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Arkcher's Mansion Information

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


By arkcher's request (Well, I made up more Mordreds today.../....who?/The peoples who work in Arkcher's Mansion./No one ever tells me whats goin on in mah haus. D:) I'm going to make a tawpeek that has information on Arkcher's mansion.


However, i can't do this now, as all my drawings and stuff are in my folder and sketchbook, which is in my mom's car, which my brother has, and he's somewhere else, and when he comes back I have to leave.


So, as I don't want to forget tomorrow, I'm making this tawpeek to remind me.




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I'm honestly not sure I'll be able to do this until the weekend when i have a lot of free time. Because right now along with skool I am staying at my grandma's and have limited computer time.

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*~*The Grand Illusion**The Final Cut*~*


I will try and get as much done as I can today.


General Mansion Layout


a. Arkcher originally lived in a smaller house on Mt. Jazzeh, a cold region of the planet Invision.


b. This house resembles the house in the Mario Party 6 mini-game "Dust 'Till Dawn."


c. After Arkcher got married he had a big mansion built. His old house became the guest house.


d. His newer mansion resembles Luigi's mansion, but with obvious changes.


e. Nana's room is now Clazzik's room, a greenhouse/library was added (based of some painting my grandma has), and a large sleeping area for the Mordred family underground (Which resembles the furniture section at Dillard's)


f. Since The area where the house is located is really cold, several Mordreds made a 'bubble' that extends to about a mile from the Guest House where it's not always cold.


Mansion residents, aside from Arkcher and Mk because you already know about them




Background information:

The Mordred family is a big (REALLY big) family of Brothers and sisters. They are the Sons and Daughters of Jarvis and Luna Mordred, two powerful magicians who have gone AWOL. The Mordred Parents wanted to raise an army of magicians, and made it so they would A) Never age and B) be able to have a lot of children in a short period of time. The Mordred parents were believed to be dead until Qohi Mordred was found on the doorstep of the Mansion, so it is now thought they are still alive and possibly still having children.

According to Victor Mordred, who is the oldest child, the two Mordred parents possess every power that their children have, but instead of being born with these powers like their children were they learned most of these powers. Luna and Jarvis were born with the magic properties of the Moon and Sun, respectively. Luna wears a long black dress with a design of the Moon's surface on the bottom and phases of the moon as buttons, and Jarvis Mordred has a yellow outfit with two suns that are possibly zippers or even Velcro. Jarvis also possesses a powerful rod called the Sole Seer that has unknown abilities.

The Mordred children, in no particular order, are as follow:


Shedra Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Ability: Can talk to dead people

While he is not the oldest or the strongest, Shedra is seen as and looked upon as the leader of the Mordred siblings. He has short, choppy blond hair with bangs and listens to lesser-known Classic Rock bands, such as Supertramp, Free, Head East, and Sweet. Shedra serves as an all-around worker around the house, doing almost anything that needs to be done. His best friend is Clazzik.


Harris Mordred

gender: male

age: 46

Ability: Super strength, but due to his nature he is unable to control it.

Harris is a self-made Hippie and the mansion family's driver. Harris is incredibly smart and has read almost every book in the mansion. However, he often gets depressed and believes he owes Mk and Arkcher money because he is constantly breaking cars because of his super strength, but he is very peaceful and has no wishes to use this power. He listens to Psychdelic Rock, including Steppenwolf, The Who, and Jimi Hendrix.


Inez mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Inez mordred, who is well known for her punky look, serves as the...doorwoman...for the house. She usually can be found in the foyer and gets bored easily. Inez is capable of controlling the weather but has very little use for this, so like Harris, is unale to control her powers. Inez likes Punk rock, such as The Ramones, Anti-Flag, and The Sex Pistols.


Kirby Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 22

The lovely Kirby Mordred is a self-proclaimed rockabetty. She has the gift of speed and can be seen whizzing around in a pair of white roller skates. Kirby works as a waitress for Clazzik's par-tays and also cleans the house. She obviously likes a lot of 50's rock.


Neil Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Kirby's best friend, Neil Mordred prefers to keep to himself and works as a waiter for Clazzik's par-tays, and like Kirby, also cleans the house when he's not at one of the par-tays. Neil has power over temperature, but he likes it cold. Neil listens to a lot of Techno and remixed music.


