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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

The HD Revival Project.

Mega Wolf

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow.


Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook)

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow.


Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook)

*volunteers to be a part time mod* College work would have to take precedence, but I'm obviously usually on here often enough to help at least a little bit.

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow.


Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook)

*volunteers to be a part time mod* College work would have to take precedence, but I'm obviously usually on here often enough to help at least a little bit.

HampsterKing has both you and Jesse on his list. I would guess the posting number has to go up. There are lots of times I get on here and there are no posts. :(

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow.


Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook)

*volunteers to be a part time mod* College work would have to take precedence, but I'm obviously usually on here often enough to help at least a little bit.

HampsterKing has both you and Jesse on his list. I would guess the posting number has to go up. There are lots of times I get on here and there are no posts. :(

Hmm, well, I'll try to change that if I can. :)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Start writing!!! You are a phenomenal lyrics writer, so perhaps you can write the lyrics for a song or two.

How does that sound? :D

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking.

I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin?

For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow.


Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook)

*volunteers to be a part time mod* College work would have to take precedence, but I'm obviously usually on here often enough to help at least a little bit.

HampsterKing has both you and Jesse on his list. I would guess the posting number has to go up. There are lots of times I get on here and there are no posts. :(

Hmm, well, I'll try to change that if I can. :)

School work first, then if you have some extra time, please do pop in and post.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Start writing!!! You are a phenomenal lyrics writer, so perhaps you can write the lyrics for a song or two.

How does that sound? :D

~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


You mean, I have to write lyrics for the littlest tiniest babies? or children?


I wrote a journal entry on dA about HD along with a link. I also sent a note (PM) to a close friend on the site who says she'll check it out.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I have an idea...


You know how there we have all these poems and such floating around on the board? If there was some way we could publish them all, that might be the literary equivalent of a new CD... And maybe even get a few opportunities if someone important likes what they see? I mean, we already have the stuff here, there just needs to be some sort of assent thing. But it could work!

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I have an idea...


You know how there we have all these poems and such floating around on the board? If there was some way we could publish them all, that might be the literary equivalent of a new CD... And maybe even get a few opportunities if someone important likes what they see? I mean, we already have the stuff here, there just needs to be some sort of assent thing. But it could work!

That was my thinking as well.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free.

You are right. There are lots of ideas to consider. HampsterKing is trying really hard to make the boards more popular.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The best way to make an album that appeals to teens or adults would, yes, take away the high voices. The older albums also had songs that were probably more meaningful then the songs on Happy Times Ten.

But it should still be a little kiddie and silly, because I think the silliness of the Hampsterdance is what attracts some people.


*~*The psychedelic Luau(~*The As

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The best way to make an album that appeals to teens or adults would, yes, take away the high voices. The older albums also had songs that were probably more meaningful then the songs on Happy Times Ten.

But it should still be a little kiddie and silly, because I think the silliness of the Hampsterdance is what attracts some people.


*~*The psychedelic Luau(~*The As

Great thought Mushroom_king!!!

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as in, would it be feasible/possible.

I'm checking. An answer will come, please give HampsterKing a little time.



Okay. I eagerly await an answer, cause this could actually go somewhere. =D

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Thanks for all the interest in "reviving" this site. I wanted to comment on a few ideas/issues:


1) The site has not had any major updates in some time. There are many complicated reasons for this. That being said, we are now planning to update, update, update!


2) We are looking for suggestions/help. If you can make games or other interesting content, we are interested. Ideas are always welcome.


3) The Hampsters will be working on new music soon. Again, delayed due to the same reasons mentioned in number 1.


4) If you want to write music for the Hampsters, we are open to the idea. There are some requirements that need to be covered if you really want to do this, and that is best handled directly either by email or phone. You can let us know that you are interested here and we will contact you. (As you all know, we do not allow emails to be posted, but we can send to the address you used when you registered.) By the way, you are not limited to "kids" music. We do not want anything inappropriate (the Hampsters are not going gangsta rap anytime soon), but the Hampsters have fans of all ages, not just little kids.


5) When traffic increases, then we will gladly use the services of more moderators.


6) We are also looking into setting up an area on the site that would be similar to myspace or facebook. Any thoughts?


7) If you have anything else you feel you can do to help, we would love to hear from you.


Thanks again,



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Thanks for all the interest in "reviving" this site. I wanted to comment on a few ideas/issues:


1) The site has not had any major updates in some time. There are many complicated reasons for this. That being said, we are now planning to update, update, update!


