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Yes, they are very tasty. We caught relatively small ones, but many. 73 in total of which most are in the freezer now.

We also caught several cods which all were very small. The ones which were not too much injured were put back into the sea, like the small sea robin my brother caught.

Sounds like you guys had a great fishing day! Even though the fish were small, you still had fun. :) Spending time with your brother was the most important part of the holiday.

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Time is passing...

Two weeks ago I had the department seminar. In front of 50 people, two of them professors and at least 20 Ph.D. Was fine. :)

And also two weeks left until I have to submit my Master's thesis. I gave a first version to my supervisor for correction. Hope there's not too much left to do. I'll also do another experiment which has to be added, and then it's done. Just work a bit more (contract extended- I some money for the work), do the defense at the beginning of September, and that's it.

Looking forward to Asutralia. Tomorrow I'll get my last vaccination. And a skin cancer screening. I bought a backpack. A very nice one from Eagle Creek. Because it was the 2009 model, they gave 100 Euros discount, so it was 140 Euros.


The soccer world championship currently takes place in South Africa. The last match I watched in our lecture hall. :lol:

There's a big party in Germany, everywhere big screens in the public where all the people watch the matches. And you see German flags everywhere- which is really rare if there's no soccer world cup. I'm really curious how the German team is performing. They were 3rd in the last world cup and 2nd in the Europe cup. Now after the big 4:0 win against the Socceroos (Australia), they lost 0:1 against Serbia. They have to win against Ghana on Wednesday, otherwise they are out.

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Congratulations on completing the department seminar. The Master's thesis will be easy for you now that you have the first version submitted. I am glad that your contract was extended. Another experiment, you will enjoy that.


Australia is getting close. You must be so excited! If I was in your place, I would have a hard time focusing on work. Eagle Creek makes good backpacks. Great idea buying last year's model. I couldn't tell you what year my backpack was featured. The main point is if it does what I want it to do. You got a great discount! Why the skin cancer screening? Is that required or a precautionary test?


I have been so busy that I have not been following the World Cup. Good luck to Germany.


I'm in Louisville, Kentucky this evening and tomorrow. Then back to Memphis.


FedEx is opening a hub at the airport in your town. We are leaving Frankfurt in September or October. Probably I won't get over there until after the first of the year, but I will definitely let you know when I plan to be there.

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Skin cancer screening is just precaution. I have many birthmarks and thus I'm in the risk group. Nothing to worry, I just should go to the screening once a year. If there's something, it can be detected early. Then it is still small and can be easily cut.

I didn't go for two years now and before leaving to Australia with the generally high skin cancer risk due to the sun and the ozon hole it is a good idea to go to the screening.


FedEx is opening a hub at the airport in your town. We are leaving Frankfurt in September or October. Probably I won't get over there until after the first of the year, but I will definitely let you know when I plan to be there.


Interesting. Do you know why they are leaving Frankfurt? I'm wondering because Cologne airport is much smaller.

At the end of September, I'm already leaving Germany. Not from Cologne airport, but Frankfurt. :lol: There are no regular overseas passenger flights from Cologne at the moment. There are some flights from Düsseldorf which is very close, but I decided to take a flight from Frankfurt with a Rail&Fly ticket included. There's a quite new ICE train high speed connection. From Cologne Central to Frankfurt Airport it takes just 48 minutes for the 180km (113 miles). Top speed is 320 km/h (200 mp/h).

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Skin cancer screening is just precaution. I have many birthmarks and thus I'm in the risk group. Nothing to worry, I just should go to the screening once a year. If there's something, it can be detected early. Then it is still small and can be easily cut.

I didn't go for two years now and before leaving to Australia with the generally high skin cancer risk due to the sun and the ozon hole it is a good idea to go to the screening.


FedEx is opening a hub at the airport in your town. We are leaving Frankfurt in September or October. Probably I won't get over there until after the first of the year, but I will definitely let you know when I plan to be there.


Interesting. Do you know why they are leaving Frankfurt? I'm wondering because Cologne airport is much smaller.

At the end of September, I'm already leaving Germany. Not from Cologne airport, but Frankfurt. :lol: There are no regular overseas passenger flights from Cologne at the moment. There are some flights from Düsseldorf which is very close, but I decided to take a flight from Frankfurt with a Rail&Fly ticket included. There's a quite new ICE train high speed connection. From Cologne Central to Frankfurt Airport it takes just 48 minutes for the 180km (113 miles). Top speed is 320 km/h (200 mp/h).


Please look for Neutrogena sun screen with an SPF of 100. It is an excellent product. I use this myself and am really pleased with it. Although it may not actually have the ability for an SPF of 100, I will say that it has kept me from getting sunburnt and I have been out all day. It does not wash off with water or sweat, so this would be great for you while in Australia. It is expensive, but you don't need a whole lot, so it will last a long time.


I love the high-speed trains. What a great way to travel. We should have high speed trains here, but there would be some businessman who did not have foresight and would pay lots of contribution money to some politician to block the idea. This has happened in Florida. From Orlando airport to Port Canaveral, this would have been a perfect solution to get the zillion or so buses off the roads, but Mears, the transportation company has blocked the idea because they have an exclusive contract with Disney to provide bus service to and from the airport and the port.


If they open a crew base (or domicile) I will be moving to your town. Germany is such a wonderful country. Of course, it does not hurt that all my heritage is from Germany. It would be fantastic to spend a bunch of years in Europe, working from there. Let's see if that becomes a reality.

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Yesterday I've been at a "public viewing". That's the pseudo-english term which is used over here for events where people watch for example sports on public places. :lol:

I watched the soccer match Germany-Ghana. They set up a giant LED screen on a truck. Amazing. So many people and such a fantastic atmosphere. Especially when Germany got the 1:0. B)

Next match for Germany is on sunday. A classicist. Germany against England. They should train penalty kicks. Already several times these matches were a tie. Since there has to be a winner, penalty kicks are done. And then, England usually loses... :D



Please look for Neutrogena sun screen with an SPF of 100.


I will have a look for this Neutrogena stuff. Well, first I have to go to a dermatologist. Some birthmarks turned out to look suspicious and probably have to be removed. I already had two times two removed several years ago, I hate this. <_< They turned out to be not dangerous in further analysis... At least these are gone now. :rolleyes:


I love the high-speed trains. What a great way to travel. We should have high speed trains here, but there would be some businessman who did not have foresight and would pay lots of contribution money to some politician to block the idea. This has happened in Florida. From Orlando airport to Port Canaveral, this would have been a perfect solution to get the zillion or so buses off the roads, but Mears, the transportation company has blocked the idea because they have an exclusive contract with Disney to provide bus service to and from the airport and the port.


In Europe it is rather the other way around. Most train companies are or were governmental, so they are protected from competitors. Even though the former governmental "Deutsche Bahn" is privatized and there are also other companies growing up, rail is still protected. In long-distance service, no concessions are given to bus enterprises for many destinations.


If they open a crew base (or domicile) I will be moving to your town. Germany is such a wonderful country. Of course, it does not hurt that all my heritage is from Germany. It would be fantastic to spend a bunch of years in Europe, working from there. Let's see if that becomes a reality.


You have a German heritage? I didn't know. So you are maybe moving to my town just when I left. :wacko:

I don't know yet, but it is rather unlikely that I return to Cologne after the year in Australia. I don't know what I will do afterwards, but I spent all my life here and like to see something different. In the long run, I want to stay in Germany (or at least Europe), but at least for a Ph.D. I'm open for something else. Lets see, maybe I stay in Australia for a few more years. :lol:

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A "public-viewing"... sounds like a fun time. I don't know if we do that here, I have never seen it, but after all, I live in a cage. :lol:

The Germany - England game... go Germany!!!



Those birthmarks can be annoying, and I am certain that you are unhappy to have to remove more of them. Good news that they are not dangerous, and perhaps the same will be said of these. That particular Neutrogena is expensive, but you only use a little and it does last a lot longer than you think. For the money, it is a good product as it does not go away when you swim or sweat.



Passenger trains are government sponsored here in the USA, but the companies, such as tour buses and taxi-cabs, are privately owned. It is the tour bus and taxi-cab businesses that put pressure on the politicians not to endorse putting trains into place. This is so crazy as far as transportation options are concerned. For example, the company that provides bus transportation between Orlando Airport and the Port of Canaveral, (for cruises), is making so much money, that they are very, very powerful to stop any idea of trains being put into place on that route.



