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i know i been gone

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Hey I stop posting to write some of may story but nothing has happened yet. I sad * crys* But i wrote this for my six hr. It is supposed to be a secret and the main character is suppose to be afraid to tell it. So I hope you like it. I'll try to stay on more but with school i can't make promises.

Will you stay?

Will you stay? Will you go? I’m crying inside when you smile at me. I know when I tell you that I betrayed you, you will hate me. We planned everything together. How we were going to live together and get married, how we going to raise a family, and how we were going to grow old loving each other for ever, devoted to each other. I love you. I really do, despite my hurtful action. This will hurt you, I know it will. I wonder; will your smile turn into a frown? Will your eyes go cold? What will happen to us? Life is a mystery; some never know what will happen to them. I know I wasn’t expecting this. I knew you would be angry, but I never expected this. Never this, this impossible thing to ask for forgiveness from.

I can see you now when I walk towards you. You hold my hand. It won’t last, I tell myself, once you know my secret you’ll leave. The sun shines in my eyes, sand crunches under my shoes, and I feel like crying. Why does everything feel perfect when one feels like breaking? I can tell from your face that you know something is wrong, but I don’t answer your pleading eyes. You ask, and I evade the questions. If I just stay quiet for a little longer then I can keep this memory of us together. It can keep me warm while I wait on cold, lonely, nights for this nightmare to end and you to come home. Should I tell, I wonder, or should I let this grief and regret stay in me. I can’t tell you, but if I don’t then someone else will. My friends or maybe even him will tell you. You have a right to know, but if no one speaks then I can remain with you. You may notice though when your kiss me and I start to cry.

Your love is everything to me and then one night I threw it away. Will you stay when I tell you? I can’t live knowing this happened. You think I’m perfect, I’m not. I hurt you and it's killing me inside to know that my happy days and peaceful nights are over. I have to talk though, you need to know. So I stop walking, you look puzzled, but wait for me to explain. I stare at you, knowing that I have to talk but delaying it a bit longer. I remember your face now as I close my eyes. I’ll trust my heart to you, I’ll beg forgiveness, just promise me you will stay. I tell you now; I open my eyes and take the leap into oblivion.

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not bad but i've been busy, and yourself?

Me too. Great depression. abusive family/friends. knifes are now comforting. I have a boyfriend who is adding to my depression gonna break up with him monday sense that's the next day I get to actually see him. that's the short story. I've wwritten lots more poems. they were bright then got dark again. yeah so that's pretty much it. I hope your life is better.


Horatio heads up I'm gonna leave the boards for a while again.

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Please don't hurt yourself! And if that was a joke then it was a poor one. Hope to see u again on the boards!

I'm back never really left. I gots help yesterday it's all good. It wadn't a joke.

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