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completely levelheaded

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i dont have a strong will to try

and im not sure what i should be focusing on

with so many thoughts stresses and pressures beating on my mind

it seems that so many people live easier

i can deal with lower middle class

but i cant deal with who they are

and who i am

i dont like my personality

and i HATE my body

and i dont have a style

and i want to fix it all right now

i want to clean up and have it stay

i dont want to work at my body to fix it

i want to starve cuz i really do deserve it

i say that quite levelheaded

i feel sick and tired

and sad and lonely

and hopeless and disgraceful

ever single second of everyday

i try to pull through

but i just cant help it if my head sags to the ground

or my eyes are shut most of the time

i'm only awake when im alone

and i can avoid people mirrors and shame

where i can pretend im perfect

and that i dont care what the world says

honestly, i dont.

its me

i think this way

maybe its from them

but idk

i know what i feel is right.


i cant seem to discard the empty memories and empty bottles

that lie carelessly all over the floor

i want them gone

but the effort is too much


my tattered mind wants to finally shut down

everyday is another struggle that i didnt wanna fight

inside my head

inside my stomach


and i wanna give in

fall asleep slowly in a bath of warm water

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i dont want to go to work today :[[[


lol jk

but i dont. not even a little

im gonna #@%*& up so bad

i havent smoked since i got grounded

and i had mad food and mad twix

i got used to sitting on my butt

and im gonna get there and be like AH

and if im on express ill shoot myself


Work... some days are just worse than others.

Hopefully you won't be on the express line.


I would say that I am glad you have not smoked, but I am afraid if I say that, you will start again.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?




im planning on cutting off my obesity even if i bleed to death in the processes..

i would never ever gain weight

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?




im planning on cutting off my obesity even if i bleed to death in the processes..

i would never ever gain weight


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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:


just change of heart

i weighted myself before and after i ate tho

3 pounds



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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:


just change of heart

i weighted myself before and after i ate tho

3 pounds



:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

That's not accurate.

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:


just change of heart

i weighted myself before and after i ate tho

3 pounds



:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

That's not accurate.

lol yea it is

i went up to 6

but with messed up calculations lol


i had SO much fun shopping today

i went to / got..


stapples- power surge thing


best buy- 2 copies of South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1's a gift)

first season of south park

slc punk

tenacious d in the pick of destiny


walmart- 3 picture frames (gifts)

2 packs of lip gloss (gifts)





2 t shirts

1 long sleeve shirt

1 nice shirt

pj pants



donnie darko


lords of dogtown


requiem for a dream



;D: D:D:D

my movie collection is perfect for now lol


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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:


just change of heart

i weighted myself before and after i ate tho

3 pounds



:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

That's not accurate.

lol yea it is

i went up to 6

but with messed up calculations lol


i had SO much fun shopping today

i went to / got..


stapples- power surge thing


best buy- 2 copies of South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1's a gift)

first season of south park

slc punk

tenacious d in the pick of destiny


walmart- 3 picture frames (gifts)

2 packs of lip gloss (gifts)





2 t shirts

1 long sleeve shirt

1 nice shirt

pj pants



donnie darko


lords of dogtown


requiem for a dream



;D: D:D:D

my movie collection is perfect for now lol


Sounds like your day was pretty busy. :lol:

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i had an amazing day

i told my mom i was going to the gym

and i had lunch with people at ihop

then i went to my friend eva's and had mad fun

i almost peed myself laughing :]]


then i had work till 10

and now im really cold

Glad you had some fun yesterday. But I am confused why you couldn't tell your mother the truth that you were getting together with some friends.


Since you didn't mention, I am assuming you didn't have to work the express lane.


And... you are going to be cold until next summer.

nah it gets okay in march sometimes


and yea no express, i was on 11 or 10 all day

a safe (but not the boondocks) distance from the manager's desk :P


im grounded till god knows when lol

Still too cold for me.


