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I was browsing through the topics and it said somewhere that I had to be 18 to post my pic, Is that so? Cause that stinks o_o;; Im only turning 14 D:. If not can someone correct me on the terms or whatever? o.o

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I was browsing through the topics and it said somewhere that I had to be 18 to post my pic, Is that so? Cause that stinks o_o;; Im only turning 14 D:. If not can someone correct me on the terms or whatever? o.o

You can post your pic, as long as you block out your face. This is for your own protection. You can try a couple and I will let you know if they are okay.

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LOL. A Blacked out face XD, And this is me as a baby! "Shows a picture of a little baby with a black box over its head" XD

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The first one is the first day I got my new glasses


And the second one is before when I had ubar long hair and me and my bro were having one of our usualy feuds. Hes 20 fyi. Im turning 14.


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:P Its okay, we still love you :P I never did get to see a picture of Horatio...PIC NAO!
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Im guessing Harry=Horatio's brother or friend? But he looks like quite the little dare devil with the bike and whatnot :P

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Im guessing Harry=Horatio's brother or friend? But he looks like quite the little dare devil with the bike and whatnot :P

Harry is a friend, who we have all nicknamed "Wildman", because of the way his fur looks when he is on the bike. What

I think is great is the way he put his paws on the handlebars. :lol:

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