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heart break

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today i experienced a heartbreak. I asked a guy if he liked me but he felt just plain friendship. The hardest thing is now I have to face him everyday because we are in a class together and I sit behind him. I wrote these poems, because of this. I really don't expect responses other then if you liked my poem or not. I just told the cosmic void my troubles to heal my heart.

Just Friends

You said no

my world broke

you and I are just friends;

but I can't see you that way

But why does it hurt so?

I feel like I'm about to choke

you and I are just friends; but my heart can't say no to what my head is saying

I just see what could of been

But all you see is just a friend

Rose color glasses

My heart broke;

when you said no

Did you know that or

do you still have on your rose color glasses?

I could choke

but that isn't so

Did I wake up or

do I still see though my rose color glasses?

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I am so sorry to hear your heart hurts. That is really tough. First, I admire you for being brave enough to ask him the question, and second, you are such as a terrific person, my heart hurts for you. Although this is not want you want to hear... time will heal these hurts. The good news is that we have some holidays so you won't have to see him too much. Here's a hammie bear hug for you.


Your poems are really terrific. You are such a talented writer.

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thank you that means more than you know. IT feels weird ,I like him but now after school and stuff when I have spent some time thinking about it. Well it doesn't hurt I'm just numb and i just wish that he felt the same way. My friends tell me that he was going to say yes but my best friend Kimi said that you can't get your hopes up but she also thinks that I was brave. my heart is like a battle field right now, I have so many scars that getting hurt again isn't shocking as it is more of just there. I can't really feel like myself yet at the same time I wish that I could laugh and be happy. Thank you for the hug. IO'm not a good writerI'm just good at saying my feelings even to a computer screen.

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thank you that means more than you know. IT feels weird ,I like him but now after school and stuff when I have spent some time thinking about it. Well it doesn't hurt I'm just numb and i just wish that he felt the same way. My friends tell me that he was going to say yes but my best friend Kimi said that you can't get your hopes up but she also thinks that I was brave. my heart is like a battle field right now, I have so many scars that getting hurt again isn't shocking as it is more of just there. I can't really feel like myself yet at the same time I wish that I could laugh and be happy. Thank you for the hug. IO'm not a good writerI'm just good at saying my feelings even to a computer screen.

I'm glad I could help you feel better. Time is a wonderful healer.

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yeah he might like you but remember that even if it doesn't work then it wasn't meant to be. Saying that might be good but I know that rejection is still hard. I'm working as a cashier at Price Cropper.

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um.. thank you. is that that a warning?

Sort of. You have no idea just how mean, condescending and down right jerky people can get when you don't bend the rules from them.

It is amazing that no one wants to take responsibility for their actions and then they expect you to break the rules or do whatever it takes to accommodate them.

For example... the local grocery store policy for when you are paying with a credit card is to have a photo id to go along with the card. Otherwise they are not permitted to accept the card for the transaction. I listened to the lady in front of me, beg, plead, get mad, scream, yell, all while she wanted the cashier to put her job in jeopardy to break the rules for this woman. Ultimately she had told the girl that "she would have her job" and that this was the last transaction this cashier would ever have. The cashier stuck to the store policy and very quietly kept telling the lady that she was so sorry, but the lady needed to have a photo id. In the end, the lady dug through her oversized steamer-trunk of a pocketbook and found her driver's license. :rolleyes: I can tell you, if this lady had lost her credit card and someone at that same store used it with no ID, that lady would be threatening to sue the store and the cashier you allowed it to go through would lose her job.


So, I guess I was just kind of feeling sorry for you for what lies ahead.

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<_<yeah now i have something to look forward to * this is said in a deadpan voice*

Yeah, sorry but it's not the best of jobs as I learned from a friend in high school. He complained about how people would be jerks about things and oftentimes they complained that he was trying to "rip them off"...as if he had any such power :rolleyes:


I guess you'll have to find a way to defend yourself without being too aggressive.

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

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<_<yeah now i have something to look forward to * this is said in a deadpan voice*

don't worry. I worked in a supermarket for the last three months. I would have liked to keep working, but I moved. it's not that bad. Most people are actually pretty nice. In all the time I worked there, only one lady was really bad. Our policy was that she couldn't buy more than 4 of the fridge-pak coke and pepsi products, and she had about 18 in her cart. She called the next morning to complain about me because in the end we only let her take four.

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<_ now i have something to look forward this is said in a deadpan voice>

don't worry. I worked in a supermarket for the last three months. I would have liked to keep working, but I moved. it's not that bad. Most people are actually pretty nice. In all the time I worked there, only one lady was really bad. Our policy was that she couldn't buy more than 4 of the fridge-pak coke and pepsi products, and she had about 18 in her cart. She called the next morning to complain about me because in the end we only let her take four.

Good for you. You stuck to store policy and that is terrific!!!

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

And....... ?

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

And....... ?

...and i look away...



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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

And....... ?

...and i look away...



:D Yes.

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

And....... ?

...and i look away...



:D Yes.

thats a good thing?

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Oh great now I'm scared! I like a guy but I haven't told him I like him...now I see what the result could be!


But good job on the poems.



If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.

yeah ive been waiting for a few months but better than the guy i used to like that was several years...


im patient and i dont want to ruin anything so ill wait some more...



I think that is probably a wise idea.

yep. i still stare at him though. :wub:


Staring is good, until he catches you at it. :lol:

well occasionaly we make eye contact...

And....... ?

...and i look away...



:D Yes.

thats a good thing?

Not bad, just life.

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I can't help this....must resit.... Ok I can't. Is his last name ...BOOK? I know it was bad. But hey, I can't help it. * listens to the crickets chipping* :blush::lol:

His middle initial is a.

haha u guys are funny...

no, his last name isnt book!

and idk what his middle name is...



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  • 4 weeks later...
sound wise

I usually smell with my nose...

When you aren't smelling with your nose, what other body part are you smelling with? :blink:

My gills, of course.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

*hands Hoops The Double Gold Star Award*

Great reply!!!!!

Thanks! I knew grafting a fish on to me would be worth it. =D

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ok here is the update of my stories!


My Stories:

1. Joker to Traitor - I have to finish typing the prolong but I've started the first chapter.

2. Back at Last - I have seven chapters completed but I need to finish chapter eight. Then I will post it to see reaction. After that I will delay new posting of this story so I can finish it.

3. The Thief Princess of Ashner - I changed the title and I have the first three chapters. But this was started in 8th grade and I'm going to edit it to bring it up to date.

4. Fighting Yourself - I have the first chapter And I really need to sit down and continue.

5. Second Chance - I need to finish the prolong but this is meant to be the prequel to Back at Last.

So yeah I just need to sit down and write but these are my stories that I need to finish and that I will post here.

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I want to post a story but it is a bit gory so I want to know if I type and post if you look at and then tell me wither or not It can be see by others ok Horatio?

Post it please. I think we can all handle gore. If it is too, too, TOO bad, of course I will let you know, but I don't think that will happen.

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