A safe distance from the manager's desk is good. LOL


Sorry about being grounded. I hope you quit smoking for good.


lol as long as i dont need a winter coat im good


lol i dont :P

I am wearing a sweater when it gets below 80. A coat comes on at 65 and below.

At 50, I look like frosty the snowman.


A total waste of money besides all the horrible health problems that result.

You will be one of those people carrying around the portable oxygen tank just to be able to breathe.

lol my room is the coldest in the house

it drops like 20 degrees when you walk in here


were not talking about the same smoke. but wutever cuz im done talking about it anyway

i was just so happy i could that day. daaaarn4093824 i really needed it

it brought up my spirits that i can get through this grounding lol


im gonna gain so much weight tomorrow

is it possible to THINK like you have ednos but not have one/it?

(eating disorders not otherwise specified)

I would really hate my room being the coldest room in the house.


Glad you had a happy day. That is great to hear.


And no... I don't believe you can think like someone who has an eating disorder.

Why are you already planning on gaining weight?

i think i read that Q in the wrong tone

cuz its t-day (happy t-day btw)

and i always gain like 5 pounds

i cant wait to gym it up tomorrow

Eat smaller portions. You won't gain weight.

lol im not really worried about it anymore for today



Would that be because today is almost over? :lol:


just change of heart

i weighted myself before and after i ate tho

3 pounds



:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

That's not accurate.

lol yea it is

i went up to 6

but with messed up calculations lol


i had SO much fun shopping today

i went to / got..


stapples- power surge thing


best buy- 2 copies of South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1's a gift)

first season of south park

slc punk

tenacious d in the pick of destiny


walmart- 3 picture frames (gifts)

2 packs of lip gloss (gifts)





2 t shirts

1 long sleeve shirt

1 nice shirt

pj pants



donnie darko


lords of dogtown


requiem for a dream



;D: D:D:D

my movie collection is perfect for now lol


Sounds like your day was pretty busy. :lol:


and the day after boring as ever

i wanna eat but i dont..

i really shouldnt cuz its gonna be like cookie dough if i get off my butt

but i shouldnt

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i wanna starve myself

i really do

but then i think about it and i really dont

im messed up enough, arent i?


i really just wanna eat right

cuz idk how


its like no matter how i eat i have every ana-inspired thought

beauty of bones

disgust of even a LITTLE fat

the perfect size.. the smallest size

the thinner the winner

beauty from pain


all that


but then i think

and im like..

either starving (not much anymore)

or binging nonstop


like today..

work up, think i had a bowl of cereal

ate cookie dough

a salad

then worked till 5

came home

had a sugar crasont thing

mad chips

a tortilla wrap with nothing in it

more chips

more junk

more nothing with nutritional value


i know to some people its okay to eat like that

but i feel like im destroying myself

ive wanted to cry all day

i got my phone back and ive been texting this guy i thought liked me

but he barely texts back

and i realized how pathedic i sound to him

and how out of shape and disgusting i am

but i havnt cried,

cuz my cousin that lives in virgina that i never see is here and i dont want to see him off after crying


i feel so down

theres so much weight on me

and its affecting me

outside and inside

my skin is so bad

im so fat

im so stressed

i just wanna change

just change

so bad

but im so unmotivated..

ive been thinking about getting therapy


oh yea i forgot

i was talking to my mom

and she was like

youve shown no remorse for what you did

and i was like

what do you want me to do

and shes like

well, say you'll never do that again


and i just stared at her


just stared


i thought i could be honest now

i looked at the positive

i was glad in a way


and it was shattered.

im superbummed about that



ill fight it


i wanna be honest now

ugh ugh guhguhgkfshgkfg


im pathedic


how can i want something so bad and not try?

how did i get in this caught in my own words situation?

how can i better myself with no motivation?

how can i get through this without anyones help?

people see me everyday

i look sad

i look tired




if they only knew that at any given moment

i think about ending my life

cuz i just dont like it

cuz i just dont care

cuz its just boring/upsetting/very messed up


i really hate this world

nobody cares about anything

cept myspace and money

i dont understand why people dont live and let live

and better themselves and try to be happy


i guess that doesnt make money

but imagine a world without money

work for work

if you want something

work for it

fair trade

it would make people real

but i guess it wouldnt work in a way



people are always like if you dont like how something is, change it

but what if you know it will never be good enough?..