Victor Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 57

Victor Mordred is the oldest in the Mansion family. Like Neil, Victor likes to be alone, although he often fights with Esperanza Mordred. Victor resides in the Artist's studio where he paints, and he painted all the portraits around the house. Victor can make his paintings come to life and loves Classical Music.


Esperanza Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 36

The infamous Spanish Ceramics Artist, Esperanza Mordred, has been challenged by a few of her siblings by her racy nature. Oddly, her favourite pastime is making jars, and her jars can both hold infinitely and can take on an element to become lethal weapons. Esperanza is a fan of rap.


More tomorrow.


*~*teh psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~(

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Name: Layla Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Layla Mordred is the gardener and can usually eb found in the courtyard or boneyard. Layla has power over plants and other vegetation, though she finds it difficult to use as an attack and usually uses it for her own purposes. Layla has short, choppy orange hair and likes to listen to soft rock.


Name: jeff Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Jeff Mordred is the odd one out of the Mordred family for one good reason: He has no powers (Spot the reference, anyone?)

Jeff works as a plumber and mechanic and due to catcalls from his stronger siblings has gone into isolation. He has few friends but has a good relationship with Arkcher and MK. He listens to Heavy Metal of all sorts, including Black Sabbath and Metallica.


Name: Lucius Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 30

The stern, sharp Lucius Mordred is, believe it or not, Shedra's twin brother. Lucius is the telephone room man and answersa ll calls that the Mansion Family gets. Lucius has a good relationship with Edna and Meghan Mordred, despite their lack of sanity, and likes antiques. He listens to a lot of jazz and standards. Lucius has power over electricity in a closed state, such as a wire or in his case a phone.


Name: Edna Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 50

The insane edna Mordred resides in the Clockwork room. She is very outgoing but is missing an arm, a leg, and an eye, and the spots on her hats are clocks, and due to her odd appearance has few friends outside of Timothy, Meghan, and Lucius. Edna usually spends her days making clocks and puppets by herself. Edna has the ability to Time travel. Edna seems to like Video Game music.


Name: Tina Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 42

The lovely Tina Mordred is the caretaker for everyone, which stems from her amazing healing powers. Tina has long, curly, hair that is dyed purple and wears a nurse's uniform. Nobody really knows where she got the uniform, however, as she has never had an official job outside of the mansion. Tina likes Alt. Rock including Blind Melon, Spin Doctors, and Gin Blossoms.


Name: Thomas Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 25

The shy Thomas Mordred is a recluse. Thomas has teh ability to experience other's lives through their clothes and as a result refuses to buy second-hand clothes and must buy brand-new clothes, though this is often a problem due to teh fact that he can feel the emotion of people who may have tried that thing on. Thomas works as the Coat Check in the wardrobe room and listens to Country.


Name: Alvin Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Scientist Alvin Mordred wants credit for a lot of things. He credits himself with many things, though the only thing he actually did was bring his dead sister Bow back to life. Alvin spends his days in his lab or teh gallery underneath the mansion and rarely has contact with anyone who doesn't work in the lab with him. Alvin is a Technopath and can control technology with his mind much like Arkcher can. He likes New wave, mainly Duran Duran, a Flock Of Seagulls, and a-ha.


Name: Jennifer Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 39

The buff jennifer Mordred is a tough girlie. She, like Harris, has Super Strength, but obviously has much more control and use for this ability. Jennifer makes excersise videos that she sells everywhere and makes up for a very small part of the Mansion Family's income. Jennifer likes a lot of Hair Metal including Warrant, Poison, and Cinderella.


Name: Melissa Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 37

The lovely and very bendable Melissa Mordred is another Housekeeper. Melissa was once a regular contestant in assorted beauty contest but is now retired. Melissa is a contortionist and can bend her body into all sorts of shapes which often helps with her job. She loves new R&B music and is in love with Clazzik.


Name: Spencer Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Spencer Mordred is one of shedra's closest friends and though he offers to help him, Shedra always seem to refuse the offer.

Spencer is a laid-back character and usually lieks to run errands for the others and listen to beach music. Spencer is highly resistant to the Four Elements.


Name: Andrew Mordred

Gender: Male

age: 47

Emo kid Andrew Mordred has a very curious character. He loves nothing more than to be in the conservatory looking through the big telescope. Andrew is capable of reading minds but rarely does. He also likes Indie Rock.


Name: Julia Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 45

Eskimo Julia owns a popular shop down in the eskimo village near the Mansion which makes for a small amount of the Mansion Family's income. Julia is able to hide herself inside inanimate objects such as rocks or billboards. For some reason, she really likes disco to teh dismay of most of her siblings.


