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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Glory, Glory, blessed be You!

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Such a tiny offering, sacrafice.

Compared to His...

Who do we think we are?


He can laugh at it...

Yet He smiles and shows affection.

Because we can never repay our debt


Isn't that something?

That forbidden word?


Why is it forbidden?

Perhaps we are afraid...

Ashamed of ourselves...


But He speaks softly, saying...

"My Child...My... Child. You are Mine..."


And this is a promise...

His promise

His Love shining through...


Who else shows that Love?


How far would your friends go for you?

Your dog? Cat?

Even many parents, father and mothers, cannot compare.



He went all the way...

For you...


Is that Love?

Is that what I have been searching for?


I'd like to think so.

Because it isn't, then what's Love?


Words are words.

And it is said actions speak louder than words...


Can you remember those actions which spoke the loudest?

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