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Don't say you love me poem or story.  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one do you like better?

    • Poem
    • Story
    • Can't make up my mind.

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Goodness in death








I'll wait right there.

Storm's won't move me.

Grief can't win me.

If you leave then,

I'll wait right here for you.



This is based on another story I'm writing. I'll post later the updates of all my stories because

I have way to many.


Stop this pain

Stop this pain I pray.

To look at her and have her see no love in his eyes while mine are burning with it.

Stop this pain I pray you.

To see her happy with him is killing me.

Stop this pain I pray you may my love.

But to stop it is to look away from my angel of the shadows.

And that is a price I won't pay despite this pain.

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Why do I feel this way?

Why do I feel this way?

I see him stare at me with love swimming in his eyes;

But the man I care for stares at me with unfeeling eyes while a stranger shows more just in one glance

Why do I feel this way towards...?

To see him sad when I am happy with this man I care for

Why do I feel this way towards him?

To feel this way when I should love another is shameful

So I'll look away from him and win the love of someone else despite the way I feel towards him.


This is a companion to the Stop this pain poem. But I think the first is better.

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Why do I feel this way?

Why do I feel this way?

I see him stare at me with love swimming in his eyes;

But the man I care for stares at me with unfeeling eyes while a stranger shows more just in one glance

Why do I feel this way towards...?

To see him sad when I am happy with this man I care for

Why do I feel this way towards him?

To feel this way when I should love another is shameful

So I'll look away from him and win the love of someone else despite the way I feel towards him.


This is a companion to the Stop this pain poem. But I think the first is better.

I think they are all good.

*hands Krisluvsdogs an award for her excellence in writing*

The Platinum Plume Award! You are the first.

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Why do I feel this way?

Why do I feel this way?

I see him stare at me with love swimming in his eyes;

But the man I care for stares at me with unfeeling eyes while a stranger shows more just in one glance

Why do I feel this way towards...?

To see him sad when I am happy with this man I care for

Why do I feel this way towards him?

To feel this way when I should love another is shameful

So I'll look away from him and win the love of someone else despite the way I feel towards him.


This is a companion to the Stop this pain poem. But I think the first is better.

I think they are all good.

*hands Krisluvsdogs an award for her excellence in writing*

The Platinum Plume Award! You are the first.

why did u hand hoops an award? isn't this krisluvsdogs?



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Why do I feel this way?

Why do I feel this way?

I see him stare at me with love swimming in his eyes;

But the man I care for stares at me with unfeeling eyes while a stranger shows more just in one glance

Why do I feel this way towards...?

To see him sad when I am happy with this man I care for

Why do I feel this way towards him?

To feel this way when I should love another is shameful

So I'll look away from him and win the love of someone else despite the way I feel towards him.


This is a companion to the Stop this pain poem. But I think the first is better.

I think they are all good.

*hands Krisluvsdogs an award for her excellence in writing*

The Platinum Plume Award! You are the first.

Oh, thanks. I always wanted an award for Kris writing well! :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote this today and it really hits home because unfortunately I've been both of these people. I felt the hurt and guilt again today. I won't go into it but I was teased and I got mad. But I wrote these and Now I feel better.


I am...

I am the one who knows what it is like to cry myself to sleep.

I have no friends.


I am the one who knows what it is like to be the outsider, always alone, always teased.

I am the victim.


I am the one who knows what it is like to be the new kid in school, never good enough to be part of the crowd, never fitting in.

I am alone.


I am the one.


I am not...

I am not the one who knows what it is like to cry myself to sleep.

I have lots of friends.


I am not the one who knows what it is like to be the outsider, who is always teased and alone.

I am not the victim but the criminal of these crimes.


I am not the one who knows what it is like to be the new kid in school, I am always good enough to be in the crowd, always fitting in.

I am surrounded by friends.


I am not the one.

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I wrote this today and it really hits home because unfortunately I've been both of these people. I felt the hurt and guilt again today. I won't go into it but I was teased and I got mad. But I wrote these and Now I feel better.


I am...

I am the one who knows what it is like to cry myself to sleep.

I have no friends.


I am the one who knows what it is like to be the outsider, always alone, always teased.

I am the victim.


I am the one who knows what it is like to be the new kid in school, never good enough to be part of the crowd, never fitting in.

I am alone.


