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Small question(Posting art)


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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





:lol: LOL :lol:

I love those pics!!!!!

Do more, do more!

Hehehe. I will, it's fun :D


But for now, while I wait for tomorrow to come, and access to my computer that has photoshop, I'll just wander anoud the forum and post.

I think it might be in this topic, or another one by Cheetaspot, but she talks about different ways to do the coloring. Perhaps this might be of interest to you.

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





:lol: LOL :lol:

I love those pics!!!!!

Do more, do more!

Hehehe. I will, it's fun :D


But for now, while I wait for tomorrow to come, and access to my computer that has photoshop, I'll just wander anoud the forum and post.

I think it might be in this topic, or another one by Cheetaspot, but she talks about different ways to do the coloring. Perhaps this might be of interest to you.

Cool :D I'll be sure to look for it tomorrow.


And I just noticed that I forgot to delete a couple lines in my bunny face... Ahh, well :D

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





:lol: LOL :lol:

I love those pics!!!!!

Do more, do more!

Hehehe. I will, it's fun :D


But for now, while I wait for tomorrow to come, and access to my computer that has photoshop, I'll just wander anoud the forum and post.

I think it might be in this topic, or another one by Cheetaspot, but she talks about different ways to do the coloring. Perhaps this might be of interest to you.

Cool :D I'll be sure to look for it tomorrow.


And I just noticed that I forgot to delete a couple lines in my bunny face... Ahh, well :D

I have Corel and it is too extensive for me. I am not that smart! LOL

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





i like the bunny!

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





i like the bunny!


I made two more little... Things.




The first one is either a mouse with pointed ears, or a very small wolf.


The second one is... A carrot that is far too big for the rabbit.


I'm planning to draw the bunny suceeding in domination of the carrot.






Hehe. Lick to enlarge the wolf!

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New one! I drew two bunnies on a pillow :D


The little thing you see near the second bunny's ear is... Me! I drew myself for the first time! But it was daytime sou you can't see the glow.






Ugh. What did that dentist do to me? I'm coughing so much lately...


*coughtnotreallycough* :P

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

Whee! *does a jig* My firsst award! Heh. Whee!


Postcards like my drawings in Paris? Ooh. In fact, anyone being in Paris at all is ooh-worthy.


*thanks lots and goes off to draw more*

I'm going to draw *ME* some more, and maybe a cat, I haven't drawn a cat yet. Or a bird. And, of course, I'm still planning that carrt domination pic. :P


I could really get into drawing. It's such fun :D


Oh, btw horatio, I looked aound this thread... No colouring advice. Ahh well. And no other topics by CS in the forum. Meh.


*shouts* CS, I need your help! *stops shouting* :lol:


Colouring advice is all I need. If anyone can give advice, whoo for you! I may even give whoever can help a cookie :D


*makes some cookies*

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





i like the bunny!


I made two more little... Things.




The first one is either a mouse with pointed ears, or a very small wolf.


The second one is... A carrot that is far too big for the rabbit.


I'm planning to draw the bunny suceeding in domination of the carrot.






Hehe. Lick to enlarge the wolf!

i kinda thought it was a fox. o.O but the bunny looks muy evil.

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. :D

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. :D

I would love to, but I wonder if there is a copyright problem if I do. Let me ask HampsterKing first. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize the boards. When it comes to these things, I am not too smart. You will love them. They do quite a few with bunnies and hearts. I will dig them out and ask HampsterKing and let you know. If he says no, then I can always figure out another way.

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. :D

I would love to, but I wonder if there is a copyright problem if I do. Let me ask HampsterKing first. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize the boards. When it comes to these things, I am not too smart. You will love them. They do quite a few with bunnies and hearts. I will dig them out and ask HampsterKing and let you know. If he says no, then I can always figure out another way.

I'm pretty sure it should be okay as long as you don't say something like "Hey guys! Look at the postcards I made!"