2) We are looking for suggestions/help. If you can make games or other interesting content, we are interested. Ideas are always welcome.


3) The Hampsters will be working on new music soon. Again, delayed due to the same reasons mentioned in number 1.


4) If you want to write music for the Hampsters, we are open to the idea. There are some requirements that need to be covered if you really want to do this, and that is best handled directly either by email or phone. You can let us know that you are interested here and we will contact you. (As you all know, we do not allow emails to be posted, but we can send to the address you used when you registered.) By the way, you are not limited to "kids" music. We do not want anything inappropriate (the Hampsters are not going gangsta rap anytime soon), but the Hampsters have fans of all ages, not just little kids.


5) When traffic increases, then we will gladly use the services of more moderators.


6) We are also looking into setting up an area on the site that would be similar to myspace or facebook. Any thoughts?


7) If you have anything else you feel you can do to help, we would love to hear from you.


Thanks again,



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I might be interested in writing songs for the album. What kind of content do you want me to write about? I've been in a pretty good mood lately, so I could write about that.


Awww, you're not using my avatar anymore?._.


*!~*The psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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Thanks for all the interest in "reviving" this site. I wanted to comment on a few ideas/issues:


1) The site has not had any major updates in some time. There are many complicated reasons for this. That being said, we are now planning to update, update, update!


2) We are looking for suggestions/help. If you can make games or other interesting content, we are interested. Ideas are always welcome.


3) The Hampsters will be working on new music soon. Again, delayed due to the same reasons mentioned in number 1.


4) If you want to write music for the Hampsters, we are open to the idea. There are some requirements that need to be covered if you really want to do this, and that is best handled directly either by email or phone. You can let us know that you are interested here and we will contact you. (As you all know, we do not allow emails to be posted, but we can send to the address you used when you registered.) By the way, you are not limited to "kids" music. We do not want anything inappropriate (the Hampsters are not going gangsta rap anytime soon), but the Hampsters have fans of all ages, not just little kids.


5) When traffic increases, then we will gladly use the services of more moderators.


6) We are also looking into setting up an area on the site that would be similar to myspace or facebook. Any thoughts?


7) If you have anything else you feel you can do to help, we would love to hear from you.


Thanks again,



2) I have limited capability of editting videos. If you need videos to be compiled or given effects (visual or audible) let me know.

[WMV or AVI, things of that nature. I dont yet have the means to work with Flash, although I can convert said .wmv's to .flv.]


5), I'm an obscenely active member, and as most members here could tell you, Im online most all day, just not one for posting or contributing. I'm willing to help moderate if needed.


6) Sounds good. I'd be willing to help beta test, moderate, or code parts of it. I have some experience making skins for websites, not so much designing them and working with a layout, but I can pretty them up. [The same can be said for this message board's skin.]


7) Im thinking that the lack of activity has to do with the target audience and first impression of the site. I've made several attempts at getting some of my other friends to join the site, and they turn it down upon hearing 'hampsterdance', and dont look any further in to it.


I dont have any ideas as to how to remedy this, I just thought I'd let it be known.

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Thanks for all the interest in "reviving" this site. I wanted to comment on a few ideas/issues:


1) The site has not had any major updates in some time. There are many complicated reasons for this. That being said, we are now planning to update, update, update!


2) We are looking for suggestions/help. If you can make games or other interesting content, we are interested. Ideas are always welcome.


3) The Hampsters will be working on new music soon. Again, delayed due to the same reasons mentioned in number 1.


4) If you want to write music for the Hampsters, we are open to the idea. There are some requirements that need to be covered if you really want to do this, and that is best handled directly either by email or phone. You can let us know that you are interested here and we will contact you. (As you all know, we do not allow emails to be posted, but we can send to the address you used when you registered.) By the way, you are not limited to "kids" music. We do not want anything inappropriate (the Hampsters are not going gangsta rap anytime soon), but the Hampsters have fans of all ages, not just little kids.


5) When traffic increases, then we will gladly use the services of more moderators.


6) We are also looking into setting up an area on the site that would be similar to myspace or facebook. Any thoughts?


7) If you have anything else you feel you can do to help, we would love to hear from you.


Thanks again,





I wish I was able to write music...

and I am learning how to do games in school, using java. So if that could work, I might be able to do something later.

But I'm guessing that the HD literature wouldn't work, then?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Awww, you're not using my avatar anymore?._.


*!~*The psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

HampsterKing received two avatars one from you and one from Li. He has used yours for quite some time and now he must be fair and use the one created by Li. He will switch back to you when he has given Li's avatar the same time of usage.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Awww, you're not using my avatar anymore?._.