I am the one.


I am not...

I am not the one who knows what it is like to cry myself to sleep.

I have lots of friends.


I am not the one who knows what it is like to be the outsider, who is always teased and alone.

I am not the victim but the criminal of these crimes.


I am not the one who knows what it is like to be the new kid in school, I am always good enough to be in the crowd, always fitting in.

I am surrounded by friends.


I am not the one.

That is totally incredible. You have left me speechless. :blink:

What a powerful and moving poem.

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new one!



I sit here watching you.

I watch you pack, and leave.

I watch you yell and agree with mommy.

I sit here watching you.

I watch you kiss her and say its over.

I watch you break my heart leaving our child without a father.

I sit here watching you.

I watch you lie in bed gasping for breath as you fight for your life.

I watch you being lowered in the ground after your funeral never knowing that I was there.

I sit here watching you, but have you ever thought to watch me?

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Thank you, Here is a new one!



You are perfect.

The voices in your head, around you, and in front of you are wrong.

You are perfect.

The girls that get the guys, the guys who never look at you, and the mirror are wrong.

You are perfect.

So if you are perfect why do you starve, puke, and kill your life with these lies?


I wrote this for all the girls who have weight problems, I'm one of you. I went though years of teasing, I know the tears and heartache it brings to be overweight. Don't let them get to you, Remember You're Perfect!

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Thank you, Here is a new one!



You are perfect.

The voices in your head, around you, and in front of you are wrong.

You are perfect.

The girls that get the guys, the guys who never look at you, and the mirror are wrong.

You are perfect.

So if you are perfect why do you starve, puke, and kill your life with these lies?


I wrote this for all the girls who have weight problems, I'm one of you. I went though years of teasing, I know the tears and heartache it brings to be overweight. Don't let them get to you, Remember You're Perfect!

Again, another wonderful poem with a message. Unfortunately, society is cruel. Big business says that in order to be one of the beautiful people, you must be starving thin, have perfect features and have lots of money. The sad thing is... these people are never happy. They starve themselves, undergo plastic surgery, waste tons of money on make-up, clothes and other useless fashion object (which is out of style in three months), just to be "perfect". If you try to achieve happiness this way, I can assure you, it will never happen. You will only be more miserable. Since when do we need a size 0? I have never been skinny, (hamsters usually are not), but my hammie mother was very cool and taught me to be happy with the way I am. In order to believe this, you have to make it through 12 years of intolerable cruelty at school. Am I totally happy with the way I look? No. But, I don't think anyone is totally happy with the way they look. I just picked out something I liked about myself and focused on that. My blonde fur.


Please keep this message going.

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I'm going to post this for a reason that won't be reveal in this area of the site. so if you want to know the real reason then goto warm wishes. thank you!


Holding on

I am holding on to a dream that isn't there.

I am holding on to a loved one's hand, who doesn't know I'm there.

I am holding on to a love, one that is gone and died.

I am holding on from crying, here against this wall.

I wish I could let go since you aren't here, but I am still holding on.

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I'm going to post this for a reason that won't be reveal in this area of the site. so if you want to know the real reason then goto warm wishes. thank you!


Holding on

I am holding on to a dream that isn't there.

I am holding on to a loved one's hand, who doesn't know I'm there.

I am holding on to a love, one that is gone and died.

I am holding on from crying, here against this wall.

I wish I could let go since you aren't here, but I am still holding on.

Wonderful poem. You are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

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is happy to report that I'm really sick and might not update for a while. I'm in the process of posting a story from my writing class so yeah.

Your first priority is to get yourself well. Your father does not need to add your sickness to his recovery. So, please take care of yourself and get well really soon.

Posting can come later. We can wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres a treat for you I wrote this but couldn't decide wither I liked the story or poem so I'm posting both and it is up for you to decide. Horatio, how do you do a post poll?


Don't say you love me

Don't say you love me,

if you can say that you can live without me.

Don't say you love me,

if you can picture your life without me.

Don't say you love me,

if you can get over me when I walk away.

If you can do that then,

you can't say you love me.


Bella walked towards Matt, who was her long time boyfriend.

"Hey, sweetie." Matt said, " How was your day?"

" Fine. How was yours? Its good to see you, I love you." Bella replied.

