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Video Game Club =D


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We have movie and book clubs, why not games? I'm going to change all that.


To review a game, give the title, system, genre, ESRB rating, and a score out of... seven. Yeah. Other stuff, maybe, but try not to spoil it.


Example: (inspired by Kat. xD I luff you, Kat.)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is an amazing text-based adventure/visual novel game on the DS, for the sort of people who enjoy that kind of thing. It's about a new defense attorney named Phoenix who has spiky hair. I mean, really spiky. I admire his hair. He solves cases and stuff... It's a pretty hilarious game, also. It's rated teen, which I think is suiting...

I give it a 7/7, because it's fun to yell OBJECTION!


So, uh. Go for it. Do as many as you so desire. Also, review games others have if you so desire. I want to see differing opinions. ;D


Hopefully this'll take off...

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We have movie and book clubs, why not games? I'm going to change all that.


To review a game, give the title, system, genre, ESRB rating, and a score out of... seven. Yeah. Other stuff, maybe, but try not to spoil it.


Example: (inspired by Kat. xD I luff you, Kat.)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is an amazing text-based adventure/visual novel game on the DS, for the sort of people who enjoy that kind of thing. It's about a new defense attorney named Phoenix who has spiky hair. I mean, really spiky. I admire his hair. He solves cases and stuff... It's a pretty hilarious game, also. It's rated teen, which I think is suiting...

I give it a 7/7, because it's fun to yell OBJECTION!


So, uh. Go for it. Do as many as you so desire. Also, review games others have if you so desire. I want to see differing opinions. ;D


Hopefully this'll take off...

<33 Hoops


XD Yeah, I didn't much care for the game, but I was a smidge envious of Phoenix's hair, which is, as Hoops said, quite astoundingly spikey. And yelling things like OBJECTION! and TAKE THAT! was really fun. I'm considering giving the game a second chance, even if I only do play it to yell.

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We should not just review games, but discuss them.


For example:

Best rpg on t3h SNES?



I say super mario RPG. :P

Breath of Fire 2.

Best RPG of any platform.

and is for SNES.



quite possibly best game EVAR

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Quick review of one of my favored games...


Resident Evil 4.

Originally for Gamecube, has PS2 and PC ports, recently remade for Wii.

Genre, well, RE is notable for being the survival-horror style game, what with main character finding themselves in a hostile land, usually unfamiliar, with no choice but to fight to live and escape, and usually left with little means to do so.


Accordingly, its rated M.

That being for, well, its a creepy and relatively scary game. Its said to be rated for language and violence, but if you ask me, the violence isnt graphically detailed enough to be anything above T-level. (this being my own opinion.) Language, however, cant easily be explained without spoiling the game, but I will say that a majority of the profanity is spoken in Spanish.

so if you've taken spanish classes, this game is not for you.


Overall, I'd say its 6 out of 7. Its a very long game, my average run-through has about fifteen hours of gameplay from beginning to end. I have the Gamecube version, which is divided in to two game discs. the first 2/3s of the game are on the first, and as logically expected, the ending is on the second, but Point being that its a long game.

Being that long, it certainly has its moments, but parts can get very repetitive and monotonous. You can only make walking-in-to-a-dark-room-Ohnoes-theres-a-zombie-shoot-it-dead actually be scary so many times. The game has a lot of nice plot twists and a number of quite exciting points, so I'd say that overall its hit-or-miss, alternating frequently, its either grippingly awesome, or rather boring, never in between.


What I like most about this game, though, is replayability. I've gone through and beaten it about seven times now. (7x15= 105 hours wasted on it) Every time, Im surprised and had overlooked or forgotten some detail or room, or particular enemy. Most interesting though, is the feel of the game. Regardless of the fact I have ALL the biggest, most powerful guns in the game, twelve full-heal items on me, and maximum stamina, I still find myself nervously peeking around the corner in the later parts of the game.


The graphics on this game are outstanding for its time. I beleive it was in early '05, maybe '04. (I honestly dont remember, im just guessing) It has a few flaws and imperfections in graphics, but it has the smoothest, best animation I've seen, outperforming all other Gamecube games, giving a crisper, more clear image than Xbox, and higher quality than PS2. (Not sure of PC or Wii.) 7/7 for graphics.