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hey that was a cry for advice

help me!

You probably do not want to hear what I have to say.

i just meant about how to eat right


i have salads for lunch in school

and salads at home when i feel like it

and fruit sometimes

but im completely addicted to carbs

and cheese

and more carbs

bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins,

oh yea and cookie dough

kill me.


fruit is not filling

i cant have fruit for every meal

yogurt makes me sick in the morning

and on most days that only leaves dinner


fast food is evil

'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you

ugh i hate the world

i want this so bad

but i just dont try

i say i willl

sometimes i do for a week

but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell

and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this

but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them

i'll never be happy with my body like this

actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy

but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out

and i can be happy for a second

i only need that second -_-

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hey that was a cry for advice

help me!

You probably do not want to hear what I have to say.

i just meant about how to eat right


i have salads for lunch in school

and salads at home when i feel like it

and fruit sometimes

but im completely addicted to carbs

and cheese

and more carbs

bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins,

oh yea and cookie dough

kill me.


fruit is not filling

i cant have fruit for every meal

yogurt makes me sick in the morning

and on most days that only leaves dinner


fast food is evil

'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you

ugh i hate the world

i want this so bad

but i just dont try

i say i willl

sometimes i do for a week

but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell

and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this

but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them

i'll never be happy with my body like this

actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy

but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out

and i can be happy for a second

i only need that second -_-

I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base.

In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy.


Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things.

The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger.


For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese?


Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side.


Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on.


If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat.


Let me know if you want more.

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hey that was a cry for advice

help me!

You probably do not want to hear what I have to say.

i just meant about how to eat right


i have salads for lunch in school

and salads at home when i feel like it

and fruit sometimes

but im completely addicted to carbs

and cheese

and more carbs

bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins,

oh yea and cookie dough

kill me.


fruit is not filling

i cant have fruit for every meal

yogurt makes me sick in the morning

and on most days that only leaves dinner


fast food is evil

'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you

ugh i hate the world

i want this so bad

but i just dont try

i say i willl

sometimes i do for a week

but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell

and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this

but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them

i'll never be happy with my body like this

actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy

but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out

and i can be happy for a second

i only need that second -_-

I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base.

In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy.


Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things.

The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger.


For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese?


Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side.


Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on.


If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat.


Let me know if you want more.

omg did i forget muffins? there in like my top 8 of food! lol


the plain ones are gross. id rather be hungry

and i do apprciate this advice (i didnt read past the oatmeal part yet)

but im very picky

and to be honest, id rather be hungry then eat something thats not even good..

what is egg beaters anyway? lol

and i dont even have 2 to 3 mins normally

i have like negative 2 to 3 mins.


if i can grab something, cool, kinda

if i cant

oh well

lunch is at 11:16.

i LOVE cheese!

i love those little things of wax

AND AND ANDDDDD they come in lite. thank jesus and heavenly john lennon


they have yogurt but its fruit on the bottom(ew) and im sure its the 120 cal type

i dont eat any yogurt but my type

i know, im super picky

but why eat 90-180 cals when you can eat stuff that tastes better with only 60???

lunch is covered anyway

i have a chef salad with light ranch dressing


unless they have no ranch

then im stuck with whatever yucky dressed i pick randomly

i dont shop for myself

i yell at my mom to make these choices

i do work at shoprite though

so i can read labels whenever i want lol

i just dont know what to buy that im actually gonna like

or take the time to make

the biggest problem with this like whole country is that 'FAST' food

is easy cheap and soooooo bad

my time is precious, and im lazy

and im easily aggravated

i like things to be instant

or close to it

i know thats bratty and immature

but idc

id rather starve then spend a long time making my food


lol you know me. i always want more ;]




fruit is BORING and nothing else is instant(& good for you)

and food isnt boring

it cures borredness

and it makes me wanna kill myself

every D#%@& day


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hey that was a cry for advice

help me!

