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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

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on the out, i am alive

my heart beats

my blood flows

but underneath the clothes

the flesh

im a zombie

im barely responsive

all i can feel is limbo

and i want to go home

to h***

my hollow heart is selfish

and full of sorrow

my head is full of

what if's

and physical pain

i wake up, unwillingly

i go places unwillingly

i just want to give up

and lay naked on the floor

i dont even care how cold i get

i want to be pure

im tired of the things i own

i want to give them away

im sick of how i think

i want to give that away too

sometimes i think about how things are supposed to be in the world

destiny and stuff like that

maybe im meant to die young

i cant see my future

even a little

i dont want that future

and because i dont want it

i dont deserve it

im so selfish

im so sad


i dont want to wake up tomorrow

i know i say it everyday

but i really dont

from the bottom of my heart

i want to die tonight


none of this is worth trying for anymore

i cant even be somebody

i cant even be me

cuz im scared and im sad and im low

all i can think about is how much i hate myself

and how lazy i am

and how ive messed up everyday of my almost 17 years of life

and how pathedic i am right now to be typing this here

or at all


i think im gonna ask for help

but even if i feel better

i dont see the point of my life.

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I hope you do ask for help. There is a point to your life and I hope someone can help you see it.

When you leave your house for college, lots of things will change. Trust me on this one, when you get out

from where you are, meet new friends, see and experience new things, your outlook on life will change for the better.

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I hope you do ask for help. There is a point to your life and I hope someone can help you see it.

When you leave your house for college, lots of things will change. Trust me on this one, when you get out

from where you are, meet new friends, see and experience new things, your outlook on life will change for the better.

now that ive showered(yea, its been a while, im mad grimes)

im thinking clearer

why am i so nuts sometimes?

i really dont see a point

but im not like weaping all over the place now lol

i dont make friends.

i happen to aquire them accidently

im not even joking

but im sure where i go ill find someone

it wont be hard

ill just crash the first party i see

and im sure ill find my type of friend there


idk about help

its hard to ask for

but ive done it a few times

my mom doesnt listen tho..

idk wut to do

i cant believe xmas is in 24 days

i have to actually shop for people

what a drag

i know, im wicked selfish

wutever cant win em all

im so bored

i watched part of john tucker must die

which ive seen

and then i just turned off the tv and took a shower

i still have like an hour or 2 before i need to go to sleep


facebook gets boring

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...



..i have it

actually... i have 2

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are

any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps

they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are

any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps

they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.

yea but they dont have time to notice

theres alot going on there

and sports are number 1 of course


i filled out another one i just didnt hand it in yet :X

dont tell lol

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are

any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps

they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.

yea but they dont have time to notice

theres alot going on there

and sports are number 1 of course


i filled out another one i just didnt hand it in yet :X

dont tell lol

My lips are sealed. :lol:

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are

any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps

they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.

yea but they dont have time to notice

theres alot going on there

and sports are number 1 of course


i filled out another one i just didnt hand it in yet :X

dont tell lol

My lips are sealed. :lol:

grrr im so bored in life

idk wut to do

i should do my hw

but im sick of reading

i want more saod(diet of course)

i really need to shower

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lol i hate being grimes

but sometimes i just dont care enough to shower

gross. lol


cuz she doesnt take me seriously

cuz i cant say it seriously

its really hard

like on here

i can be all wishy washy like

'hey should i get therapy? maybe i should blah blah blah'

and just throw it out there

but in reality

i can barely think about it in front on people..

What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it.

cuz that doesnt help me out

It's a start.

ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug*


wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT.


and nothing changed


i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house!

i hate them :[

I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend?

judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to


If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers.

Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are

smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.

well the school lost my tutoring sheet

cuz in SAT prep

we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff

we just go over it

and i never learned those things

stupid hhs :angry: :angry:

When is the SAT?

lol whenever i want

jan, march june


You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare.

...No Excuses...