Audio, well, it doesnt have any incredibly awesome background music. Its usually the eerie look-out-behind-you music, which is pulled off very well, so dont expect a tune you'll be humming to yourself later in the day. Theres nice clear voices and sound effects, though some foley sounds sound slightly unnatural to me. A pistol gunblast sounds more like a hand slapping a table, for example. A big, massive hand, but a hand nonetheless. I'd say 5/7 for sound. Its up there, but has more noticeable flaws.

Controls... I'd have to say 5/7 as well. Frequently you have enemies sneaking up from behind you, and should you stop to look around and fail to notice their heavy breathing, then you have a parasite-infected human strangling you from behind, and its not easy to shake them off, turn around and fight back. You'll get the hang of it, but even after that, its annoying and tricky.


For anyone who can tolerate some relatively graphic violence, and seemingly hopeless situations and the occasional subsequent nightmare, This game is highly reccomended. by me.

For the more squeamish or easily discomforted by such things, I'd just stay away from the Resident Evil series altogether. I would, though, look at the game overview from Wikipedia, as it will give you the storyline and summary of the game.


Again, 6/7, good game, pretty violent, rated M, thank you and goodnight.

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We should not just review games, but discuss them.


For example:

Best rpg on t3h SNES?



I say EarthBound. :P

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUt*~*


You made a typo. I fixed it


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I like t3h revyiew, arkcher-face.


And yes, I play t3h roller coaster tycoon games. Although, I prefer the first ones. (the original, corkscrew follies, loopy landscapse) as opposed to the more fancy ones. xD

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Oh, and here's something I'd like to discuss: Which was better, Halo:CE or Halo 2? (I haven't played H3 yet, so...)


I personally like Combat Evolved better, though I guess I should log in the same amount of hours on both before I really decide. Graphics never really matter to me...


Which reminds me - I need to beat H2 when I get home.

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I like t3h revyiew, arkcher-face.


And yes, I play t3h roller coaster tycoon games. Although, I prefer the first ones. (the original, corkscrew follies, loopy landscapse) as opposed to the more fancy ones. xD


me too. i never got past the tutorials on RCT3


haven't played any of them in a while though...

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I feel like writing another review.



Dont expect these real often, I just writes them when I have time to.




Possibly the best game evar, and a common favorite among a vast number of HDers, I'll be reviewing








Exclusively for Gamecube, a... action/fighting game, rated T. (I think it should be E though.)


This was the first game I saw in action for Gamecube, and it was just about the most awesome thing anyone could possess in this world.

I bought me a Gamecube as soon as I could, and this was the first game to accompany it. When you first get it, you may find it slightly uninteresting, but as you progress and unlock more features, It gets WAY up there.


This has to be the best fighting style game I've ever played. Whats unique about it, though, is that rather than the traditional stamina beat-your-opponent-to-a-bloody-pulp kind of action, No matter how many times your character gets shot, stabbed or bashed, they still stand tall, unharmed. They are, however, more easy to knock away with strong attacks as their damage meters increase.

The object of the game is to knock your opponent off of the stage, causing them to either fall to an inexplicable, detonating demise, or hitting them far enough that they just... 'die' from the side. Same for upward, flinging them upward far enough seems to take them out.

But with no blood at all, this game is suitable for a number of people. (in my opinion.) Should you get frustrated with the elaborate Metroid games, or die one too many times in Zelda, You can pop in SSBM here and take it out on the said failing character. very satisfying.


As you keep going, you unlock up to 25 characters, a few playing stages, gameplay modes, and so on. After you've unlocked and beaten everything, replayability can only go so far.


Replayability, I'd say 4/7. The game will NEVER get old if you have one or two friends to do it with, multiplayer is undoubtably the best I've seen. Should you be in it alone... wow, two rounds and you're ready for something else.

