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Small question(Posting art)


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I noticed that the boards got updated to "Invisionfree". I've also noticed that we can make attachments for files. Before I get into any trouble, is it okay if I attach some of my art on the boards? Please let me know, because I'de LOVE to share some of my art with you! :) Thanks.

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I noticed that the boards got updated to "Invisionfree".  I've also noticed that we can make attachments for files.  Before I get into any trouble, is it okay if I attach some of my art on the boards?  Please let me know, because I'de LOVE to share some of my art with you!  :) Thanks.


Please by all means submit your art. They will have to be approved like before.

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Please by all means submit your art.  They will have to be approved like before.

Okie doke! Don't mind if I do! :)


Here's a bit of recent art i've done.


1. It's Shenzi frim The Lion King.

2. It's Dodger from Oliver and Company.

3. It's an anime character of mine.




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I noticed that the boards got updated to "Invisionfree".  I've also noticed that we can make attachments for files.  Before I get into any trouble, is it okay if I attach some of my art on the boards?  Please let me know, because I'de LOVE to share some of my art with you!  :) Thanks.


I find this board quite impressive, This isnt InvisionFree. This is an Invision PowerBoard, (This means you pay money to run it. Thats why there arent any ads and it looks better than my invision board.)

Kinda makes you wonder what HK's doing to keep the board up. Nowhere on the pages here does it say InvisionFree. (that ive found anyway)


I think its good. I cant decide if its better or worse though. The posts are all jumbled around and mixed up.

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I find this board quite impressive, This isnt InvisionFree. This is an Invision PowerBoard, (This means you pay money to run it. Thats why there arent any ads and it looks better than my invision board.)

Kinda makes you wonder what HK's doing to keep the board up. Nowhere on the pages here does it say InvisionFree. (that ive found anyway)


I think its good. I cant decide if its better or worse though. The posts are all jumbled around and mixed up.


Oh yeah, that's right. :rolleyes:

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HampsterKing is working really, really hard trying to straighten this out.


thank goodness. I'm so utterly confused. :blink:

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Yeah, And now i can post some of my not-real-good drawings... (HK, One of them is real huge-sized. about 1000X800 pix, My scanner's a little looney, Will it be downsized, can i still post it or what?

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Yeah, And now i can post some of my not-real-good drawings... (HK, One of them is real huge-sized. about 1000X800 pix, My scanner's a little looney, Will it be downsized, can i still post it or what?


I would recommend you resize the picture. Even though the attachment bar has no limit, it would be difficult for the viewer to see your picture. I usually try and scale my pictures down to about 600 pixels on the longest side, if not, maybe lower.

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Yeah, And now i can post some of my not-real-good drawings... (HK, One of them is real huge-sized. about 1000X800 pix, My scanner's a little looney, Will it be downsized, can i still post it or what?

(Sorry, After posting this i went to go look for the exact size, and found a previously downsized version of 400x500 or so. will that work?)

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Here are a few more I made.


The first one is Athena, my snow Cheetah. It was supposed to be CheetaSpot, but I wanted to have fun with the picture. ^_^


The second one is a picture of my fox/dog character, Vixen. She happens to be meditating. :D


The third one is a picture of Georgette, from oliver and Company. It took me about 3 hours to sketch the picture and 6 hours to color it. That's about 9 hours put into the total pic! :blink:




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Yeah, I made those.  it took me about an hour to color each one. :)

WHOA!! Thats like no time at all, All the coloring is like perfect, It looks like you just went on paint and filled it in, its so good!!! What kind of things(Dont know how to say it) Did you use. I.E. Colored pencils, Markers....

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Here are a few more I made.


The first one is Athena, my snow Cheetah.  It was supposed to be CheetaSpot, but I wanted to have fun with the picture. ^_^


The second one is a picture of my fox/dog character, Vixen.  She happens to be meditating. :D


The third one is a picture of Georgette, from oliver and Company.  It took me about 3 hours to sketch the picture and 6 hours to color it.  That's about 9 hours put into the total pic! :blink:

purty! purty!