..i have it

actually... i have 2

You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house

and into the college of your choice. You can do this.

i dont understand any of it

my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet



Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are

any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps

they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.

yea but they dont have time to notice

theres alot going on there

and sports are number 1 of course


i filled out another one i just didnt hand it in yet :X

dont tell lol

My lips are sealed. :lol:

grrr im so bored in life

idk wut to do

i should do my hw

but im sick of reading

i want more saod(diet of course)

i really need to shower

Skip the diet soda, have tea.

Take a shower then finish your homework.

You will feel much better after a shower.

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yay i did. how coincidental

well its snapple lol

and i do feel better after my shower

but i hate hw :[fvjdjdsf

Two out of three. :D

i did most of it.


That's a start. :lol:

I'm glad to hear you tried.

i just ate like 6 cookies


You did better than I would have. At least it was only six. :lol:

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yay i did. how coincidental

well its snapple lol

and i do feel better after my shower

but i hate hw :[fvjdjdsf

Two out of three. :D

i did most of it.


That's a start. :lol:

I'm glad to hear you tried.

i just ate like 6 cookies


You did better than I would have. At least it was only six. :lol:

:glare: :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes:

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.


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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.


well then what can i do?

im never gonna be happy

so why not just be full out anorexic?

at least ill be thin

and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better

then being fat and unhappy forever

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.


well then what can i do?

im never gonna be happy

so why not just be full out anorexic?

at least ill be thin

and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better

then being fat and unhappy forever

Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight.

You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming.

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i will conquer myself..

zero cal day tomorrow

i will beat me.

Starving yourself is just plain dumb.

Please don't do that.

Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day.


thats more then i eat on a BADDD day

today was a bad day

and today was ...




i cant look at that

im gonna cry again

1150 is not bad.

I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat.

Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories.


it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.


well then what can i do?

im never gonna be happy

so why not just be full out anorexic?

at least ill be thin

and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better

then being fat and unhappy forever

Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight.

You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming.

nah ill probably put on the freshmen fifteen in college

i love partying lol

but then no one is gonna be there to feed me and ill loose like mad

cuz ill just smoke and be too lazy to get food.

i know im gonna loose weight in college

im excited

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it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.


well then what can i do?

im never gonna be happy

so why not just be full out anorexic?

at least ill be thin

and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better

then being fat and unhappy forever

Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight.

You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming.

nah ill probably put on the freshmen fifteen in college

i love partying lol

but then no one is gonna be there to feed me and ill loose like mad

cuz ill just smoke and be too lazy to get food.

i know im gonna loose weight in college

im excited

I'm glad you are excited because I think college will be a great move in your life for the positive.

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it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing?

its eating away at your fat

how do you think anorexics are skinny?

if starving really didnt make you loose weight

then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs?


idk WHAT im gonna do

cuz when i eat

i pig out

and when i starve

i loose weight


i WILL be thin

its all that really matters to me


idk wut to do

What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve

mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve

mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you

gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why

people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories.


then i wont start eating again.



:glare: i hate my life


maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia

Maybe not.

ok im thinking logically again


(yea right)


i can do this

i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse

and alot of encouragement

and reminders


HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run!



i need to engrave that in my skull

:wacko: :[

You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful.

but i cant

cuz im so wrapped up in my mind

so detached from the world

idk wuts wrong with me

but im downright miserable

at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about

Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else.

reread that.

I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you

are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.


well then what can i do?

im never gonna be happy

so why not just be full out anorexic?

at least ill be thin

and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better

then being fat and unhappy forever

Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight.

You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming.

nah ill probably put on the freshmen fifteen in college

i love partying lol

but then no one is gonna be there to feed me and ill loose like mad

cuz ill just smoke and be too lazy to get food.

i know im gonna loose weight in college

im excited

I'm glad you are excited because I think college will be a great move in your life for the positive.

hope so

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:closedeyes: i dont feel good

its probably b/c i ate all these little round precut cookie dough things

idk how to eat right

if i start eating i dont know how to stop

which is why i hate doing it at all

im never going to be thin

and thats one of the most depressing things in the world to me

im not even dead

and ive already completely failed at my life

i dont know how to move foward

i dont know how to sleep right

i dont know how to be okay


and whats worse is that i post this all online because im too scared to tell anyone else

none of my friends feel like this

none of them really understand me

noone ever will

b/c theyre not ME

and that makes me feel so depressed

and alone

and i hate winter

cuz its cold

cold and lonely


and even though i have all these great things

i have my own computer

my own room

my parents are still together

my family is in good health

i have all my limbs

i have so much

i cant seem to enjoy it

to embrace it

to be grateful for any of it

maybe im just selfish

but i keep thinking if i just pretend im kinda okay

then all of this will go away

i dont know what else to do

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There are more people who feel the way you do, than you know. The problem is that they do not want to tell anyone because they feel they will be miss understood.


