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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

You worthless human!

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*Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings, op. 11 plays in the background"

How can you call yourself human

How many lives have to be lost until you're happy

How many of your brothers and sisters need to die


The World came together after the massacre on Sept. 11

The World lowered it's head in silence for all of man


A love never felt before on the planet was shared.

Never before had people come together in such a gathering.


Yet you!

You walk the streets at night

Killing your brothers

Killing your sisters

Killing your children!


You choose to hurt other people

But you cried that day when They fell...


How dare you call yourself a human...

How dare you cry for what happened that day...


You worthless backstabber...


My heart cries for you to see...

To see what you are doing...


A Sept 11 happening each and every day...

Caused by your hands...

All those people killed...


My heart cries out...

Where is your heart?


*Breaks down and cries...*

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*hugs taynio*


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