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I have a file to attach here, But when i 'add this attachment' it gives me that Page cannot be displayed stuff. Anything i can do bout this?


HampsterKing will have to answer this. I have let him know to come here and give you the assistance you need. :)

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WHOA!! Thats like no time at all, All the coloring is like perfect, It looks like you just went on paint and filled it in, its so good!!! What kind of things(Dont know how to say it) Did you use. I.E. Colored pencils, Markers....


I sketch a picture on a piece of paper, I scan the picture into my computer, and I color it with paintshop. :)


For example, I sketch this picture of Sarabi giving Simba a bath... about an hour or two later, I color it in. I might put up a tutorial if i get the time.



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HampsterKing will have to answer this.  I have let him know to come here and give you the assistance you need. :)

I was thinking the possibility that only the topic creator can attach files to it? CS has only attached files in their topic. (whatever gender it is. I think female o_O)

Or maybe its im still running the ol' '98 on my computer here. Nothing works on 98 anymore. o_O not many viruses for it neither. n_n

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Here's a quick picture I whipped up! It's my Jaguar-spotted kitty...um...doesn't have a name yet. Any suggestions?


Unfortunatly due to the content of the origional picture, I have tp crop it down to her head and neck. I think she's pretty though. :)


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WOAH Cheetaspot you are a ....really good artist!!! dude have 3 super mooseys 

:-P you are the first! plz advertise this and be as snooty as you like....dude post more art!!!now


Um...Okay! :D


Some more art. Hope you guys will like. :)



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The British version of Cheerios:


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Nah, the British people would probably be scared as an American would be over that many o's. I suppose that a bowl full of Cheerios is somewhat scary due to all those o's. Even I'm somewhat scared of them. :lol:

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Here are a few more I made.


The first one is Athena, my snow Cheetah.  It was supposed to be CheetaSpot, but I wanted to have fun with the picture. ^_^


The second one is a picture of my fox/dog character, Vixen.  She happens to be meditating. :D


The third one is a picture of Georgette, from oliver and Company.  It took me about 3 hours to sketch the picture and 6 hours to color it.  That's about 9 hours put into the total pic! :blink:


Those are pretty! I envy you :P


Btw how do you do multiple attachments? :huh:

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Those are pretty! I envy you  :P


Btw how do you do multiple attachments?  :huh:


You should not envy CheetaSpot for her art, you are just as talented! You draw and write music! That is really great. If you were permitted to take some art classes you could draw just as well as CheetaSpot does.


Multiple attachments are accomplished in the art forum the same way they are accomplished with your music attachments and you already know how to do that. :D

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You should not envy CheetaSpot for her art, you are just as talented!  You draw and write music!  That is really great.  If you were permitted to take some art classes you could draw just as well as CheetaSpot does.


Multiple attachments are accomplished in the art forum the same way they are accomplished with your music attachments and you already know how to do that. :D


I'm not sure about that, Cheetaspot draws too well! ;) Even with art classes I probably couldn't compare. But I'll have to wait until college if I even want the chance for art classes.

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I'm not sure about that, Cheetaspot draws too well!  ;) Even with art classes I probably couldn't compare. But I'll have to wait until college if I even want the chance for art classes.

All it takes is practice. I usually try and doodle everytime I get a chance to pick up a pencil and paper. :D


And I learned how to color on computer by following online tutorials. :)

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All it takes is practice.  I usually try and doodle everytime I get a chance to pick up a pencil and paper. :D


And I learned how to color on computer by following online tutorials.  :)


Yes, doodling is fun, but with school I am running short on my free time -_- There seems like so much to do in a day and so little time.


Online tutorials...I've never thought of that...!

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I learnt how to create Flash work (well) from online tutorials! Very helpful.

Yes, they are helpful, but there are some tutorials that you'll see and won't know what the heck they're talking about. :P I usually avoid those.