The eating part is the outcome of stress and how you handle it. You are not alone. If I could let you know, and you would believe me, I would show you just how difficult these teen years are and how many young people are struggling as you are.


Let me think on this some more. My brain is not working at the moment.

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There are more people who feel the way you do, than you know. The problem is that they do not want to tell anyone because they feel they will be miss understood.


The eating part is the outcome of stress and how you handle it. You are not alone. If I could let you know, and you would believe me, I would show you just how difficult these teen years are and how many young people are struggling as you are.


Let me think on this some more. My brain is not working at the moment.

i know im not alone

but to be honest, i dont give a 3982173 about the millions of depressed teens across america.

seriously. theyre just as useless and pathetic as me, why would i want to go listen to them whine too?

its not about 'who else understands you thats out there' or if your 'actually alone'

i AM alone

everyday i stuggle by myself

i dont need some support group or counselor telling me im not or that its okay

i feel alone and regardless if i really am. it stinks.


the eating thing is a mix of personal feelings and drilled in media hypnoic stuff

i dont want to be thin b/c the world tells me its what i should be

i want to be thin b/c i BAWL when i look at my body

i skip tearing up, i skip crying

i just weap

cuz its so utterly disgusting to me

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There are more people who feel the way you do, than you know. The problem is that they do not want to tell anyone because they feel they will be miss understood.


The eating part is the outcome of stress and how you handle it. You are not alone. If I could let you know, and you would believe me, I would show you just how difficult these teen years are and how many young people are struggling as you are.


Let me think on this some more. My brain is not working at the moment.

i know im not alone

but to be honest, i dont give a 3982173 about the millions of depressed teens across america.

seriously. theyre just as useless and pathetic as me, why would i want to go listen to them whine too?

its not about 'who else understands you thats out there' or if your 'actually alone'

i AM alone

everyday i stuggle by myself

i dont need some support group or counselor telling me im not or that its okay

i feel alone and regardless if i really am. it stinks.


the eating thing is a mix of personal feelings and drilled in media hypnoic stuff

i dont want to be thin b/c the world tells me its what i should be

i want to be thin b/c i BAWL when i look at my body

i skip tearing up, i skip crying

i just weap

cuz its so utterly disgusting to me


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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.




merry christmas

(the day where it pays off to be nice to people) omg im totally kidding.. kinda



i went to midnight mass and after(at like 2) i sent all my friends a merry christmas text(it was hard to do cuz i kept getting that like 80000900047384793874 message that says people dont have graphics and my phone was dying, so it was like a race)

ANYWAY, i woke up to 21 replies to them. that was a good xmas start. im gonna do that every year





A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

War is over over

If you want it

War is over


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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.




merry christmas

(the day where it pays off to be nice to people) omg im totally kidding.. kinda



i went to midnight mass and after(at like 2) i sent all my friends a merry christmas text(it was hard to do cuz i kept getting that like 80000900047384793874 message that says people dont have graphics and my phone was dying, so it was like a race)

ANYWAY, i woke up to 21 replies to them. that was a good xmas start. im gonna do that every year





A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

War is over over

If you want it

War is over


yay! awesome song! im playing it in piano....

i <3 john lennon jsut about as much as elton



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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.




merry christmas

(the day where it pays off to be nice to people) omg im totally kidding.. kinda



i went to midnight mass and after(at like 2) i sent all my friends a merry christmas text(it was hard to do cuz i kept getting that like 80000900047384793874 message that says people dont have graphics and my phone was dying, so it was like a race)