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Whoops, I actually forgot to upload it. :lol::lol::lol:


Roflmao... Here you all go :P



I love these pics! You deserve an award!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award*


When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! :D

Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. :D

I would love to, but I wonder if there is a copyright problem if I do. Let me ask HampsterKing first. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize the boards. When it comes to these things, I am not too smart. You will love them. They do quite a few with bunnies and hearts. I will dig them out and ask HampsterKing and let you know. If he says no, then I can always figure out another way.

I'm pretty sure it should be okay as long as you don't say something like "Hey guys! Look at the postcards I made!"

I dug them out and they look sooooooooo cool!!

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




post-7648-1153364766_thumb.jpg post-7648-1153364780_thumb.jpgpost-7648-1153364801_thumb.jpg

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Should I post a couple of images I just quickly did using flash (then pasting into photoshop and saving)?


I'm thinking about whether or not to slave over my computer figuring out how to colour myself :P


I'll post the 'scetches', if people want me to. I stink at drawing and especially colouring, so... Yeah... Don't expect much. I just wanted to have a bit of fun, so I drew them ^_^


...They're not really scetches. I didn't scetch them. I just drew them straight up. I should learn to scetch, then it will become easy. I know that scetching makes everything heaps easier, because you already have an image to work with... But then again you also have to clean it up as well as clean the image up... Bah, I'm talking to myself again. Whee!

Of course, post those pics!!!!!!!

Jpg please, so we can see them.

Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them :D




Here they are (or should be):


By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.)


The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy!





i like the bunny!


I made two more little... Things.




The first one is either a mouse with pointed ears, or a very small wolf.


The second one is... A carrot that is far too big for the rabbit.


I'm planning to draw the bunny suceeding in domination of the carrot.






Hehe. Lick to enlarge the wolf!

i kinda thought it was a fox. o.O but the bunny looks muy evil.


Hehe. It does look like a fox. It looks like most canine animals. It even looks like a dingo :lol:


The bunny is evil? Good! I was planning to make him look evil. I can't wait to post what others I made of him.


...Hah! About 6 or 7 (or maybe even 8) piccies made and I'm already formulating a mini comic in my head! But I'm not going to make it yet :P

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




Me_.jpg Me_eating_cheese.jpgPanda_.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




post-7648-1153364766_thumb.jpg post-7648-1153364780_thumb.jpgpost-7648-1153364801_thumb.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Whee! *nibbles contentedly*


I haven't any pics to post atm. I'm on my other computer, my laptop. No photoshop, as I mentioned before. The best I have on my laptop is Firworks, and that just goes straight into pixels. Like, really big and bulky pixels. <_< Ahh well.

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




Me_.jpg Me_eating_cheese.jpgPanda_.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Whee! *nibbles contentedly*


I haven't any pics to post atm. I'm on my other computer, my laptop. No photoshop, as I mentioned before. The best I have on my laptop is Firworks, and that just goes straight into pixels. Like, really big and bulky pixels. <_ ahh well.>

Those big, bulky pixels can mess up a great drawing. :lol:

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




post-7648-1153364766_thumb.jpg post-7648-1153364780_thumb.jpgpost-7648-1153364801_thumb.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




Me_.jpg Me_eating_cheese.jpgPanda_.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

Actually you have lots and lots of cousins from France and Switzerland. Please do not make me name them! :blink::blink::blink: You also have cousins from Wisconsin, New York and California. LOL

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




post-7648-1153364766_thumb.jpg post-7648-1153364780_thumb.jpgpost-7648-1153364801_thumb.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

Actually you have lots and lots of cousins from France and Switzerland. Please do not make me name them! :blink::blink::blink: You also have cousins from Wisconsin, New York and California. LOL


I meant human cousins.

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




Me_.jpg Me_eating_cheese.jpgPanda_.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

Actually you have lots and lots of cousins from France and Switzerland. Please do not make me name them! :blink::blink::blink: You also have cousins from Wisconsin, New York and California. LOL


I meant human cousins.