*!~*The psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

HampsterKing received two avatars one from you and one from Li. He has used yours for quite some time and now he must be fair and use the one created by Li. He will switch back to you when he has given Li's avatar the same time of usage.

I wouldn't call that Li's avatar...

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But I'm guessing that the HD literature wouldn't work, then?

HampsterDance literature is also under consideration. Nothing has been ruled out.


Okay then. HK hadn's said anything about it, so I wasn't sure.

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I suppose I could help with the music, as in make music in protools and send that for reference, and lyrics if I can come up with any for that song. I'm not quite ready at the moment to be involved with this, but it could be a possibility. I'll start thinking about if any of my current songs could be useful.

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I have updated my email address (I haven't used the other one since last summer :blush: ). I also have a possible choice for a song, called Breaking Free, but I made the song before I started using protools, so I'll make it again. And I want to come up with lyrics for it.

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How would you make something like myspace, without being able to give out any information, share pictures, send private messages, etc.

If we did not allow anything like that, I don't see how it could work.



Things would still be moderated, but we would allow more freedom of posting (like pictures, video, etc.). It would be for certain ages only (like over 13 or so) and we might even have a form that would need to be filled out and returned stating that the user agrees to certain terms and conditions. We want to keep things safe but allow more expression and creativity.


And for those who asked, yes, we are looking into "Hampsterdance Literature".

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How would you make something like myspace, without being able to give out any information, share pictures, send private messages, etc.

If we did not allow anything like that, I don't see how it could work.



Things would still be moderated, but we would allow more freedom of posting (like pictures, video, etc.). It would be for certain ages only (like over 13 or so) and we might even have a form that would need to be filled out and returned stating that the user agrees to certain terms and conditions. We want to keep things safe but allow more expression and creativity.


And for those who asked, yes, we are looking into "Hampsterdance Literature".




Since it was my idea, do I get a cut of any profit? ;D Just kidding, seriously. xD


But I look forward to the HampsterSpace thing. =3

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I happen to like "kids" musique FYI! Lol


And I would not mind the high-pitched voices, we are talking about hampster. As for attracting the older children and teenagers, that actually wouldn't be too hard. I'm not going to go into detail right now, as I am tired, but it is easy.

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I happen to like "kids" musique FYI! Lol


And I would not mind the high-pitched voices, we are talking about hampster. As for attracting the older children and teenagers, that actually wouldn't be too hard. I'm not going to go into detail right now, as I am tired, but it is easy.

I like proper children's music, like raffi, not those bad covers of atrocious songs that can only be explained by, people selling their firstborn children for concert tickets.

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I happen to like "kids" musique FYI! Lol


And I would not mind the high-pitched voices, we are talking about hampster. As for attracting the older children and teenagers, that actually wouldn't be too hard. I'm not going to go into detail right now, as I am tired, but it is easy.

I like proper children's music, like raffi, not those bad covers of atrocious songs that can only be explained by, people selling their firstborn children for concert tickets.

Talk about baby boomers :blink: I also like some children's music, but not when a bunch of kids are singing out of tune, like those Kids bop CDs where they have kids sing along with an already existing song...I don't get the point of that.

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I happen to like "kids" musique FYI! Lol


And I would not mind the high-pitched voices, we are talking about hampster. As for attracting the older children and teenagers, that actually wouldn't be too hard. I'm not going to go into detail right now, as I am tired, but it is easy.

I like proper children's music, like raffi, not those bad covers of atrocious songs that can only be explained by, people selling their firstborn children for concert tickets.

Raffi is kid's music? F'real? I love Raffi!

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okay, perhaps more a random thought than practical idea... once you got a song, might be kinda neat if you could get that Tirrel guy for a music video (the one who did the Ekkosangen animation), provided, of course, that the random violence isn't his signature.

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  • 4 months later...
*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Start writing!!! You are a phenomenal lyrics writer, so perhaps you can write the lyrics for a song or two.

How does that sound? :D

~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~*


You mean, I have to write lyrics for the littlest tiniest babies? or children?


I wrote a journal entry on dA about HD along with a link. I also sent a note (PM) to a close friend on the site who says she'll check it out.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



HAHAHAHA! okay i seriously laughed at that, like out loud. And my dad stared at me.

Okay, now with Homestar Runner aside, you guys have amazing ideas


honestly, i have no amazing ideas at this time. my brain stops working around 9:00 Central Time, so I'm of no help, but i can bump this topic!



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and an idea has sprung to me!