You probably do not want to hear what I have to say.

i just meant about how to eat right


i have salads for lunch in school

and salads at home when i feel like it

and fruit sometimes

but im completely addicted to carbs

and cheese

and more carbs

bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins,

oh yea and cookie dough

kill me.


fruit is not filling

i cant have fruit for every meal

yogurt makes me sick in the morning

and on most days that only leaves dinner


fast food is evil

'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you

ugh i hate the world

i want this so bad

but i just dont try

i say i willl

sometimes i do for a week

but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell

and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this

but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them

i'll never be happy with my body like this

actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy

but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out

and i can be happy for a second

i only need that second -_-

I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base.

In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy.


Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things.

The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger.


For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese?


Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side.


Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on.


If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat.


Let me know if you want more.

omg did i forget muffins? there in like my top 8 of food! lol


the plain ones are gross. id rather be hungry

and i do apprciate this advice (i didnt read past the oatmeal part yet)

but im very picky

and to be honest, id rather be hungry then eat something thats not even good..

what is egg beaters anyway? lol

and i dont even have 2 to 3 mins normally

i have like negative 2 to 3 mins.


if i can grab something, cool, kinda

if i cant

oh well

lunch is at 11:16.

i LOVE cheese!

i love those little things of wax

AND AND ANDDDDD they come in lite. thank jesus and heavenly john lennon


they have yogurt but its fruit on the bottom(ew) and im sure its the 120 cal type

i dont eat any yogurt but my type

i know, im super picky

but why eat 90-180 cals when you can eat stuff that tastes better with only 60???

lunch is covered anyway

i have a chef salad with light ranch dressing


unless they have no ranch

then im stuck with whatever yucky dressed i pick randomly

i dont shop for myself

i yell at my mom to make these choices

i do work at shoprite though

so i can read labels whenever i want lol

i just dont know what to buy that im actually gonna like

or take the time to make

the biggest problem with this like whole country is that 'FAST' food

is easy cheap and soooooo bad

my time is precious, and im lazy

and im easily aggravated

i like things to be instant

or close to it

i know thats bratty and immature

but idc

id rather starve then spend a long time making my food


lol you know me. i always want more ;]




fruit is BORING and nothing else is instant(& good for you)

and food isnt boring

it cures borredness

and it makes me wanna kill myself

every D#%@& day


Lunch... salad is good, dressing is really, really bad. Lemon juice or oil and vinegar are the only approved dressings. Ranch is full of fat and sugar. If you get the light version of ranch, read the label, there is usually more sugar to replace the fat. Chef salad has to be watched. There could be lots of hidden forbidden foods. No croutons, crackers or bread.


No time? Your time is precious? Not precious enough to take time to make good food to eat.


Egg beaters is the best tasting egg alternative. Egg beaters even makes a really tasty egg whites.


Please do not yell at your mother. There is no need for this, plus it is really disrespectful. So, I ask that you please try to ask your mother to pick up healthy foods.

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hey that was a cry for advice

help me!

You probably do not want to hear what I have to say.

i just meant about how to eat right


i have salads for lunch in school

and salads at home when i feel like it

and fruit sometimes

but im completely addicted to carbs

and cheese

and more carbs

bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins,

oh yea and cookie dough

kill me.


fruit is not filling

i cant have fruit for every meal

yogurt makes me sick in the morning

and on most days that only leaves dinner


fast food is evil

'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you

ugh i hate the world

i want this so bad

but i just dont try

i say i willl

sometimes i do for a week

but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell

and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this

but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them

i'll never be happy with my body like this

actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy

but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out

and i can be happy for a second

i only need that second -_-

I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base.