Graphics, 4/7. Very smooth, pretty sharp images, but it all moves much too fast for you to appreciate any of it. The high quality images go by too fast that you do see a nice 3-d image, but it moves too fast. Any character with a variable trail on them (such as capes or dresses or hairstyles) are ALWAYS showing up wrong somehow. They move unnaturally, fold in on themselves, or end up inside out on rare occasions. Although you should keep in mind that these are minor details, and not especially vital to gameplay. You always see and know whats happening, and it has great graphics if you arent in to the detail of it.

Audio, 7/7. Awesome soundtrack, very realistic sound effects, great voices, none too loud or quiet, they have fitting and appropriate sounds for everything.

Controls, 6/7. Having Y and X for jumping (respectively, both individually do the same thing), maybe its just personal preference, but I dont like that. The Z button wasnt so great for the Grab move, but I do like shielding and defense. The other arrangement of controls and attacks, are great, the C-stick and D-pad are generally useless, but we like them anyway. =D Movement, attacking, and combining attacks are great. Controls have their ups and downs, mostly ups.


It has a few little side features, like the Trophy collections. For accomplishing certain tasks (beating 1-player as a certain character or under a certain time, having won so many rounds, so on) you get a Trophy. They're simple 3-d images accompanied by an explanatory caption, summarizing the character or object your trophy is, Even if the trophies give some people nightmares. -cough-MK-cough-. This is nice and fun for about ten minutes, but its really kind of unnecessary and irrelevant.

Though one side feature which I am quite fond of is the Event Matches. They're basically scenario fights, nothing too exquisite, but they're usually preset fights. (Classic fight, being Mario with Peach against Bowser, for example.) Most of them include having 3 on 1 fights, or confronting single-player boss characters. I think they're fun. .. They're 1 player, but fun.


Overall, if you have a friend to play this game with, this game gets about 12/7 rating. Multiplayer pwns. By yourself, this isnt so great. Good for using up a good half hour of your spare time alone, but after you've unlocked and beaten everything, its just not interesting anymore, Multiplayer is about your only hope.

5/7. Multiplayer pwns, single player not so good.

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I like t3h revyiew, arkcher-face.


And yes, I play t3h roller coaster tycoon games. Although, I prefer the first ones. (the original, corkscrew follies, loopy landscapse) as opposed to the more fancy ones. xD


me too. i never got past the tutorials on RCT3


haven't played any of them in a while though...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I used to love those games-I wish I still had them.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I like t3h revyiew, arkcher-face.


And yes, I play t3h roller coaster tycoon games. Although, I prefer the first ones. (the original, corkscrew follies, loopy landscapse) as opposed to the more fancy ones. xD


me too. i never got past the tutorials on RCT3


haven't played any of them in a while though...


They just keep getting worse as they get newer. I liked the complicated simplicity of the first ones.

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I like t3h revyiew, arkcher-face.


And yes, I play t3h roller coaster tycoon games. Although, I prefer the first ones. (the original, corkscrew follies, loopy landscapse) as opposed to the more fancy ones. xD


me too. i never got past the tutorials on RCT3


haven't played any of them in a while though...


They just keep getting worse as they get newer. I liked the complicated simplicity of the first ones.

yeah, the third one was like a totally different game. if i got lazy i played the version on rct2 with no money. then i could never go broke! lol


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...the complicated simplicity




I know. If you have played the game, you would understand.

I was referencing the wording.

Just a strange sense of humour I have. LOL



I knew exactly what you meant. The game is simple, yet complicated. :P

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...the complicated simplicity



I know. If you have played the game, you would understand.

I was referencing the wording.

Just a strange sense of humour I have. LOL


I knew exactly what you meant. The game is simple, yet complicated. :P

I like that.

Complicatedly simple or simply complicated. :lol:

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Awesome review, Arkcher! Now I want to buy it...


But I'm saving up for a 360. Dx

Oh, before I forget again...

RE4 is about $15.

Its real cheap now that its been out for a long time.

so If you used your 360 fund, it wouldnt put much of a dent in it.


so go for it.


if you want.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I've heard of all these games, so i'll review EB.



System-Super Nintendo

Maker-Nintendo/APE Inc.





When you unlocked Ness in SSB, did you think "omg whos that guy <_<"?

Well you should really play EB.