Oh. I didn't know cheeses had human cousins.

By the way, happy cows make happy cheeses!

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




post-7648-1153364766_thumb.jpg post-7648-1153364780_thumb.jpgpost-7648-1153364801_thumb.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

Actually you have lots and lots of cousins from France and Switzerland. Please do not make me name them! :blink::blink::blink: You also have cousins from Wisconsin, New York and California. LOL


I meant human cousins.

Oh. I didn't know cheeses had human cousins.

By the way, happy cows make happy cheeses!


...Boo. I used to have a smiley of a cow with a big grin, but I lost it. I just thought it would be appropriate in this situation. Moo! :lol:

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Whee! Some more. Me, me eating my favourite food (I can just draw ceese if you like. In fact, I'm going to draw some cheese even if you don't like), and a panda, like horatio asked!


I vary in amount of segments :P I like the first one more then the second one though.




Me_.jpg Me_eating_cheese.jpgPanda_.jpg

I love those! Great panda face.

*hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*

Hey! Those are my cousins! (actually, i don't have any cousins from france or switzerland. At least, none that I know of. XP)

Actually you have lots and lots of cousins from France and Switzerland. Please do not make me name them! :blink::blink::blink: You also have cousins from Wisconsin, New York and California. LOL


I meant human cousins.

Oh. I didn't know cheeses had human cousins.

By the way, happy cows make happy cheeses!


...Boo. I used to have a smiley of a cow with a big grin, but I lost it. I just thought it would be appropriate in this situation. Moo! :lol:

It would be perfect! I think you ought to try your artistic talents on a cow! LOL

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I finished off the Bunny Eating Carrot series!


Three images in total. I'll post the first one (that's already in the thread) as well as the other two to minimise scrolling time.





I love these! I would give you another award, but then it just might go to your head and you would really be glowing!!! :lol:

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I finished off the Bunny Eating Carrot series!


Three images in total. I'll post the first one (that's already in the thread) as well as the other two to minimise scrolling time.





I love these! I would give you another award, but then it just might go to your head and you would really be glowing!!! :lol:

Nice, nice.
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I finished off the Bunny Eating Carrot series!


Three images in total. I'll post the first one (that's already in the thread) as well as the other two to minimise scrolling time.





I love these! I would give you another award, but then it just might go to your head and you would really be glowing!!! :lol:

Nice, nice.

Thank you both :D


I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

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I finished off the Bunny Eating Carrot series!


Three images in total. I'll post the first one (that's already in the thread) as well as the other two to minimise scrolling time.





Lol, that is awsome. Cheesey award for you!

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

I'm waiting for the post party :P


3 to go!

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

Glowurm is waiting for the party! :lol:

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

Glowurm is waiting for the party! :lol:

I suppose that is true. :lol:

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I guess that makes sense.

She did call me a she and all.

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I guess that makes sense.

She did call me a she and all.

By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she! :D

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I meant he! :wacko:


This stuff gets confusing, he's and she's and whatever's. People always get confused of genders on HB. XD

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I guess that makes sense.

She did call me a she and all.

By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she! :D

That I only know from her calling herself a she :P

If I hadn't see that first, I might've accidently called MK a he :blink: No offence meant.

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I guess that makes sense.

She did call me a she and all.

By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she! :D

That I only know from her calling herself a she :P

If I hadn't see that first, I might've accidently called MK a he :blink: No offence meant.

I don't believe you have ever made this mistake.

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! :o

One thing to say:



She doesn't know you're a he! :lol:

I guess that makes sense.

She did call me a she and all.

By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she! :D

That I only know from her calling herself a she :P

If I hadn't see that first, I might've accidently called MK a he :blink: No offence meant.

I don't believe you have ever made this mistake.

I haven't. Well, I have, but only in my head.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

I love Corel. We use it in Computer.
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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

I love Corel. We use it in Computer.