ANYWAY, i woke up to 21 replies to them. that was a good xmas start. im gonna do that every year





A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

War is over over

If you want it

War is over


yay! awesome song! im playing it in piano....

i <3 john lennon jsut about as much as elton



sweet :]

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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.




merry christmas

(the day where it pays off to be nice to people) omg im totally kidding.. kinda



i went to midnight mass and after(at like 2) i sent all my friends a merry christmas text(it was hard to do cuz i kept getting that like 80000900047384793874 message that says people dont have graphics and my phone was dying, so it was like a race)

ANYWAY, i woke up to 21 replies to them. that was a good xmas start. im gonna do that every year





A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

War is over over

If you want it

War is over


yay! awesome song! im playing it in piano....

i <3 john lennon jsut about as much as elton



sweet :]

i got a "lennon legend" cd for christmas...it has happy xmas (war is over) on it

i havent gotten to listen to the whole cd yet though...too preoccupied with my elton stuff!


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my eyes are SO swelled today

im so embarrassed to go to school like this..

A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.

lol on a school day? i WISH i had a half hour to just chill with some cucumbers lol

Could you try it before you go to sleep. Of course you would find the cucumbers somewhere in your bed in the morning. :wacko:

But at least your eyes would look great. :lol:

when im crying that much

im usually striving to not die

im not thinking about how i look.


but i know your just trying to help

How much longer until you are in college? :blink:

wut does that have to do with college?

and 2 years lol

It means you have two years more of this before you are out on your own.



ugh i dont wanna talk about this anymore

lets talk about guys


We can do that.




merry christmas

(the day where it pays off to be nice to people) omg im totally kidding.. kinda



i went to midnight mass and after(at like 2) i sent all my friends a merry christmas text(it was hard to do cuz i kept getting that like 80000900047384793874 message that says people dont have graphics and my phone was dying, so it was like a race)

ANYWAY, i woke up to 21 replies to them. that was a good xmas start. im gonna do that every year





A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

War is over over

If you want it

War is over


yay! awesome song! im playing it in piano....

i <3 john lennon jsut about as much as elton



sweet :]

i got a "lennon legend" cd for christmas...it has happy xmas (war is over) on it

i havent gotten to listen to the whole cd yet though...too preoccupied with my elton stuff!




i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. :lol:


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. :lol:

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. :lol:


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. :lol:

lol aw

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

lol will do.

gosh i wish i was tired.. lol

maybe i'll start picking out outfits or something

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

lol will do.

gosh i wish i was tired.. lol

maybe i'll start picking out outfits or something

:lol: I'll send you a picture so you know exactly what to ask for. :lol:


Get into bed, turn out the lights, start counting backwards from 100 very slowly.

I guarantee you won't reach the number one.

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

lol will do.

gosh i wish i was tired.. lol

maybe i'll start picking out outfits or something

:lol: I'll send you a picture so you know exactly what to ask for. :lol:


Get into bed, turn out the lights, start counting backwards from 100 very slowly.

I guarantee you won't reach the number one.

I used to do that, but I would be so focused on getting to the end that it took even longer for me to sleep. xD

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

lol will do.

gosh i wish i was tired.. lol

maybe i'll start picking out outfits or something

:lol: I'll send you a picture so you know exactly what to ask for. :lol:


Get into bed, turn out the lights, start counting backwards from 100 very slowly.

I guarantee you won't reach the number one.

I used to do that, but I would be so focused on getting to the end that it took even longer for me to sleep. xD

Well, if you had blonde hair, like I do, you wouldn't have that problem. :lol:

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i had a dream about this place

i was at work(another crazy dream about work and how its all this crazy stuff that never actually involves working or wut it looks like or who is actually there.. lol)


my friend brought me over to a comp and with a few clicks brought me to the board and pointed to my name

if this actually happened id flip out and be so embarrassed(no offense guys) but i was like

"so?" :]



thought id mention it since i have nothing else to say


wutd you get for xmaS?

Strange dreams. LOL


As for Christmas... I wanted another motorcycle, but Santa's sleigh was too full.