Name: Alisha Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 56

The stern, no-nonsense Alisha Mordred is the treasurer to the Mansion Family because it's the only job that was boring enough for her to like. As a result, she is resposible for the family's money which is very difficult if you think of all the sources of income for the family. Alisha can talk to animals and likes pop rock music.


Name: Adam Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Very different from the last two characters I talked about, the excitable Adam Mordred made all the spiffy armour in the armoury. besides looking really cool, he makes a lot of money off of people who buy it. Adam has several permanent burn marks on his hat, though he is immune to all pain. He loves Death Metal.


Name: Edgar Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Everyone's favourite electriction-who-is-immune-to-electricity. Edgar works with the lights, switches, beakers, breakers....and all because he's immune to electricity and can use electricity in an open state. Never mind the fact that, what if he had NO clue on electricity? But thank God he does. Edgar wears rubber clothes because he is -ahem- very static and must protect others. Edgar likes folk rock and AC/DC.


Name: Johnny Mordred

Gender: male (I broke the pattern -tear-)

Age: 49

Angry Johnny Mordred is a fighter, not a lover. He seems to like picking on people, but since he got a stern warning from his siblings ("Leave us alone or I will POSSESS/SHOCK/DROWN/BURN YOU"). So he is the architect for the family. The Mansion is so big it keeps him busy. Johnny likes outhern Rock and can turn his built-up anger into attacks.


Destiny Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 33

One of three magical triplets, Destiny is an outgoing,l sociable girl. She wears a red, strapless dress and has lengthy red hair taht seems to glitter. Destiny has the power to fly and can give others this ability for a short time. She also listens to trance.


Celeste Mordred

Gender: Female



One of three magical triplets, Celeste is a beautiful but very shy character. Celeste has general magic powers, so she is classified as being neutral. Celeste wears a blue v-neck dress and has glittering red hair. She listens to grunge, notably Nirvana.


Memory Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 33

One of the tree magical triplets, and the only boy, he is in love with Mk. Memory wears a light blue...what appears to be...a military uniform or a marching band uniform. Memory has power over the moon and listens to female rock bands, notably Heart. Memory has admitted to have used psychedelic drugs before, but his two sisters have apparantly never tried it.


Name: Tortune Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 51

Though he is in his early 50's, Tortune seems a lot older. Tortune is a recluse and spends most of his time working in the cellar and has since gathered Mildew on his hat. He listens to dirge and can turn invisible.


Name: Maerc (pronounced Mark) Mordred

gender: female

age: 26

The ice-cream lady Maerc mordred! Maerc Mordred, like Gem's son Azzip, delivers food to the Mansion Family Residents. Maerc's ability is not yet confirmer yet as she has made freezing force fields before, which has never been recorded by any of teh Invisionists. Maerc listens to psychotic rock.


Name: Ceba Mordred

Gender: Female

Age: 40

The mail woman Ceba mordred gathers mail from the foyer and delivers it to the Mansion Residents, ceba Mordred is, honestly, a mystery, as she rarely interacts with anyone, even her own family. She is capable of teleporting and likes prog. rock.


Name: Gerald Mordred

Gender: Male

Age: 29

A really fat guy, Gerald Mordred doesn't have a real job but he is capable of sucking things up and copying their powers much like a certain game character. Gerald is very good friends with courteny Mordred! He likes Emo music.


Name: Qohi Mordred

gender: male

Age: 1

The young Qohi Mordred may not know it but he is very important. Thought he has no powers, he proves blah blah blah you already read this stuff at the beginning.


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 5 weeks later...

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Tony Mordred



Tony mordred is one of Shedra's helpers. She usually helps him with laundry as she is magnetic and can't cook. Tony lstens to Oldies.


Odette Mordred



Odette Mordred is an inventor and commonly works with her brother Alvin. She helped him bring their sister Bow back to life.

Odette's magic depends on where she is, and this is based off of weather and customs in that area. Odette listens to Americana.


Vance Mordred



A tough character, Vance Mordred makes swords for a living. He is highly skilled at using them and can also use levitation.

He listens to Video game music.


Poe Mordred



The strong silent type, Poe is an isolated character. He usually likes to write poems in dark rooms and usually only interacts with the ghosts living in the Mansion. Poe has power over darkness and listens to Goth Rock.


