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Inevitable Irrationalities

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[Topic Title is to imply that this.. topic will contain the inevitable random bits and peices of stories i think of that either arent cool enough to be make in to a whole story, or in progress, or anything else of similar proportions.


so basically, its my version of MK and Glowy-boys short stories topics. =D


Some will be silly and flippant, making little sense, others will be parts of real stories with little to no humor. It'll vary, so provided i keep updating, this topic should keep you interested. =D]








"Hey! Devon, look! She's waking up!"


I felt myself in an uncomfortable position, feeling somewhat fatigued. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be blinded by an incredible white light, which brought to my attention an unbearable headache.


I raised one hand to my head in hopes of relieving the pressure, but it didnt help. Squinting, i tried opening my eyes again.

Taking a few moments to properly focus, I found two men and a woman looking down at me with utmost interest.


What was going on...?


I brought myself to sit up, still fairly aching and uncomfortable. I had been laid out on a table of sorts, surrounded by three people in strange clothes and a number of foreign technologies.


"W... Wh... ... what do we do?"


A hushed voice from my side inquired, sounding unsure. Taking things in to priority, I looked myself over. My clothes were slightly damp, feeling rather cold.

Another voice drew my attention,


"Uh, Hi. ... Greetings, I am... David, and, uh... well, we found you outside and took you... in..."


One of the men nearby spoke to me, looking awkward and unsure. I looked about my surroundings once more, and responded,


"and, Where am I?"


"This is our... medical wing of our excavation camp, exploring the west coast of Alaska..."


... the what? I gave him a blank stare, completely lost.


"... we're not sure how to... tell it to you, but you were found suspended in ice. God knows how old you are, but this is year 2008, you're in the northwesternmost continents."


I looked at him once more, still rather confused, and tried to remember what last happened. I was... fighting... something. For some reason, I was in rapid pursuit of someone or something, through a fierce blizzard, and amid trudging through the snow...




[aaaand im out of ideas.

In short, aforementioned main character was a medieval warrior of sorts, a 'special ops' agent, who was sent to try and track down whatever dastardly beast was using its black magic to cause a blizzard and freeze everything. She ended up getting frozen and then found in a cave in north Alaska. Confusion and awesomeness ensues.]

[if any of you can see this getting anywhere, feel free to continue it. =D]






Atticus, a barbarian paladin looked down over a hill to a small town, which fortunately had several lights still on and smokestacks visible through various houses and buildings.


A flash of lightning illuminated it briefly, but the outlines soon faded to black, obscured by rain and night.


Atticus made his way down the hill, standing confidently. He was a rather massive man, and would intimidate anyone who got in his way. He finally made out the words 'Inn' and 'Tavern' which were among few english words he could identify visually. He entered the related building, to find a familiar environment.


A stuffy room with several drunkards and hooligans, with a less-than-attractive person behind a bar serving various beverages.


Atticus sighed heavily, half-smiling. He made his way toward the bar, dispensed a few coins and was provided with a large mug of ale.


Hours passed, a few conversations with them, a majority of the crowds had come and gone. Some six people remained, Atticus finding it hard to sit up, being so weary.


He heard a door swing open, as a very short figure emerged from the shadowy hallways toward the inn rooms.




An oddly high-pitched voice sounded from the short cloaked person. A pale hand protruded from inside the cloak, holding a cloth.


"I bestow upon you... this... diaper."


"oh, for the love of..."


The bartender responded, slapping his forehead.


"But there is another... Who among you is brave enough... to... ... you know, peel it off of the cieling. It's stuck up there."


"James, Shut up and get it yourself, half-sorcerer."


The short figure turned suddenly, causing the hood of his cloak to fall back, only revealing the face of... well, an infant. It sneered,


"If I could get it myself, I would not be out here, John."


Angrily, James waddled back in to the hallways, muttering under his breath. Atticus shook his head,


"Maybe I've had one too many drinks... but..."


The bartender laughed,


"It goes back a long time. That's my son, James. Through, essentially, a freak accident, a sorcerer had come and tried to destroy my hometown. It partially worked, but my brother tackled the mage before he could finish, and rather than putting magic in to his spell, he put part of his life in to a projectile. My two-year-old son now has the personality and mind of a powerful mage, but with none of the power. He expects that someday he will 'regain' his power and seek revenge, but nobody can take him seriously in the body of a lad like that."


In short time, Atticus was back outside in the rain, seeking another inn to stay at.






[... I had one more in mind, but dont remember what it was D:]

[Assuredly, i'll be throwing more in here, some HD-oriented and some not.]

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