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did my last poem get rejected?

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thats me



that's a laugh!

you're not boring.

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it was 'external use only' or something

maybe im blind?

Nothing has been deleted or even edited.

I will also look.

eh it was boring anyway


thats me


You? Boring? XD :blink:

to the extreme lol

There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD

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it was 'external use only' or something

maybe im blind?

Nothing has been deleted or even edited.

I will also look.

eh it was boring anyway


thats me


You? Boring? XD :blink:

to the extreme lol

There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD

That would be me. :lol:

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it was 'external use only' or something

maybe im blind?

Nothing has been deleted or even edited.

I will also look.

eh it was boring anyway


thats me


You? Boring? XD :blink:

to the extreme lol

There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD

That would be me. :lol:

the world is pretty boring.


ive decided i think im bipolar

i want to cry

but im so excited about tomorrow

its gonna be so much fun :D


but yet, i dont want to wake up


honestly, why me?

why was i born with this sickness?

my depression runs me

and noone gets it

they dont see into my head

my heart

were all shallow

i know i am

its hard

cuz 1/2 of me is this 'live by your own heart, do what makes you happy' hippie chick

and the other 1/2 of me wants to become perfect and dress all nice and know people n stuff

im not saying i cant be both

but there are no ednos hippies

it just doesnt make sense

as much as i want to just be okay with my life

im not

i cant be

i cant stop hating myself

i cant stand my body

it really hurts me

i weap at the thought of it

and those arent just words

i never wanted to be this person

my whole childhood i never was this person

im torn in half


i dont understand

im so happy

so excited

and there are tears running down my acnefilled oily skinned face

i make myself sick


i dont know wut i want anymore

i want to throw up

i dont know how to eat without wanting to KILL myself for it

im destroying myself via cookies

sometimes im so good

salads for lunch

just fruit during break

and then i figure one day wont kill me

and i pig out

and i dont even want to think about wut ive done

im so ashamed

and all my friends are like "oh i grew out of that"

i cant grow out of it

there NATURALLY skinny anyway

and i am not.

every fabby pound makes me angry,suicidal and ever so shameful

i want to have fun on halloween

but afterwords

so help me god,

i will starve.

i promise you

i promise ana

i promise all the girls working for something good

and most of all i promise myself


inside im screaming 'noo, why are you destroying yourself?'

why why why

why cant i feel okay?

why cant i let this go?

why am i so worthless

so insecure

why am i without friends

why am i second guessing everything

why are these laws holding me back

why is everything stressing me out

why cant i sleep

why cant i pass

why cant i feel okay?

not even good

just decent

like im not about to cry

at all times

im so close to a breakdown


and id rather have it now then hold it in till im a clinically insane adult


whats wrong with me?

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it was 'external use only' or something

maybe im blind?

Nothing has been deleted or even edited.

I will also look.

eh it was boring anyway


thats me


You? Boring? XD :blink:

to the extreme lol

There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD

That would be me. :lol:

I was thinking more along the lines of people who like things normal. XD

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it was 'external use only' or something

maybe im blind?

Nothing has been deleted or even edited.

I will also look.

eh it was boring anyway


thats me


You? Boring? XD :blink:

to the extreme lol

There's plenty of people even more boring than you. XD

That would be me. :lol:

I was thinking more along the lines of people who like things normal. XD

:unsure: Are you suggesting I like abnormal things? LOL

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it.


eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything"


thats me :[[

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it.


eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything"


thats me :[[

This sounds crazy, but what or why do you not feel good about a clean room?

It intrigues me to have a better understanding of your feelings underlying this.

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it.


eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything"


thats me :[[

This sounds crazy, but what or why do you not feel good about a clean room?

