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A Life Apart

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Over the last 4 months, I've had a long distance relationship with a woman I've met through a friend. (And yes we met in person at first, lol.) But we knew eachother for about 6 months or so before that (Because of the meeting, we became at first long-distance friends lol)


Well we've gotten to the point in the relationship where we really want to be closer. Of course she's in Rhode Island right now and I am in Tennessee. So sometime inbetween now and the beginning of summer, I am planning to move to Rhode Island. Of course for this I need money, which I need to start saving up. Of course I may find a good college up there as well and obtain a Bachelors in Ministry/Religion (A minister degree) or Ministry/Missions (A missionary degree). As for work, which she was hesitant about me moving because of it, I work on the computer as a graphic designer/iconner, so my work can travel with me. Though I am obviously going to have to pick up an extra job to get the money to move. Gas is a killer man... I'm telling you.


We're, obviously, planning on moving into together as soon as possible when I do move down there. And no, we won't be married that soon. Even though I would like that, lol. She wants to live together for a while and 'see if I still love her enough.' Of course I promised I would and I will, lol. I do really love her.

She's helped me get over many obstacles from my past and makes me look towards the future. And I can imagine being with her 'till death do us part.'


Of course along with living together and marriage comes the question: Children, do we want them? We both would love children. Whether before or after marriage it doesn't really matter. I'm thinking maybe 6 or 7 (Not really, 3). She may be thinking 3, lol, not sure. But what I do know is that we love eachother.


Is it too soon to decide? Is to too much of a jump/leap? Am I ready emotionally, financially, am I mature enough?


I say: It's never too soon. It's a jump/leap I'm willing to take. I am ready...


I thought I would catch you all up and turn this into a journal like thing that you all can read. Of not not EVERYTHING will be in here, LOL. But rest assured, I will let you all know what is going on.


Talk to you all later!

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Wonderful news! Please do keep us updated. Rhode Island is a great state! If you haven't been up to the northeast, you will love that entire region.

Whatever you do, just take your time. You will make all the right decisions.

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I wish you luck. I can't give any relationship advice, but just put some serious thought about committing yourself. Don't be like my roommate, who is constantly fighting with his girlfriend over the phone, ends up crying or sleepless at times, but absolutely refuses to be the one to break up with her because of commitment.

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The end of one Era... and the start of a new

I've been getting things situated down here in Tennessee. Been paying things off, selling things, what I can do to help towards the move to Rhode Island. I pray to the Lord God that I have enough money. I have faith the Lord will provide, for He does all things. I may be able to get family members to help pay a little also, if need be. But I know I haven't misplaced my faith and trust. He's glorious and magnificent, Amen?


Am I nervous? My friends, I cannot even begin to describe how nervous I am. Finally I find love and we're taking it to the next level. How can I not be nervous? I know I'm not perfect but I want to be the perfect husband if I could.


Am I afraid of anything? She sometimes mentions she's afraid for when we see eachother again. It's been several months and I'm sure we've both changed. She's afraid I won't love her still when we meet. I know I will, no matter what, though. But like her, I'm afraid of when she sees me. Will she still love me?

Is it natural? I want to think so... What if I get everything situated to move down there and it turns out she doesn't love me anymore? What can I do? Of course I can always live in Rhode Island while I am there but.. talk about a broken heart... Should I stop thinking like this? I believe so, yes.


What do you all think??


Of course with worrying about will she still love me, the big reason is I've put on a couple of pounds. I haven't been working out like I used to. Okay.. not a couple but more like 20 or more. =***"""'''( I have a couple of months to start again.. but will it be enough? I don't know... I'm going to start again, this I know.


Will she hate me? I don't know when to tell her... But as soon as possible when moving to Rhode Island I would like to sign up with the USArmy for Chaplain Candidacy. That way they can put me in college and in 4 years, I can come out as a 2LT, or 1LT, Chaplain after getting my Masters in Ministry/Divinity. But we all know what is after that... A deployment of some kind. Or maybe I could get a homeland job in an army base or something. 4 years is a long way off, but is she willing to take that step with me? Do I want to put my future wife and children through the stress? I don't know...


What do you all think?


