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Zomg, I...AM....BACK....AGAIN...for the...third time now? Anywho, I havent even remembered this site in like forever until I studied back on getting a new hamster. (HOPEFULLY next year if I can gets a job at Micky D's and pay for him myself! =D. HALLO EVERYONE IF YOU STILL REMEMBER ME XD.

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Zomg, I...AM....BACK....AGAIN...for the...third time now? Anywho, I havent even remembered this site in like forever until I studied back on getting a new hamster. (HOPEFULLY next year if I can gets a job at Micky D's and pay for him myself! =D. HALLO EVERYONE IF YOU STILL REMEMBER ME XD.

WOO HOO !!!!!! HIRO!!!!!!!!

Of course we remember you!

Welcome back!!!!!!!

Tell us... what has been happening? How are you? What's going on?

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Zomg, I...AM....BACK....AGAIN...for the...third time now? Anywho, I havent even remembered this site in like forever until I studied back on getting a new hamster. (HOPEFULLY next year if I can gets a job at Micky D's and pay for him myself! =D. HALLO EVERYONE IF YOU STILL REMEMBER ME XD.

*fuzzy wolf hug* Good to see you again. :D

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-Returns said fuzzy wolf hug- x3, Schools been going on, My Gramma and My Dad have passed away recently T_T. Other than that nothing different then usual.

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-Returns said fuzzy wolf hug- x3, Schools been going on, My Gramma and My Dad have passed away recently T_T. Other than that nothing different then usual.

Oh Hiro... *returns another hammie bear hug at the news*

I am so sorry to hear this. You have really been going through so much. Are you okay? Losing two family members must be so hard on your heart.

We are always here for you. If you want this to be your special topic, I can always pin it for you. This way, you will always be able to find it and use it like a journal and we can keep up with you and what's happening in your life.


Let me know. You can always see what I am doing in my topic in this forum group.

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Just go ahead make a pinned topic titled "Inside Hiro's Schoolbag" for me please :3 And thanks for caring so much, worst thing is my Gramma passed away January 12 and my Dad passed away January 17th

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Just go ahead make a pinned topic titled "Inside Hiro's Schoolbag" for me please :3 And thanks for caring so much, worst thing is my Gramma passed away January 12 and my Dad passed away January 17th

I can change the title on this one, or you can make a new one in what ever forum you wish, and I will pin it for you.

Please let me know.


Your grandmother and father passing so close, that is so difficult. You have a special place in my heart.

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