Earthbound is about a young, uh, maybe 13 year old boy named Ness (duh) from the suburbs of Onett, a town in Eagleland. One night a meteor crashes on a nearby hill, sending him off on an extraordinary adventure to stop giygas, the UNIVERSAL COSMIC DESTROYER. But oh, this isn't like other role playing games...Along the way you'll be tripping away fighting hippies, stray dogs, talking piles of barf, Dinosaurs, and other kooky enemies; you'll fight with Baseball Bats, Yo-Yo's, and Frying pans;Your quests involve helping a town with their zombie problem, Rebuilding a Yellow Submarine, and fighting a cult obsessed with the colour blue; You'll heal yourself by eating Burgers and fruit juice. Did I mention you get aforementioned burgers and fruit juice from the trash?! It's a crazy game, but it's serious too. Parts of it made me cry/feel sentimental at times.




all in all, this game is a must-play game. It very well changed my life...i think it's the best game ever. Jeff is hot


GRAPHICS: Not the best, but I thought they were good for a snes game. Besides, graphics don't matter. 3/5

MUSIC: Unexplainable. 100000000/5

PLOT: Very original but unfortunately the "Normal kid hero" was also used in Pokemon so the originality isn't seen. 4/5

REPLAYABILITY: Rather good. 4/5



anything i forget...

Oh yeah.

Five smilies.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*(The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


PLOT: Very original but unfortunately the "Normal kid hero" was also used in Pokemon so the originality isn't seen. 4/5


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*(The Astronomy Domine*~*



SNES: 1991

Earthbound: 1995


Gameboy: 1996

Pokemon: 1996


Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later.

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Awesome review, Arkcher! Now I want to buy it...


But I'm saving up for a 360. Dx

Oh, before I forget again...

RE4 is about $15.

Its real cheap now that its been out for a long time.

so If you used your 360 fund, it wouldnt put much of a dent in it.


so go for it.


if you want.



I now officially love you, Arkcher, for your amazing brain-knowledge.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


PLOT: Very original but unfortunately the "Normal kid hero" was also used in Pokemon so the originality isn't seen. 4/5


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*(The Astronomy Domine*~*



SNES: 1991

Earthbound: 1995


Gameboy: 1996

Pokemon: 1996


Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That isn't what i'm saying.

What I'm saying is that the plot is original, but since Pokemon had the same Normal-Kid-Hero, and is a more popular game, people don't think that Earthbound's Normal Kid Hero plot is very original, even though it is.


Also, Pokemon and Earthbound are made by the same company so they cannot copy each other.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


PLOT: Very original but unfortunately the "Normal kid hero" was also used in Pokemon so the originality isn't seen. 4/5


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*(The Astronomy Domine*~*



SNES: 1991

Earthbound: 1995


Gameboy: 1996

Pokemon: 1996


Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That isn't what i'm saying.

What I'm saying is that the plot is original, but since Pokemon had the same Normal-Kid-Hero, and is a more popular game, people don't think that Earthbound's Normal Kid Hero plot is very original, even though it is.


Also, Pokemon and Earthbound are made by the same company so they cannot copy each other.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

true, but re-using the same scenario like that qualifies as copying it.

i think.

And regardless, I think both game series' are pretty cool.

(yes, I like pokemon. >_> shut up.)


and Pokemon is Nintendo exclusive, GameFreak made them.

I dont recall what companies (other than Nintendo) involved Earthbound though

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Awesome review, Arkcher! Now I want to buy it...


But I'm saving up for a 360. Dx

Oh, before I forget again...

RE4 is about $15.

Its real cheap now that its been out for a long time.

so If you used your 360 fund, it wouldnt put much of a dent in it.


so go for it.


if you want.



I now officially love you, Arkcher, for your amazing brain-knowledge.




Oh, and something else to point out.

I think I recall you commenting on the Torrn Asunder story?

If you liked that, it has much resemblance to RE4. ... some resemblance. i dont know, If you liked TA, you'll like RE4.