" I love y..." Matt was stopped by Bella's hand. Matt did love her but after years together, Matt couldn't commit to the relationship. For 5 years, all Matt said was "I like you" or "I care about you." Bella had struggled for months to see where they would end up. Finally, Bella had decided that she would quiz Matt. So with a heavy heart and strong mind, she began.

" Matt, can I ask you a something?"

" Sure, what is wrong?" He nervously asked.

"Don't say you love me, Matt" she said.


Holding up her hand to stop him she continued. "Can you live without me? Can you picture life without me in it? If I walk away, would you die or be crushed? Or would you survive me and more on? If you can say you can then don't say you love me." Bella turned and walked away. But before she left completely she turned back and said " I love you, but when I say that it means I'm giving you my heart. So give me something back." Matt was stunned, he couldn't talk. Bella turned and left; leaving behind the man she loved.

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Horatio, how do you do a post poll?

Do we really have to pick? :o This is a hard choice.


Just let me know what the title of the poll is, the content of the poll, the questions and if there is anything you would like to have written in the post to let people know your message.


Moderators are standing by.

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Um... the title will be Don't say you love me poem or story. And I just want to ask if they like it, which one they liked better, and why. Add more if you can think of anything but yeah so thats what i want.

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[u]You hold my glass heart[/u]

It's in your hand.

It's my glass heart.

It's not a worn book;

Or a disease with no cure.

It's my glass heart.

So hold it and decide will you love me and keep it;

Or will it drop and join the other broken glass hearts on the floor.

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Life’s Lessons

Life teaches us to be strong, to be forgiving.

Life teaches us to love, and to be loved in return.

Life’s lessons are never easy.

Life never taught us how to let go, never taught us what fear was.

Life’s cruel joke was to show us those in the faces of millions dying; in twin fiery towers.

Life’s lessons are never simple.

Life was given to us as a gift; still it can be taken away.

Life can be snuffed out like a flame in one instance or slowly melt away.

Life’s lessons are never fair.

Life will be good but it can be bad.

Life didn’t make the choice to give up, or leave to early.

Life’s lessons are never right.

Life teaches us a lot of helpful lessons; we only have to listen to them.

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Life’s Lessons

Life teaches us to be strong, to be forgiving.

Life teaches us to love, and to be loved in return.

Life’s lessons are never easy.

Life never taught us how to let go, never taught us what fear was.

Life’s cruel joke was to show us those in the faces of millions dying; in twin fiery towers.

Life’s lessons are never simple.

Life was given to us as a gift; still it can be taken away.

Life can be snuffed out like a flame in one instance or slowly melt away.

Life’s lessons are never fair.

Life will be good but it can be bad.

Life didn’t make the choice to give up, or leave to early.

Life’s lessons are never right.

Life teaches us a lot of helpful lessons; we only have to listen to them.

Exceptional! Truly exceptional!

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Two gray stones are in fount of her.

Her black hair is dyed with white and crimson.


Lonely for her friends, for her future.

She is lonely for her past, And she is lonely;

For her parents.

She is lost.


No one to comfort this little girl of seven.

No one to hold her, words yelled in scorn carol in her ears.


Cold wind welcomes her tears, as they stream down her face.

She is lonely.

Metal meets blood and a broken sob comes out.

Falling, she dies but there is no one to catch her.

In the morning, everyone will be to late.

And this all happened because she was lonely.

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Missing You

I'm sitting in thorns,

Falling from a cliff,

Drowning in the sea,

and I'm just missing you.

Missing you.


I'm hiding in the dark,

Afraid to sleep because of your love,

crying while holding your picture with our child,

and I'm just missing you.

Missing you.


I'm just missing you, Missing you.


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K, I need help! I don't know what poem to use for the poetry contest at my school. Its on Apirl 18. But I can't deciced. So please give me ideas which one of my poems is your favorite? I look at your ideas and if I write one that I like instead then I vote between the two. Whichever one that I use then i'll post it.

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Well, You have to go to tons of meetings and resheral for my play is the same time and i'm really close to failing 7th hour if i don't go to those and yeah thats it. But thank for the support for making the decission to give up the contest. Anyways, i'm really sick and stuff and may not post in a while.

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Well, You have to go to tons of meetings and resheral for my play is the same time and i'm really close to failing 7th hour if i don't go to those and yeah thats it. But thank for the support for making the decission to give up the contest. Anyways, i'm really sick and stuff and may not post in a while.

