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'cause this forum has few topics,


I'll just let it be known that toward the end of february and the beginning of march, I'll have limited to no internet access.

My parents found a really cool house, and we's gonna rent it for a year or two. Its about five miles away, so it wont be a tremendous job, but in that timeframe, computers will be packed, and then unpacked.




Moreover, organizing intarwebz' access is uncertain at the moment. We're pretty sure that internet access is an option, but just coordinating the move will be a potential issue, seeing how much trouble we had with establishing said connection.



I probably wont be on much in that timeframe.

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'cause this forum has few topics,


I'll just let it be known that toward the end of february and the beginning of march, I'll have limited to no internet access.

My parents found a really cool house, and we's gonna rent it for a year or two. Its about five miles away, so it wont be a tremendous job, but in that timeframe, computers will be packed, and then unpacked.




Moreover, organizing intarwebz' access is uncertain at the moment. We're pretty sure that internet access is an option, but just coordinating the move will be a potential issue, seeing how much trouble we had with establishing said connection.



I probably wont be on much in that timeframe.


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'cause this forum has few topics,


I'll just let it be known that toward the end of february and the beginning of march, I'll have limited to no internet access.

My parents found a really cool house, and we's gonna rent it for a year or two. Its about five miles away, so it wont be a tremendous job, but in that timeframe, computers will be packed, and then unpacked.




Moreover, organizing intarwebz' access is uncertain at the moment. We're pretty sure that internet access is an option, but just coordinating the move will be a potential issue, seeing how much trouble we had with establishing said connection.



I probably wont be on much in that timeframe.

Aw...well good luck with the move, I hope you enjoy your house. :)

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'cause this forum has few topics,


I'll just let it be known that toward the end of february and the beginning of march, I'll have limited to no internet access.

My parents found a really cool house, and we's gonna rent it for a year or two. Its about five miles away, so it wont be a tremendous job, but in that timeframe, computers will be packed, and then unpacked.




Moreover, organizing intarwebz' access is uncertain at the moment. We're pretty sure that internet access is an option, but just coordinating the move will be a potential issue, seeing how much trouble we had with establishing said connection.



I probably wont be on much in that timeframe.


ditto D:

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oooooh the huge manitee. D=


^5 if you get the reference.




But yeah, that kinda stinks. Any local libraries with 'tube access?

(saw that reference before, not sure where its from)


Yeah, right now we're about a block away from a college campus, and with all their students of vast quantities, Its easy to just blend in with them and go to the university library for much intarwebz. =D

Not like i've, uh, done that before or anything, -cough-


and Horatio and MK should calm down more. 'cause its only gonna be like a week.


if I have no internet access, but a compy, then I'll have significantly less distraction so I'll write stories and awesome things like that.

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oooooh the huge manitee. D=


^5 if you get the reference.




But yeah, that kinda stinks. Any local libraries with 'tube access?

(saw that reference before, not sure where its from)


Yeah, right now we're about a block away from a college campus, and with all their students of vast quantities, Its easy to just blend in with them and go to the university library for much intarwebz. =D

Not like i've, uh, done that before or anything, -cough-


and Horatio and MK should calm down more. 'cause its only gonna be like a week.


if I have no internet access, but a compy, then I'll have significantly less distraction so I'll write stories and awesome things like that.

A week is a long time to me and I miss everyone when they are gone!!!!

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oooooh the huge manitee. D=


^5 if you get the reference.




But yeah, that kinda stinks. Any local libraries with 'tube access?

Lolcat zepplin wrecks 4TW!!!

and, hope ya get back on soon.



Memes are a wonderful thing.

They're never gonna hurt you.

Never gonna let you down.

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.


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oooooh the huge manitee. D=


^5 if you get the reference.




But yeah, that kinda stinks. Any local libraries with 'tube access?

(saw that reference before, not sure where its from)


Yeah, right now we're about a block away from a college campus, and with all their students of vast quantities, Its easy to just blend in with them and go to the university library for much intarwebz. =D

Not like i've, uh, done that before or anything, -cough-


and Horatio and MK should calm down more. 'cause its only gonna be like a week.


if I have no internet access, but a compy, then I'll have significantly less distraction so I'll write stories and awesome things like that.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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