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What was the last CD you bought?

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Dude ok so I'm pretty much IN LOVE with the CD I just Bought.


Punk Goes Acoustic 2


I love acoustic music. It Makes me so giddy. I've Listened to this CD since I got back into the car from the store, and then I, no joke, ran into the house, and blasted the dang CD so loud, that I think my parents hate the songs now.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I haven't bought a CD in a long time. But i did get a CD of covers from Movies in a magazine.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~*

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Last CD I bought...ummm...my parents got Elton's "17-11-70" (11-17-70) for me on thrurs. for my opening night of my school's production of fiddler on the roof...and then they got me an elton karaoke cd last night for the final performance...


so yeah.


now i have to update the cd list in my siggy topic



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