Please, get well soon. Your grades are really important. Work on getting that 7th hour grade up. If you need to, ask the teacher what he/she recommends you do to get a better grade. The lowest priority is the boards and the contest. Those things can wait. We will always be here for you.

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Yes, thank you but my fav peoms so far might be Missing you, Holding on, or Daddy, I'm scared. but even w/out entering the contest please tell me what you think is youir favorite poem of mine.

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Yes, thank you but my fav peoms so far might be Missing you, Holding on, or Daddy, I'm scared. but even w/out entering the contest please tell me what you think is youir favorite poem of mine.

We could always make another poll. :D

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Here's a poem I wrote because of a problem that I'm in that I really can't get into but it was very stressful and we are going to stop it tomorrow.


Who are you?

Who are you?

You're not the friend I knew or the person I trusted.

Who are you?

You're not the loyal, kind, always there if I need you friend.

You are someone I don't know, you hurt us more by lying to us.

Who are you?

You're not trusting, you're evil. You get inside our heads and laugh.

Who are you?

You're not my friend, because the person i knew is gone.

The person I knew was kind and funny. someone I trusted, someone I cared for, someone I loved.

Was that person even here to begin with, or was it one of your sick games?

Who are you?

Do you even know?

Cause if you do then tell me who you are?

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Here's a poem I wrote because of a problem that I'm in that I really can't get into but it was very stressful and we are going to stop it tomorrow.


Who are you?

Who are you?

You're not the friend I knew or the person I trusted.

Who are you?

You're not the loyal, kind, always there if I need you friend.

You are someone I don't know, you hurt us more by lying to us.

Who are you?

You're not trusting, you're evil. You get inside our heads and laugh.

Who are you?

You're not my friend, because the person i knew is gone.

The person I knew was kind and funny. someone I trusted, someone I cared for, someone I loved.

Was that person even here to begin with, or was it one of your sick games?

Who are you?

Do you even know?

Cause if you do then tell me who you are?

Reading that poem made me realize we all have had one of 'those' type friends.

Hope it all works out for you.

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Here it is

Living differently

Living differently

Living on a whim

Going on a cruise

Leaving you

That would be living differently

Staying safe here

Cleaning and cooking

Never complaining when pain comes on a blow

Staying with you

That is my life because I chose not to live differently

Jumping a train

Taking the kids far away

Telling the police when they are called on disturbance charges

Leaving in the middle of the dark night to meet someone else

That’s how I’ll live differently

Coming to a new place

Going to a new job

Gaining friendships

Meeting someone new

Hoping to start living differently

Being safe here in my home

Not having to lock my doors in fear

Giving my children a real father

Changing my name for the second time but knowing love for the first


So this is how you live differently

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What's w/ da heart next to this topic on the main broad thingy?

When I made the poll, I must have accidentally put it there, do you want it removed? I can do that for you.

On my posts, I use the heart because I like it and so it ends up on everything I do. :blush:

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The Chair

That Chair is old and worn

Its lasted though famine and war

Its seen love and sorrow

The Chair over there

That chair is brown and has faded flowers printed on it

Its had babies, toddlers, and teenagers sit there

Its had old women cry when news comes home from a red and black land

The Chair over there

Its yours if you want it

its free if you really like

Its been torn and worn

Its gone because of the memories it brings

The Chair over there

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The Chair

That Chair is old and worn

Its lasted though famine and war

Its seen love and sorrow

The Chair over there

That chair is brown and has faded flowers printed on it

Its had babies, toddlers, and teenagers sit there

Its had old women cry when news comes home from a red and black land

The Chair over there

Its yours if you want it

its free if you really like

Its been torn and worn

Its gone because of the memories it brings

The Chair over there

*hands Krisluvsdogs The Double Platinum Moon Award*

This is sooooooooo good!

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new one


I don't know

I don't know whats wrong with me.

I don't know what is going on inside me.

I should be happy but I'm not.

I'm sad when then should be joy.

I'm depressed when I should be excited.

I really don't know whats wrong with me.

And that is the scariest thing ever.

And I know why I feel that way.

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new one


I don't know

I don't know whats wrong with me.

I don't know what is going on inside me.

I should be happy but I'm not.

I'm sad when then should be joy.