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It's also worth pointing out that the Normal Kid Hero had been used like a billion times in books and movies before, anyway.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But that doesn't count because we're talking about video games. Movies and books are different. whether or not it was used before EB and Pokemon, it doesn't count because it's a different kind of media/enterainment...thing


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


PLOT: Very original but unfortunately the "Normal kid hero" was also used in Pokemon so the originality isn't seen. 4/5


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*(The Astronomy Domine*~*



SNES: 1991

Earthbound: 1995


Gameboy: 1996

Pokemon: 1996


Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That isn't what i'm saying.

What I'm saying is that the plot is original, but since Pokemon had the same Normal-Kid-Hero, and is a more popular game, people don't think that Earthbound's Normal Kid Hero plot is very original, even though it is.


Also, Pokemon and Earthbound are made by the same company so they cannot copy each other.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

true, but re-using the same scenario like that qualifies as copying it.

i think.

And regardless, I think both game series' are pretty cool.

(yes, I like pokemon. >_> shut up.)


and Pokemon is Nintendo exclusive, GameFreak made them.

I dont recall what companies (other than Nintendo) involved Earthbound though

APE Inc made Earthbound with Nintendo, and I believe HAL did as well.

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It's also worth pointing out that the Normal Kid Hero had been used like a billion times in books and movies before, anyway.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But that doesn't count because we're talking about video games. Movies and books are different. whether or not it was used before EB and Pokemon, it doesn't count because it's a different kind of media/enterainment...thing


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I know we're talking about video games. >.> I'm just sayin' the arc type was there before. Now who converted it into video game form first is a different story.

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It's also worth pointing out that the Normal Kid Hero had been used like a billion times in books and movies before, anyway.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But that doesn't count because we're talking about video games. Movies and books are different. whether or not it was used before EB and Pokemon, it doesn't count because it's a different kind of media/enterainment...thing


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I know we're talking about video games. >.> I'm just sayin' the archetype was there before. Now who converted it into video game form first is a different story.


I fixed yur typo. I think. xD

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Super Metroid!


First Metroid game I played and it was pretty cool.


for SNES, seeing how it was released in '91 or so. (Somewhere between '91 and '93, i dont remember exactly.)

A GBA port was planned but abandoned.

Rating, uh, I really dont remember what the rating is. I'd guess E, since.. it has that kind of content.


moving on.

Super Metroid is part three of five in the Metroid series, as Nintendo has a knack for releasing games that are in the same series but not releasing them in chronological order. Zelda is a good example of this.) Taking place very shortly before Metroid Fusion, to be later reviewed, Super Metroid is kind of the axis point for the series.

It was the best known Metroid game, up until Metroid Prime, but it certainly got everyones attention, deviating from the standard gameplay of its time.

Every Metroid game has a unique trait to it, this one has a tool that I havent seen before. Samus has an X-ray scope, so its called, (not to be confused with X-ray visor in Metroid Prime) which will reveal paths and secrets otherwise invisible.


Metroid games almost always have very well hidden secrets. In subtle and inconspicuous places are blocks of terrain that, if shot at with the right weapon, will break away and reveal a secret room.


Controls in the game, I'd say are 3/7. The layout for controls, that is to say what buttons do what, is different from other SNES games. I find it difficult to maintain speed, charge Samus' beam, aim upward and jump over an obstacle all at once. Such a task is necessary at times. On that note, the physics of Samus' motions are unrealistic and sometimes hard. Should there come a time when you need to wall-jump and make your way up a vertical path, It took me about 20 minutes solid to get used to it. Bad news for someone who uses an emulator. Keyboard controls will mess up SO fast. You need a gamepad on your PC, or the real copy.


Graphics, for its time, are 7/7. Simply amazing. For the sake of not spoiling the game, The inevitable large detonation that concludes almost any video game, was rated best animated explosion of '93. ever. Animation is very smooth and runs nice, Samus' weapons are vivid and well-made, effects are really great... The scenery of most areas is VERY impressive. Backgrounds are detailed and sharp, foreground images dont block too much of your view and give it a 3-D feel, despite the 2-d platformer gameplay.


