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The air was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. No, thicker, you'd have to use a chainsaw to get through this gunk. It was a usual scene for the Katz Club. Two men come in, get drunk, and start a brawl. But this was no ordinary brawl. It's not everyday that one of them just happens to be carrying a gun.

"Get out of here or I'll shoot," growled one of the two men. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a gray, albeit beer-splattered shirt. He had black pants made of some unknown material, which were oddly pristine compared to his gruff appearance. He had dark brown hair which he just let flop wherever it wanted to, and a stubble-covered, unshaven face. His green eyes gleamed madly. He had a pistol in one hand, which if it weren't so deadly, would be a beautiful work of art. It shone a beautiful shade of silver, despite being in a dark and dingy bar. It had intricate golden markings along the barrel, snaking down to the trigger, where it cut off. On the handle, in a bronze color, was a skull and crossbones.

"Calm down, Jeff," hissed the bartender, a young, innocent-looking woman. But don't let her curly red hair, green eyes, and fair skin fool you. She was a master in most, if not all, of the martial arts. Rumor had it that she once fought off five men at once, two of them with guns and the rest with knives. Of course, this was just rumor. In reality, there were only three men, and only one of them had a gun. Still, it was an impressive feat.

"You stay out of this, Melissa," he shouted, waving the gun around madly. The other man didn't cower though. He didn't even flinch. He simply glared at the gun, and at Jeff.

"Screw you," he hissed.

"What!?" Screamed Jeff, who turned back to the other man so fast the gun almost went flying from his hands, "You say one more word and I'll send that darn head of yours to ####!"

The other man shook his head, his long golden hair flowing out behind him, his shining blue eyes shining with glee as he giggled slightly.

"Try it. I dare you," he mocked.


"Don't tempt me."

"I'm not tempting you, I'm telling you. Shoot me." He raised his arms out in an exaggerated shrug, slightly pushing out his chest so that Jeff had something to aim for. He grinned like a Cheshire cat.

A loud bang filled the room, and then everyone was silent, except for the man, laying on the floor, groaning in pain.

"You... You actually did it," he whispered, "You shot me!"

Jeff merely scowled at the writhing body on the floor.

"Holy ####, Jeff! You ####ing idiot!" Cried Melissa. She ran to the side of the strange, blond-haired man and knelt beside him.

"Come... Closer..." He moaned. She did so, and he whispered something in her ear, before collapsing. Her eyes widened and she jumped up. She shook her head in disbelief.

"What?" Growled Jeff. "What did the little ####### have to say?"

"#######!?" She screeched. "You shot him and now you're calling him a #######!? Have you no conscience!?"

"No. He touched my pants."

"He only wanted to know what they were made of, you freak!"

Melissa's arms were splayed out behind her, and she was in a defensive stance. Tears rolled down her face, and she fell to the ground, sobbing. Jeff blinked.

"How... How could you kill my brother?" She sobbed, lifting her head to look at the body of this mysterious man. Jeff gasped, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"He was... Your brother?"

"Y... Yes..."

In fact, this was untrue. The body Melissa was looking at was now standing up, holding the bullet between his index finger and thumb. He began to laugh, softly at first, but gradually he laughed harder and harder until it was almost an evil cackle.

"WHAT!?" Shouted Jeff at the top of his lungs, swinging around just in time to see the bullet sailing straight at him, hitting him in the eye. He collapsed. Dead. Everyone was, once again, silent.

"Heh... Hehe... Nice work, Melissa, but don't you think that was a little over the top?" He asked, grinning. Melissa only stared, gawking at him.

"What? I told you I was perfectly alive and to distract him. What's so shocking now?" He demanded.

"You... You don't have a gun... But you killed him with a bullet," she gasped.

"Oh. That. Well I caught a bullet, don't you think I can throw a bullet?" He winked as he dragged the bloody body of Jeff out of the club.

"Thanks for his pants, I really appreciate it." He grinned at his own joke and kicked open the door of the club.

"Will I see you again?" Gulped Melissa, dreading the thought of meeting him again, but dreading the thought of never meeting him again even more.

"You'll just have to wait and see."




(Written on the spot. Please do comment. I'll be sure to write more.)

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Ok THat's awesome. ANd I'll be the one to welcome you I guess.

Welocme to the board Alternate Realities. Hope you stay.

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(I'm glad someone noticed I was new. :P Thanks Kay.)