Would you please teach me how to use it?

And don't say 'read the manual'! :lol:

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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

I love Corel. We use it in Computer.


Would you please teach me how to use it?

And don't say 'read the manual'! :lol:

Read an online tutorial. :P
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I like to draw, it's so much fun. Flash 8 ftw! All I need now is colouring skillz.


And 4 more posts to get to 100.

I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay...


As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! :lol:

I love Corel. We use it in Computer.


Would you please teach me how to use it?

And don't say 'read the manual'! :lol:

Read an online tutorial. :P

Funny... very funny! LOL

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub::wub: LOVE :wub::wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award :D


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! :D I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways :P Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my name add up to 10!

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my name add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

LOL You do think fast!!! LOL

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

LOL You do think fast!!! LOL

Not always. I almost always (annoyingly) fail at coming up with responses on the spot, for anything generally. And then I come up with the perfect one when I'm not even thinking about it :wacko:

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

LOL You do think fast!!! LOL

Not always. I almost always (annoyingly) fail at coming up with responses on the spot, for anything generally. And then I come up with the perfect one when I'm not even thinking about it :wacko:

That sounds like me. I never come up with the perfect answer at the moment, but sometimes a week later.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_<

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

LOL You do think fast!!! LOL

Not always. I almost always (annoyingly) fail at coming up with responses on the spot, for anything generally. And then I come up with the perfect one when I'm not even thinking about it :wacko:

That sounds like me. I never come up with the perfect answer at the moment, but sometimes a week later.

I'm sorry, Glowurm's mind is currently out to lunch. Come back in a few hours (or more) for a better response.

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Have I uploaded the new hamster yet? I don't think I have. Well, if I have then I guess I could delete one or something. Anyway, if I haven't, here is my new hamster! Eating something.



I :wub: LOVE :wub: it!!!!!

It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!

Thank you.

No, thank you! Now I have another award


*should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon*


Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something.


It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it.



Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least.

I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it?

Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel :wacko:


Well, I guess I'll try again.



*pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy!


Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are:

Macromedia Flash 8,

Macromedia Flash MX Professional,

Adobe Photoshop,

Macromedia Fireworks,

Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet)

Adobe Imageready (not tried yet)


So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers).

Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!

I tried freehand! And imageready!


Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again.


Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) <_>

Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. :D

Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs*


Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it.

I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time!

Please, we would love to see your comics.

Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that.

Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL

No comment on the grammer of the second sentance.


Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner!


You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL :rolleyes: LOL


And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee


By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can.


Are you a Scorpio?

I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not.


I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow*

What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL


Grammer just might be an Aussie word.


Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together.

Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word.

*isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker.


Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10!

I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL


Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL

*stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough.

LOL You do think fast!!! LOL

Not always. I almost always (annoyingly) fail at coming up with responses on the spot, for anything generally. And then I come up with the perfect one when I'm not even thinking about it :wacko:

That sounds like me. I never come up with the perfect answer at the moment, but sometimes a week later.

I'm sorry, Glowurm's mind is currently out to lunch. Come back in a few hours (or more) for a better response.

And currently my mind is out to lunch. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Are we getting more art from CS soon? :D

That's what I was about to ask. ^_____________^ *plops onto the floor and stares at the door, waiting for Cheeta*

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Are we getting more art from CS soon? :D

It'd be good if we did.


Oh, and I'm much better at drawing bodies now :D :D :D


Imma go find out how to draw faces... Soon... *procrastinates*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are you ever gonna finish the piccy you drew of me? If you do, maybe I'll give you another IBTWYPDB award. And no, I still won't tell you what that means. :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Are we getting more art from CS soon? :D

It'd be good if we did.


Oh, and I'm much better at drawing bodies now :D :D :D


Imma go find out how to draw faces... Soon... *procrastinates*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are you ever gonna finish the piccy you drew of me? If you do, maybe I'll give you another IBTWYPDB award. And no, I still won't tell you what that means. :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


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