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*~*The GRand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I saw a story on a different website that detailed events in the lives of SSBM characters, and it inspired me to write something like that but for the people here on HD.

Of course I satrt with me. Because I'm the very coolest person on this board. >(




"....But I want to hang this one up."

"But I've never heard of him."

"Him?! You will address them as THEM, like I did!"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know!!"

"Well, at least I actually know who John Lennon was."

"At least I've beaten both pikmin games like five times!!!"

"You take that back!"


"Take it back, you meanie!"



Mk promptly tossed Arkcher in The Meat Grinder.




Glowurm shielded his eyes as he stepped out of the dusty warehouse of Planet Horatio.

It was awful dark, but he glowed.

He began to rub his left eye before remembering that he lost it in an attempt to save his sanity. He failed.

"At least I look more like a pirate," he had thought.

Glow stumbled over to the counter and yawned, clearing away the dust from the bar.

He was ready to take people's orders.

Suddenly, A shining white light came nearly rendering both eyes useless. It was Kat.

"Gimme nudder Yig.." she groaned.

"But Kat, you've had-"

''GIMME NUDDER YIG!" she screamed before fainting.


Glowurm turned before realising somebody had once again switched the numbers on the "No alcohol for people under 21" sign.




"Kat, you're spelling things wrong again."

"I didn't spell it wrong, you grammar freak!"

"Shut up! I'm not a grammar freak!"

Kat looked at Cheesemaster for a long time while twirling her shiny white fur.

"I'm sorry, you're a freaky grammar-obsessed psychologist ninja cheese...thing."

Cheesemaster laughed at her. "You forgot that..."


Cheesemaster freaked out and wondered, do I really look that old?




I'm free!

Thought Horatio.

He threw away his pilot's helmet and danced in the grass.

No more modding! The thought. He was free from having to edit people's posts all the time.


Riiiiiiiing, ring.

Well, even hamsters dream!




Arkcher opened his eyes. He was restless, after spending hour upon hour trying to think fo a new story, he had finally found rest.

Or maybe not.


"Picture yourself on a train in a station,

the plaster-seam porters have looking-glass ties..."


"Oh, Mk, turn it down..." he mustered.


"suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,

The girl with Kaledoscope eyes...."


Arkcher turned so he was facing her. She was sitting on the floor of the bedroom in his mansion, with a small boombox on her lap.


"Oh, Mk, please...I'm trying to sleep..."


"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds...

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds..."


Arkcher shoved his head under a pillow. "God, not the chorus, it'll be echoing in my head before long..."


A flip of a switch. The boombox powered down.


"I really needed to hear that song..." she said.


"But I really need sleep."


"You're whiny."




I still need to do chapters for Toto, Topazia, taynio, XMOMX, Mega Wolf, Wildcat, Kat, Dog Lover, TGHL, Hoops, and I might even fit in Moosey, Mullaypop, Sleepoverfanatic, EmilyE, Im_so_cool, erendayu, and others. If there's anyone you want me to put in I'll be sure to make a chapter for them.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


"It's so hot..." said one of the four characters who were sitting on a balcony.

One seemed to be a catgirl, a moose, a human, and a monkey.

The monkey sighed. The moose was sweating, as he wasn't used to such hot weather.

The catgirl screamed. "I can't take this anymore!" she rushed into the house.

She returned with buckets of water. She dumped them over her friends.

"What's going on here?" said a voice. A cat had jumped onto the ledge. Next to her was a fishbowl. a fish was in it. The cat grinned and looked at the four bigger creatures.

Hoops glanced at Topazia and Ish, and dumped water on them.




"Are you sure that's healthy?"

Two twenty-something young males were sitting in a dark room. One was wearing all black and had a cross hanging around his neck. The other wore plain white shirt and khaki pants.

The one in black blinked. "hey, are you ok?"

His friend looked up. He was on his third soda. "Uh, I don't know."

The one in black called upon his conscience. It resembled a sort of caveman.

The two spoke in silence; only the owner of one's conscience could hear it.

Suddenly, a giant chocolate man walked in.

" heard something about being healthy..."

"But you're a therapist, not an actual Doctor...."

Dr. Choc laughed and Lexx and Taynio.




"No, No. That's not the right chord."

The fox flipped her hair over her shoulder. She looked at the dog who was playing piano.

"Well, you're not exactly Elton John, you know."

The keyboard dog fell into a trance. "Oh, lton....he's so dreamy..."

Vixen rolled her eyes at dog lover. Everyone knew Billie Joe Armstrong was so much cuter!




Arkcher had his arms folded. he looked upset.

And seeing that the judge was a tiny Scottie didn't really help.

The dog smashed her hammer onto the podium.

"I think...Will ruined my Mansion. he jumped on my balcony and stole some of the potted plants. My architect and gardener saw it with their own eyes!"

The Scottie dog looked around.

why couldn't I be playing my guitar, instead?"

The Griffin, Skwerlhugger Will, screamed. "Objection!"

"Wait up, let me hear the witnesses."

Layla and Johnny Mordred were screaming in unison of how they saw Will steal the plants.

"I worked so hard on them!" cried Layla.

Toto sighed. People get so worked up over such silly things!




A tiny plushie Kirby hufed her way up the back of an enormous dragon.

"Kun," she breathed, "Please don't ever flip me off of yourself ever again! I'm too tiny for this!"

The large dragon sighed. "Explain again the story of..."

"Shush!" said the kirby. "I know, I know, we're one person!"

"But Kyo, that isn't-"


"Stop hushing me or I'll send you flying!"

Kyo gasped.

Kun sighed.

It just wasn't the same since Plush_Kirby was split.




*~*The psychedelic Luau(~*The Astronomy Domine*~*(

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"No, No. That's not the right chord."

The fox flipped her hair over her shoulder. She looked at the dog who was playing piano.

"Well, you're not exactly Elton John, you know."

The keyboard dog fell into a trance. "Oh, Elton....he's so dreamy..."

Vixen rolled her eyes at dog lover. Everyone knew Billie Joe Armstrong was so much cuter!


cool thank you! ^_^


(he is dreamy)(lol)



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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


A young hippie sat on a hilltop. She was holding a banana.

"That's cute," said passerby.

Silly people, she said to the banana. "They think I drew your face on!"

The banana and the hippie laughed.

Unknowing people passed by her. Suddenly, a young boy was standing over her.

"Aren't you going to eat that?" he asked.

The Hippie looked at him. "No."

"Why not?"

"Will you promise to not tell anyone?"


Dippy_Hippy showed the boy the fruit. "Hi!" it said. "I'm Top_Banana....what is your name?"




A Timber wolf layed in the fresh snow of Mount Jazzeh.

He gnawed at some meal. he had long forgotten what in the world it was. He didn't want to share.

Though he knew others might want it.

He knew Arkcher and MK lived nearby, as did MindlessChika and Snowidani...

He gnawed and gnawed, so much he didn't notice the dazzling female wolf in front of him.

She acted as though she was the Queen of Mt. Jazzeh. She was.

After all, how many wolves cold fly?

the wolf's wings fluttered to her side. She stood over him, one of her paws on his food.

"Jesse," moaned MW, "You should really stop being on your own all the time..."




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dlomine*~*

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