I'm just trying to get things situated and ready.. you know? But will it all turn out fine? I rest my faith in the Lord. But maybe this isn't His will for my life... I don't know. And there's things about my future I should tell her.. but I can't. She would think I'm crazy and not want to be with me even if she believed me.

So if she did believe me... would she stay, even though she would know we wouldn't be together long?


What do you all think? Am I thinking too much? I know this is the choice I want to make, to be with her forever... I want it more than anything. I just.. don't know what is making me think these things...


What do you all think?

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Taynio, it sounds like you are pretty excited about this move. Whether or not she loves you when you get there does not matter, because you have made a giant step.


What I suggest is that you decide what is best for your future, do not put this decision in someone else's hands. If you passed on a decision to become a chaplain in the military because she did not like that idea, would, in my opinion, not be smart. You need to look what is best for you. If you take care of yourself first, you can always take care of someone else. Another thought is that if you made the decision not to join the military based on what she wanted, and then the two of you broke up, you might have passed on a great decision. Your thinking on joining the military to pay for college is a wonderful idea. In addition to the payment of college, you also get great contacts for later in life.


As for the move to Rhode Island, as I said before, I think you will like it up there. Your new love interest will probably love you more when you arrive, just now there is lots of uncertainty.


Remember, you have great instincts, so I would trust yourself on this decision.

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Another Day, A Step Closer


It's another day closer... Another day I'm more anxious and nervous. Not because I'm afraid or worried, though. Because I can't wait.


It's getting too close, though... I feel as if I won't have everything situated before it's time. The total money I have right now saved up? About 40-50 dollars.

That will buy 1.5 tanks of gas. And my car needs a check-up, as well. Will I have everything ready to leave? I gave her an estimate of when: 2-4 months maybe. It could be sooner if everything is ready... or later if it isn't. But I can't keep waiting. I don't want it to be longer.


And work... it isn't good right now. I will have to find a part-time job or a temp job... or something. Because the rate of pay right now isn't very good. So I need another job to get the money... But who will higher me even though I will be able to work two or so months? That's where temp comes in... But... I don't know.


It just seems so overwhelming, waiting for the pieces to fall into place in this huge puzzle. What concerns me the most is having enough money to make the move and to sustain myself until I get a job there.


We will be getting our own place when I get up there... but downpayments and all this other junk... Will I be able to afford it and provide for her? We'll both be working, yeah... But I don't want to soley rely on her. What kind of a man would I be if I did?


Yeah, yeah.. I know... Women can do it, too. I know and love that... But I want to make sure she has everything she wants and not have to worry about anything.


I'm usually, always, very hopeful and have a positive outlook on everything. But I am just not seeing it on this...

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Another Day, A Step Closer


It's another day closer... Another day I'm more anxious and nervous. Not because I'm afraid or worried, though. Because I can't wait.


It's getting too close, though... I feel as if I won't have everything situated before it's time. The total money I have right now saved up? About 40-50 dollars.

That will buy 1.5 tanks of gas. And my car needs a check-up, as well. Will I have everything ready to leave? I gave her an estimate of when: 2-4 months maybe. It could be sooner if everything is ready... or later if it isn't. But I can't keep waiting. I don't want it to be longer.


And work... it isn't good right now. I will have to find a part-time job or a temp job... or something. Because the rate of pay right now isn't very good. So I need another job to get the money... But who will higher me even though I will be able to work two or so months? That's where temp comes in... But... I don't know.


It just seems so overwhelming, waiting for the pieces to fall into place in this huge puzzle. What concerns me the most is having enough money to make the move and to sustain myself until I get a job there.


We will be getting our own place when I get up there... but downpayments and all this other junk... Will I be able to afford it and provide for her? We'll both be working, yeah... But I don't want to soley rely on her. What kind of a man would I be if I did?


Yeah, yeah.. I know... Women can do it, too. I know and love that... But I want to make sure she has everything she wants and not have to worry about anything.


I'm usually, always, very hopeful and have a positive outlook on everything. But I am just not seeing it on this...

I'm praying that everything will fall in place for you somehow. Just hold on, that's something God taught me today when an opportunity finally hit me in the face. If you feel so passionate about this, don't let it drop. Stick it out unless you're sure the door has been closed to you, but not before then!

