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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Blue Hair Campaign


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So, I have this crazy idea, and it's probably stupid and probably won't work, but I want to see what you guys think about it.


The idea is to raise awareness about teasing in schools. In a lot of places, adolescents have a lot of pressure to conform to one particular style, to have perfect hair, tan skin, clothes from all the cool stores, etc. And oftentimes, people who don't fit this mold get made fun of, which does horrible things to a kid's self-esteem. Kids get labeled as "uncool" for stupid things, like wearing clothes that are a different style. I think that no one should have to go through that, and that kids should be able to look however they want without being made fun of. This isn't to say that we should throw out dress codes (we know those exist for a reason), but people should be able to have blue hair or different styles of clothing without worrying about people making fun of them for being different.


So the idea is to have people dye part (or all, if they want) of their hair blue (or some other odd color of their choosing). When someone asks them about their hair, they can explain what the Blue Hair Campaign is about.


I know the idea is kinda crazy, but I was curious what everyone else thinks. (And yes, I'm actually willing to dye part of my hair blue. I kinda want to do it anyways.)

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Maybe im overthinking this, or just dont know how this mess works because Im homeschooled (Im the most popular kid at my school. And the lamest.) but...


isnt this creating just another trend or conformist group to follow, or deviate from?

dying part of ones hair blue to signify their beleif or support in this campaign is something that everyone in the group would be expected to do.

which is what that organization is standing against.


what of people who dont have the money or means to go to these cool stores or fine complexions? they get made fun of for that, and if they want to support this group, they'd have to dish out like $40 or however much it is to go to a salon to get your hair dyed blue.

I know I dont have that kind of money.

Which is why I have lame clothes, poor complexion and a blatant lack of social skills.


Its an awesome cause, and im all for it, but dying ones hair blue and then keeping it that way (keep the color from fading or from being grown and cut) would cost the money that some kids would be spending on those clothes or trends to fit in.

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Maybe im overthinking this, or just dont know how this mess works because Im homeschooled (Im the most popular kid at my school. And the lamest.) but...


isnt this creating just another trend or conformist group to follow, or deviate from?

dying part of ones hair blue to signify their beleif or support in this campaign is something that everyone in the group would be expected to do.

which is what that organization is standing against.


what of people who dont have the money or means to go to these cool stores or fine complexions? they get made fun of for that, and if they want to support this group, they'd have to dish out like $40 or however much it is to go to a salon to get your hair dyed blue.

I know I dont have that kind of money.

Which is why I have lame clothes, poor complexion and a blatant lack of social skills.


Its an awesome cause, and im all for it, but dying ones hair blue and then keeping it that way (keep the color from fading or from being grown and cut) would cost the money that some kids would be spending on those clothes or trends to fit in.

Besides trying to look like someone's grandmother! :lol:

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Maybe im overthinking this, or just dont know how this mess works because Im homeschooled (Im the most popular kid at my school. And the lamest.) but...


isnt this creating just another trend or conformist group to follow, or deviate from?

dying part of ones hair blue to signify their beleif or support in this campaign is something that everyone in the group would be expected to do.

which is what that organization is standing against.


what of people who dont have the money or means to go to these cool stores or fine complexions? they get made fun of for that, and if they want to support this group, they'd have to dish out like $40 or however much it is to go to a salon to get your hair dyed blue.

I know I dont have that kind of money.

Which is why I have lame clothes, poor complexion and a blatant lack of social skills.


Its an awesome cause, and im all for it, but dying ones hair blue and then keeping it that way (keep the color from fading or from being grown and cut) would cost the money that some kids would be spending on those clothes or trends to fit in.

I think I made mention that people could dye their hair whatever color they want. I seriously doubt that enough people would dye their hair for it to become a trend though. As for cost, I've heard of people dying their hair with kool-aid. :rolleyes:

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Maybe im overthinking this, or just dont know how this mess works because Im homeschooled (Im the most popular kid at my school. And the lamest.) but...


isnt this creating just another trend or conformist group to follow, or deviate from?

dying part of ones hair blue to signify their beleif or support in this campaign is something that everyone in the group would be expected to do.

which is what that organization is standing against.


what of people who dont have the money or means to go to these cool stores or fine complexions? they get made fun of for that, and if they want to support this group, they'd have to dish out like $40 or however much it is to go to a salon to get your hair dyed blue.

I know I dont have that kind of money.

Which is why I have lame clothes, poor complexion and a blatant lack of social skills.


Its an awesome cause, and im all for it, but dying ones hair blue and then keeping it that way (keep the color from fading or from being grown and cut) would cost the money that some kids would be spending on those clothes or trends to fit in.

I think I made mention that people could dye their hair whatever color they want. I seriously doubt that enough people would dye their hair for it to become a trend though. As for cost, I've heard of people dying their hair with kool-aid. :rolleyes:



My friend tried dying his hair blue with kool-aid before philmont.

It looked like boogers.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I wear a torn-up jacket that's covered in buttons, plus armbands, a tie, two lanyards, and a plastic medal, all of which have buttons on them...and the buttons typically have political messages on them, and this gets me made fun of, and I dye my hair in insane colours.


But my hair's not blue...when I get it dyed I dye my bangs blue though.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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