'Another day, another brawl,' Melissa thought to herself. This was more like the usual. No guns, no freakish people who can catch bullets and still be unharmed, no pants touching. Definitely no death here. So what had happened to start this brawl? Easy. It turns out that one of the guys was sleeping with the other guy's girlfriend. They were both bragging about the same girl at the same time to different people and overheard each other. Neither of them knew about the other one until then, and now they were fighting over her. It reminded Melissa of something that animals did, especially big cats.

'Well, this is the Katz Club...' she thought. They both started throwing punches. Melissa sighed and served one of her usual customers. A tooth landed in his beer, so she replaced it.

The night went on slowly. People started leaving, and soon the bar area of the club was empty besides Melissa and her best customer, Joseph.

"Another beer!" He laughed. Melissa put on a fake smile and got it for him. She had just put it on the table when she smelled smoke.

'Smoke?' she thought, and then it clicked.

"Get down!" She shrieked, and ducked under the bar quickly, hitting her head on a bottle of vodka, and having bottles fall down. She flung her hand out, catching the bottles before they hit the ground. If there was fire, in a bar, who knows what could happen? With all the alcohol in there, it would go up like the sky on the 4th of July!

"What's going on, Mel?" slurred Joseph.

Melissa didn't notice that, with all of her hurried hiding, that nothing had actually happened. Was she wrong? She strained her ears, listening for anything.

She could faintly hear someone say, "Ooh. A bar. Won't that light up nicely."

She leaped up from behind the bar to get Joseph and drag him down, but she was too late. Already she could see the flames beginning to reach out for him. She ducked under the bar again, curling into a ball and squeezing her eyes shut. She could hear the roar of the flames, and could smell burnt leather. Anguished cries seemed to come from all over, not just from Joseph. It was then she knew that not only had someone torched the bar, but everything in the club! Heat blurred her vision as she crept out from her hiding place. The burnt face of Joseph stared at her, his mouth hanging open in a permanent scream, and gradually getting wider, like he was melting. His eyes were black, as was most of his face. All of his hair was burnt off, as well as his clothes. He was a coal black corpse. She almost screamed, but she restrained herself for fear of being found out.

She heard a whisper, but couldn't quite understand it over the roar of the flames. All screaming had stopped, which suggested to her that either everyone had been evacuated, or they were all dead. She spun around, looking for the source of the whisper. She spied a bit of blond hair peeping out from behind a wall. She leaped over the flames in the way, adrenaline giving her the power to do so. She landed in the arms of the mysterious man from the other night.

"Why the #### are you here?" she demanded.

"Hush, or he'll find us," he whispered, motioning over towards the flames.

"What?" she asked, unable to see anything. The man said nothing, and she just stared until suddenly, she noticed something. Part of the fire was in the shape of a man, who was walking around. She saw him walk over to the body of Joseph and run his hand down the side of his blackened face.

"His name used to be Tobias Mattingham," the man whispered, "Always had a fascination with fire. Well, no. Not a fascination. An obsession. He used to perform lots of arson, and the police could never figure out who it was. Quite smart, in that respect. But in a way, he was an idiot. One day he was playing with his deodorant and some matches. Heh, he really shouldn't have. In the end he burnt down his house with his parents in it. Well, then he figured out what he was doing to other people. Couldn't take it. He committed suicide - he burnt himself alive. Poetic justice, in a way. However, his soul couldn't rest. The souls of people who commit suicide never can. Half of my wanted list are suicides--"

"Wanted list?" Interrupted Melissa.

"I have a lot to explain to you. You're truly in the deep end now. But let me finish. His soul couldn't rest. His grave's now empty. He dug himself up in a fit of rage. He realized what he was doing, though, which is strange for a restless soul. He set himself on fire to stop himself. Shame, though. People who are already dead can't die again. In the end, he completely lost whatever sanity he had left."

"Wouldn't people see him in the streets?"

"He's smart, remember? The cops never found him when he was alive. He's good at hiding, let me tell you. This is the first I've seen him in months."

The orange, flaming man roared in what sounded like a combination of anger and anguish. He swung his head to stare directly at the survivors of his arson.

"You," he growled, his voice burbling and flowing thickly, as if his voice were lava. Melissa was put down and she ran, without even having to be told. She burst into the alley behind the bar and almost stepped into a black, melted hole in the ground. Obviously, Tobias had been through there. She ran out of the alley, avoiding the black footprints, and into the wide, wide city. Which was oddly dark tonight. She blinked a few times and strolled over to a street light, and sat under it. She could hear fighting inside the club, and music was still playing. She twiddled her thumbs and whistled to herself as the fighting continued.

