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Yes! its true!!! the almighty wildcat hath returnith! sorry guys, i havent been on the computer in like 5 months except to write projects on Microsoft Word. And you probably wont see a lot of me until after mardi gras because i have to write a term paper!


ahhhh! its grood to be bacK!

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Yes! its true!!! the almighty wildcat hath returnith! sorry guys, i havent been on the computer in like 5 months except to write projects on Microsoft Word. And you probably wont see a lot of me until after mardi gras because i have to write a term paper!


ahhhh! its grood to be bacK!

WILDCAT !!!!!!!

You have returned! I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!!

Get that term paper written so that you may return in full force! I will pin this topic for you if you want.

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Yes! its true!!! the almighty wildcat hath returnith! sorry guys, i havent been on the computer in like 5 months except to write projects on Microsoft Word. And you probably wont see a lot of me until after mardi gras because i have to write a term paper!


ahhhh! its grood to be bacK!

WILDCAT !!!!!!!

You have returned! I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!!

Get that term paper written so that you may return in full force! I will pin this topic for you if you want.


that would be lovely!

cant stay long today, i have to go to the library and get books on Josef Mengele for my term paper note cards!

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Yes! its true!!! the almighty wildcat hath returnith! sorry guys, i havent been on the computer in like 5 months except to write projects on Microsoft Word. And you probably wont see a lot of me until after mardi gras because i have to write a term paper!


ahhhh! its grood to be bacK!

WILDCAT !!!!!!!

You have returned! I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!!

Get that term paper written so that you may return in full force! I will pin this topic for you if you want.


that would be lovely!

cant stay long today, i have to go to the library and get books on Josef Mengele for my term paper note cards!


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I too have been unacceptably absent. The longer you wait to go back, the easier it is to forget. I feel bad about it. But I have been well. And am glad to be back. =D

And we have missed you as well. Would you like to have your own special topic that I pin, Cheesie?

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I too have been unacceptably absent. The longer you wait to go back, the easier it is to forget. I feel bad about it. But I have been well. And am glad to be back. =D




people keep leaving and coming back, i will try to come at least ever day or so

but i wont be posting from SUNDAY to SOMETHINGDAY!

because ill be on a cruise :]

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RAINBOW!!! RAINBOW!!! RAINBOW!!!! im talking in RAINBOW!!! YAY!!!





























i found yet another site TO HAVE FUN ON! and talk in RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!












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I too have been unacceptably absent. The longer you wait to go back, the easier it is to forget. I feel bad about it. But I have been well. And am glad to be back. =D




people keep leaving and coming back, i will try to come at least ever day or so

but i wont be posting from SUNDAY to SOMETHINGDAY!

because ill be on a cruise :]

Do you plan on taking me on the cruise? :blink:

BTW, those ships have internet and a room full of computers. :lol: (*hint, hint*)

Don't forget to take pics that you can post. Not of your face please. but everything else is okay, except any siblings or relatives or others under 18.

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