So, you leave Germany just when I have the opportunity to come. :lol: Isn't that always the way things happen. We also will be flying to Australia, so I will track you down there. This is a perfect time for you to see the world. When you finally get the job you desire, things change and taking off for a year or two is not always possible. Take advantage of this opportunity now! You will find the location where you want to complete your PhD., so have fun while you are working hard. Australia might just be the place where this happens.



Lots of German heritage. In fact I have a cousin in Baltrium, far up in the North.



One of my friends has a Honda motorcycle touring club. I thought of you when she was telling me about one of her rides. Are you riding your bike?

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A "public-viewing"... sounds like a fun time. I don't know if we do that here, I have never seen it, but after all, I live in a cage. :lol:

The Germany - England game... go Germany!!!


Big defeat of the "Three Lions". The German team won 4:1. A very nice and fair match. The English stars around Rooney showed a bad perforance. The extremely young German team (average age 25, compared to almost 30 for the English) showed much better teamplay and their fitness was a lot better. There was a big party everywhere. People went on the streets with their cars to celebrate, blowing their horns and waving flags. The trains crowded with people jumping around- the whole train was bouncing. :lol: Such a big party you can only observe in Germany when the national soccer team had a big victory.


So next is quarter final. Like in the last championship in 2006 (which took place in Germany- this was an even bigger party especially with the fantastic summer), Argentina won against Mexico and now is facing Germany. Last time, Germany won... Let's see what happens this time.


Those birthmarks can be annoying, and I am certain that you are unhappy to have to remove more of them. Good news that they are not dangerous, and perhaps the same will be said of these. That particular Neutrogena is expensive, but you only use a little and it does last a lot longer than you think. For the money, it is a good product as it does not go away when you swim or sweat.


I was lucky. The dermatologist said everything is fine, nothing has to be removed.


So, you leave Germany just when I have the opportunity to come. :lol: Isn't that always the way things happen. We also will be flying to Australia, so I will track you down there. This is a perfect time for you to see the world. When you finally get the job you desire, things change and taking off for a year or two is not always possible. Take advantage of this opportunity now! You will find the location where you want to complete your PhD., so have fun while you are working hard. Australia might just be the place where this happens.


Yes, it is a big chance to do this now. Especially with this visa (work permit almost without limitation) which you only get until you're 30. Such a time also is great for personal development many people say. I'm really curious what's happening in this year (or two, who knows).


One of my friends has a Honda motorcycle touring club. I thought of you when she was telling me about one of her rides. Are you riding your bike?


Yes, but not so much. I try to save as much as possible now. Fuel is getting very expensive again, like it was in 2008 before the financial crisis started, leading to dropping consumer prices, especially including fuel.

In addition, the Euro is extremely weak now with this Greece crisis and so on. One year ago, € 1 was AUD 2.10. Now it is only 1.42. Still falling. So I will need even more of my money in Australia before I own something there.

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I thought I had hit the reply button, but when I looked, my reply didn't show up. So... here goes.


Germany really did a played a great game. They deserved the win. In four years, I think they will win again!!! The upcoming quarter final will be a great game... Go Germany!!!!! The party was one big country party. How outstanding is that?!?!?!? :D I'm not so sure I would want to be on the bouncing train... that would make me nervous.


Good news about the birthmarks. I know you are relieved to know that everything is fine.


The situation with the work permit giving you so much latitude is perfect. As you say, this time is great for personal development, and I hope you enjoy yourself and take advantage of what the situation has to offer.


High fuel cost is a problem, as you can't go far without gas. You need to be saving for your trip and the bike will be here when you return. So, although you are missing some good riding weather, focus on Australia.


Perhaps you should have started stocking up on Australian currency, the Euro looks a little shaky, as does the global financial situation. I'm certain you will be okay, but I do think that you will have to make some choices on what and where you spend your money. You are smart and I am certain you will make the right choices.


The news from work is that we will have a base in Koln a year from now. :( The B-757 is already over in Europe flying and the hub opens in September, so I won't be there for quite some time. My B-777 school starts the 5th of August, so I am trying to focus on getting prepared early. Nothing else to report from here.

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My thesis is almost finished. B) Corrections from my Prof are already included. Now I just have to wait for the last experiment- the bacteria need time to grow. On monday I will have the result, quickly write, and then it is ready for printing. Deadline for submission is tuesday.


So, although you are missing some good riding weather, focus on Australia.


Well, riding weather was good the last weeks, but for some days now it is too hot. Summer at its best. 37°C (almost 100 Fahrenheit) today. The aircondition in the lab is broken, so it was really hot. At least the office rooms still had air condition and we have some nice cooling rooms. 4°C and -20°C. :lol:

We had a seminar guest speaker from Canberra. From the same insitute where I will work for three months when I'm in Australia. There temperatures are slightly above the freezing point. Luckily, I leave Germany just when summer ends, then stay one month in tropical Southeast Asia and arrive in Australia just when summer begins . :)

Will be tough when I'm coming back to Germany. After 1 and a half years of summer finally German autumn and winter... :wacko:

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The pressure is on. I am amazed that you will get the results on Monday and be able to add these to your thesis for submission Tuesday. You must be getting really happy to have most of this behind you and the trip getting so near. Good luck on your thesis, although I am really sure you don't need it and will submit the best paper they have ever seen.


Living in Florida, I don't mind riding in hot weather. It feels great when you are moving and a very hot when you are stopped, but, hopefully those stops are short. As for the lab being without air conditioning, that is brutal. We are so accustomed to having cool, comfortable working conditions that when the air conditioning or heat breaks down, it seems so much worse. At least you can head over to one of the other rooms when things get way too hot. Will this harm your bacteria in any way?


The endless summer... how nice that is. You could just follow the summer from Europe to Australia to Europe, work six months in each place and never see winter. I would never get tired of summer. Although I do admit, that I like the flowers of spring, and the colours of fall, but other than that I wouldn't care of I ever saw winter again. Shoveling the snow, scraping the ice off your windshield... uck.


Once back home, you will get used to the winter fast. LOL.

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The pressure is on. I am amazed that you will get the results on Monday and be able to add these to your thesis for submission Tuesday.


It is just one small experiment- this is quickly written down. It's just nice to have it in the thesis. Everything else is ready for printing. :)



Living in Florida, I don't mind riding in hot weather. It feels great when you are moving and a very hot when you are stopped, but, hopefully those stops are short. As for the lab being without air conditioning, that is brutal. We are so accustomed to having cool, comfortable working conditions that when the air conditioning or heat breaks down, it seems so much worse. At least you can head over to one of the other rooms when things get way too hot. Will this harm your bacteria in any way?


No, it will not harm the bacteria. They are in an incubator anyway. Also most of the plants I'm using are not on the field or in greenhouses, but in special climate chambers having temperature, illumination and humidity perfectly controlled to have standardized conditions and reproducible results.

The heat in the lab is annoying, yes. However, at home it is the same. Since there are usually few days which are that hot in Germany, air condition isn't very common anyway. Only heating- which is very important. :D

In older buildings there is usually no air condition, just in newer ones. And also most new private houses and flats don't have it. Most new cars and public transport vehicles have it, but in public transport it is rather common that there is no cooling.


Once back home, you will get used to the winter fast. LOL.


Yes, I think so. Actually I like most nice spring and autumn days. Sunny, not too hot or too cold- perfect. This is usually the case in April/May and September/October over here.

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If the last part of your thesis is a small entry, then you will not be under too much pressure. Excellent news!!! I know you will be ready for a big party after you turn the thesis in.


The bacteria not being harmed is what I assumed, but I thought I should ask anyway. I have found when I make assumptions, I can often go off on a tangent, so now I clarify.


When I lived in Berlin, we did not have air conditioning, and for me, heat was imperative. The building also turned the heat off at 22H00 (10 PM) and it was not turned back on until 06H00. The cleaning service that took care of our rooms would come in and open the windows during the day and when I got home, almost at midnight, I nearly froze to death. There was no chance of getting the room warm because there was no heat. So, I agree, heat is very, very important.


Spring and fall are beautiful in Germany, I also like the summer because I don't think it gets too hot for me. You will have to keep us posted with the details of your trip and your return home.

