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Yeah, we had to write a thing to advertise something, whatever we wanted to do. So, I chose to do Crus-aide, (pronounced "Croose-aid"), and wrote the following, borrowing some ideas from powerthirst.





Do you often find yourself on the losing side of every encounter? Do your puny muscles cause you so much embarrassment? Have you ever just wished that you were as buff as I am, but you don’t have the drive or courage to go to the gym? Well, I have the solution for you!



You need crus-aide! The drink of the champions, this sports drink infuses you with the anger of the crusaders, allowing you to slaughter your opponents. With more vitamins, more minerals, more complicated chemicals, and more RAW ANGER, this concoction makes you a man! What about electrolytes? We have electrolytes, POWERlytes, ENERGYlytes, and AWESOMElytes! Your muscles will triple in size, and your testosterone will skyrocket!



Chuck Norris, the man of men, even drinks Crus-aide. As he says, “Nothing fuels my day like a Crus-aide! I just chug a bottle and keep on bein’ awesome! I can even beat Jackie Chan and Mr. T, some of those who epitomize the ability to lay the beat-down on their enemies. You can, too, if you drink this stuff.”



In addition, if you buy our cruse-aide, we will donate a portion of the profits to a foundation bent on eternal revenge against the injustices of the world, “People’s Organization Working for Eternal Righteousness,” also known as POWER. If you don’t buy cruse-aide, then you are supporting everything wrong with our world. It is your moral obligation to buy cruse-aide. Every time you don’t buy cruse-aide, an angel loses its wings and falls on a kitten. There is no way that you cannot buy this.



Okay, so, now that you have realized this wonderful product is for you, you are left wondering how to go about ordering it. Well, lucky for you, we have a special promo offer going on right now! Call 1-800-1337-h4x to order one of our limited edition cases of the various flavors.

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... chemicals, and more RAW ANGER, this concoction makes you a man! What about electrolytes? We have electrolytes, POWERlytes, ENERGYlytes, and AWESOMElytes, and even ACOLYTES!

first thing that came to mind.


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... chemicals, and more RAW ANGER, this concoction makes you a man! What about electrolytes? We have electrolytes, POWERlytes, ENERGYlytes, and AWESOMElytes, and even ACOLYTES!

first thing that came to mind.


Sign Arkcher up for a year's supply. :lol:

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