Audio... not so good. 2.5/7. The same vicious shriek and roars are used for all boss enemies, with the exception of those that dont make noise. It was cool the first or second time, but... the sound of Samus' gun firing is annoying and long, and thy overlap each other, so should you find yourself surrounded by enemies and fire madly at them, expect to grow annoyed with the sound of Samus' weapon alone. Most creatures have the same sound effects and cries, but... The only thing to save this score from a 1/7 is the background music. the audio is VERY well composed, and they fit the environment and add to the feel. the Lower Norfair region has some of the best game music I've heard. but the sound effects... not so much.


Gameplay is nice. After you finally get used to the controls, the series of events subtle secrets are very nice. The storyline to the game is certainly there, but unless you've played Metroid 1 and 2 and read some of the manuals and papers that come with the game, you'll get pretty confused and very easily miss the point of the game. Its there, and vital to the rest of the series, but its not the greatest part of the game. 5/7. Things are pretty well balanced, and even some of the skilled players will find themselves stuck at a certain point. Its not impossible, you can overcome it of course, but its tricky. not too hard, but it takes some effort. The average runthrough takes more or less, two hours. The first time around may take about 3.


Replayability, I'd say 4/7. After beating the game six times in a row, you may grow tired of it. After a few months, you pop it back in and take another go. Its a great game the first two times, but you know what to expect after that. Regardless, its still pretty fun.


Overall, 4.5/7. Great animation, Terrible sound, Difficult controls, Decent gameplay. If you're really interested in knowing of the Metroid storyline and playing it all the way through, Take a shot at it.

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It's also worth pointing out that the Normal Kid Hero had been used like a billion times in books and movies before, anyway.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But that doesn't count because we're talking about video games. Movies and books are different. whether or not it was used before EB and Pokemon, it doesn't count because it's a different kind of media/enterainment...thing


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I know we're talking about video games. >.> I'm just sayin' the archetype was there before. Now who converted it into video game form first is a different story.


I fixed yur typo. I think. xD


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It's also worth pointing out that the Normal Kid Hero had been used like a billion times in books and movies before, anyway.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


But that doesn't count because we're talking about video games. Movies and books are different. whether or not it was used before EB and Pokemon, it doesn't count because it's a different kind of media/enterainment...thing


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I know we're talking about video games. >.> I'm just sayin' the archetype was there before. Now who converted it into video game form first is a different story.


I fixed yur typo. I think. xD




Don't be hatin'!

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.

I've never played the game, but I listened to the song today. Amazing. xD

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?





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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!


:blink: :blink: :blink:


Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The FInal Cut*~*


Befiore I say anything I have to explain that on Thrusdays, Ghost goes to aspecial skool for 'gifted students'


So, Thursday is pretty much heaven for any and all of Turtle's friends. We can poke him and joke around with him all we want and not offend Ghost.

So yesterday in science, i started teasing Tuirtle on how Ghost wasn't there today, and he says, "Yaaay!" so I look at him and say, "You serious?" and he explains that he's tired of Ghost being overprotective and obsessive over him.

So come to find out, Turtle actually wants to break up with Ghost but he's afraid she'll either become Emo or kill him. Doesn't this remind you of JR the second time he went out and broke up with IC?


After skool, like usual, Ghost rides up from the Gifted skool on her bike, and shows Turtle a present she made for him-a Pipe-cleaner ornament, shaped like a heart, adorned with little hearts and roses. A big M stands in the middle, standing for Turtle's real name, Mike.

So he's just standing there, dumbly, holding the ornament, and he doesn't look very happy, and all I can do is shake my head.

So later, when he was leaving, I mouthed "O M G." to him, and he responds with "I know!"




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!


:blink: :blink: :blink:


Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?

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Unrelated to anything, ever: Hmm, on the interwebs I always see people complaining about Gamestop, but I really love that place. xD


I reserved SSBB not too long ago, and when I bought the second Phoenix Wright (and reserved numero tres, hooray) the guy there said, " You know about Brawl's release date, right?" "Yeah, February 10," I replied. "And all because of smelly SONIC," the guy said. "Hey! I like Sonic..." "But, did you want to wait a few more months for him?" That guy's pretty cool. xD I've talked to him a few other times.


So, what do you guys think about Gamestop/EB?

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD



I have this address... let me know if it is correct...


123 Stilton Street

Red Leicester, Maryland

12345 USA



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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD



I have this address... let me know if it is correct...