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Germany-Argentina 4:0. B) B) B) Against strong Argentina! What a great show. Nobody expected such a big win. After the match I rode to my parent's home. On my way, I found myself in the middle of all the people in their cars. Traffic in the city totally collapsed, everywhere people with their cars, blowing their horns (or the African Vuvuzelas :D ), waving flags and so on. I also blew the horn and was reving up the engine of my Honda. :lol: The party is getting bigger with each match.

I'm a bit upset that Ghana, the last African team, was kicked out of the cup by Uruguay. I really liked when the players were dancing after each goal. :lol: In the preliminary round they were already almost kicked out by Germany, but they were lucky that Australia finally woke up and won against Serbia. This didn't help them anymore, but the defeated Serbia dropped from 2nd to 3rd and Ghana was still in as 2nd then. For many many African people soccer is very important. Much more important like it is for Europeans. This was only the third African team playing in a quarter final and there was no team in the semi-final so far. This would have been a really really big party in Africa.

So next is semi-final. Germany-Spain and Netherlands-Uruguay. I hope Germany and the Netherlands win. This would be a great final.

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So World Cup is over now. Unfortunately, Germany was beaten by Spain in the semi-finals. Luckily, the German and Uruguayan team showed great soccer in the match for the third place. A very fair but dramatic match, for sure the nicest to watch of the whole cup. The early 1:0 lead by Germany, then Uruguay came back to 1:2 and finally Germany won with a bit of luck 3:2. Great match from both sides. Very good job, Uruguay!

The final between Spain and the Netherlands was extemely boring and full of fouls. :angry2: With this match, none of them deserved to be champion. I hope Germany will do it next time. 2nd in 2002, 3rd in 2006 and 2010. So 2014... With the very young team already playing such amazing games, it should be possible.

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And finally, I also submitted my thesis. Now I continue working a bit in the lab, but a bit more relaxed.

The aircon still isn't working and the heat continues. Saturday was the hottest day this year, almost 40°C. Even in the nights it isn't really cooling down, still tropical temperatures. I rode my Honda to get to my parents at Saturday. Just 30km. In my black leather suit, I've been completely wet afterwards. I thought on the Autobahn I will get a little cooling. Negative. The hot air from the road is like a warm fan. And in addition, I had a ******* car driver in front of me, blocking the fast lane with just 100 km/h (62 mp/h) while the other lane was completely free. Exactly on this part of the Autobahn where I used to go full speed. No limit there. :angry: :angry: :angry:


At least today we had a little tempest cooling the air a bit, but tomorrow the heat is already coming back...

Well, at least this is a great preparation for Australia. I should get used to heat. :lol:

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So World Cup is over now. Unfortunately, Germany was beaten by Spain in the semi-finals. Luckily, the German and Uruguayan team showed great soccer in the match for the third place. A very fair but dramatic match, for sure the nicest to watch of the whole cup. The early 1:0 lead by Germany, then Uruguay came back to 1:2 and finally Germany won with a bit of luck 3:2. Great match from both sides. Very good job, Uruguay!

The final between Spain and the Netherlands was extemely boring and full of fouls. :angry2: With this match, none of them deserved to be champion. I hope Germany will do it next time. 2nd in 2002, 3rd in 2006 and 2010. So 2014... With the very young team already playing such amazing games, it should be possible.

I was disappointed that Germany did not win. There were way too many fouls in the Spain/Netherlands game. I do agree with you, neither of those two teams deserved to be the champion. You are right, I do think Germany will win the World Cup in 2014.

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Wait... you submitted your thesis? A day before the deadline? How did your last experiment work out? Did you achieve the results you expected?


More days with no air conditioning... awful. 40 degrees Centigrade is really hot. Las Vegas was 42 when we arrived yesterday. As with you, the nights did not cool down except for a few degrees.


Glad to hear you got on the Honda, but how awful you had a hot ride. I thought those bad drivers were only in Memphis. We have these horrible drivers, that get on the freeway, head straight for the left lane, then go 20 miles per hour below the speed limit. What are they thinking????? :o Don't they know that the SLOW lane is for SLOW drivers?!?!? Then we have these maniac drivers that think they are NASCAR drivers, weaving in and out of lanes, jamming on their brakes, tailgating and all while trying to exceed 100 miles an hour on a 55 mile an hour road. When the pavement gets hot, you have to get some cooling, even if it is warm air flowing by. My black leather suit gets hot, but I always ride with it for protection. It's when the jacket comes off that I am soaking wet beneath as well. I will say that BMW makes some of the best leather riding gear. Dainese is my next favorite, but their leather products are three times the cost of BMW.


Australia is getting close. I can only imagine how excited you are getting. You have passed so many requirements, such as completion of your thesis, that you must feel a sense of relief, a sense of joy and a sense of adventure. I think this is going to be such an incredible experience and you will have a great time while working down there. I am excited for you. Glad you have a good camera, we get to share the adventure with you. The time is nearing for your departure and sooner than you think you will be boarding the plane.

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Wow, this weather is amazing. After the heat and drought it turned into tropical conditions. Still hot, but a bit less. Very humid now. And we have lots of thunderstorms. Just another one, even stronger than the last one. There were small tornados with lots of destruction and several people killed.

At least the plants have enough water now and the temperature immediately after a tempest is very convenient. 23°C now. One hour ago it was 33°C. However, it is going to be sticky tomorrow again.

Meanwhile, Eastern Germany is like a desert. A severe drought causes crops to die and forests are burning. At least the fires are under control.

Weather is getting crazy. Germany, unlike the US, isn't known for such extreme conditions. However, it is getting more and more frequent. First was the extreme winter with more snow than I have seen in all the 25 years of my life taken together, now one of the hottest summers I can remember.


Wait... you submitted your thesis? A day before the deadline? How did your last experiment work out? Did you achieve the results you expected?


Well, yes. I expected nothing spectacular. Correct expectation. :lol:


My black leather suit gets hot, but I always ride with it for protection.


Me too. Well, when it is getting cold, I also take my textile suit. However, if the weather conditions allow it, I take leather. I've seen a test from ADAC, a German automobile club. The cheapest leather suit (100 Euro) protected as well as the most expensive textile suit (2.000 Euro).


Australia is getting close.


Yes. I bought a laptop for my trip. First I wanted to have a netbook, but then I thought ok, a laptop is not so much larger and heavier, but offers much more possibilities. I bought a cheap one for 360 Euro which is quite nice. The battery lasts for 4h in energy saver mode which is enough I think. The display is much bigger than the display of a netbook. I tried one, you often have to scroll horizontally which is a real pain. The hardware is much more powerful and allows even playing some older games when I'm bored (this will for sure happen at some point) or watching DVDs


Glad you have a good camera, we get to share the adventure with you.


No, I don't have one yet. Coming soon. :D

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The weather all over the world is getting really crazy. I think weather patterns will only get worse. Everyone needs to join in and save the planet. Of course, everyone thinks it is the job of the other guy, not them. But we all need to take part. WOW! Your weather sounds awful. Germany is not known for tornadoes, so I am certain these took people by surprise. How sad to hear that people lost their lives.


When you do you hear about how your thesis was received? I believe you will be very happy with the results as you have worked so very hard on this experiment.


Some of our leather suits are better than others. Price is usually a good way to tell if the quality is good. The Dainese are around $600 for just the jacket and $400 to $500 for the pants. Too expensive for me. The more expensive the jacket, the better quality the leather, there will be better quality pads in the elbows, shoulders, back, whereas some leather jackets don't have any padding at all.


I think your decision to get a laptop over a netbook is a very good idea. The netbooks are okay, but I think for you, the laptop has much better capability and better battery as you noticed. As you also mentioned, I don't like the scrolling on a netbook.


