind of rock back and forth. :/ My best suggestion to you: ask one of your friends at school to show you. Also, getting dressed up is fun!

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Well everythings been going well, highschools fine, boring...fine none-the-less. Theres this girl in my english class I really like, tomorrow I plan on seeing if I can get her MSN and eventually ask her to the Halloween dance but I haaaate getting dressed up.


Q & A Time!


Q1: Im fat, and I aint afraid to say it. Im 148-153 area usually, and I have no abs whatsoever. I do have muscles under all the belly fat but I want to burn it off. Halp~


Q2: I also tend to neglect to brush my teeth and I have this wierd yellow goop all over the back of my tongue whereas I heard you can use a spoon and scrape it off, which I plan on trying tonight or so. But back to the teeth for a second, I know brushing my teeth will help it from turning any more yellow but brushing alone will not make them white. What relevantly cheap products can I use?


Q3: I've never had a date to a dance, and I hate dressing up for Halloween. I wouldnt know how to act, I follow the typical white guy stereotype of "White boy cant dance". I cant dance regularly and I dont know how to slow dance. Any dating tips are welcome in this section.


Thanks for reading and answaring peeps~


i read somewhere that if you sprinkle toothpaste with banking soda it helps whiten your teeth


i haven't tried it though

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Well everythings been going well, highschools fine, boring...fine none-the-less. Theres this girl in my english class I really like, tomorrow I plan on seeing if I can get her MSN and eventually ask her to the Halloween dance but I haaaate getting dressed up.


Q & A Time!


Q1: Im fat, and I aint afraid to say it. Im 148-153 area usually, and I have no abs whatsoever. I do have muscles under all the belly fat but I want to burn it off. Halp~


Q2: I also tend to neglect to brush my teeth and I have this wierd yellow goop all over the back of my tongue whereas I heard you can use a spoon and scrape it off, which I plan on trying tonight or so. But back to the teeth for a second, I know brushing my teeth will help it from turning any more yellow but brushing alone will not make them white. What relevantly cheap products can I use?


Q3: I've never had a date to a dance, and I hate dressing up for Halloween. I wouldnt know how to act, I follow the typical white guy stereotype of "White boy cant dance". I cant dance regularly and I dont know how to slow dance. Any dating tips are welcome in this section.


Thanks for reading and answaring peeps~


i read somewhere that if you sprinkle toothpaste with banking soda it helps whiten your teeth


i haven't tried it though

Some brands of toothpaste actually have baking soda in it already.

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Sit ups really dont do much for me, I can do like 200+ a night. Im trying this bicycle crunch instead of that. :/ But yeah I'll have to try that toothpaste.



If you have been doing 200+ a night, with no results, then you probably are doing them wrong... But I am no expert. I'm like, 235 at 5'7", so I really need to lose some weight. However, I'm also very muscular. In my weight training class some people call me Tank. xD It also helps my self conciousness that even doctors always underestimate my weight by around 40 lbs. :3


I know what gunk you are talking about. Basically follow the advice given already. Just make sure not to gag too much when you brush the back of your tounge...


And getting dressed up in a suit is not that bad as long as you think you look good in it... Other than that I am kinda useless here, never having had a real date, ever. >.>;

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Sit ups really dont do much for me, I can do like 200+ a night. Im trying this bicycle crunch instead of that. :/ But yeah I'll have to try that toothpaste.



If you have been doing 200+ a night, with no results, then you probably are doing them wrong... But I am no expert. I'm like, 235 at 5'7", so I really need to lose some weight. However, I'm also very muscular. In my weight training class some people call me Tank. xD It also helps my self conciousness that even doctors always underestimate my weight by around 40 lbs. :3


I know what gunk you are talking about. Basically follow the advice given already. Just make sure not to gag too much when you brush the back of your tounge...


And getting dressed up in a suit is not that bad as long as you think you look good in it... Other than that I am kinda useless here, never having had a real date, ever. >.>;

BMI (the tool most people use to estimate healthy weight) isn't a perfect scale. Muscle is more dense than fat, so people that are super muscular can be labeled as overweight. Also, it's natural to have some fat around your belly. You're not supposed to be totally flat there. So if you're worried purely about looks, just ignore it. Being healthy is more important.