The door swung open, and she could hear the roar of flames again. Obviously Tobias was running away. Melissa could hear the alleyway melting as he ran... And she realized, he was running at her! She freaked out for a moment, but then came up with a plan.

Tobias was almost upon her when she scooted out of the way and lay her arm in the way. It worked, and he tripped onto the road. Melissa tore off her shirt to prevent getting a burn (she did, in the end, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been). Tobias sank into the road, melting the asphalt, which would then flow over him. He was trapped in the road.

"That was easy," she muttered, as the mysterious man ran out to stand beside her.

"He'll get out, you know," he said flatly.

"Not if he melts into the sewers," she said, grinning. The mysterious man grinned with her.

"Let's go," he said. He picked her up, and jumped to the top of the building next to the club. Melissa was naturally amazed, but this was the same guy who just the night before stopped a bullet with his bare hands and then killed another man with it.

"You have lots to explain," she stated.

"Where should I start?"

"Your name."

"My name? I don't have one. In my line of work, you don't really need one anyway. Being identified isn't good."

"Then... I'll call you E."


"I think it suits you."

"I don't, but okay. What else do you want to know..?"




(There we are. Also written on the spot. :D)

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

And confusion runs amok, until the righteous forces of clarity of thought regain control of the land.

A kitten mews.

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

Yeah. Stupid sun. D:< Lets stab it.

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

Yeah. Stupid sun. D:< Lets stab it.

*stabs with metalz*


*metalz melt*


*failz miserably*

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

Yeah. Stupid sun. D:< Lets stab it.

*stabs with metalz*


*metalz melt*


*failz miserably*

Aww, it's alright. You just need to stab it with the right thing.


*stabs the sun with Arkcher*

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

Yeah. Stupid sun. D:< Lets stab it.

*stabs with metalz*


*metalz melt*


*failz miserably*

Aww, it's alright. You just need to stab it with the right thing.


*stabs the sun with Arkcher*


Pff. you are doing it all wrong.


*stabs with MOAR AARDVARK*

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lol. you're welcome.


-Kat-: you make me laugh.


:P I always love reading your posts they cheer me up a lot.

Yay! XD I'm glad I'm entertaining to somebody besides myself!


hah, like you would ever be boring.

[moar story pl0x?]

Oh, I thought you were asking me for more story for a second there, and I had no idea what story you were talking about. But then I remembered and the sun shone again.

That darn sun and its... tendency to... stop shining... and... um....

Yeah. Stupid sun. D:< Lets stab it.

*stabs with metalz*


*metalz melt*


*failz miserably*

Aww, it's alright. You just need to stab it with the right thing.


*stabs the sun with Arkcher*


Pff. you are doing it all wrong.


*stabs with MOAR AARDVARK*


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  • 1 month later...

Two months later, times had changed a lot. The Katz Club had been rebuilt speedily, with many people pitching in to help. Melissa was once again the bartender. For the first time in many years, they installed a smoke detector. The man known as E set up a base of operations on the roof - plenty of his 'wanted list' seemed to go into the club. In fact, anyone who was anyone, living or otherwise, has been in the Katz Club at one point.

It was a cold Monday night. Two young girls walked in – both looked no older than 12. They were obviously twins. Almost immediately a bouncer descended upon them.

“Sorry girls, but you’re not allowed in here until you’re 18,” He growled.

The two girls stopped in their tracks and looked up to the bouncer; their grey-blue eyes cold as stone; their pure faces rock hard and evil. Their flat, long, cherry-blonde hair slid out of their face and they glared firmly at the large bouncer.

“Hello sir. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be dead?” They whispered in unison. The bouncer blinked and frowned, as if he was considering an answer. He shook his head suddenly.

“You’re not allowed in here. Get out,” He said firmly. The girls giggled.

“I don’t think so,” They both said, and one of them leaped up and landed an angry kick right in the middle of his face. He fell over, and he didn’t get up. The girls looked at each other and smiled.

“Score one for us,” Said one.

“Score none for them,” Said the other. They dragged the body out into the street, where they ran into a tall man. He had long blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. They didn’t know it, but he was E, the (relatively) well-known spirit hunter. And it looked to him like he just found a couple of restless spirits… Ones he didn’t know at that.

“What are you two doing carrying a body?” He asked with a curious look. The two girls looked up at him, wide-eyes and frightened. They knew he was a restless spirit too, but they didn’t know him.

“Friend or foe?” They asked in unison.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” E said.

“You answer first,” They demanded.

“How am I meant to know if we’re friends or foes if I don’t even know who you are?”

“Well…” The two girls looked at one another.