I am very excited for you as your trip will happen in a flash. Get that camera so we can travel along with you. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

So now the weather is quite ok. Moderate temperatures and rain alternates with sun. However in Eastern Germany and Poland it is really bad. After the severe drought now they have heavy rain causing floods. At the same time woods are burning in Russia... It might be that the fires raise radioactive dust from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 which then would further distribute. :wacko:



My journey is getting closer and closer. I got my Laptop (a cheap Acer Extensa) and also ordered a camera (a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS10). A bit more than three weeks until my Master's defense. Then I have to move out of my room. I already started selling some stuff which I don't need anymore. I had a very nice palm tree which is now in an office of an oil refinery. :lol: My fishes and rats have to move to my parents who will take care of them. Quite sad that after my return most likely my rats will be already dead. One for sure. It already has a tumor. :(

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So now the weather is quite ok. Moderate temperatures and rain alternates with sun. However in Eastern Germany and Poland it is really bad. After the severe drought now they have heavy rain causing floods. At the same time woods are burning in Russia... It might be that the fires raise radioactive dust from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 which then would further distribute. :wacko:



My journey is getting closer and closer. I got my Laptop (a cheap Acer Extensa) and also ordered a camera (a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS10). A bit more than three weeks until my Master's defense. Then I have to move out of my room. I already started selling some stuff which I don't need anymore. I had a very nice palm tree which is now in an office of an oil refinery. :lol: My fishes and rats have to move to my parents who will take care of them. Quite sad that after my return most likely my rats will be already dead. One for sure. It already has a tumor. :(

The fires in Russia are causing such problems with smoke. I had never thought of the possibility of raising radioactive dust, that would be horrible! As long as we keep allowing developers to cut down large trees, we will continue to make this situation worse.


Your journey is almost here and you are getting things accomplished. Three weeks will fly by and then your journey will be more of a reality. Glad to know that your palm has a new home. Hopefully it isn't BP as they will try and cut corners and not give it water. :lol:


Oh... I would be so sad if I was in your situation with your fish and rats. The fish will probably be here when you return, but the rats, I would be so sad to leave them. At least you know that your parents will take good care of them. As for the rat with a tumour, I am sorry to hear this. Yes, say your good-byes before you go so that at least you feel better if and when they pass away. I am such a sentimentalist.


The Panasonic Lumix, you are going to love. I bought that exact camera for a friend of mine and he loves all the options and the fantastic pictures it takes. This is a great camera for your trip. The Acer is Linux based, isn't it? I think that you will be able to adapt this to whatever system you prefer. Good way to stay in touch with us and download your pictures. *cough, cough, hint, hint*


Memphis has had temperatures in the 100's. Very unusually high for this time of year and for Memphis. Thank goodness we don't have fires to contend with.


Glad to see that you posted, I was getting lonely. Tomorrow is the first classroom day of B-777 school, so I will keep you posted on what is happening there. I have just finished five days of serious on-line airplane systems learning. Now an intense flood of information, then the test of 100 questions on Thursday, then on to the next phase of training.

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My brother is in hospital. It started yesterday toothache. The dentist didn't find anything. Then he had in addition pain in the nape and went to a normal physician who sent him to the local hospital. In the hospital they made some measurements and suspected a myocarditis. Some enzyme value was extremely high. Normally 200 is considered very high and this was more than 1.000. He was transferred with an ambulance with siren on accompanied by the chief physician to a specialized hospital. There the used a cardiac catheter and confirmed myocarditis. He is still in the intensive care unit. The situation is stable now and he can probably be transferred to a normal department tomorrow. Lets see how this develops. The chances that no symptoms remain are good. However, this takes lots of time. It is very likely that he has to postpone the trip to Australia and I have to go alone.

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My brother is in hospital. It started yesterday toothache. The dentist didn't find anything. Then he had in addition pain in the nape and went to a normal physician who sent him to the local hospital. In the hospital they made some measurements and suspected a myocarditis. Some enzyme value was extremely high. Normally 200 is considered very high and this was more than 1.000. He was transferred with an ambulance with siren on accompanied by the chief physician to a specialized hospital. There the used a cardiac catheter and confirmed myocarditis. He is still in the intensive care unit. The situation is stable now and he can probably be transferred to a normal department tomorrow. Lets see how this develops. The chances that no symptoms remain are good. However, this takes lots of time. It is very likely that he has to postpone the trip to Australia and I have to go alone.

Oh, Leguan, I am so, so sorry. Your brother will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers for a speedy recovery. I know you must be so upset. Not only regarding the fact that he is in the hospital, but also because you will be so far away from him. How are your parents doing? Hopefully you will get some good news soon.

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He is much better now. Yesterday the permanent ECG with which he still was linked to the intensive care unit could be removed. Looks like he'll recover step by step and at least no severe damages will remain. He probably can leave the hospital this week, but then he still has to stay in bed. He will be allowed to leave it step by step, but everything making the heart beat is strictly forbidden. At the moment he's allowed to go to the toilet and then immediately back to bed. Normal life is still months away.


How are your parents doing? Hopefully you will get some good news soon.


They were really shocked as you can imagine. When the doctors had the results of the measurements in the local hospital, my parents were there. Well, you can imagine. When the doctors are getting hectic and your son is transferred to a special hospital in an ambulance with siren on and the chief physician in it...


I know you must be so upset. Not only regarding the fact that he is in the hospital, but also because you will be so far away from him.


I have to make the best of the situation. I now know that he'll be more or less fine. The current plan is that I go alone. 6 weeks left... Then one month in Asia and for the first three months in Australia I have a job in Canberra. During this time, he also wanted to look for a job anyway and we would have been separated. After these almost five months from now he should be able to join. At least he still gets money now. He didn't cancel his job yet (what he would have done quite soon), so he gets his salary for another six weeks and then 70% of the salary from the health insurance. And he also should get the money for the flights back since we also have an insurance for this.


A propos job in Canberra, did I already tell you? I'll work in a lab there. Just got the contract. I'll gain some work experience abroad which is quite nice for my CV and at the same time I earn a lot more money than I would earn with usual backpacker jobs like fruitpicking. The people there seem to be really nice. They want to pick me up at the airport, help me to find accommodation and so on.



That's no fun >_< What exactly is myocarditis?


That's an inflammation of the heart muscle caused by different kinds of bacteria and viruses. It can be more or less severe. The spectrum ranges from causing no pain and thus not being recognized to complete destruction of the heart. My brother's case was already quite severe. However, there are very good chances that the dead tissue will be replaced and no or not so severe damages remain. No severe damages would mean a quite normal life, but nothing which is very exhausting like many kinds of sport. Extreme sport will not be possible anymore for sure- too high risk.

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Good news that your brother is home and did not quit his job. What a relief that he will have some income while he is recuperating. I am so very happy to hear this news. Hopefully his head will totally repair itself for a normal life. No more extreme sports... that's okay, he will find other things to do that replace the thrill of the extreme activities.


You did tell us about the lab job, but not the fact that you signed the contract. Congratulations!! The good news about life today is that you can send your brother and parents emails with great photographs and stay in touch almost instantaneously. You will be totally aware of his recovery.


Thank you for the good news.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My brother is recovering quite well, but it still takes time. I'll for sure have to go alone in one month.


The crazy weather continues. After the unusual severe drought, now we had the wettest August since beginning of the recording of weather data- which is more than 100 years. In some regions, the normal amount for the whole month came down within 2 hours. :blink:

Really bad for wheat farmers. After growing little ripening early causing low yield, it can't be harvested now and is decaying.


Less than 3 days and I'll have completed my studies!!!! :)

I already stopped working in the lab. The powerpoint presentation for the defense is ready. Now I have to practice and re-read as much papers as possible to be prepared for the questions.

Can't believe that it is almost over. And my departure is also getting closer. 29 days. I already sold part of my furniture, my room is looking more and more empty. The remaining stuff will be stored at my parent's home.

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Great news on your brother's recovery. Of course, the recovery takes a long time and you do not want to rush it. A relapse would be far worse. Better to listen to the doctor and follow his instructions exactly for the best possible outcome. Of course, this is the sad part that you will be taking your journey alone, but perhaps he could join you at a later date when the doctor gives his approval.


Weather... those poor farmers. I am so sorry to hear the news. They have worked so hard to make their money for the year and with the crops ruined, that is such sad news and lots of stress for them. With so much rain in such a short time, not much soaks into the hard, dry earth. Flash floods are quite often a problem with that severe a downpour.


Three days... I am certain you will be a phenomenal success!!! You must be sort of sad, but also very excited. Your powerpoint presentation being completed is a relief and now just to get ready for the performance. There is no doubt when I say that you will be well prepared for any question they might ask. You have been working hard and I am certain that you are thoroughly prepared. Although you don't need it... good luck. I can't wait to hear the terrific news after the presentation is over.