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Thanks for all the advices,


@Cheesus, I said I COULD do 200+ a night but my back starts hurting the day after so I dont do that anymore :/.


@Shimmishlick, I'll have to try that.

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Sit ups really dont do much for me, I can do like 200+ a night. Im trying this bicycle crunch instead of that. :/ But yeah I'll have to try that toothpaste.

Bicycle crunches are great. What you need to do with your sit-ups is modify them. There are lots of ways to make them harder. If you want more ideas, let me know.


The Listerine whitening mouthwash is also good. Try and use them both. The key is to brush often and floss.

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Even better! The girl that I like and I almost never talk cause shes either on one of her games or shes studying or something. And this other girl that I'm good friends with is being such a female dog lately...GAH Why are females soo....GAH!

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Even better! The girl that I like and I almost never talk cause shes either on one of her games or shes studying or something. And this other girl that I'm good friends with is being such a female dog lately...GAH Why are females soo....GAH!

Um.....hormones? Although to be fair, girls spend a lot of time saying the same types of things about guys.

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Like, what are girls always saying about guys? I'm curious.

E-X-A-C-T-L-Y the same things guys are saying about girls. :lol:



I doubt that is true for all cases. ;D

The vast majority of all cases, I'd guess. Mostly about how they're so confusing/stupid/awesome/horrible/etc. I dunno. I don't generally have any problems with guys that I don't have with girls too. But my mom says I tend to think a lot like a guy anyways, so maybe I just have dual understanding.

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Like, what are girls always saying about guys? I'm curious.

E-X-A-C-T-L-Y the same things guys are saying about girls. :lol:



I doubt that is true for all cases. ;D

The vast majority of all cases, I'd guess. Mostly about how they're so confusing/stupid/awesome/horrible/etc. I dunno. I don't generally have any problems with guys that I don't have with girls too. But my mom says I tend to think a lot like a guy anyways, so maybe I just have dual understanding.



Now, did your father say you think a guy? Cause I'd find that more convincing. xD

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Like, what are girls always saying about guys? I'm curious.

E-X-A-C-T-L-Y the same things guys are saying about girls. :lol:



I doubt that is true for all cases. ;D

The vast majority of all cases, I'd guess. Mostly about how they're so confusing/stupid/awesome/horrible/etc. I dunno. I don't generally have any problems with guys that I don't have with girls too. But my mom says I tend to think a lot like a guy anyways, so maybe I just have dual understanding.



Now, did your father say you think a guy? Cause I'd find that more convincing. xD

I don't recall. He usually doesn't make many comments outside of how I'm not exactly your average girl. :rolleyes:

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I got into this dangerous but thrilling sport called Parkour, alot of people confuse it with Free running there is a difference though. Anyway, where we live there isnt alot to work with so we went through this forest and followed a sewer canal, than we followed some train tracks and we caused mischief ^_^ We put stuff on the rails and when one came we threw rocks at it... (Hey its fun, dont knock it till you try it...) it was a transport truck, than we carried on and turned around seeing ANOTHER train coming by! (More mischief! ^_^) But the only person that threw anything was one of the co-founders of our group and it was a Go-Train!!! It JUST missed a window, we bolted for our LIVES. We put our skills into action, flying leaps over a fence that was maybe a foot from our jump station, landed downtown, we were home. It was amazing! Rose theatre, city hall, it was amazing. We went and took really dumb pictures (Spurr of the moment). Some old chick was muttering in the background, than she came up and said "Can you repeat what I just said" we were like, "uhh no?" and she did this speech about being a teacher and art and stuff and than we tried repeating it and she ran off saying "Thanks guys! you just got me a job!" so we ran off and vaulted over a stationary fence and our newest member failed his vault and just ragdoll'd down the fence it was SOOO funny, his arm got cut up but we just poured some water on it and went on our way, (No pain no gain right?). And when we left we seen someone from the army going to the recruitment center and we shouted "SUPPORT THE TROOPS!". Fun times :D. Today we went to Laser Quest, 9th out of 24 the first time than 9th out of 32 the second time! It was GREAT fun. Hopefully after I help my parents move Oct 25th I might get to go to the all nighter! 11:40 PM till 6:00 AM! I cant wait!

