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reject me?









I feel broken somewhere inside me...


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reject me?









I feel broken somewhere inside me...


This probably isn't very helpful but... I think many of us feel as though life is rejecting us. It seems to be a part of life... it's like a puppy that likes to pee on your floor.

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Anything that doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Everyone has difficulties, trials and hinderences, some more extreme than others, but nobody goes through life easily.


but For those religious people who may think that they have an unfair amount of difficulty in their time, leading good christian faithful lives and after that having to go through... a lot, Its important not to think of it as a 'punishment from God' so to speak. Think of it more as a test of life, Its for your experience and growth.


One thing that my religion teaches is that God will NEVER give a commandment or anything of the like that is beyond our capability. (Wont leave us in a boat without a paddle, so to speak.) We have to make effort, we have to endure, we will succeed and we will pull through and come out a stronger being.

No wrong can put someone beyond redemption, no trial is impossible. They will not be easy, they may be unpleasant, but we dont come in to this life to give up half way through.

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Anything that doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Everyone has difficulties, trials and hinderences, some more extreme than others, but nobody goes through life easily.


but For those religious people who may think that they have an unfair amount of difficulty in their time, leading good christian faithful lives and after that having to go through... a lot, Its important not to think of it as a 'punishment from God' so to speak. Think of it more as a test of life, Its for your experience and growth.


One thing that my religion teaches is that God will NEVER give a commandment or anything of the like that is beyond our capability. (Wont leave us in a boat without a paddle, so to speak.) We have to make effort, we have to endure, we will succeed and we will pull through and come out a stronger being.

No wrong can put someone beyond redemption, no trial is impossible. They will not be easy, they may be unpleasant, but we dont come in to this life to give up half way through.

Preach it, Pastor!

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