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Joker to traitor

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Joker to Traitor

Lilly Maria Rose walked briskly down the stone corridor.Her black heels clicked and her robes swayed in time with her beating heart. She had snuck out of her dorm to see her long time boyfriend ,Fred Wesley. Lilly had been surprised when she found Fred's letter by her bed. Normally when her insanely funny lover wanted to write her her sent it by owl. She found it strange that it just appeared there but she just asumed that Raith Rodchester, her best friend, or Fred's only sister, Ginny, could have put it there.


First parahgraph, I will type the rest.

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here's some more I'll continue the story if you like it.


Still, Lilly couldn't shake her intense felling of dread. Turning the corner, she fell against the wall. ' Oh no! What do I do? That dumb Darks Arts teacher is patrolling the hall when I need to meet Fred.' Thinking quickly, she pulled out her emerald ring. Whispering the Latin inscription she slipped it on. Instantly, she became invisible. Leaning over the edge, she saw him walk towards her. As he pushed by, Lilly almost gagged from smell of cheap cologne mixed with the stench of raw evil.

Slipping past the Dark Art teacher, she ran to the room where Fred and she was supposed to meet. Facing the door, she performed a scanning spell to see if anyone was hiding. Nobody was, so she tried the knob. Sighing she entered the unlocked room. Smiling she closed the door and faced ... Draco Malfory. Not Fred. Panicky, Lilly tried the door but now the room was locked and she was trap with the pure-blood prince.


I'll leave a cliffhanger now and see what you think. Theres more that I'll post later.

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[This is a phenomenal story and how dare you leave me with a cliff-hanger! Please, please continue!!!

Also, the computer put in the ####. I have no idea why it did that. Reading it, did not seem like it was

a bad word. Let me know if I can fix it for you.]

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Turning again, she drew her wand and prepared her self to fight and if necessary kill to be set free. " You don't scare me, Death Eater." she spat out.

" I don't want to. I need your help." Malfory explained.

" Excuse me if I don't believe that. Now where is Fred or did you write that letter." Lilly demanded.

Smirking, Draco said " I wrote that letter so you would skip down here expecting your pathetic boyfriend instead of me. Now, that I have you where I want you; you are going to help me. You, Ms. Rose, are going to give me what I want or you will not walk out alive."

Lilly remained silent. She was never handing over what he wanted. Not for the whole world would she give away her friends and family. Five years ago she would've laughed if someone said that she would rather die then hand over her friends to the dark lord. Up in till her fourth year at Hogworts, she didn't believe that the dark one even exsitied. .... tbc


more later.

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this is the rest of the prolong.


But now looking in Draco's eyes she would pick death if that was her only choose.


Waiting for her response, Draco stared back. When it became apparent that she would not talk, he continued with " I want Potter."


Lilly wondered if death hurt when she faced his pointed want dead in her face.


chapter one later.

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