In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy.


Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things.

The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger.


For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese?


Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side.


Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on.


If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat.


Let me know if you want more.

omg did i forget muffins? there in like my top 8 of food! lol


the plain ones are gross. id rather be hungry

and i do apprciate this advice (i didnt read past the oatmeal part yet)

but im very picky

and to be honest, id rather be hungry then eat something thats not even good..

what is egg beaters anyway? lol

and i dont even have 2 to 3 mins normally

i have like negative 2 to 3 mins.


if i can grab something, cool, kinda

if i cant

oh well

lunch is at 11:16.

i LOVE cheese!

i love those little things of wax

AND AND ANDDDDD they come in lite. thank jesus and heavenly john lennon


they have yogurt but its fruit on the bottom(ew) and im sure its the 120 cal type

i dont eat any yogurt but my type

i know, im super picky

but why eat 90-180 cals when you can eat stuff that tastes better with only 60???

lunch is covered anyway

i have a chef salad with light ranch dressing


unless they have no ranch

then im stuck with whatever yucky dressed i pick randomly

i dont shop for myself

i yell at my mom to make these choices

i do work at shoprite though

so i can read labels whenever i want lol

i just dont know what to buy that im actually gonna like

or take the time to make

the biggest problem with this like whole country is that 'FAST' food

is easy cheap and soooooo bad

my time is precious, and im lazy

and im easily aggravated

i like things to be instant

or close to it

i know thats bratty and immature

but idc

id rather starve then spend a long time making my food


lol you know me. i always want more ;]




fruit is BORING and nothing else is instant(& good for you)

and food isnt boring

it cures borredness

and it makes me wanna kill myself

every D#%@& day


Lunch... salad is good, dressing is really, really bad. Lemon juice or oil and vinegar are the only approved dressings. Ranch is full of fat and sugar. If you get the light version of ranch, read the label, there is usually more sugar to replace the fat. Chef salad has to be watched. There could be lots of hidden forbidden foods. No croutons, crackers or bread.


No time? Your time is precious? Not precious enough to take time to make good food to eat.


Egg beaters is the best tasting egg alternative. Egg beaters even makes a really tasty egg whites.


Please do not yell at your mother. There is no need for this, plus it is really disrespectful. So, I ask that you please try to ask your mother to pick up healthy foods.

im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.


i pour it in and shake it

it doesnt have alot


i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol


lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.


i pour it in and shake it

it doesnt have alot


i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol


lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna

The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories.

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.


i pour it in and shake it

it doesnt have alot


i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol


lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna

The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories.

oh lol i was talking about the indie. bars.

that makes sense


so i did okay today

my approx sats:


11:30am- salad w/ light ranch dressing=200

3pm- honey bunches of oats w/ milk=218


10pm-roast beef=150




exercise= yoga


with a side note of course,

"today was okay

considering yesterday i ate like 4 cookies

and everyday a couple weeks ago i had cookies at lunch

not to be eating any junk, is good.

unfortunately i dont have time to run tonight

i have like an hour of hw at least O.O!"

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.


i pour it in and shake it

it doesnt have alot


i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol


lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna

The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories.

oh lol i was talking about the indie. bars.

that makes sense


so i did okay today

my approx sats:


11:30am- salad w/ light ranch dressing=200

3pm- honey bunches of oats w/ milk=218


10pm-roast beef=150




exercise= yoga


with a side note of course,

"today was okay

considering yesterday i ate like 4 cookies

and everyday a couple weeks ago i had cookies at lunch

not to be eating any junk, is good.

unfortunately i dont have time to run tonight

i have like an hour of hw at least O.O!"

You did great!!! That is how you are supposed to eat. A bunch of little meals/snacks.

Please do me one favour... eat a bar or something for breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism.