There is something a little sad and strange feeling when you sell off your furniture and are looking at an almost bare room. Each summer when I put the house plants outside, the room always feels a little empty. I can't imagine how you feel with almost everything gone. Twenty-nine days will be here before you know it. I am getting really excited for you as this is going to be such an amazing journey and wonderful experience. One good aspect to consider, it was much better that your brother had discovered his illness prior to leaving the country. It might have been awful had you been in the middle east when he became ill. We will look forward to your posts while you are on your journey and during the time you are working in Australia.

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Less than one day now...

I think my supervisor is more excited than me. :lol: I'm quite relaxed. I know that I will not fail, and that's it. The mark for this is not soo important. Altough a good mark of course would be nice, it just counts for something like 10% of the total mark.

The talk in front of all members of the department a while ago was much more exciting. Now it is just two professors as examiners, one reporter and some audience (people from the lab).

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Less than one day now...

I think my supervisor is more excited than me. :lol: I'm quite relaxed. I know that I will not fail, and that's it. The mark for this is not soo important. Altough a good mark of course would be nice, it just counts for something like 10% of the total mark.

The talk in front of all members of the department a while ago was much more exciting. Now it is just two professors as examiners, one reporter and some audience (people from the lab).

Good luck!!! Your supervisor is probably excited because he knows that you are going to do outstandingly well. Although it is only 10% of your grade, I do believe you will be outstanding in your field and be speaking in front of lots and lots more people with all the amazing discoveries you achieve.


Please let us know how it goes.

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Mission accomplished. B) B) B)

I'm not a student anymore. The defense was a great success. Mark: 1.25 (which is an A on the international scale). I'm curious about the total mark now. Maybe it is also a close A in total, but also a B is still very nice.

Now I can completely focus on my journey.

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Mission accomplished. B) B) B)

I'm not a student anymore. The defense was a great success. Mark: 1.25 (which is an A on the international scale). I'm curious about the total mark now. Maybe it is also a close A in total, but also a B is still very nice.

Now I can completely focus on my journey.


You deserve the A! You worked very, very hard!

Let's hope you get an A for the course!!!


After your journey, and the work in Australia, what plans do you have to further your education?

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Mission accomplished. B) B) B)

I'm not a student anymore. The defense was a great success. Mark: 1.25 (which is an A on the international scale). I'm curious about the total mark now. Maybe it is also a close A in total, but also a B is still very nice.

Now I can completely focus on my journey.

Congrats! ^_^ It's always nice having the grade anxiety out of the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the congrats. Now I also have my final grade. A. ^_^

Last week I organized a farewell party at the institute together with another student who is leaving now. Was quite nice. Also a bit sad...

Now it is less than two weeks- departure is getting closer. I'm really getting excited. Before I've been busy with work and preparing for the exam. The journey was far away, but now after this farewell and having time to think about everthing the journey is very very close. :blink:

I'm doing the final preparations now. My room in Cologne looks more and more empty. I just booked a flight from Brisbane to Canberra. I'll stay in Brisbane for 3 days. In Canberra the group leader of the lab where I will work will pick me up at the airport and I can stay in her house for the first days until I find something else. Very nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Less than 24 hours!!!

My backpack is packed- ready to go. Now I'm getting a bit excited...

Oh my!!! That was too fast!

I am thrilled for you, as we get to share your adventure.


You should be excited!!!!! :D


Have a phenomenal journey and please keep us updated!!!

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  • 2 months later...

How 'ya doin mates? See, I already learnt some Aussie-slang. :lol:

So as you can see I'm still alive after two months away from Germany.

Lots, really lots of experiences. Good ones and bad ones. A really really long story, I could spend hours with writing... I have a blog with lots of postings and photos, but it is written in German and I can't post the link here anyway.

The bad thing is being scammed in Bangkok (involving the corrupt police!!!) and losing almost 1.000 Euros. We decided to immeadiately leave Thailand and spent a nice week in Singapore. We were in Brisbane for two weeks and a week in a bushcamp close to Noosa. My brother is traveling around in New Zealand now while I'm working in Canberra. I enjoy my time here. Really nice and lots of kangaroos and all the other Aussie-animals and plants around. I already visited nature reserves, went to the top of some mountains, visited the parliament house, the Australian War Memorial (this one is great, if you are in Canberra, this is a Must-Do), the National Museum auf Australia, the National Botanical Gardens (so much national stuff here :D ) and much more.

The weather here is not that good. Brisbane was very wet, Noosa was very nice, but Canberra is wet again after one nice week. They say it's the wettest year for decades. All the water restrictions here seem ridiculous- plenty of water around. :D And I thought I'm travelling to the driest continent on earth. :lol: Well, the weather is at least better than in Germany where they already have lots of snow- quite early. Really amazing what's going on with the climate.

Well, I'm sure the summer will also come to Australia finally. This will be my second summer this year then- I'm chasing it. :lol:


So summarized it was a very good decision to do this journey. You see lots of new things and see your home country from a totally different perspective. You see things which could be better, but you also learn to appreciate things you never thought about.


One thing I don't like is the fact that I'll be far away from my family at christmas. At least I found some accomodation in Sydney for New Year's eve to watch the fireworks. I was very lucky since almost all accomodation is already booked for a long time. I really love fireworks and since private firework is forbidden here, I now can at least watch one of the nicest professional ones in the world.


So greetings from the "Heart of the Nation"- that's what the cars here have written on their plates. :lol:

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How exciting to hear from you. Send me your link and I will get it translated into English and post as much as I can here.


I'm really happy to hear that your brother was able to travel with you. Outstanding!!! I'm sorry that you lost so much money and experienced some bad times. But you are in Australia now and your brother is traveling in New Zealand, so this is superb news.


The New Year's fireworks display will be outstanding, so enjoy them. Will your brother return to be with you for Christmas or New Year's Day?


We are thrilled that you checked in as we have been wondering what you have been up to and what has been happening!

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Today I got wet again on my bike. What's called the driest continent on earth is actually quite wet. :lol: It is supposed to be summer now. However, this summer is like one of the worst summers in Germany...

At least the continous rain we had for the last four days now turned into showers.


Send me your link




The New Year's fireworks display will be outstanding, so enjoy them. Will your brother return to be with you for Christmas or New Year's Day?


I will enjoy it for sure. And nope, my brother will not be here. Flights are quite expensive for this time. It won't feel like Christmas anyway when the summer finally arrives in Australia. :lol:

My brother will be back when I stop working at the end of January. I'll buy a car before. At least I'm earning many Dollars at the moment and don't have to take the Euros from my bank account at home to buy it. The exchange rate is really bad. The Aussie-Dollar is extremely strong at the moment whereas the Euro is quite weak...

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Enjoy the rain while you have it, the dry spell is coming. Then you will be wishing for a little rain. The problem is riding the bike for work and arriving like you just stepped out of the shower. Not good. :lol:


Here is my email address that I use for social networking sites: darker52843@mypacks.net. Horatio Hadley is the name on those sites.


Christmas in summer is a very strange concept for everyone who is used to snowy holidays. I still can't get accustomed to Christmas in Florida. Somehow coloured holiday lights on palm trees just don't get me into the spirit. Or perhaps there is the yard with an inflatable Santa alongside a bunch of plastic flamingos... enough said. After all, it is only another day, the holiday is in your heart and that can be celebrated on any day, even in January or when you are back home with everyone together.


How is your brother feeling? If he is traveling, I am sure that he is doing well. Hopefully, he continues to have good health!


It's far too cold here for me, it dipped below freezing last night. I have a tomato plant that I had to wrap up with a blanket, but I think it either comes inside, and it's too big for that, or it will die on one of the subsequent dips into freezing territory. It has all these little tomatoes that are trying to grow up, so I am not ready for it to die quite yet.


That's about it.

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I'll send you the link.


Well, as for the weather, it always can be worse. After four days of almost constant light to medium rain heavy storms arrived today. Little drains turned into rivers, flooding everything around...

The houses in Australia aren't built for such strong rain- leaks in the roofs almost everywhere. When I went out to take some pictures when it stopped for a hour (now heavy rain again...) I met a guy who is living here now for 30 years- he said he had never seen something like this before.


At home there's already the big cold with heaps of snow, causing chaos. Even worse than the last winter which was the worst since somewhen in the seventies. What's going on with the climate?

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You better be careful or your colleagues will start thinking you brought the rains with you and ship you back home. :lol: Seriously, I am sorry to hear about all the problems the rain has caused.


