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The soldiers had not noticed his hiding place in the brush. Rawls quickly thanked any god for this small blessing. He etched forward in the undergrowth. Slowly, gaining ground until all he thought about was completing his mission. He had made headway and suddenly stopped when the horn blazed. ‘Perfect! They noticed she was gone.’ He thought as he looked around at the mad dashing soldiers ran this way and that. He looked down at the tiny bundle he carried; the princess of Ashner was still silently sleeping despite the chaos. Rawls glanced up to see the soldiers’ shadows closing in on him. He estimated that he had twenty minutes, at the most, to escape. ‘And I thought this was going to be easy.’

Picking himself up, he and the princess all but ran towards the gate. He could his heart beating in time with the sirens. At the speed he ran, Rawls was amazed he had not fallen over yet. He ran past gardens, leapt over flowers, and soon came to the small forest on the west side of the palace. Ducking behind the trees, Rawls stopped to catch his breath. His eyes slid close, and his hearing stained to hear anything. Nothing. Silence, everything was quiet. Opening his eyes, he looked behind him and almost squeaked. The guards were close. He watched as their now silent shadows crept closer and closer towards him. Then he heard it, “Let’s look in the forest, men. Move out. The princess is in danger.” ‘Well, so much for a break.’ Thought Rawls. Preparing to run, he looked again and noticed that he now had fifteen minutes. “Come Princess, Let us join the others.” He whispered towards the quiet babe. Racing into the forest, Rawls called upon his inner strength that years of training had gave him. He continued to run harder, harder, and then finally when he looked back to catch his pace. It happened …he fell. He not only had fallen but in the thickest area of the forest. None ventured in here unless they were riding. This area of the forest was famous for the veins and thorns that now had trapped Rawls. ‘Darn! I just had to fall. Now, they will find me.’ Wiggling around he found his dagger buried in his boot. Pulling it out, he started to whack at the entrapment of thorns.

He started to hit his thorny trap when he looked up to see where the guards were at. To his horror, he found that the guards were less then fifty feet away. That made him hit his darn trap harder, harder and even still harder. Rawls was lucky he didn’t cut his foot off. He glanced down and found that he was half way free and the princess was …awake. ‘No!’ his mind slowly screamed. The situation had grown even harder now as the guards came closer. Rawls had five minutes to cut himself free, make sure the princess didn’t cry, and get away from the guards. And this was one of his good days. Two minutes passed and Rawls had about two more hits left to free him self when he heard a crunch. Looking up he saw a very smelly guard standing by his feet. Rawls hit once, twice and then he was free! He had to crawl to a tree but just as he was getting up, it happened. The guard saw him. Running Rawls barely heard the guard call to his friends. Rawls was close by now he just had to reach the edge which happened to be five feet from him. Then he heard it, arrows whizzed pass him and Rawls knew he was safe. The guards had taken cover from his friends’ arrows, Rawls continued into the forest at a high pace. No one in Woodlend or Ashner knew that the trusted captain of the guards, Rawls Hawkground had just kidnapped the Princess Adwin of Ashner.

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