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I got into this dangerous but thrilling sport called Parkour, alot of people confuse it with Free running there is a difference though. Anyway, where we live there isnt alot to work with so we went through this forest and followed a sewer canal, than we followed some train tracks and we caused mischief ^_^ We put stuff on the rails and when one came we threw rocks at it... (Hey its fun, dont knock it till you try it...) it was a transport truck, than we carried on and turned around seeing ANOTHER train coming by! (More mischief! ^_^) But the only person that threw anything was one of the co-founders of our group and it was a Go-Train!!! It JUST missed a window, we bolted for our LIVES. We put our skills into action, flying leaps over a fence that was maybe a foot from our jump station, landed downtown, we were home. It was amazing! Rose theatre, city hall, it was amazing. We went and took really dumb pictures (Spurr of the moment). Some old chick was muttering in the background, than she came up and said "Can you repeat what I just said" we were like, "uhh no?" and she did this speech about being a teacher and art and stuff and than we tried repeating it and she ran off saying "Thanks guys! you just got me a job!" so we ran off and vaulted over a stationary fence and our newest member failed his vault and just ragdoll'd down the fence it was SOOO funny, his arm got cut up but we just poured some water on it and went on our way, (No pain no gain right?). And when we left we seen someone from the army going to the recruitment center and we shouted "SUPPORT THE TROOPS!". Fun times :D. Today we went to Laser Quest, 9th out of 24 the first time than 9th out of 32 the second time! It was GREAT fun. Hopefully after I help my parents move Oct 25th I might get to go to the all nighter! 11:40 PM till 6:00 AM! I cant wait!

Whoa..... I got tired just reading everything you did. :lol:

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Ahaha! Yeah, it was tiring, were going downtown again tomorrow :D I'll post about that adventure later.

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We didnt go because it rained all day yesterday :C, and since its monday we probably wont go until the weekend. -Thumbs Down-

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I got into this dangerous but thrilling sport called Parkour, alot of people confuse it with Free running there is a difference though.



Apparently there is more than just a difference in name.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey! Its Hiro again, I couldnt access my old account so I made a new one. Lots of stuff going on, my moms boyfriend broke up with her, and eventually when we (We being me, my brother, and two friends) get enough money we're going to rent out very own apartment, and we are going to even form a band! Me on Bass, My brother on guitar, one friend on drums, the other back-up guitarist, we arnt sure whos going to sing and we already have someone writing a song for us. I'll update later on! Nice to talk to yah, off to shower~

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Hey! Its Hiro again, I couldnt access my old account so I made a new one. Lots of stuff going on, my moms boyfriend broke up with her, and eventually when we (We being me, my brother, and two friends) get enough money we're going to rent out very own apartment, and we are going to even form a band! Me on Bass, My brother on guitar, one friend on drums, the other back-up guitarist, we arnt sure whos going to sing and we already have someone writing a song for us. I'll update later on! Nice to talk to yah, off to shower~

Hiro... I will get HampsterKing to give you this password. Horatio. It is case sensitive, so remember capitol H, then lower case oratio. As soon as you get in, change your password to something new. Also, take down my email address... pmajr@mac.com. If you have any problems, email me and I will get them fixed.


Sorry to hear your mother and boyfriend broke up, but thinks happen for the best. Before you all rent an apartment, please sit down with your mother and examine just how much money it takes to rent an apartment. There are lots of expenses and I would just like you to be prepared for what will happen when you rent your first apartment.


I am excited to hear you will be forming a band. Sweeeeeet! I can't wait until you are putting tracks up for us to hear.


Thank you for helping get Glowurm's story started. I appreciate you picking a face.



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Thanks man! Back onto my old account, anyway yeah. Because it'll be the four of us working we wont need to worry about expenses because three will be on student minimum wage so we dont get taxed.

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Thanks man! Back onto my old account, anyway yeah. Because it'll be the four of us working we wont need to worry about expenses because three will be on student minimum wage so we dont get taxed.

Glad you got into your Hiro account. Please keep my email for future reference so that you can always resolve any problems that may arise.