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im not gonna eat a salad w/o real dressing

id rather starve

and there is no label at school

its just in some plastic labeled bottle

i know its probably not very good for you but i like my lunch

and its the best choice when it comes to school food

im not gonna bring my own cuz i want salad, i just dont have time/space in the fridge


lol and what was i saying about being picky?

i dont have time to be picky? im a big fat WHALEHIPPO!

i am gonna eat celery whenever im sitting on my fat butt and im hungry

maybe with peanut butter(super bad, i know)

but dont they make that in light yet?




i didnt actually mean 'yell'.


and btw theres no "No croutons, crackers or bread" in my chef salads




eggs(that look plastic that i dont eat)

shreded carrots

cheese(which i shouldnt, but i eat)

ham,turkey and idk 'schoolmeat stuff

cucumbers(sometimes. that i dont eat)


and maybe something i forgot. idk they didnt have ANY today

so its been a while cuz all last week was 1/2 days

i guess

i'll let you know


wuts the best thing i can grab on break?

i know i can have fruit salad but thats boring sometimes

luna bars are good and filling

maybe ill just do that everyday (at work)

If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing.


The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese.


For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.


i pour it in and shake it

it doesnt have alot


i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol


lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna

The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories.

oh lol i was talking about the indie. bars.

that makes sense


so i did okay today

my approx sats:


11:30am- salad w/ light ranch dressing=200

3pm- honey bunches of oats w/ milk=218


10pm-roast beef=150




exercise= yoga


with a side note of course,

"today was okay

considering yesterday i ate like 4 cookies

and everyday a couple weeks ago i had cookies at lunch

not to be eating any junk, is good.

unfortunately i dont have time to run tonight

i have like an hour of hw at least O.O!"

You did great!!! That is how you are supposed to eat. A bunch of little meals/snacks.

Please do me one favour... eat a bar or something for breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism.

i was gonna have a ricecake but i didnt have time to grab it

and i forgot

ugh i feel so icky today

i had an awesome day

and a terrbile night :[

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its funny cuz i was like.. why didnt i loose weight

and then i remembered eating the normal way takes longer to loose weight lol

but at least i wont yoyo hopefully

unless its better less food and normal lol

i have no idea what im gonna do when my friends want starbucks or taco bell or pizza

i think ill cry :[

cuz everyone else (but sam) is thin enough to eat that stuff

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its funny cuz i was like.. why didnt i loose weight

and then i remembered eating the normal way takes longer to loose weight lol

but at least i wont yoyo hopefully

unless its better less food and normal lol

i have no idea what im gonna do when my friends want starbucks or taco bell or pizza

i think ill cry :[

cuz everyone else (but sam) is thin enough to eat that stuff






Next, when you go to Starbucks have a hot tea or iced tea. These are great alternatives to the sugar and fat drinks that they have AND they cost a lot less money!

As for taco bell or pizza, as I don't frequent these places, I am going to make a guess. Get a bean burrito, ONE, and after each bite, put the burrito down and chew each bite at least 21 times. That should slow down your eating. The same goes for the pizza. Have ONE slice. If you must, two slices, but I would use the same technique as the burrito. Put the slice of pizza down and out of your hand after each bite.

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its funny cuz i was like.. why didnt i loose weight

and then i remembered eating the normal way takes longer to loose weight lol

but at least i wont yoyo hopefully

unless its better less food and normal lol

i have no idea what im gonna do when my friends want starbucks or taco bell or pizza

i think ill cry :[

cuz everyone else (but sam) is thin enough to eat that stuff






Next, when you go to Starbucks have a hot tea or iced tea. These are great alternatives to the sugar and fat drinks that they have AND they cost a lot less money!