In that moment, the bouncer woke up. His skin faded until it was blue, his hair became was white, and his eyes a deadly shade of red. He moaned and rubbed his head.

“…What happened?” He whispered. He looked up to see two young twin girls and a tall man looking down at him with intense frowns adorning their faces. Along with that, he felt a sense of impending doom. And once again, he was completely unconscious.

“We’re spirit hunters,” One of the girls admitted, but the man she was admitting to was no longer there. The two girls spun around to see him hunched over the unconscious body of the blue man.

“Lima. Yuuto Lima,” he muttered, shaking his head, “Heard as cold as steel. Skin as hard as steel. Skull as thick as steel. Cruel, tough, and stupid. He was old and happy when he died. And to think, he was completely at peace until some necromancer came along.”

“They always screw things up,” said the girls, nodding. Then, they blinked, shaking their heads as what this man was saying finally sunk in.

“You’re a spirit hunter too?” They asked in awe and disbelief.

“Yes, is that so strange? You are.”

“But… When we came back… We thought there could be only one!”

“But there are two of you.”

The girls stopped and looked at each other, before realizing that he was right – if there could be only one, then only one of the two girls should have came back. They looked back at the man. He smirked and picked up the blue man, slinging him over his shoulder and jumping out of sight.

“He was really… Weird…”

“We’ll have to look out for him, Amy.”

“Yes we will, May.”


(Another on the spot chapter.)


(Oh, and I'm back. School's almost over in Australia, so I'll have a lot more time.)

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Two months later, times had changed a lot. The Katz Club had been rebuilt speedily, with many people pitching in to help. Melissa was once again the bartender. For the first time in many years, they installed a smoke detector. The man known as E set up a base of operations on the roof - plenty of his 'wanted list' seemed to go into the club. In fact, anyone who was anyone, living or otherwise, has been in the Katz Club at one point.

It was a cold Monday night. Two young girls walked in – both looked no older than 12. They were obviously twins. Almost immediately a bouncer descended upon them.

“Sorry girls, but you’re not allowed in here until you’re 18,” He growled.

The two girls stopped in their tracks and looked up to the bouncer; their grey-blue eyes cold as stone; their pure faces rock hard and evil. Their flat, long, cherry-blonde hair slid out of their face and they glared firmly at the large bouncer.

“Hello sir. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be dead?” They whispered in unison. The bouncer blinked and frowned, as if he was considering an answer. He shook his head suddenly.

“You’re not allowed in here. Get out,” He said firmly. The girls giggled.

“I don’t think so,” They both said, and one of them leaped up and landed an angry kick right in the middle of his face. He fell over, and he didn’t get up. The girls looked at each other and smiled.

“Score one for us,” Said one.

“Score none for them,” Said the other. They dragged the body out into the street, where they ran into a tall man. He had long blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. They didn’t know it, but he was E, the (relatively) well-known spirit hunter. And it looked to him like he just found a couple of restless spirits… Ones he didn’t know at that.

“What are you two doing carrying a body?” He asked with a curious look. The two girls looked up at him, wide-eyes and frightened. They knew he was a restless spirit too, but they didn’t know him.

“Friend or foe?” They asked in unison.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” E said.

“You answer first,” They demanded.

“How am I meant to know if we’re friends or foes if I don’t even know who you are?”

“Well…” The two girls looked at one another.

In that moment, the bouncer woke up. His skin faded until it was blue, his hair became was white, and his eyes a deadly shade of red. He moaned and rubbed his head.

“…What happened?” He whispered. He looked up to see two young twin girls and a tall man looking down at him with intense frowns adorning their faces. Along with that, he felt a sense of impending doom. And once again, he was completely unconscious.

“We’re spirit hunters,” One of the girls admitted, but the man she was admitting to was no longer there. The two girls spun around to see him hunched over the unconscious body of the blue man.

“Lima. Yuuto Lima,” he muttered, shaking his head, “Heard as cold as steel. Skin as hard as steel. Skull as thick as steel. Cruel, tough, and stupid. He was old and happy when he died. And to think, he was completely at peace until some necromancer came along.”

“They always screw things up,” said the girls, nodding. Then, they blinked, shaking their heads as what this man was saying finally sunk in.

“You’re a spirit hunter too?” They asked in awe and disbelief.

“Yes, is that so strange? You are.”

“But… When we came back… We thought there could be only one!”

“But there are two of you.”

The girls stopped and looked at each other, before realizing that he was right – if there could be only one, then only one of the two girls should have came back. They looked back at the man. He smirked and picked up the blue man, slinging him over his shoulder and jumping out of sight.