Just at least ask your mother to go over the finances, please. Also, you need to consider how you are going to work things out if one of you wants to leave the apartment before the lease is up. Please consider all these things. I don't want anyone ruining their credit when they are just starting out.

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2/4 are getting kicked out 1/4 has no where to live. I dont think anyone would leave also, my friends dad is a super at a building and they want a live-in super over the age of 18, my brother is 20 so my friend is going to talk to his dad about it. :D And I found out the bass pack that I want is like 400 dollahs x_x

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2/4 are getting kicked out 1/4 has no where to live. I dont think anyone would leave also, my friends dad is a super at a building and they want a live-in super over the age of 18, my brother is 20 so my friend is going to talk to his dad about it. :D And I found out the bass pack that I want is like 400 dollahs x_x

It sounds like you are thinking about all the right things! Good for you.

The super position sounds like a great position and it would help.


400 dollars... that's a lot of money, but well worth it.

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Indubitably.... Definitely better than the 2 grand guitars alone.


For 400 I get


Red Precision Bass,

an amp,



gig bag,

electric tuner and an instructional DVD

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Indubitably.... Definitely better than the 2 grand guitars alone.


For 400 I get


Red Precision Bass,

an amp,



gig bag,

electric tuner and an instructional DVD


Then you get to upload a song from your repertoire to HampsterDance for us all to hear. :D

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I dont even know how to play yet! :P I want to learn how to slap. When I do though, I'll upload of clip of a solo and hopefully when the rest of our members get their instruments and we get settled, we can upload a full length song.

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I dont even know how to play yet! :P I want to learn how to slap. When I do though, I'll upload of clip of a solo and hopefully when the rest of our members get their instruments and we get settled, we can upload a full length song.

It has to be a short full-length song... only 56 MB I believe.

We will be here waiting for your first song. :D

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Why yes I have, Also.. My friends dad said no so we need to get our jobs/apartment <_>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just brushing my teeth regularly, it isnt whitening but it isnt getting any worse :). I didnt go out for Halloween, When and if you get to Toronto drop me a message and maybe we could meet up at like a starbucks or something :P

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Just brushing my teeth regularly, it isnt whitening but it isnt getting any worse :). I didnt go out for Halloween, When and if you get to Toronto drop me a message and maybe we could meet up at like a starbucks or something :P

That would be awesome. Do your Starbucks permit rodents inside? :lol:

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I could always sneak you in :ph34r:


But yeah, new topic.


Underage Drinking.


Truly, is it really THAT bad? Like, we cant drive cars or do anything else, sure we cant start fights but anybody does. We have no access to anything stupid...well most of us anyways and I for one enjoy drinking. I myself am a rum/vodka man. I dont drink too too often but I wish I could have it more regularly, (That may sound wierd but do take into consideration I only have say a bottle every three/four months) and its something I enjoy when I do get it. Those are just my points of view and yes I know I'm killing my kidney, liver but its not heavy so I know I wont kill it too too fast =P. Anyway, post your thoughts and sorry if this has offended anybody I just think that people can have a politically correct discussion about a certain topic without rioting. Again, sorry Horatio, MK or anyone else if this offends you/and or the rules.

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It's not the really young kids people are concerned about, it's the 16-20 year olds that get themselves into trouble. I don't really get the big deal with the drinking age though, except that the younger you are, the more you make emotionally based decisions than logic based ones (peer pressure to do idiotic things is the key problem there). Personally, I think more effort and money needs to be given to emphasize responsible drinking rather than not drinking at all. Naturally, when you tell young adults and teens they can't do something that's normally portrayed as fun, they're gonna go do it. They might as well be taught how to do it safely (like sex).


My personal views on drinking: In moderation, it's okay. Being drunk is not okay, because you lose your inhibitions, and that often makes you do really stupid things that you later regret. Having your life revolve around drinking is also not okay. That's called alcoholism, and it often runs in families, which is why I don't drink and don't plan to drink even after I turn 21. However, I had an idea last night to perhaps treat drinking like ice cream (I'm lactose intolerant). The idea is that small tastes of things would be fine, communion at churches that use wine instead of grape juice would be fine, and virgin drinks (things that would normally have alcohol in them but don't) are fine. Anything beyond that (for me) is off limits.

