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Revenge Bathed in Crimson

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Revenge Bathed in Crimson

Blood spatter on the wall, she walked over and picked up her prey’s limp body. He was dead, not that she was expecting him to still live. Not after the battle that had ensured earlier. Her black hair, which had been dyed at the bottom half in white, was tipped in crimson. It dripped off the ends and stained her black shirt. She had achieved it, finally after the long years living in the shadows, it was over. Dropping the heavy body she peeled off the glove to wipe her brow. Despite the joy in having killed him, she really must flee. The cops would be here soon and she wanted a head start before any chase might occur.

Looking around she took in the last looks of what had been her prison for four years. Now the cream walls were painted blood red, the furniture was destroyed, and her bags were packed. The note was placed on the table and she looked it over once again. It read:

To whoever finds this,

I have come to the time in life my life where it is inevitable that I must end the suffering of my life. I have caused my wife and family hardships that no human should bear. I beg their forgiveness and reward them with my vast wealth that has been gain though my many lies. I’m sorry that I have caused the pain in their hearts. Goodbye, to my lovely wife Beth and my sons, Greg and Doug. I go to a place where my loved ones before me are, I going now.

Love, Your Husband and Father,

Nat Gravestone

His name shone to her in the neat way he signed his death letter. His handwriting had always been neat and tidy. Just like that way he had hit her, neat and tidy. Cleaning up her blood and making sure she was awake. Nat had always loved her one minute and then in a flash her perfect world was gone. She had gone from love to hate in the lonely nights when he left to feed his hunger for pleasure somewhere far away from her bed. But she never should break up lovers no matter how suited she was with him.

She lived in the shadows too long and now as his blood dried on her body and hair, she was free. She felt sorry for Beth and her sons but she had been his long before Beth had known him. Looking once more at the room, she deemed it fine for inspection by the police and walked towards the window. Picking up her bags she reached the windows, lifted the pane and threw her bags down. They landed with a thud, and taking one last look at her victim she join her bags by her motorcycle.

Tying her bags to the bike, she hoped on. Her husband was dead and his second wife would grieve not her. She pulled the bike out of the dark ally and drove down the street. She vowed never to cry over him again. The only sign of grief or remorse was the tell tale tears that streamed down her face. They mixed with the crimson drops and traveled south toward the speeding ground. Akira Gravestone sped into the night with her crimson dyed tears spattering the road, signaling the end of her battle for revenge.

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