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Waiting for you

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Waiting for You

There he was, standing on the sidewalk, right there in the middle of London. All the years that I had waited for a chance meeting were finally culminating. Summoning my courage, I strode over to him, my hand extended, saying “Hello, Dad!” The man looked at me and smiled, now he would say something witting and charming and I would have finally meet my father. It would be the perfect meeting, I had dreamed of this day forever. My hand stayed in the air for a few more minutes than came the dream world collapsing sound of his words. “I’m sorry, have we meet before?”

Shocked, I stared at him for what seemed to be forever. Finally, after a few moments, I gathered myself and asked. “Are you Colt Greenburg?” “No, maim. I’m Devon Blackhawk. And you?” I felt my heart break, He wasn’t my father. My father had left years ago when I was two. I never saw him; my mother destroyed all of the photos that may have carried him in them. After two years, my mother met another man and remarried. They told me that he was my step father instead of my daddy when I was ten. Since then I gather every penny I had and searched for him.

Glaring at Mr. Blackhawk, I stated “No one, I’m no one” How dare he not be my father, didn’t everyone know that I needed him. Staggering away, I fell on to a bench a few feet away from my meeting spot. He wasn’t here, my father wasn’t here. The world looked different somehow now that I knew the news. I bet they were a laughing now under the indifferent masks they wore. The world hated me that was the only answer. How can he not be here? I dreamt of this everyday for fourteen years. When my mother and Jack told me that my real father had left me, I dream up excuses of why. I would tell my mother that he would be back as soon as he was done killing the bad guys. I dreamt that he was a king, a spy, and even a god. I made up lies to deal with the lonely feeling in my heart.

I always loved Jack, he was the closest thing I had towards a father but I needed my daddy. I think he understood my need to find him, that even though I loved my life the way it was, I needed my real father. Now sitting on this cold bench I realized what my dreams and excuses were. They were lies made up by a child that had lost something and replaced it with hope. He never was coming; I had to get that in my head. He never saw the hopeful letter I sent him when I found his location. He never cared for me, never. Rising I turned to leave the park; I would leave London and never return. Life was so cruel, my fairytales were lies and now I had made a fool of my self to some stranger that will probably go home tonight and tell his wife and child about some loony lady he met today in the park.

I had to leave soon, because if by some hateful chance that man who I needed for so long came to my house tonight, then I might just break. Grabbing a taxi, I hurried to my rented townhouse. I ignored the sad pity looks from the driver and paid him what I owed him. Blindly, I ran up my steps and tried unsuccessful to open my front door. After the fifth time, I hurried inside after the locked snapped open. Running up my stairs, I ran towards my bed. I laid there for a long time and just wept. I wept for my lost dreams and my father that I never knew.

Sometime after ten pm., I was awoken form my sleep by a loud knocking. I dragged my self towards my front door. Opening it I stared at the gray haired man in his early 50’s. He was staring at me hungrily. Finally, I spoke “Hello sir, can I help you?” “I’m so glad that I found you! I’m sorry I was late today but my boss wouldn’t let me leave. I’m Colt Greenburg. I’m your father.” Looking at him, I was filled with joy. He was running late not just leaving me high and dry. I stared at him and was filled with my childhood memories of my life. He had missed so much but He never cared before now. Jack had been there, he hadn’t. Looking at my lost father now, I realized that Jack had been my father all these years not this stranger on my doorstep. Smiling, I said “I’m sorry sir, but my father lives in Texas with my mother. Goodbye now.” I closed the door in his face and turn to go pack my bags. I had to go home and see my daddy again. I dashed away the tears on my cheeks, I guess some fairytales end unhappily and some, as I looked at Jack’s photo, ended happily.

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