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Oh, BTW, Megawolf, I'm done with your suprise picture.  Hope I got everything right. :)

Wow! Awesome! I love it! *thinks, I might print and put on binder* Wee. I can do that as long as I don't say I made it, correct? :D

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Wow! Awesome! I love it! *thinks, I might print and put on binder* Wee. I can do that as long as I don't say I made it, correct? :D

Correct. :) After all, it have my ©(copyright) on it. :D

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Can I post a picture of my pets? Or really cute pictures of other pets? I really would like to show u! Thanks





          Doesn't have anything to do with my birthday I am 11 years old

Absolutely! Please do! We love pictures! :D:D:D

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  • 4 weeks later...

[whining]CheetaSpot. You're too good of an artist for me. I can't draw at all! Not even with a computer program. You are the queen of drawing. I can't hope to ever compare. I do try my hardest to, however.[/whining]

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[whining]CheetaSpot.  You're too good of an artist for me.  I can't draw at all!  Not even with a computer program.  You are the queen of drawing.  I can't hope to ever compare.  I do try my hardest to, however.[/whining]

I think that you are great. All that counts is that you try, which you do. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eep! Where have I been?!! Working on college stuff, that's where I've been!


I've drawn so many pictures, but I think I'll only flatten you all with 4 of them.


1. my character Fantasia is sad. This took me about 8 layers in paintshop to put together. *eep*


2. a picture I did for a friend


3. My Falina kitty is depressed...because I was depressed all that week.


4. This is REALLY late. It was supposed to be my halloween picture to you all. It's my little lucky cat in Happy Tree Friends style. Hope you like it anyway. :)





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Eep!  Where have I been?!!  Working on college stuff, that's where I've been!


I've drawn so many pictures, but I think I'll only flatten you all with 4 of them.


1. my character Fantasia is sad.  This took me about 8 layers in paintshop to put together. *eep*


2. a picture I did for a friend


3. My Falina kitty is depressed...because I was depressed all that week.


4. This is REALLY late.  It was supposed to be my halloween picture to you all.  It's my little lucky cat in Happy Tree Friends style.  Hope you like it anyway. :)

Huzzah! Really, really nice! *is flattened, if that is supposed to be good :lol: *

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I find your art far better than my own, an example:

it is my attempt to illustrate one aspect of the character, there are far better, and, IMHO far worse takes on him.

*is thinking of Stitch in da movie Lilo and Stitch*

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Eep!  Where have I been?!!  Working on college stuff, that's where I've been!


I've drawn so many pictures, but I think I'll only flatten you all with 4 of them.


1. my character Fantasia is sad.  This took me about 8 layers in paintshop to put together. *eep*


2. a picture I did for a friend


3. My Falina kitty is depressed...because I was depressed all that week.


4. This is REALLY late.  It was supposed to be my halloween picture to you all.  It's my little lucky cat in Happy Tree Friends style.  Hope you like it anyway. :)

Like the Happy tree friends style though it must be drawn before all the blood goes everywhere! :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, that's good, Ml


I am glad you aren't a vicious fanbeast, MW,at least of L&S I have run afoul of a few of those,


all I did was suggest that Bill's research was gary's idea of fun. Is that so wrong?


I lost that pic though. It provoked quite the response, perhaps this one I will let loose upon the fanatics, and see what becomes of it.

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ok, that's good, Ml


I am glad you aren't a vicious fanbeast, MW,at least of L&S I have run afoul of a few of those,


all I did was suggest that Bill's research was gary's idea of fun. Is that so wrong?


I lost that pic though. It provoked quite the response, perhaps this one I will let loose upon the fanatics, and see what becomes of it.

Please do! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back again with some new art. :)


1.) I've heard about the earthquakes and tsunamis in Asia. I hope everythings okay there, so here's a picture dedicated to them.


2.) Mufasa and CheetaSpot have a long talk. o_O(I think this is the first picture I've posted of CheetaSpot here)



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Back again with some new art. :)


1.) I've heard about the earthquakes and tsunamis in Asia.  I hope everythings okay there, so here's a picture dedicated to them.