It intrigues me to have a better understanding of your feelings underlying this.


cuz its like.. for instance.. having papers everywhere that are all about differenet stuff

id rather have them spread out n stuff cuz i know where they are

then have them all neatly put in a pile of random stuff


idk its like reverse ocd


or like.. the pile is..

a folder,some papers,a flattened thing of throat drops,a mag,a notebook, a thing of pins,a little bag, and ipodbox guts


the pile is nice and neat and aside on my desk

but it feels so messy and throw together to me


i like the chaos of my room

it seems plain

cept for the walls

man i have the best walls

we should have a HD comp. where people take a pic of there room and we vote on best

cuz thats one thing i have a shot at.

my room is amazing

just part of me wants to minimize it.. idk.


everything is too random to put 'alike' things together

besides like books and clothes

i mean like.. notecards i might need or a coupon or one random candle


im just bad at making things look good i guess


i just want to be happy

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it.


eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything"


thats me :[[

This sounds crazy, but what or why do you not feel good about a clean room?

It intrigues me to have a better understanding of your feelings underlying this.


cuz its like.. for instance.. having papers everywhere that are all about differenet stuff

id rather have them spread out n stuff cuz i know where they are

then have them all neatly put in a pile of random stuff


idk its like reverse ocd


or like.. the pile is..

a folder,some papers,a flattened thing of throat drops,a mag,a notebook, a thing of pins,a little bag, and ipodbox guts


the pile is nice and neat and aside on my desk

but it feels so messy and throw together to me


i like the chaos of my room

it seems plain

cept for the walls

man i have the best walls

we should have a HD comp. where people take a pic of there room and we vote on best

cuz thats one thing i have a shot at.

my room is amazing

just part of me wants to minimize it.. idk.


everything is too random to put 'alike' things together

besides like books and clothes

i mean like.. notecards i might need or a coupon or one random candle


im just bad at making things look good i guess


i just want to be happy

LOL... I understand. Let me guarantee you this... the pile will return to little piles soon.

When you decide you need to look for something, you will spread out the big pile back to little piles. :lol:

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whats wrong with me?

I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume.

the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college:

1. i will be in control of the food around me.

if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set

2.to get out of this town and this house

its really stuck up around here and im over it

and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno?

its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it

3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart


i cant wait.

but at the same time, i so can..


idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over

meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE

but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes


i want to weed out my things

i dont want this much

i want to be simplistic

i just want some order


im done ranting


happy halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Ranting is good.

Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you.


tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol

im so glad i have fridays off.

ugh so tired.

Sorting out your life is always good.

lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it.


eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything"


thats me :[[

This sounds crazy, but what or why do you not feel good about a clean room?

It intrigues me to have a better understanding of your feelings underlying this.


cuz its like.. for instance.. having papers everywhere that are all about differenet stuff

id rather have them spread out n stuff cuz i know where they are

then have them all neatly put in a pile of random stuff


idk its like reverse ocd


or like.. the pile is..

a folder,some papers,a flattened thing of throat drops,a mag,a notebook, a thing of pins,a little bag, and ipodbox guts


the pile is nice and neat and aside on my desk

but it feels so messy and throw together to me


i like the chaos of my room

it seems plain

cept for the walls

man i have the best walls

we should have a HD comp. where people take a pic of there room and we vote on best

cuz thats one thing i have a shot at.

my room is amazing

just part of me wants to minimize it.. idk.


everything is too random to put 'alike' things together

besides like books and clothes

i mean like.. notecards i might need or a coupon or one random candle


im just bad at making things look good i guess


i just want to be happy

LOL... I understand. Let me guarantee you this... the pile will return to little piles soon.

When you decide you need to look for something, you will spread out the big pile back to little piles. :lol:

and then the chaos came back

and now its making me upset again

and yet no matter which way it is

im unhappy with it.

i know im a downer and i should just deal with it one way or another

but i dont know how

i cant(or dont feel like i can) control if something bugs me

i cant just put it out of my head

or just 'deal' cuz if i dont like something

then i dont like it

i cant help it

i cant help but being unhappy about things

things just bug me

idk what to do

cuz in terms of a pile of papers who really gives a &(&^%%&)(*)(?

but when it comes to my life

i need to fix this.

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