Maybe someone with like computer skills could make a little flash animation of the hamsters and post it on say youtube, myspace, the hampsterdance website. Like an animated comic book of the Hampton and the Hamsters adventures.


Anyone able to do this sort of thing?


My computer skills are limited.. so....

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and an idea has sprung to me!


Maybe someone with like computer skills could make a little flash animation of the hamsters and post it on say youtube, myspace, the hampsterdance website. Like an animated comic book of the Hampton and the Hamsters adventures.


Anyone able to do this sort of thing?


My computer skills are limited.. so....

I'm not so sure I would use the Hampsters as there might be some copyright, trademark problems. But, if you could draw your own and animate them... or let me know if you are serious, I could always ask HampsterKing to see what he says.

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and an idea has sprung to me!


Maybe someone with like computer skills could make a little flash animation of the hamsters and post it on say youtube, myspace, the hampsterdance website. Like an animated comic book of the Hampton and the Hamsters adventures.


Anyone able to do this sort of thing?


My computer skills are limited.. so....

I'm not so sure I would use the Hampsters as there might be some copyright, trademark problems. But, if you could draw your own and animate them... or let me know if you are serious, I could always ask HampsterKing to see what he says.


thats a good point, i didn't even think about copyright issues

and i wouldn't be able to animate them, but I'm taking computer second semester, so I might be able to try to do something later

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Yes, new members would be great.

Part of the problem is that they aren't able to have their posts appear immediately. For some people, that is hard and not worth trying.

Yeah, I remember when I first joined, I thought that my posts not showing up immediately was a glitch lol. :lol:

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Yes, new members would be great.

Part of the problem is that they aren't able to have their posts appear immediately. For some people, that is hard and not worth trying.

Yeah, I remember when I first joined, I thought that my posts not showing up immediately was a glitch lol. :lol:

Good thing we got the 'glitch' fixed. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

yeah.. Perhaps i should learn to play the theremin.. and then maybe we'll have collectivley enough musical ability to try and make a tribute album or something.. Likely nothing too spectacular. but certainly something.. I dunno, I think I;m rambling again..

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yeah.. Perhaps i should learn to play the theremin.. and then maybe we'll have collectivley enough musical ability to try and make a tribute album or something.. Likely nothing too spectacular. but certainly something.. I dunno, I think I;m rambling again..

The what? (pix and description maybe?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

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Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there.

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Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there.

My apologies. For some reason, my brain was thinking about creating banners for other websites, not being a link to this website. It was too early in the morning.

Perhaps I need coffee now.

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Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there.

My apologies. For some reason, my brain was thinking about creating banners for other websites, not being a link to this website. It was too early in the morning.

Perhaps I need coffee now.

lol :lol: *gives Horatio the first ever "I need coffee" award*

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Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there.

My apologies. For some reason, my brain was thinking about creating banners for other websites, not being a link to this website. It was too early in the morning.

Perhaps I need coffee now.

lol :lol: *gives Horatio the first ever "I need coffee" award*

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The most appropriate award ever.

*graciously accepts the wonderful award*

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Maybe get someone to make some banners to post on other websites? We could put them in our siggy's or profiles or something.

HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact.

It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18.

huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there.

My apologies. For some reason, my brain was thinking about creating banners for other websites, not being a link to this website. It was too early in the morning.

Perhaps I need coffee now.

lol :lol: *gives Horatio the first ever "I need coffee" award*

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The most appropriate award ever.

*graciously accepts the wonderful award*

Haha you are most welcome. You earned it. :lol:

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That sounds good.

But I say stuff here that I don't want a lot of my friends knowing about, so I'd be hesitant to advertise on things like myspace...

True, I'd have that problem too lol. :rolleyes: I wouldn't care if it was in my profile on a website my friends don't know I'm on though.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

so I'm gonna quote this post to remind everyone that this project from like 2 years ago never really finished ;/


I drop by pretty frequently, but never see anything in the New Posts that catches my interest.

so we need some totally awesome topics to get started D:<


might I suggest making newer threads of the same subject as existing threads, for the sake of not having as much spam/discussion obscuring the metaphorical view?

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There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about.


Let's fix this place up, shall we?

so I'm gonna quote this post to remind everyone that this project from like 2 years ago never really finished ;/


I drop by pretty frequently, but never see anything in the New Posts that catches my interest.

so we need some totally awesome topics to get started D:


might I suggest making newer threads of the same subject as existing threads, for the sake of not having as much spam/discussion obscuring the metaphorical view?

Sounds like a good plan to me. :D

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