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Alright, so I wasn't gonna come back until Monday, but the game today got cancelled so I'm home all day and figured I might as well return now. So hi. :D


Hopefully, I can maintain some semblence of activity after next week. I'm on Spring Break now, which is why I thought I'd make my return, but it's quite likely that once school starts again I'll re-disappear for the last quarter. Or maybe I won't, I dunno.


So what's been going on? How is everybody? :D

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Alright, so I wasn't gonna come back until Monday, but the game today got cancelled so I'm home all day and figured I might as well return now. So hi. :D


Hopefully, I can maintain some semblence of activity after next week. I'm on Spring Break now, which is why I thought I'd make my return, but it's quite likely that once school starts again I'll re-disappear for the last quarter. Or maybe I won't, I dunno.


So what's been going on? How is everybody? :D

WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

*glomp, tackle, hug*


I am so happy that you have returned!!!!!!!!!!!

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XD *returns the glomptacklehug*


And Arkcher, that might just be the giant spotlight I drag around behind me now.


Weight lifting or stage crew punishment? Either way, nice to see you again :D

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Jesse! MK! Lexxy-Man! Tibifoff! *latch*

Finally, someone who noticed me. <_>

Oh stop.



I know that's going to get deleted.

I'm in a realllllly bad mood.

Really really.

You are probably in a bad mood because you are tired and have been pushing yourself quite hard, helping with your grandmother, school work, etc. and not sleeping.

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Jesse! MK! Lexxy-Man! Tibifoff! *latch*

Finally, someone who noticed me. <_<

Oh stop.



I know that's going to get deleted.

I'm in a realllllly bad mood.

Really really.


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Jesse! MK! Lexxy-Man! Tibifoff! *latch*

Finally, someone who noticed me. <_<

Oh stop.



I know that's going to get deleted.

I'm in a realllllly bad mood.

Really really.

But its still there o:

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Jesse! MK! Lexxy-Man! Tibifoff! *latch*

Finally, someone who noticed me. <_>

Oh stop.



I know that's going to get deleted.

I'm in a realllllly bad mood.

Really really.

But its still there o:

:lol: Not really. :lol:

The revised version is there.l

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I must warn you all, crumping isn't for the weak of heart.

*continues to hide in The Horatio topic in this forum, all safe and sound*

Self advertising, are we? :P

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I must warn you all, crumping isn't for the weak of heart.

*continues to hide in The Horatio topic in this forum, all safe and sound*

Self advertising, are we? :P

I try, but still no one looks there. :( Did that a few times, only you picked up on the hint. :lol:

Good thing my future was not as an advert guy or else I would have starved to death. LOL

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