I'm depressed when I should be excited.

I really don't know whats wrong with me.

And that is the scariest thing ever.

And I know why I feel that way.

Another great poem! Thanks.

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This is for Kat and the rest of my wonderful friends


When I’m the happiest[/u

I’m the happiest when I’m with family

When the sun is shining and the day is too long

I’m the happiest when I’m with friends

When we can go to the movies and stay up all night laughing

I’m the happiest when I’m with you

When I can call and talk

When you come to me for problems in both of our lives

I’m the happiest when I’m with my sister, my friend

When you were still here and life would seem to go on forever

I’m the saddest standing here because I can’t hear you anymore

But when I could that was when I was the happiest

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random peom, my mom says that poems are great but that they are to sad so here's my attempt at a happy one.


Seeing Clearly

Seeing clearly

For the first time

Nothings stopping me from jumping that train

Nobody is going to hold my hands behind my back

Seeing clearly

You’re holding on to my purse

Trying to stop me but don’t you know

That I’m seeing clearly now

I want to live by my own set of rules

I want to be the best I can be

By seeing clearly I’ll know what to do

And the first thing to do

Would be leaving you

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  • 2 weeks later...

most of my friends are graduating and leaving so I wrote this.



Its Bittersweet to see you go,

To walk these halls one more time by your side.

Its bittersweet to know that you'll move on and fade away;

To become less then a memory.

Its bittersweet to hug goodbye to the friends i have,

But its for the best.

Whats worse of all is that you are bittersweet about leaving too.



Thats where we laughed.

Thats the chair we sat together in.

Thats the room where we shared the answers of life together.

Thats were we fought.

Thats were I cried in your arms.

That was all the time we had,

But now that time is made of memories.

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most of my friends are graduating and leaving so I wrote this.



Its Bittersweet to see you go,

To walk these halls one more time by your side.

Its bittersweet to know that you'll move on and fade away;

To become less then a memory.

Its bittersweet to hug goodbye to the friends i have,

But its for the best.

Whats worse of all is that you are bittersweet about leaving too.



Thats where we laughed.

Thats the chair we sat together in.

Thats the room where we shared the answers of life together.

Thats were we fought.

Thats were I cried in your arms.

That was all the time we had,

But now that time is made of memories.


Really wonderful and thought provoking.


Thank you for posting these terrific poems. :D

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I'm silent while she crys

I'm silent when she says shes over him

I don't utter a word when asked where she is

I watch as they bring her to the hostipal

I'm silent when the rest iof our friends are talking

I know what she did because hes gone

But until she talks I'll be silent

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I'm silent while she crys

I'm silent when she says shes over him

I don't utter a word when asked where she is

I watch as they bring her to the hostipal

I'm silent when the rest iof our friends are talking

I know what she did because hes gone

But until she talks I'll be silent

This should be the opening for a great book!!!

*cough, cough*

Start writing. :D

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thank! it was their last day and i was a bit sad!

Today was my school's seniors' last day...we had a 10-second food fight in my lunch period, that quickly got stopped by our teachers, and a fire alarm between 6th & 7th periods that every seemed to assume was a senior prank. Of course our teachers were all quite upset...




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I'm silent while she crys

I'm silent when she says shes over him

I don't utter a word when asked where she is

I watch as they bring her to the hostipal

I'm silent when the rest iof our friends are talking

I know what she did because hes gone

But until she talks I'll be silent

I might write something but... I need to spend this summer working and writing what i do have so ... who knows!

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I'm silent while she crys

I'm silent when she says shes over him

I don't utter a word when asked where she is

I watch as they bring her to the hostipal

I'm silent when the rest iof our friends are talking

I know what she did because hes gone

But until she talks I'll be silent

I might write something but... I need to spend this summer working and writing what i do have so ... who knows!

We will read anything you write. :D

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lol.... So, I'm giving you a new poem.... Yeah thats about it!


This is a reflection on my beliefs in God, I hope not to offend just to inform... I'm sorry if it does offend though...


More Precious

I'm more precious then silver

I'm more precious then gold

I'm more precious then the high gas prices that are slowly causing me to walk instead of drive (Ha Ha a little joke)

I'm more precious then death

I'm more precious then XBox or PS3

I'm more precious then anything on this world


Well, I'm God's child, That's all I have to be

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