So I have put in the request for next year. LOL

lol aw

Aw is right! :blink:

I wanted a bike that I could ride in the dirt with... nobby tires and all.

Anyway, I have already sent my letter to Santa for 2008.

One KTM, DRZ or Husqvarna dirt bike.

Do you think he will get the message? :blink:


i have NO idea wut i want as my big gift next year

i seriously have everything

maybe ill tell santa that i just want more little gifts

cuz i looove getting makeup gift cards and movies, but i just cant think of anything big i want.

maybe if i loose weight by then ill get my bellybutton pierced

If I was you, I would ask for a DRZ400 in black. The 2008 models are coming out and there just might be one when Christmas time rolls around.

You would really love riding dirt bikes.

And if you can't think of anything big, because you have everything, then ask for the bike and send it down to me. :D

lol will do.

gosh i wish i was tired.. lol

maybe i'll start picking out outfits or something

:lol: I'll send you a picture so you know exactly what to ask for. :lol:


Get into bed, turn out the lights, start counting backwards from 100 very slowly.

I guarantee you won't reach the number one.

I used to do that, but I would be so focused on getting to the end that it took even longer for me to sleep. xD

Well, if you had blonde hair, like I do, you wouldn't have that problem. :lol:

id get to 1, then get angry

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well i think today is the day.

wednesdays i have group

so ill ask to stay after and ask for therapy

i might just sob though

god i hope i dont embarrass myself

I hope you ask.

Please let me know how it works out.

i couldnt do it

i couldnt stay after cuz it was 10th period

i wouldnt have done it anyway

i cant ask. i keep trying to reach out but its so hard for me

i dont wanna be weak and i dont want to be this person anymore

but if i cant even trust him and ive know him for 3 years then how can i trust some person im paying to sit n listen?

i cant just open up like that

i need to do something

if i dont change something

im going to kill myself

or just give up on life and let myself die somewhere

cold alone




everything i feel every second of everyday


i really hate living

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well i think today is the day.

wednesdays i have group

so ill ask to stay after and ask for therapy

i might just sob though

god i hope i dont embarrass myself

I hope you ask.

Please let me know how it works out.

i couldnt do it

i couldnt stay after cuz it was 10th period

i wouldnt have done it anyway

i cant ask. i keep trying to reach out but its so hard for me

i dont wanna be weak and i dont want to be this person anymore

but if i cant even trust him and ive know him for 3 years then how can i trust some person im paying to sit n listen?

i cant just open up like that

i need to do something

if i dont change something

im going to kill myself

or just give up on life and let myself die somewhere

cold alone




everything i feel every second of everyday


i really hate living

Maybe some day before it is too late, you will be able to reach out and find someone you trust.

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i wrote him a note.

he didnt call me down all day though.

maybe today

maybe never


but just in case he does i'll skip the mascara this morning

That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note.

Hopefully he will respond soon.

i cant keep skipping the mascara though

i neeeeed it lol

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes.

Who said you NEEEEEEED mascara. They are crazy.

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i wrote him a note.

he didnt call me down all day though.

maybe today

maybe never


but just in case he does i'll skip the mascara this morning

That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note.

Hopefully he will respond soon.

i cant keep skipping the mascara though

i neeeeed it lol

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes.

Who said you NEEEEEEED mascara. They are crazy.

i said it

and im just trying to be better

and i deff. look better with mascara


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i wrote him a note.

he didnt call me down all day though.

maybe today

maybe never


but just in case he does i'll skip the mascara this morning

That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note.

Hopefully he will respond soon.

i cant keep skipping the mascara though

i neeeeed it lol

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes.

Who said you NEEEEEEED mascara. They are crazy.

i said it

and im just trying to be better

and i deff. look better with mascara



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i wrote him a note.

he didnt call me down all day though.

maybe today

maybe never


but just in case he does i'll skip the mascara this morning

That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note.

Hopefully he will respond soon.

i cant keep skipping the mascara though

i neeeeed it lol

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes.

Who said you NEEEEEEED mascara. They are crazy.

i said it

and im just trying to be better

and i deff. look better with mascara




my whole life is a big boring overdramatic story that im sick of telling myself

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

they do sometimes

but they can deal on there own

i need a crutch

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

they do sometimes

but they can deal on there own

i need a crutch

Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now.