1337 Stilton Street

Red Leicester, Maryland

12345 USA





Absolutely correct. Although you got the house number wrong; I fixed it for you.


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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD



I have this address... let me know if it is correct...


1337 Stilton Street

Red Leicester, Maryland

12345 USA





Absolutely correct. Although you got the house number wrong; I fixed it for you.


:lol: ROFOCLH !!!!!!! :lol:

I should have thought of that.

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD



I have this address... let me know if it is correct...


1337 Stilton Street

Red Leicester, Maryland

12345 USA





Absolutely correct. Although you got the house number wrong; I fixed it for you.


:lol: ROFOCLH !!!!!!! :lol:

I should have thought of that.



S'all good, can't expect you to think of everything. just most of it.

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Just finished PORTAL.


Fun game, Kinda trippy watching yourself walk around, and the making things shoot out of the floor thing.

The song in the end credits is kinda cute as well.



dang, I guess i really Do have to actually walk down the hall to the kitchen


and get my cake.


May I please have a piece along with you?







Your mom is a horcrux!




Talking about someone's mother is very dangerous! LOL



At first, I thought you were highlighting the text with black. Which would work just the same, but still.


yesh, that ish a poshshibility. But shtill. why


would shomeone do shuch a shilly thing?


*devours a black cake with black icing*




I really want some dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing.



Now your talking.

*bakes a special dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing just for Cheesemaster*

Hope you like it! :D




Thanks, but I think there was something lost in transition. Cakes don't ship well



Cakes ship very well! I put it on FedEx! :lol: It just hasn't arrived.




okay. you should have my address, anyway. xD



I have this address... let me know if it is correct...


1337 Stilton Street

Red Leicester, Maryland

12345 USA





Absolutely correct. Although you got the house number wrong; I fixed it for you.


:lol: ROFOCLH !!!!!!! :lol:

I should have thought of that.


S'all good, can't expect you to think of everything. just most of it.

I think you, - Kat - and Arkcher will the prize for thinking of most of it, I get just about 2%. And that is on a good day. :lol:

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S'all good, can't expect you to think of everything. just most of it.

I think you, - Kat - and Arkcher will the prize for thinking of most of it, I get just about 2%. And that is on a good day. :lol:


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S'all good, can't expect you to think of everything. just most of it.

I think you, - Kat - and Arkcher will the prize for thinking of most of it, I get just about 2%. And that is on a good day. :lol:


Grrrrrrrrrr. Typos.

*installs Typo Proofing software*

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Unrelated to anything, ever: Hmm, on the interwebs I always see people complaining about Gamestop, but I really love that place. xD


I reserved SSBB not too long ago, and when I bought the second Phoenix Wright (and reserved numero tres, hooray) the guy there said, " You know about Brawl's release date, right?" "Yeah, February 10," I replied. "And all because of smelly SONIC," the guy said. "Hey! I like Sonic..." "But, did you want to wait a few more months for him?" That guy's pretty cool. xD I've talked to him a few other times.


So, what do you guys think about Gamestop/EB?

To be honest, I really don't buy many games, my brother does. XD But they seem alright whenever I do get something myself.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
So, I might be getting a Wii on Sunday, but we're not sure yet.


of should I say...



Aren't you a silly hamster. x3


But yeah, wiis are pretty awesome.

Get Mario Kart!

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So, I might be getting a Wii on Sunday, but we're not sure yet.


of should I say...



Aren't you a silly hamster. x3


But yeah, wiis are pretty awesome.

Get Mario Kart!






Get Wii Points, and buy StarTropics.



Then, buy Professor Layton for your DS.

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So, I might be getting a Wii on Sunday, but we're not sure yet.


of should I say...



Aren't you a silly hamster. x3


But yeah, wiis are pretty awesome.

Get Mario Kart!



I really want Mario Kart, too. :c

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So, I might be getting a Wii on Sunday, but we're not sure yet.


of should I say...



Aren't you a silly hamster. x3


But yeah, wiis are pretty awesome.

Get Mario Kart!



I really want Mario Kart, too. :c

:lol: LOL :lol:

Every now and then I have those moments. :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

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