As for taco bell or pizza, as I don't frequent these places, I am going to make a guess. Get a bean burrito, ONE, and after each bite, put the burrito down and chew each bite at least 21 times. That should slow down your eating. The same goes for the pizza. Have ONE slice. If you must, two slices, but I would use the same technique as the burrito. Put the slice of pizza down and out of your hand after each bite.

most of the time i eat junk food im out of my mind

if you get it


i know, im so bad blah blah blah

but thats life


i could just shoot myself today

ugh :[

i did so bad

i dont even wanna calc it

WAYYYY over 1000. which is scary

i scare myself

why do i KEEP eating?

why do i feel hungry when i shouldnt?

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its funny cuz i was like.. why didnt i loose weight

and then i remembered eating the normal way takes longer to loose weight lol

but at least i wont yoyo hopefully

unless its better less food and normal lol

i have no idea what im gonna do when my friends want starbucks or taco bell or pizza

i think ill cry :[

cuz everyone else (but sam) is thin enough to eat that stuff






Next, when you go to Starbucks have a hot tea or iced tea. These are great alternatives to the sugar and fat drinks that they have AND they cost a lot less money!

As for taco bell or pizza, as I don't frequent these places, I am going to make a guess. Get a bean burrito, ONE, and after each bite, put the burrito down and chew each bite at least 21 times. That should slow down your eating. The same goes for the pizza. Have ONE slice. If you must, two slices, but I would use the same technique as the burrito. Put the slice of pizza down and out of your hand after each bite.

most of the time i eat junk food im out of my mind

if you get it


i know, im so bad blah blah blah

but thats life


i could just shoot myself today

ugh :[

i did so bad

i dont even wanna calc it

WAYYYY over 1000. which is scary

i scare myself

why do i KEEP eating?

why do i feel hungry when i shouldnt?

I understand completely.


Let me think on this before I respond.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

lol express is far away kinda

idk i was on 1(which is 10 or less) for most of yesterday and today

but tomorrow express is gonna be 9)(&)*&.


hopefully i'll get put nicely on reg. 13 or something

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

lol express is far away kinda

idk i was on 1(which is 10 or less) for most of yesterday and today

but tomorrow express is gonna be 9)(&)*&.


hopefully i'll get put nicely on reg. 13 or something

*crosses paws*

Good luck with a good register.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

lol express is far away kinda

idk i was on 1(which is 10 or less) for most of yesterday and today

but tomorrow express is gonna be 9)(&)*&.


hopefully i'll get put nicely on reg. 13 or something

*crosses paws*

Good luck with a good register.

i just hope im not near the door cuz its freezing outside


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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

lol express is far away kinda

idk i was on 1(which is 10 or less) for most of yesterday and today

but tomorrow express is gonna be 9)(&)*&.


hopefully i'll get put nicely on reg. 13 or something

*crosses paws*

Good luck with a good register.

i just hope im not near the door cuz its freezing outside


For me that would be the kiss of death. I HATE being cold. And every time the door opened, I would freeze to death. The managers would be mad because I would be wearing a coat and gloves.

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sometimes i believe i am more 'animal' then human

i know we 'are' but in a more indepth way lol

A little animal can free the spirit.

Nocturnal creatures enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.

yea but now i have work and im so beat

*yawns* -__-

Unfortunately that happens.

You are not ready to live life on the dark side just yet. :lol:

i somehow took a little chunk of my finger out at work

and it hurts

dry skin 'stinks'

Dry skin hurts. You need to use lots of hand and body lotion.

i kno

just too lazy lol

ugh i hate today

Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.

i always have work on weekends

That stinks. Hopefully you won't be on the express lane and you will be far away from the manager's office.

lol express is far away kinda

idk i was on 1(which is 10 or less) for most of yesterday and today

but tomorrow express is gonna be 9)(&)*&.


hopefully i'll get put nicely on reg. 13 or something

*crosses paws*

Good luck with a good register.

i just hope im not near the door cuz its freezing outside


For me that would be the kiss of death. I HATE being cold. And every time the door opened, I would freeze to death. The managers would be mad because I would be wearing a coat and gloves.

lol they wouldnt care

but eric would lol

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