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Invision Prologue

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut**


Several years ago, in a galaxy far from our own...


Or perhaps, just a few years ago, and perhaps it was right here where we are.


Three hamsters fled from their home planet, the Hamster Planet.

Called betrayers by the planet's leaders for befriending humans, the three hamsters built a large spaceship and left the planet, fearing for their lives, as well as traveling with the human they had befriended.


The Oldest hamster's name was HamsterKing.

The Middle Hamster's name was Hamsterweb; he was a cross between a hamster and a spider.

The Youngest was Horatio, a pilot.

The Human's name was Stewart.


The Three hamsters and Stewart traveled endlessly, with no destination set in mind. Hamsterking found this dangerous.

he spoke up one day. "Our dream was always to establish and rule a planet of our own where all species could live. We have yet to fulfill that dream."

Horatio, the optimist, exclaimed, "We will colonize the next suitable planet we see."

Stewart, usually quiet, spoke up. "Colonize?" he scoffed. "No."

"then what?"

"You will see," said Stewart. He did not speak for many more days.


Three days later, a planet came into sight. Horatio zoomed in on it and called the others.

"Is it habitable?" he asked.

Stewart pressed some buttons on the ship's computer and got the information for it.


Asteroid 5,645,721. Owned by no one and can be colonized for no cost. Native species: a tribe of Cat people in the North and Eskimos in the South.


"It's perfect!" shouted Stewart.


The ship landed on in a lush, green field in the East. They called it hamsterking's garden.


The Four got out and automatically got to work on a giant castle.

Stewart, being the biggest, helped the most. And enlisting the help of the two native species, got it finished.

Stewart befriended the cat-people and the Eskimos very quickly, but soon left after the completion of the Castle.

"I am off," he explained, "To find people of different kinds to live here. Hundreds. Thousands. The Hamster Leaders will cry for speaking of you the way they did."


And so he left.


While he was gone, the Hamsters made many touches to the castle and asked the natives for the names of the lands.

The Desert the Cat People lived in was called Ahshirt, a word for "Fire" in their language. The Mountain to the south was called "Jazzeh", a cat-People word for "Cold".


Stewart returned a year later with people of different ages, genders, species, and for many, different powers.


They went and established homes in different areas of the planet, Hamsterking leaving the task of naming unnamed Continents to the citizens.

A large forest to the West was named Forum, and at the edge of the forest was a large, bleak mountain called Outside The Wall. To the Northeast was a peninsula that was named The Port Of Cheese. A long, thin island to the Southwest was called Leguan, and a large rainbow-coloured cloud in the center was named Taynio.

Many of the regions were named after their discoverers.


The planet was named Invision, by it's four Founders.

Invision prospered for many years, the Four Founders being greatly involved in the Invisionists's lives. Many people who had heard of the planet came, some stayed, some leaving; while it had it's flaws, it provided as a sanctuary.


However, one day, Stewart left Invision to go on a vacation.



He was never seen again.




[severe copyright notice: If you steal this, I'll seriously kill you.]


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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