This is the strangest weather I have seen. The good news is, at least Florida escaped this hurricane season without being hit by some harsh hurricanes. Phew! The weather here is cold and we had snow flurries the other day. Not the weather that is usually here in Tennessee. As long as we keep allowing developers to cut down trees, this is what is going to happen. The weather in Florida is hotter than usual. By now the temperatures have usually dropped and there are some light rains, but the weather is exactly the opposite. Very strange.


I'm going to look for the link and will post some of your writings and photos here.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey, my last post was quite a while ago. So here's a brief update.

NYE in Sydney was great. Sooo many people (2.5 million watching the fireworks in the harbour).

Bought a car (Holden Commodore wagon) which after some minor repairs was running very well. The mechanic told me I got a good value for the money. Well, it did less than 1.000km until breaking down. Gearbox blown. The only thing I could do was to sell it to a wrecker. Lost 3.000 Aussie-Dollars.

Annoyed by all this we got rid of all our camping gear (luckily managed to sell most of the stuff) and went to friends in New Zealand where my brother was already staying when I was in Canberra. Had a great time at their farm and travelling around the North Island. With knowing locals, we did lots of things normal tourists would never do. Our parents just visited us for 3 weeks and we went around the South Island in a rental campervan. Great trip.

My brother is now going back to Germany. I'm in Auckland for a week and will catch my flight back to Aussie to travel up the East Coast starting in Brisbane. Want to see the Great Barrier Reef.

So once again: good and bad experiences. The main thing I learned so far from my trip: Be prepared for the unexpected.


Greetings from the city where every third Kiwi (New Zealander) lives. :lol:

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Leguan... great hearing from you!!! Ouch... having spent money and not having the car last really hurts. I am so sorry to hear this news. I hope your trip to the Great Barrier Reef is outstanding. The reef is supposed to be magnificent.


On another note... Paris is out for a crew domicile, but Cologne is in. We are supposed to know this week. Can you tell me about housing and living in your city? I would be there for at least four or five years.


Have a great trip to New Zealand.

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Today I was a bit bored and went to the cinema. Since they have an IMAX cinema in Auckland and I never watched an IMAX movie, I wanted to do so. Unfortunately there's nothing on at the moment and Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is coming in a couple of weeks. So I just watched Rio in 3D. Cute movie.

The weather is getting better so I'll catch the ferry to Rangitoto island tomorrow. That's a dormant volcano and a nature reserve supposed to have heaps of scenic walking tracks.


Can you tell me about housing and living in your city?


Aww, I miss Cologne. They are having great weather at the moment. Spring at its best. I'm a bit jealous. Here it's autumn...

Well, housing is not too bad, although it is quite expensive. Especially in the city. However cheaper than e.g. in Munich or Düsseldorf. There are some lower class suburbs where you don't want to stay like Chorweiler and Kalk. Many poor immigrants especially from Turkey. However even these suburbs are still quite safe, you don't need to be worried to be out there at least at daytime and even in the night you should be fine. Nothing compared to the bigger cities in the US.

Traffic and parking are quite bad/expensive in the city but ok in the suburbs. Public transport is good. There are trains connecting the major suburbs, subways, trams and buses which also go into the more remote suburbs. Cologne with 1 million inhabitants doesn't have the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, but is big enough to have everthing you need. Lots of good pubs to drink a good Kölsch, the local beer. There are quite a few parks to relax and there's a "green belt" around the city where the town wall used to be in ancient times. Insider tip: on a nice summer evening, go the the Poller Wiesen, a nice spot with meadows just at the Rhine River close to the Südbrücke (South bridge). Set up your BBQ and relax. You're in a nice and relaxed spot of nature but very close to the city centre (including the big cathedral) which is at the other side of the river. It's an amazing atmosphere. I already spent whole summer nights over there with friends, BBQ and good Kölsch beer. :lol:

If you are heading out of town, it's not far to the Eifel National Park. Superb motorbike riding over there (also the famous Nürburgring racetrack) and some of Germany's best wine growing areas in the Mosel area (mainly Riesling wine). On a nice day you will see more bikes than cars on some roads. Also the Bergisches Land and Westerwald are not far away- great motorbike riding over there as well. Everything is connected by many motorways, the famous Autobahn. On many stretches you can legally try how fast your bike can go. :lol:

Speaking about bikes- I really miss my little Honda and motorways without speed limits... In general after being away for such a long time I really learned to appreciate things at home and learned that there's so much great stuff to do just at your doorstep which all the tourists do but most locals don't. Same over here in NZ. Being the tourist, I've seen more of their country than most of the locals who I met :rolleyes: Maybe I should behave a bit more like a tourist after coming back home. However, Australia reloaded is waiting. :lol:

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Outstanding! The company posted the bid and it is open for 45 days. So, I need to get serious and make a decision. There are lots of factors influencing my decision, so this will be a tough one. I would very much like to go. If I do go, how to you feel about helping me with housing? When I get know what is happening, from the close of the bid, on the 18th of June, to when we are expected to be there will be about six weeks, on the 1st of August.


You can be sure that I will take your suggestions and do them if I end up over there!!! Sounds like a great night in the park!!! Have you ever swam in the Rhine River? When I was in Munich, I think as I can't remember what city we were in, we jumped in the Rhine at one point and ended up down stream quite a bit. It was amazing fun, but really, really cold!!! I thought I was going to have a heart attack when my body hit the cold water. :o Of course, I would do it again. When I was in Basel, there were lots of people swimming across the river. I looked and saw many people who were lots older and figured it they could do it, so could I. Well, I jumped in and found that it was so much harder than it looked as the current was ferocious! I ended up downstream about one-half mile. The river was not wide, but the current was so strong that it took some really strong swimming to go straight across. When I talked to some of the locals, I found that many of them had been swimming across the river for many years. Before I jumped into the river, I would have said that I was a pretty good swimmer; after ending up downstream, I felt like such an out-of-shape swimmer! :lol:


When do you plan to return home? Imax is pretty amazing if you have the right film for the screen. I saw one a while ago and it was amazing. Enjoy your stay in New Zealand. I do know what you were speaking of when you talked about being a local and not seeing the sights. Living in Florida, I have never been to Disneyland, or Disney World or what ever it is called. Kennedy Space Center has a phenomenal exhibit and I have been there many times. It is the only tourist site I have visited in Florida.

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Outstanding! The company posted the bid and it is open for 45 days. So, I need to get serious and make a decision. There are lots of factors influencing my decision, so this will be a tough one. I would very much like to go. If I do go, how to you feel about helping me with housing? When I get know what is happening, from the close of the bid, on the 18th of June, to when we are expected to be there will be about six weeks, on the 1st of August.


Well, I would help you with housing if I was there. However, according to my current plannings, I'll not return to Germany before September. I don't have exact plans what I'll do after returning. I for sure want to start my Ph.D. studies, but I don't know yet where exactly (although I have a few ideas). I'll most likely stay at my parent's home for a while (I moved out of the flat in Cologne, sold much of my furniture and stored the other stuff at my parent's place before leaving Germany) doing applications and stuff, probably look for a small job to earn some money in the meantime. For the Ph.D. I'll probably stay in Germany (or maybe the Netherlands), but most likely not in Cologne. In the scientific field it's important to gather many different point of views and methods and it is rather uncommon to do the Ph.D. at the same place where you already did your Bachelor's and Master's.

I'm sorry that I can't help you much. However if there's anything I can do via the internet (from Australia which is relative to Europe at the other end of the world :lol: ), just let me know.


Have you ever swam in the Rhine River? When I was in Munich, I think as I can't remember what city we were in, we jumped in the Rhine at one point and ended up down stream quite a bit.


The Rhine River doesn't flow through Munich. ;)

Anyway, it is strongly advised not to swim in it since it's extremely dangerous. I haven't seen anybody swimming through it in the Cologne region. It is 300 metres (that's the length of 6 olympic pools) wide in average and the current is very strong (around 5 kilometres per hour). In addition, there's heavy traffic. There are lots of ships. Not only river cruises, but also quite big ones carrying industrial goods. The river is the busiest waterway in Europe.

So better don't swim in it, at least not through it. ;) There are some nice lakes and smaller rivers in the region where swimming is safe.

