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Weird Cheesemaster-related dream


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*Ther Final Cut*~*


So I guess he was my brother or something because we were both at my grandma's house waiting for my mom to pick us up.

The whole dream Cheese was wearing a hat and I couldn't see his eyes.

So on the way home I had this guitar on my lap, and it said Rubber Soul on it but it wasn't the cover for Rubber Soul, it was this scary ghost-thing. And I plucked one of the strings and it played the opening to Sounds Of Silence, and I'm like "How did I do that..." nd my mom says Well keep practising.

And then cheese hands me his glasses, coat, and a Homestar doll. and I'm like Why am i holding all your stuff.

There was more but I forgot it.



-Cheesemaster is like a brother to me

-My mom goes on business trips too much

-I really want an acoustic guitar


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~

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"Yeah, the chicks really dig me. They even have dreams about being with me, man..."

J/k. boredom has set in.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do note that in the dream, you were my brother. XDD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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"Yeah, the chicks really dig me. They even have dreams about being with me, man..."

J/k. boredom has set in.

XD In the dream I had, I was afraid of this owl cat thing and kept tried to kind of hold on to your or Arkcher because we were walking to your house, and you two were both like "No, get off. D:<"


I think I posted about it when I had it.

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I just had a pretty wierd dream last night.

Myself along with about five of my local friends were inexplicably playing some variation of hide and seek. ... something that 16-year-olds dont traditionally do. but regardless, about three of us were all running around a big building giggling like maniacs, opening various doors to search the room, and talking to each other the whole way.


... To my knowledge, I dont think we found anyone. but I was running around and saw a lot of my friends doing the same thing.


Every fifteen minutes or so, I would, for some reason, find the bathrooms of this mysterious building, and try to use them but... well, someone with a striking resemblance toward Jay Lenno was standing in front of the door, talking to another man, who looked very uninterested.


so rather than break up their merry conversation I'd just go back and search through some rooms, for something, presumably my friends. Only to find that none of the rooms we had searched were there. The doors were in different places, and accordingly all the rooms were different. I found a vast, HUGE... broom closet, full of cleaning supplies and countless mops and buckets. Deciding that to be pretty weird, I went back and in to another door, and it was some form of multi-purpose room, with the content of an army recruitment... meeting, or something.


After wondering what it is we were looking for, an intercom announced the game to be over and for everyone to make their way toward the bathrooms.

so I did, and Jay Lenno was still there with whoever it was, along with about 20 other teenagers who were involved with this wierd game, none of which I recognized but they all knew me pretty well and decided I should be one of two team captains for the next game of...


then I woke up.

it was very weird.

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I just had a pretty wierd dream last night.

Myself along with about five of my local friends were inexplicably playing some variation of hide and seek. ... something that 16-year-olds dont traditionally do. but regardless, about three of us were all running around a big building giggling like maniacs, opening various doors to search the room, and talking to each other the whole way.


... To my knowledge, I dont think we found anyone. but I was running around and saw a lot of my friends doing the same thing.


Every fifteen minutes or so, I would, for some reason, find the bathrooms of this mysterious building, and try to use them but... well, someone with a striking resemblance toward Jay Lenno was standing in front of the door, talking to another man, who looked very uninterested.


so rather than break up their merry conversation I'd just go back and search through some rooms, for something, presumably my friends. Only to find that none of the rooms we had searched were there. The doors were in different places, and accordingly all the rooms were different. I found a vast, HUGE... broom closet, full of cleaning supplies and countless mops and buckets. Deciding that to be pretty weird, I went back and in to another door, and it was some form of multi-purpose room, with the content of an army recruitment... meeting, or something.


After wondering what it is we were looking for, an intercom announced the game to be over and for everyone to make their way toward the bathrooms.

so I did, and Jay Lenno was still there with whoever it was, along with about 20 other teenagers who were involved with this wierd game, none of which I recognized but they all knew me pretty well and decided I should be one of two team captains for the next game of...


then I woke up.

it was very weird.


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"Yeah, the chicks really dig me. They even have dreams about being with me, man..."

J/k. boredom has set in.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do note that in the dream, you were my brother. XDD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


You know, that is true. I should have thought of that. xD

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I just had a pretty wierd dream last night.

Myself along with about five of my local friends were inexplicably playing some variation of hide and seek. ... something that 16-year-olds dont traditionally do. but regardless, about three of us were all running around a big building giggling like maniacs, opening various doors to search the room, and talking to each other the whole way.


... To my knowledge, I dont think we found anyone. but I was running around and saw a lot of my friends doing the same thing.


Every fifteen minutes or so, I would, for some reason, find the bathrooms of this mysterious building, and try to use them but... well, someone with a striking resemblance toward Jay Lenno was standing in front of the door, talking to another man, who looked very uninterested.


so rather than break up their merry conversation I'd just go back and search through some rooms, for something, presumably my friends. Only to find that none of the rooms we had searched were there. The doors were in different places, and accordingly all the rooms were different. I found a vast, HUGE... broom closet, full of cleaning supplies and countless mops and buckets. Deciding that to be pretty weird, I went back and in to another door, and it was some form of multi-purpose room, with the content of an army recruitment... meeting, or something.


After wondering what it is we were looking for, an intercom announced the game to be over and for everyone to make their way toward the bathrooms.

so I did, and Jay Lenno was still there with whoever it was, along with about 20 other teenagers who were involved with this wierd game, none of which I recognized but they all knew me pretty well and decided I should be one of two team captains for the next game of...


then I woke up.

it was very weird.

My and my friends play hide-and-seek all the time. :D


So last night I had a dream that I was a character in that Disney movie Sky High, and I was this hardcore alium thing, like a human but with a big tail. All I remember is that I got in a fight about where I should sit during lunch (for some reason I was trying to sit next to a bunch of "punks" and they didn't like me because I was wearing an orange shirt and purple pajama pants o___o) and beat up this kid who could blow air really hard, and then in some class I sat in between these twins that were vampires and started out Mexican but turned Asian, and they kept biting me at random and I was like "You know I'm an alien. My blood is all funky." and they were like "Whatever."

And then there was something outside, but I don't remember what.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream where I was trying to save my friend noah from his evil big brother (i don't know that he HAS a big brother, we're chat buddies) who wanted to kill him with birds. I was in his room protecting him and yelled at somebodyd some huge number as to how many birds can fit in the room and to "wikipedia it!"....

my grandmother was serving tea with his grandfather too o.o


I woke up thinking I was tripping on something (which is impossible, if you know me)

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I had a dream that we were warming up for marching band in some random hallway and I couldn't use my clarinet for some reason, so someone gave me a flute to play. I bit down on the mouth hole thing as with a clarinet and somehow that worked...all the keys were lined up in a row beneath my right hand and I was pressing random keys and figuring out how to play the B flat scale. :blink: No, I'm not a music dork, honest! :P

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One of my friends told me about a dream he had a few days ago.

an alleged nightmare in which He went to church and EVERYone there was wearing identical neckties to his own.

And he woke up crying for some reason.


yeah. i thought it was silly.

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One of my friends told me about a dream he had a few days ago.

an alleged nightmare in which He went to church and EVERYone there was wearing identical neckties to his own.

And he woke up crying for some reason.


yeah. i thought it was silly.

XDDDDDDDD That's pretty amazing.

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