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Even if drinking, sex etc was portrayed as "okay" in an act of say, reverse psychology where you make it okay so its not as fun anymore wouldnt help because people would still do said things even though it would be allowed. Personally the only time I plan to ever get drunk is when I turn 21...my brother said hes going to bring me to a casino and get me smashed :P I doubt it would happen though.

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Another reason to consider against underage drinking. There are lots of adults who have substance abuse problems and the research has indicated that the reason for the substance abuse was because it was started when they were younger than the legal limit. So, the lawmakers have decided to protect the young people from themselves. Does this work? I don't know. What I do believe is that we are approaching this the wrong way. In Europe, where children are permitted to have wine with their dinner, even though they are underage, there seems to be a lot less problem with alcoholism. But, is this the answer? I don't know the answer to that either.


One thing to consider is that when you are of the legal age to drink and you are the driver... no alcohol. Do not indulge in even a drop. The laws will be more severe than you want to know about if you were stopped and you only had a buzz and did not believe you were drunk. If you decide to drink, please make plans to have a designated driver who is not drinking at all or plan on taking a taxi cab or staying over where ever it is that you are. The penalties, in Florida, are sometimes up to and including jail. That would be a very bad way to start your life.

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*if* I ever decide to ingest alcohol, it will be only a small taste, the same as I would do with ice cream. A portion that small should not be enough to impair my cognitive and motor skills. I agree that drinking and driving is bad though. Drunk drivers are really dangerous and more annoying than people who drive and talk on the phone. :rolleyes:


It really just comes down to knowing your limits. My limit is a small taste because I know I won't get drunk or addicted that way. For most people who actually drink, their limit depends on their weight mostly. I think part of the problem is we tell kids DRINKING IS BAD DON'T DO IT EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!111one. What we really should be doing is teaching them the drinks to weight ratio that roughly determines blood alcohol level and what happens at different levels. A 110lb girl can't handle as much alcohol as a 300lb man. If the freshman at my school last year had known his limit, he wouldn't have drank a half a bottle of vodka in 15 minutes and died. (Yes, too much alcohol can kill you. Good reason to know your limits eh?)


If you do a search of "BAC calculator" on google a few come up that let you put in various factors of drinking and roughly estimate what your BAC would be. The first one also has an entertaining list of myths at the bottom. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, limits are what refrain us from becoming mere animals...no offence Horatio. I enjoy some Malibu ( no more than 25 mL ) in a nice large glass of cola with some ice. Its refreshing, has the nice scent/taste and is almost completely watered down by the cola/ice mix.

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Yeah, limits are what refrain us from becoming mere animals...no offence Horatio. I enjoy some Malibu ( no more than 25 mL ) in a nice large glass of cola with some ice. Its refreshing, has the nice scent/taste and is almost completely watered down by the cola/ice mix.

You sound pretty responsible. That, I believe is a major part of alcohol consumption... drinking in moderation.

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Yeah, drinking in moderation, being responsible, designating a driver, and being mature enough not to start a bar fight are the main rules in my eyes... Even if you have to pool money together and order a pizza for delivery, hitch the ride like in that commercial :P That was one epic commercial

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Yeah, drinking in moderation, being responsible, designating a driver, and being mature enough not to start a bar fight are the main rules in my eyes... Even if you have to pool money together and order a pizza for delivery, hitch the ride like in that commercial :P That was one epic commercial

You sound more responsible than many adults.

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At this point in life. my realization on many things have deepened severly... but thanks :3

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Im going to become....



















an inventor o:


What better way to put my imagination to a good use?

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Actually more modifying for my own stuff, I got a job newspaper thingy and I'm going to apply for an 11/h job and Im going to give my brother the number for a 21.50/h job =D Hopefully everythings going to go as planned. Will keep updated

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Actually more modifying for my own stuff, I got a job newspaper thingy and I'm going to apply for an 11/h job and Im going to give my brother the number for a 21.50/h job =D Hopefully everythings going to go as planned. Will keep updated

Good luck! That would be great. Keep us posted.

What kind of job are you and your brother looking for?

I have a possible lead in your area if you are interested.

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