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Thank you for the offer of help, even if you are miles and miles away. I do understand wanting to obtain your PhD from another university. Perhaps a U.S. university? I do not know which ones are the best for your specialty, but it might be where you could get a scholarship. You might even find something in Australia. It will be interesting to know what you decide upon. Germany has excellent companies that have terrific research and development departments that work hand-in-hand with universities. This will be an exciting time for you! Good luck!!!



I should have remembered that the Rhine did not flow through Munich. In the Elizabethan Park and we swam in the water that flows around the park. As far as the city where we swam in the Rhine, I can see the picture in my mind as clearly as if I just did it, but I am at a total loss as to which one it was. You do not swim across the Rhine in this city, but you jump in on one side, and are taken along the side in the fast moving current to exit downstream at a series of points. You then walk back up to the starting point and start all over again. In Basel, is where we swam across the river. It is really narrow and although there are some boats, it is not heavily traveled. I need photographs. Then I would remember.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I just learned that I became an uncle. My sister got her first child. :)


Now I'm back in Aussie for almost one month. I'm having an amazing time here. The weather is great. Although the winter is here, temperatures are perfect in subtropical and tropical northern Australia. It's sunny almost all the time, only had 3 rainy days since arrival. No comparison to the rainy spring and summer when I stayed in Canberra.

My itinerary so far: Brisbane, Maroochydore, Noosa, Rainbow Beach, Hervey Bay, Town of 1770, Airlie Beach, Townsville, Magnetic Island, Charters Towers.

I did a great 4WD tour on Fraser Island (biggest sand island in the world and natural heritage listed) and what they call ocean rafting around the Whitsunday Islands. Especially the latter are a tropical paradise. Blue water, colorful coral and fish and incredibly white beaches. In fact Whitehaven Beach is the whitest beach on earth. Magnetic Island was great as well. So much wildlife. Koalas, Rock Wallabies, Rainbow Lorikeets, Cockatoos, Echidnas, Brushtail Possums and so on. Also some fringing reefs which however are badly damaged by the last cyclone. :( However the Great Barrier Reaf is big, it has the same size like whole Germany. So there's still some undamanged coral to see.

However, first I'm heading into the outback. Now I'm already a bit away from the coast in Charters Towers. Saw some of the road trains- really long trucks. In a couple of hours I'll be picked up and stay on an outback cattle station. Far away from civilizatin. :D I'll work for food and accomodation plus a little salary. Main task will be fencing, but I can also try my cowboy (they call it jackaroo) skills doing some cattle mustering on the ATV. The outback scenery must be stunning. Lots of kangaroos and emus around there they told me. This will be an amazing time. :)


Greetings from a park in Charters Towers. I'm using my mobile internet device as long as it is still working. It will definitely not work in the outback even though I chose the best (and most expensive) provider. Mobile coverage in Australia is really bad and it is incredibly expensive, thanks to their low population density. They are only 22 million people in a country which isn't much smaller than the USA... Population density is 80 times less than in Germany. However, this allows you to explore heaps of unspoilt nature and have long (really long) stretches of beautiful beach just for you. :D

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Congratulations Uncle Leguan! :D Glad to know the mother and baby are doing well!!!


I am so jealous... you are having the most fabulous experience!!! Thank you for posting and keeping us up to date with your travels.


At the moment I just returned from Osaka and saw the post, needed to reply before I went to sleep. Will write another post tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Riding an ATV is good fun. My work vehicle here on the outback cattle station is a Honda TRX 500. :D

It's amazing where these things can go. Where the Nissan Patrol was deeply bogged in the swamp (plus the tractor was bogged when the farmer tried to get the car out of the mud, so he had to get the grader to get the car and tractor out...), you just rush through with the ATV- even without enabling the 4WD. :D 2WD is more fun anyway, nice drifts through the sand and mud.

At the moment I'm removing an old fenceline- to get there it is 10km. Partly mud tracks, the other part no tracks. Heaps of kangaroos and emus around. There are also feral pigs, one came very close today. I chased it a bit through the bush. :D Another guy here hunts them because they kill calves. However, he doesn't use a gun. Just two dogs and a knife... Crazy.

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Sounds like you are hsving such an incredible adventure!!!! What a great way to make money and experience Australia first-hand! The ATV's are such fun! I rode ATV's in Alaska, along the rivers and beaches of the Bering Sea. Unfortunately, I did not get to play in the mud, only sand dunes. Mud is more exciting!


Please keep us updated with your adventures.

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  • 1 month later...

Back in civilization in the backpacker metropolis Cairns. Quite different climate here compared to the outback. Warm and humid air, even in the middle of the Australian winter. Tropics... Anyway, I haven't seen any rain for a while. After the unusual rainy summer when I was in Canberra Australia finally shows it's real face. The driest continent in earth.

I just had some amazing time on another cattle station, working for a rural contractor. We built fences and repaired water tanks and windmills. I also did some cattle work. The station is about 600 square miles large running 50.000 head of cattle. I went for mustering on a Honda XR 400. Great fun, chasing cows breaking out of the mob. Fantastic area to ride such a bike. All kind of terrain- from creek crossings, mud and sand to rough dry surface covered with high grass, fallen trees (the cyclone in February cleared quite a few) and ant hills. Also a lot of driving in the Landcruiser on this rough terrain and they even took me for a ride in the helicopter which is also used for mustering. All those things for which other people pay lots of money- and I've been paid for it. :lol: Well, sometimes it was really hard work, but it was a great experience. Amazing sunrises and sunsets, unspoilt nature with abundant wildlife. Far away from everything. Next supermarket: 5 hours. The highway is a rough dirt track with creek crossings. That's exactly the picture I had in mind before coming and that's what I absolutely wanted to see. Great. Such things simply don't exist in Germany. Too much population. :lol:

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I am so jealous!!! What an incredible adventure you are having in Australia!!! Thank you so much for keeping us informed of your experiences. Sounds like this has been the trip of a lifetime and you were paid as well!!! Going back to Germany will be a culture shock.

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Going back to Germany will be a culture shock.


Oh yes, it will be. 22 times smaller than Australia, but almost 4 times more population. And I'm from the most densely populated region in Germany. :lol:

However, I'm also kind of looking forward to coming back home. I really like Australia and especially those remote and "wild" places with unspoilt nature, but I also learned that Germany isn't a bad country to live in. And I learned to appreciate things which I always took for granted. Like mobile reception almost everywhere, cheap and fast internet, high quality roads allowing you to travel fast, an excellent public transport system, good and cheap groceries (I miss the German bread and beer) and many other things.

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  • 2 months later...

So let's see whether the culture shock is going to happen. I'll know it soon. I'm sitting at Changi Airport in Singapore, waiting for my flight to Abu Dhabi. After changing planes, I'll continue to Frankfurt and then by rail back home. I'll be there in less than 24 hours.


My last part of traveling went very well. I took a flight from Cairns back to Brisbane and travelled down to Sydney: Brisbane-Murwillumbah-Lennox Head-Coffs Harbour-Bellingen-Yamba-Newcastle-Port Stephens-Sydney-Bargo-Katoomba. Then by overnight bus back to Brisbane from where I hopped on the plane to Singapore where I stayed for 4 days.

I stayed in really nice places, met very nice people and had great experiences. I'm a bit sad that everything os over now, but I'm also looking forward to see my family and friends after such a long time. Although it wasn't an entire year, just 364 days. ^^ 365 wasn't possible due to the ticket vailidity period and flight availability. :D

Well, it was definitely the right decision to start this journey. The great experiences and memories masssively outweigh those nasty ones like being scammed in Bangkok or the car in Australia breaking down.


Now after coming back there's a lot to organize. All the paperwork and stuff... And I'll have to find a job (Ph.D. student position), a place to live, .... A completely new chapter of life is beginning. Scaring me a little bit, so many uncertain things... :wacko:


At least the weather is nice in Germany at the moment. I thought I would come back from the great spring weather in Australia (and a bit of summer in Singapore- they only know one season here ^^) to the bad autumn weather in Germany. However, they are having really great weather at the moment to enjoy. Sunny and warm, but not hot. :)

Too bad that I can't just hop on my motorbike after coming back. Have to get a new health insurance first (well, at least I better should ^^) and the safety check for the bike is overdue since May. However, it should't take too long to get those things done. Hopefully the nice weather stays for a while.