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

they do sometimes

but they can deal on there own

i need a crutch

Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now.


they have too much pride

all of them

cept sam dumped on me once

but it came out of yelling at me first


im so depressed right now,i dont care

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

they do sometimes

but they can deal on there own

i need a crutch

Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now.


they have too much pride

all of them

cept sam dumped on me once

but it came out of yelling at me first


im so depressed right now,i dont care

I wish I could cheer you up.

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im ready to change and idk how

Get a hold of that counselor again.

well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group.

im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol

im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh

idk wut to doooo

The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note.

no notes.

im gonna deal with this

im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact

and how i cry in the shower every night

about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature

idk why but its easier to talk to her

i might just cry to her

i might actually be honest

Honesty would be good.

theres never enough time but i did

ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that

but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them


If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around.


Make the time.

they do sometimes

but they can deal on there own

i need a crutch

Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now.


they have too much pride

all of them

cept sam dumped on me once

but it came out of yelling at me first


im so depressed right now,i dont care

I wish I could cheer you up.

well. i wanted to do something productive

and because i knew nothing would be good enough

i cried alot

then i watched the packers loose to the giants :[[[[[[[

and then i watched 4 reruns of scrubs that ive seen TOO MANY times over

with my parents

all b/c i passed on going to a nightclub with my good friends

who told me they wasted their money cuz it was a bunch of ..hm how do i put this pg.. starts with s rhymes with hut-y.. 13 year olds

i had such a productive night. not.

but tomorrow should be ok i hope

no school. no work. :]

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

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theres a few things i need to get off my chest


i dont feel like writing anything really.. im just gonna list and complain about things that are bugging me:


i never really learned to do my hair


i hate all the clothes i have and i lack personal style due to my like almost split personality lol


no matter wut i do i cant keep my room clean


im shy and quiet all day at school and when im out.. i cant keep my mouth shut


no matter how bad my desire to loose weight is(sobbing,pulling at my fat for hours, complaining, semi-dieting etc) i just cant seem to keep down the fork and on the running shoes. idk why. and then its like a cycle..i hate myself for it. and then i feel bad and i keep doing nothing about it.


i have to wake up by 6 everyday and i start getting energy at 11 at night, meanwhile i can be 1/2asleep at any given time between 6am and 9pm


i dont have many friends. i doubt the couple that i do have


im one of the most insecure people ive ever met, i have lower selfesteem then anyone ive ever talked to


noone thinks im serious when i say i wanna kill myself


i know that im never gonna(im like holden)


i think my body is vile and i cry when i look at myself


some part of me is always in pain


i cant find the motivation to do anything


im not excited to start driving


i have no idea wut college i wanna go to


i have weird unrational fears of isolation and rejection


im hurt when people say something even slightly mean


i have everything but i cant jump start my heart


jumpstart my heart would be a good boyband name lol


saying all this is kinda depressing

im gonna go get dressed and read

hope i didnt bring everyone down :]

You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable.

If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.


i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here.

i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol

societal pressure will never end.

i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that.

most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..)

its too much of a hasel

and i think thats how im gonna be for a while

im not sure

but i lack things that people should have/ know

When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

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When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.

that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions..

That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.

im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

drunk?drugs? or crazy?

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

drunk?drugs? or crazy?

The first two, definitely not crazy.

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

drunk?drugs? or crazy?

The first two, definitely not crazy.


oh. not smart of him.

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

drunk?drugs? or crazy?

The first two, definitely not crazy.


oh. not smart of him.

Quite true.

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im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we

ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back?

Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.




thanks lol


all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me

I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day.

my only option has work till 9:30 :[

I hope your birthday is a really nice one today!

Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. :D

lol today is kinda bleak

Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend.

it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans

worst night like ever but wutever i guess

Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know.

thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4

Never watched that movie.


Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this.

everything happens for a reason.

god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is)

is the guy okay?

One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing.


Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better.

not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason?

some people are meant to die. its the life cycle.

but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town)

In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency.

drunk?drugs? or crazy?

