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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Do you feel it?

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*Barber's Adagio still playing*


The love in your heart...

Starting to grow...


Simply by reading this words...

Those feelings...

That came alive on that Day...

The Day the World stood still...

And was flooded by tears of pain and suffering...

They come back to you...


Your heart, alive, bleeds as mine once did.

As He once did...


We were never meant to act that way...

We were made to love...


You can see it... can't you?

The love... the crying...

The hope...


I cannot do this...

You cannot do this...

But We can do it...


Together, hand-in-hand...


Together our love shall pour forth like rushing waters of the Niagra waterfall, beating down on the surface of others...

Gushing, drowning out the hatred and ill feeling towards others...

Till only the springs of light and love shall be left, the waters still...


It is in you...

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