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Amazing how the time flew by! As Jesusfreak said, I cannot believe it has been a year! Certainly you have had a most memorable year!!! If you are struggling for a job, check out FedEx there in the hub at the airport. For a part time position you will get health (medical and vision) and dental insurance and tuition rebate. It is not your field, but if you need a place to be until the end of the year, this is a place to start.


Welcome home!!!

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Arrived in Abu Dhabi. It's 4am Singapore time (that's what I'm used to at the moment) and still 12 hours to go... I hope I can sleep a bit on the next flight.


Yes, it's really stunning how fast the year passed by. Let's see what the future brings. Thanks for the job tip Horatio. If finding a Ph.D. position turns out to take a bit longer I'll definitely look for a part-time job to fill the gap.

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I would not hesitate on the FedEx thing. It might only be a two month commitment, so hope over there and ask. If you wait two weeks, then they might not be hiring for the holiday season. You will not be hired on the spot. It takes a bit. Also, you can make it work around your job hunting during the day. This is evening, night and early morning work. It lasts only through the end of the year and perhaps the first week in January.


Remember to let me know as I can help with a reference which will open a door or two.

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  • 8 months later...

Sooo, my last post was already a while ago and I'm back home in Germany for more than half a year already. Time is running fast.

And yes, it was a bit of a culture shock coming back. It was really weird. Everything was so familiar but foreign at the same time. However, everything goes quick and everyday life is back soon.

Summarized: the year Down Under was definitely the best decision I could have made. What's left is heaps of great memories and experiences which I'll never forget. I made a big collage featuring almost 300 photos (out of 4.000 which I made during the year) in my living room. Always when I feel a bit sad, I have a look at it and it cheers me up. :)

And I even made some new friends during my stay Down Under. I just had some Kiwis (New Zealanders) visiting me in Germany last month. I was staying at their place in Rotorua where they showed me around. Now it was my turn. They really enjoyed the the autobahn and the ICE trains. :D


As for the work: it took me a while to find a proper Ph.D. student position, but now I'm really happy about what I found. I'm not living in Cologne anymore. I moved to the center of Germany to the small city of Göttingen. Unlike Cologne, it survived WWII with minor damage, so the city center still is kind of medieval with lots of historic buildings. A really nice atmosphere to stroll around. I got an own 2-room apartment in a nearby village. From my window, I have a nice view over fields, forest and hills. A nature reserve with many nice tracks for walking and cycling is just around the corner and the Harz national park also isn't far away. So lots of nature around, which I really enjoy.

So, back to work: I got a position at the uni where I'm now trying to improve plants used for bioenergy production. I have really nice colleagues and the working conditions are excellent. The building and all the equipment are brand new. The financial situiation is really good. If I need something, even expensive stuff, I can just order it. Too easy. :lol:

So if the plants now are doing what I want them to do, it'll be perfect. :D

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LEGUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting that life is going so well for you!!!!!!!! Goettingen sounds like the exact place I would love to live... lots of nature. As for your work, how fortunate for you that you found the perfect place where money is no object and you are free to achieve the results that will make the world a better place. Good luck to you! As for now, I have to run, but I will be back to post more. So wonderful you stopped in!!!!!!!

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Sad news: my parent's cat (I think I posted a photo of him years ago) died as they told me yesterday. Although 13 years isn't that old for a cat, you could see that he was getting old, so it was kind of expected. However, it's still very sad since he was like a family member. I was 14 when we got him as a little kitten. I remember the day very well. Anyway, that's how life goes... At least he had a good life without any diseases and he died peacefully at his favorite place in the garden without suffering.



I'll post some pictures of the nature reserve when I find some time to get them off my camera. I didn't take photos of the city center, but if you google for "göttingen fachwerk", you'll get an impression of how it looks like.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your kitty. At least now he will not be restricted by old age and can do everything he once loved doing.


The city center looks gorgeous! I'd love to stay in a town like that.

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Leguan, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. Pets are such an important family member. When they pass, it is really, really difficult. They give us unconditional love and acceptance, which is such a wonderful part of life. This just makes it that much harder when they are gone. I am so, so sorry.


Your town is gorgeous!!!! I checked the train schedule and it is an easy train ride. It would be fun to come down, visit and buy you coffee, lunch or dinner. My schedule has me arriving from Paris on the night of the 22nd of July and leaving midday on the 24th. Let me know what you think.

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Finally, some pictures of the nature reserve.


First, an old quarry site. This used to be the sea-ground some 280 million years ago. Now the sea is hundreds of miles away.




This used to be a washing station for tanks. The army had a tank batallion stationed here until ~20 years ago until it became obsolete with the fall of the Soviet Union and the German reunification. The former border to Eastern Germany (and thus the Soviets) was very close to Göttingen, so it was an imporatant strategic site during the cold war. Now the place hosts a number of rare animal and plant species. The tank washing station was turned into a humid biotope where you can find rare amphibians instead of tanks. :D




Ruins of an old farm which was established in the middle ages and finally destroyed during the tank training exercises.




An old direction sign.




The sibling beechwood. Those trees grew together and now share all their water and nutrients.




Here's the view out of my living room window. Nice, isn't it? :)




And since I'm already uploading some photos, here's my big fishtank. ^^




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Oops, something went wrong with the post.

The last picture is the home of my Persian Jirds which I luckily got a month ago. They are quite rare pets (at least in Europe) and not so easy to get. However, I really wanted them because they are just fascinating and live quite long. They are very tame, agile and clever and they live 6 years- much longer than rats. As you know, I kept rats before and got tired of them passing away so early.

The big cage is a must-have for Persian jirds since they are good runners and climbers.


And here they are (well, at least two of the four, I didn't manage to get all of them on one photo ^^):








And last but not least:


Your town is gorgeous!!!! I checked the train schedule and it is an easy train ride. It would be fun to come down, visit and buy you coffee, lunch or dinner. My schedule has me arriving from Paris on the night of the 22nd of July and leaving midday on the 24th. Let me know what you think.


What a great idea, it would be great to meet you in real life after so many years in this message board.

So you are arriving early at the 22nd? That's a Sunday. Well, the problem is that I have to work from Monday to Friday. So if Sunday isn't too stressful for you, you're very welcome to come. You could stay until Monday morning if you like, I have a spare mattress so that's no problem.

How frequently are you having such a stop in Germany? Since Göttingen is quite central, it is an easy train ride from any airport. It would probably be better if you could come on a Saturday and stay until Sunday, so I could show you more of the place.

What do you think?

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Fantastic pictures! I look forward to seeing your town. The history in Europe is really terrific! I appreciate seeing the buildings and remnants of places past.


Sunday should be fine, but I am the victim of riding on the airlines and will be at their mercy. If I can work something else out, to make sure that this happens, I certainly will try. Sometimes they let us deviate and come earlier. If I can perhaps get from Paris to Koln a day early, then I shall let you know. It should be approved before we leave the U.S,.


As for our stops in Germany, the airplane I fly is subject to how the freight loads work out and where the company feels they will make the most money. So for now, the airplane will be flying some trips to Europe. Mostly Paris, Frankfurt and Koln, but I never know if I will be able to get one of these.

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Ok, just let me know how it works out. You are welcome to come on Saturday 21st if you airline lets you.

You can access my profile with the email address, right? Writing emails would be the best way to do the planning.

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Email would work great, but I just looked at my schedule and realized that I will not be in Koln until Sunday night. If I can work out coming down a day earlier I will let you know. This way I could leave Paris on Saturday and perhaps take the train down and be in position on the evening of Saturday night. Then it would all work out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it didn't work out for today. :(


I took my little Honda for a ride instead and went to the Harz region. Very nice, now I understand why so many tourists are going there. :lol: It has a beatiful mountain and forest landscape and there are lots of historic villages. And I crossed the former border several times. There are still many remnants like guard towers and fences plus on the eastern side the "death zone" where they used to cut down the forest to have a better overview (and shoot everybody who tried to escape to Western Germany, hence the name...).

Unfortunately, I couldn't go to the top of the "Brocken" mountain. You can only reach it by foot or with a historic steam train.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was disappointed that it did not work out. I am trying for another month.


Sounds like you really enjoyed your ride. What a terrific trip. I would love to accomplish a trip such as that. Go out for a day ride into the wonderful countryside. Being on a bike is so enjoyable and the ride you took sounds so totally enjoyable.

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