The first two, definitely not crazy.


oh. not smart of him.

Quite true.

anyway. hope hes good..(er). lol. how r u?

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anyway. hope hes good..(er). lol. how r u?

or ignore me. thats cool too

Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day.

You know I always try and answer you.


As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay.

More important... how are you doing?

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anyway. hope hes good..(er). lol. how r u?

or ignore me. thats cool too

Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day.

You know I always try and answer you.


As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay.

More important... how are you doing?

why am i more important? lol

im okay. i need to work more. and throw out like.. half my stuff.

for my birthday my parents are giving me 100 bucks towards a phone and i wanna get the lg venus in pink but id have to add another 100. and i think im willing to do it.. but does that make me materilistic to want a pretty pink phone?

my dad called me a hypocrite a while back bcuz i buy organics and then i eat straight cookie dough. i wanna be pure and simple.. but i wanna be a little edgy and a little hot(the phone is hot anyway lol)

idk.. i dont wanna be a hypocrite but im so split when it comes to everything.. idk wut to do.


..and thats how i am lol

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anyway. hope hes good..(er). lol. how r u?

or ignore me. thats cool too

Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day.

You know I always try and answer you.


As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay.

More important... how are you doing?

why am i more important? lol

im okay. i need to work more. and throw out like.. half my stuff.

for my birthday my parents are giving me 100 bucks towards a phone and i wanna get the lg venus in pink but id have to add another 100. and i think im willing to do it.. but does that make me materilistic to want a pretty pink phone?

my dad called me a hypocrite a while back bcuz i buy organics and then i eat straight cookie dough. i wanna be pure and simple.. but i wanna be a little edgy and a little hot(the phone is hot anyway lol)

idk.. i dont wanna be a hypocrite but im so split when it comes to everything.. idk wut to do.


..and thats how i am lol

The cookie dough does not come in the organic version, otherwise you would definitely have the organic version on your list.

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anyway. hope hes good..(er). lol. how r u?

or ignore me. thats cool too

Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day.

You know I always try and answer you.


As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay.

More important... how are you doing?

why am i more important? lol

im okay. i need to work more. and throw out like.. half my stuff.

for my birthday my parents are giving me 100 bucks towards a phone and i wanna get the lg venus in pink but id have to add another 100. and i think im willing to do it.. but does that make me materilistic to want a pretty pink phone?

my dad called me a hypocrite a while back bcuz i buy organics and then i eat straight cookie dough. i wanna be pure and simple.. but i wanna be a little edgy and a little hot(the phone is hot anyway lol)

idk.. i dont wanna be a hypocrite but im so split when it comes to everything.. idk wut to do.


..and thats how i am lol

The cookie dough does not come in the organic version, otherwise you would definitely have the organic version on your list.

most def.

idk its not that im entirely materialistic(i am though)

its just i like being set with things. i like having choice(thats why i have a ton of stuff.. bags clothes jewlery.. but none of it is really nice or anything..)

i have too much of everything.. my parents are packrats and its hard to break from it

i have enough tampons to last me till like college i swear lol


how can i throw things out/ simplify/ minimize without feeling wastful for throwing useful things out or feel bad cuz someone gave me it or wutever..?

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idk its not that im entirely materialistic(i am though)

its just i like being set with things. i like having choice(thats why i have a ton of stuff.. bags clothes jewlery.. but none of it is really nice or anything..)

i have too much of everything.. my parents are packrats and its hard to break from it

i have enough tampons to last me till like college i swear lol


how can i throw things out/ simplify/ minimize without feeling wastful for throwing useful things out or feel bad cuz someone gave me it or wutever..?

First, I would not throw things out that someone else can use. Keep in mind that families who suffer from domestic violence can and will use absolutely everything. So, if you were redoing your bathroom and didn't like the purple shower curtain and matching rug and towels, they would love them. Various groups collect all items to set people up in a residence when they leave their homes. So, everything you have can be reused, with you feeling good about the fact that you helped someone. People will not feel bad about you giving away a gift, as once they give it to you, it is yours to do what you want with it.

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