Paula Mordred



Paul's twin, Paula helps shedra with different chores. Paula is a christian but does not always get along with Paul. She can transform other things but not herself. she listens to Gospel.


Alice Mordred



Another one of Shedra's helpers. Alice has the ability to go through certain solid objects; but, she cannot go through walls, rock, or anything else that is not easily penetrable. She likes Nu-Metal.


Paul Mordred



Paula's twin, Paul is a Christian. He is an optimist and is often tries to cheer Poe up but is unable to. He has power over light. He also listens to Christian rock.


David Mordred



A famous escape artist, David is known for being able to escape from most anything, most of all straitjackets. He likes Acid rock.


Eve Mordred



The Blind Eve Mordred is a recluse and rarely interacts with anyone, except for Sylvie Mordred. Despite her handicap, Eve often plans trips and vacations for the Mansion Family. Eve, like Sylvie and Odette, is French and listens to French music. She can also blend well into scenery.


Sylvie Mordred



Eve's seeing eye Toad,l Sylvie is one of the only Mordreds to accompany Arkcher, MK, The Twins, and Clazzik on trips because she is a translator. She is good at evading things. She likes Electronica.


Lucas Mordred



An old Catnip Ninjas bandmate of Clazzik's, Lucas still has tears in his clothes from a stage act in '84 when they unleashed assorted Wild cats onto him at a concert. Lucas has power over the element of sounds. Lucas admits he has used several hard drugs but it is unknown if he still does. he likes punk-new wave, such as the Vapors.


Lloyd Mordred



a Mysterious, fast-paced character. Lloyd is all about getting from here to there as quickly as possible. He helps Shedra with different chores and likes fight music. Lloyd, like Kirby, seems to be able to go very fast, but when he does he appears to...fly?!


Ellen Mordred



The strange llen Mordred has an even stranger power: Transferring from the Earth to walls, paper, and anything else that can be written upon. Ellen says it's good to hide this way. Most say she's crazy. She listens to Theme songs.


Aisha Mordred



Dancer Aisha has an upper hand when she's in dance competitions...she can multiply. Aisha is a free spirit and happy most of the time. she likes Salsa music!


Jerry Mordred



Hippie Jerry likes staying outside. He often plays his guitar outside and has power over the water element. He enjoys making different shapes, especially cubes, out of water. He likes Acoustic Pop.


Trent Mordred



He really does seem to come out of nowhere. Trent Mordred is a shy character and has the ability to go through anything, like Alice can, but he can go through anything. Trent like Calypso music and is good friends with Aisha.


Jackie Mordred



Jack's twin, Jackie plays Pool commonly, especially at Clazzik's par-tays. Jackie is rarely seen apart from her twin brother, and is close to Poe and Lucius. Jackie can use Psychedelic Magic. She likes Big band. Like her brother, she wears an eye patch.


Alex Mordred



Strange and smart Alex Mordred likes to think, read, and meditate. Unlike the others, Alex was not raised to have a personality based on her ability, as she has power over fire. Alex likes Celtic music.


Jack mordred



Jackie's twin brother. Jack is a favourite character and is rather famous. Jack is a bartender and often works at Clazzik's par-tays. Like Jackie, he wears an eye patch and is close to Poe and Lucius. Jack can use card magic, but rarely does anymore because he put a good majority of his power into making a deck of cards, each card representing a member of The Mansion Family, and the card contains their power. Jack likes Blues music.


Claus Mordred



A scientist, Claus, like Alex, has a personality that would never tell you he has power over air. Claus can be tempermental and is very smart. he likes 70's New Wave.


Madison Mordred



Quiet Madison Mordred usually spends her time far from the Mansion or in the Cold Storage. Madison ha spower over snow. She listens to Christmas music.


Rylea Mordred



Mysterious Rylea Mordred was born when her parents were in a desert. Rylea gained the powers of that area and has power over sand. She likes desert music, of course. Hooray fro Cliches!


Rick Mordred



Though he is an adult, Rick likes to joke around and often uses his abilities for this purpose. Rick has the power to Erase and Create things, but can use up a lot of energy with the latter. he likes local music.


Timothy Mordred



Energetic Timothy is an inventor, but prefers the Balcony to the Lab where Alvin, Odette, and Claus live. Timothy invents flying machines for fun and is usually flying them. He wears an orange striped suit, and some say he looks like someone at teh world's Fair in the 30's or 40's. He likes Polka music.


More later.


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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