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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

When "Life" Has You Down...

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As we go on in life, we see many hardships.

We experience many difficulties.

We cry too many times.


We give up.

We get down.

We lose control.


And all our hopes and dreams...

All our goals and even life itself...


It may not end up exactly how we want it every time...


But know that through every trouble...

Know that every tear you cry...

Every time you feel your heart bleeding...


Know that we are safe in His arms.

Know He holds our tears in His hands...

Know that He still loves you...


For our pain is shared with Him.

When we cry, He comes to our side.

When things seem to only get worse...


He is there holding your hand...


Tell you "It is okay..."


And comforting you...

You bravely say "I am ready..."


But do you see?

Will you see?


Cry and He hears you.

Cry out to Jesus.

Because when life has you down... look to the CROWN of Heaven...Jesus.

And know that you are His princes and princesses.

And that He will do anything for you.

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That's so beautiful Taynio. and so very true. Jesus holds every single one of us close to him. He never leaves our sides. And we are held in his hands every minute of every day. He's always gonna be there.

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