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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

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what happens when your life turns upside down?

what happens when your hopes and dreams are torn?

what happens when you're caught up in a lie?

what happens when life turns into a storm?


what happens when you're lost and can't see forward?

what happens when you're trapped in emotions again?

what happens when the burden of choice is on you?

what happens then?


what do you do when you're falling back?

what do you do to stop those habits?

how can you keep from making a big mistake...

when it's all you can do not to lose it?


what happens when old loves disappear?

what happens when one thing overrides others?

what happens when you find yourself...

in a place you always abhorred?


what happens when it feels normal

to walk in a strange world alone?

what happens when life catches up with you..

in a few words from a loved one?


what happens when the music you love

is kept from you by matter of preference?

what happens when your heart is trapped

and you don't have to courage to protest?


what happens when you don't know what to do

and all you can find are more questions?

what happens if one thing changes

and everything else is distorted?


God was consulted but the ears don't hear

they have never been able to catch much

she wishes her life would go back about three months

where she wasn't confused by a gentle touch







she's lost, and she's afraid to consult anyone she cares about

for fear they'll react in an undesirable way

they'd "help" her or advise her what she already knows

she just wants an answer, a way out without hurting anyone

she knows love will always bring pain

and she's his "last chance at love"


she wants him to be the same as her

she wants him to be perfect again

but she's afraid to confront him because he won't respond

he'll avoid her like always

and then she'll disappear into her own stress again

like last year


maybe she wasn't ready for a relationship

but she's in one and doesn't want to leave yet


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