“He was really… Weird…”

“We’ll have to look out for him, Amy.”

“Yes we will, May.”


(Another on the spot chapter.)


(Oh, and I'm back. School's almost over in Australia, so I'll have a lot more time.)

[ Fantastic story!!! I am glad to have time to continue and visit us again. I look forward to your next part of the story! ]

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

Me? Are you talking about me? :lol:

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

Me? Are you talking about me? :lol:

I think he might have been.


Because Hamlet's most trust friend is totally going to go through some kind of time portal from Shakespearian times and scold Glowwy for saying that he knows me in real life. :rolleyes:

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

Me? Are you talking about me? :lol:

I think he might have been.


Because Hamlet's most trust friend is totally going to go through some kind of time portal from Shakespearian times and scold Glowwy for saying that he knows me in real life. :rolleyes:

No need to scold Glowurm. We have other people who know each other in real life and they talk about it.

For example, Moosey368, I'm_Soo_Coool and Hoops are friends. So, we really still have no idea who you are, just that you are his friend.

So, that's cool. Unless of course, you feel uncomfortable about it.

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

Me? Are you talking about me? :lol:

I think he might have been.


Because Hamlet's most trust friend is totally going to go through some kind of time portal from Shakespearian times and scold Glowwy for saying that he knows me in real life. :rolleyes:

No need to scold Glowurm. We have other people who know each other in real life and they talk about it.

For example, Moosey368, I'm_Soo_Coool and Hoops are friends. So, we really still have no idea who you are, just that you are his friend.

So, that's cool. Unless of course, you feel uncomfortable about it.

What are you talking about? I was being sarcastic. xD


Glowurm thought that you wouldn't like him saying that he knows me.


Neither of us care if people know, he was just worried you wouldn't let it through.


And I never scolded him, Horatio from Shakespeare's play Hamlet did! Gosh. :rolleyes:

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...I recognize this story.


Which means I know you. =O


Sweeeet. 8D

And I recognize your overused name too. :P




...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. :rolleyes:

Me? Are you talking about me? :lol:

I think he might have been.


Because Hamlet's most trust friend is totally going to go through some kind of time portal from Shakespearian times and scold Glowwy for saying that he knows me in real life. :rolleyes:

No need to scold Glowurm. We have other people who know each other in real life and they talk about it.

For example, Moosey368, I'm_Soo_Coool and Hoops are friends. So, we really still have no idea who you are, just that you are his friend.

So, that's cool. Unless of course, you feel uncomfortable about it.

What are you talking about? I was being sarcastic. xD


Glowurm thought that you wouldn't like him saying that he knows me.


Neither of us care if people know, he was just worried you wouldn't let it through.


And I never scolded him, Horatio from Shakespeare's play Hamlet did! Gosh. :rolleyes:

My apologies, I was reading too fast and just responding. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Glowurm is tops in my book, no need for him to ever worry.


*slaps forehead*

I'm embarrassed now. I re-read your post. I need to read slower, and ALL the words.


For example, I just ran around like a maniac, thinking that this was Friday night and I had so much to do before tomorrow morning.

Well, it just dawned on me that today is Thursday. It's just one of those days.


I promise to slow down and read every word.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good news! And bad news!


Good news is: It's Christmas! Merry Christmas all!


...Bad news is, AR is moving and won't have the internet for a while. D:


But I have good news about the bad news! He's said that I can continue the story if I want.


But I have bad news about the good news about the bad news...


This means he now has no point to come here. He did say to me that he's not really interested in socializing. Which means my nagging and his story were the only reasons he ever came in the first place... And now that he's giving the story to me, he might not come back... D:


If he comes over, I'll force him to say hi or something though. >_>

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Good news! And bad news!


Good news is: It's Christmas! Merry Christmas all!


...Bad news is, AR is moving and won't have the internet for a while. D:


But I have good news about the bad news! He's said that I can continue the story if I want.


But I have bad news about the good news about the bad news...


This means he now has no point to come here. He did say to me that he's not really interested in socializing. Which means my nagging and his story were the only reasons he ever came in the first place... And now that he's giving the story to me, he might not come back... D:


If he comes over, I'll force him to say hi or something though. >_>

:( It would be nice to say Hi, if he wants to. Hope he doesn't move too far away.

I'm sorry about the bad news, and happy about the good news.

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My, I must be popular if search engines are looking at my story... :P




Dunno, just makes me feel special.

You are special!!! :D

Special as in mental asylum special, maybe...

Well, that applies to most anyone who frequents the boards.

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