2.) Mufasa and CheetaSpot have a long talk. o_O(I think this is the first picture I've posted of CheetaSpot here)

Cool pictures. I love the second one, for some reason their glaring at each other is cool, and the first one shows a lot of emotion by use of colors.

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Back again with some new art. :)


1.) I've heard about the earthquakes and tsunamis in Asia.  I hope everythings okay there, so here's a picture dedicated to them.


2.) Mufasa and CheetaSpot have a long talk. o_O(I think this is the first picture I've posted of CheetaSpot here)



I love them!! :D

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i would have to go and find it again, and I would reread it carefully, but I think I might have solved the problem of extremely long posts. we shall see if this works.

That works! :D


There is only one small problem that I see. You will have to make sure that it is edited prior to being posted as I will not have the ability to do that after you attach it. So, please help me out here.

Thanks. :D

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That works! :D


There is only one small problem that I see.  You will have to make sure that it is edited prior to being posted as I will not have the ability to do that after you attach it.  So, please help me out here.

Thanks. :D

that could be a problem!

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No need for a scanner... do you have a paint program or something like that on your computer? :huh:

Yeah, but I'm even worse at compy art. If you really want to see it, I'll try to draw something then have my mom take it to work, but I make no promises.

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Wonderful news!

Please, I would love to see something. 

*hint, hint, perhaps a blond hammie* :lol:


My Mikki Hamster character's a blonde. :D


Attachment: Preview of Mikki totally computer drawn. I'm using it for the contest for Jack too. :)


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If I can how do i post art or anything for that matter? I have some artwork that Kat did but is it ok if I post that when I can. Kat is lieing she is great. I however can't do anything exspect color stuff poeple have already drawen.

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If I can how do i post art or anything for that matter? I have some artwork that Kat did but is it ok if I post that when I can. Kat is  lieing she is great. I however can't do anything exspect color stuff poeple have already drawen.

If you have it in your computer you can move it to your desktop. Click on the Browse beneath the posting square and then click on the pic you want, then click Attach and then click Add Into Post. this way it will show up.


Please do post it. :D

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If I can how do i post art or anything for that matter? I have some artwork that Kat did but is it ok if I post that when I can. Kat is  lieing she is great. I however can't do anything exspect color stuff poeple have already drawen.

...You ahve some of my drawings? Really?

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  • 3 weeks later...
But you don't have a scanner, so HA! And besides, I don't think they could show that one because I was looking off another picture, so it wouldn't be origional.

*hints to Krisdadogg#1*

I would let Krisdadogg#1 get away with sending in art by Katdacatis#1! :lol::lol::lol:

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*hints to Krisdadogg#1*

I would let Krisdadogg#1 get away with sending in art by Katdacatis#1! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

But the picture I did wasn't original. I was looking at a picture of a person in a vidoe game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whee! Some new art!


1. A pic I did for a friend with my fursona as a wolf

2. Did I upload this? It's a picture of my Pink eyed Dragonite Manny. :rolleyes:

3. An artist gave me a new character and I loved her so much I HAD to draw her. I've named her Chanua. :D

4. Um... Suprise? :blink:





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Whee!  Some new art!


1. A pic I did for a friend with my fursona as a wolf

2. Did I upload this?  It's a picture of my Pink eyed Dragonite Manny.  :rolleyes:

3. An artist gave me a new character and I loved her so much I HAD to draw her.  I've named her Chanua. :D

4. Um... Suprise? :blink:

Your art is spectacular!!! Thanks for new pics to see!!! :D

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Whee!  Some new art!


1. A pic I did for a friend with my fursona as a wolf

2. Did I upload this?  It's a picture of my Pink eyed Dragonite Manny.  :rolleyes:

3. An artist gave me a new character and I loved her so much I HAD to draw her.  I've named her Chanua. :D

4. Um... Suprise? :blink:

WOw, I have a friend I call Manny and bares some relationship to that Dragonite. Compares the two. Wow.

Brilliant artwork as always CheetaSpot, No one could do better.

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