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Rejected like your Credit Card


So I visited a local AR-RS (Army Reserve Recruiting Sergeant) and spoke with him. Well, because I have a 'pre-existing medical problem' I can't join. The problem is my tonsels are so far enlarged, that there is a small airway. Which gives me problems breathing. They said if I had them taken out, I could join. The problem is... I don't have $5000 to bloody take them out! So I have to pay 5 thousand dollars to join the Army?! Like.. what the heck!?


So there goes that idea. I can't save up money for moving AND having my tonsels taken out. That's already $5000 in expenses...


So I'm back to square one at obtaining money. My previous job fell through and now I'm jobless. So I am needing a job, obviously. I'm going to hit all the temp agencies and see if they'll do something with me for a couple of months. But quite frankly, I don't want to work in a warehouse. I won't be able to physically or mentally do that work.


So I'm waiting now... to see what happens.

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Rejected like your Credit Card


So I visited a local AR-RS (Army Reserve Recruiting Sergeant) and spoke with him. Well, because I have a 'pre-existing medical problem' I can't join. The problem is my tonsels are so far enlarged, that there is a small airway. Which gives me problems breathing. They said if I had them taken out, I could join. The problem is... I don't have $5000 to bloody take them out! So I have to pay 5 thousand dollars to join the Army?! Like.. what the heck!?


So there goes that idea. I can't save up money for moving AND having my tonsels taken out. That's already $5000 in expenses...


So I'm back to square one at obtaining money. My previous job fell through and now I'm jobless. So I am needing a job, obviously. I'm going to hit all the temp agencies and see if they'll do something with me for a couple of months. But quite frankly, I don't want to work in a warehouse. I won't be able to physically or mentally do that work.


So I'm waiting now... to see what happens.

I am so sorry to hear about the recruiter saying you need to get your tonsils removed. Do your parents have insurance? If they do, the expense would be considerably less.


As for the warehouse job... you can do anything for two months. Just look past the warehouse work and focus on the fact that you are saving money for your goal to move.

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Even if they had insurance, I am 21 and not a student. So no insurance would cover me. Of course I could get TennCare... Oh wait.. I can't.. Because the darn stupid Governor decided to cancel it. Yet he is taking 19+million of the states funds to pay for a Party-hosting bunker named after himself...



OH JOY! A bunker only the rich and famous get to go to... And using MY tax money...!




I've considered that, Horatio, but I would lose my mind doing warehouse work. I've tried and couldn't do it.

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Even if they had insurance, I am 21 and not a student. So no insurance would cover me. Of course I could get TennCare... Oh wait.. I can't.. Because the darn stupid Governor decided to cancel it. Yet he is taking 19+million of the states funds to pay for a Party-hosting bunker named after himself...



OH JOY! A bunker only the rich and famous get to go to... And using MY tax money...!




I've considered that, Horatio, but I would lose my mind doing warehouse work. I've tried and couldn't do it.

Oh darn... how awful that you are no longer covered. That really stinks. The other option is to get a job where you get benefits, and work there for at least the 30 or 60 days required to get the insurance and then get your tonsils removed under the insurance program.


Don't get me started on the politicians running the State of Tennessee and the City of Memphis. Ironically, Gore and his father were the biggest polluters in the state, and here he gets an award for Global Warming. Totally crazy.


The temporary agencies will give you a sort of questionnaire and see if you can be placed somewhere. They also have day labour, but that is really hard work and I am not sure what the pay is like.

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Clear!... No pulse yet..... CLEAR! Flatline............... Beep... Beep....Beeep.... We have a pulse! Praise God!


Rissa and I have been discussing a lot, obviously. And, I suppose, like any normal couple, we're having our 're-thinking', if you will.


Basically, we're wondering if we're making the right move and etc.


We still want to do it, of course. But we want to take it slower, but not too much slower. It's... complicated. Trying to keep out a lot of material that you all don't need to know, heh. Btw.. it's not 'having children' if you will...




I named this topic "Clear, Flatline" because waiting for the day to come is like that moment when your heart stops beating... and then they use the machine to "clear" you (lol) until you're living again, and you hear a beep.


I cannot describe it in words, so I used the analogy. XD


Writing more in the future. Stay tuned. Hm.. maybe this can be a soap opera.. Wonder if anyone will watch it.

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