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all the songs.

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*~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This is where I'll put all my songs after making their own TAWPEEK. Please pin.




Boy, your long, brown hair

and your low, low, voice

The jackets so many i wanted to share


Trent, Boy, remember me

I'm that girl and all she saw was you, you see?

So many letters I wrote and never sent.

So many portraits I drew but but never kept.

I used to love you.

I loved you...

You broke my heart




I loved you and you were cold...

I loved you, you didn't care

I loved you, you didn't even like me




I realise now

What a mistake I made

I loved you for three and a half long years

I made a huge mistake doin' that

Ooooh, babe

I don't love you anymore

You tore me apart

Maybe I oughta do the same to you


How I imagined

huggin' you

and stroking your hair

But nothing ever worked out


Oh, hey!


Don't worry about me

I don't love you



You were cold to me

When I loved you so much


Can't you see what lovin' you did to me?

Can't you see what lovin' you did to me?



Stick It to The Man


Can't you think for yourself these days?

No one does and even when you do

You're just gonna get shut out

but my voice is gonna break out of this bubble one of these days.

You'll see me in the streets screaming and nothing you can do can stop me.


The world's spinning, is there any truth anymore?

It's the age of information why is it so hard to find, why is it not in my stores?

I'm one, will anyone else join me?

Join me in the streets screaming peace or anarchy!


Join me!


Let's go out to the streets and become traffic ourselves.

Don't care if I'm arrested i'm gonna get my voice out there.

Join me and say it with me,

Peace not war!


Break the binds they got on you,

you can do something and I'll join you or you join me!


Join me!


Scream it in the streets,

Peace Not War!

you don't have to be hardcore to be an anarchist!

Peace Not war!


You can't shut me up, I'll wearmy belief on my sleeve until the day I die!

'Cause I'm not giving in to all your radical lies.

Now the song is finished, It's plain to see

I don't give a **** if you try to censor me.



Peace Not War


Mother! Mother!

What's wrong with the world?

I know war is wrong, why do I seem smarter than our own leaders?

Why can't I run for president?

Is it 'cause I'm a girl? Is it 'cause I'm strange?

Is it 'cause I'm too young? Is it because I'm deranged?

Hey, what's goin' on here?

People are being killed heartlessly, yet all they seem to care about is

Polly Odyssey and Linshay Lohan and Gays getting married and

Celebrities, Mother 3, Translate it please people who like me,

just want it all to



Peace! Not War!

Peace! Not War!

Peace! Not War!



You kill because your people got killed, and you got killed 'cause you killed people who killed,

and you die

For every person that dies, God sheds two tears from His chains.

Is so much blood and crying gonna lead us to sanity?

Quiet down and you could almost hear,

the people screaming out of pain and the children just trying to hold on

I am one of the lucky ones.



They need someone!

And maybe it's me!

No sleep 'till I'm finished!

I need to set them free!

I am unstoppable!



Sammy Hammy and The Pink Straitjacket cats




Well, Sammy hammy, He was one strange Guy

He had all these dreams but never got to fly

Sammy Hammy had just 11 friends online

'Cause no one in real life would give him the time

No one understands little Sammy hammy


Well years went by and many peers died,

But his internet friends stood by,

Sammy Hammy talked to them in his basement,

While scribbling down lyrics, only he knew what they meant

So one day he asked them all to meet him,

They'd read what he wrote and they were all in

No one knew what he'd do


So Sammy hammy bought them all instruments,

And they practiced with what Sammy had in his basement,

Someone cam over, and asked for them to play,

At one popular place the very next day.

"What do you call yourselves?" he politely asked,

"We're Sammy Hammy & The Pink Straitjacket cats!"


Sammy Hammy's growing, and that's a fact

He'll play anywhere, you just gotta ask

He's coming for you, no matter where you're at;

It's Sammy hammy & The Pink Straitjacket Cats!


The next day Sammy played, hoping all would go well

Had anyone seen a band that totaled twelve?

The crowd loved Sammy Hammy, He was asked again,

"We've got time tomorrow; are you interested?"


Soon Sammy hammy was known all over town

He was in a mob where he went, and never with a frown

The peers of Sammy Hammy, looked at the one they frowned upon,

And they realised that what they'd done was very wrong

Sammy kept playing, and soon everyone knew

About this straneg guy who was a bolt from the blue


Sammy Hammy's growing, and that's a fact

He'll play anywhere, you just gotta ask

He's coming for you, no matter where you're at;

It's Sammy hammy & The Pink Straitjacket Cats!


Sammy Hammy was asked to play at the fest

He was so delighted, maybe play with all the rest

Soon the day came he went there with his band


And Sammy Hammy met Craving chocolate,

And they played with Less Desire and Cold Corner

And they played with Evaporated Life, who opened for Deaf ninja and Lighetr Fluid Ignition,

And they played just before Eternal Darkness and Pull the Switch,

Robots Ate My Grandma and Stringless Marionettes

Spelling Errors on one stage, Pitch Black Eclipse on the other

Funky Mangoes and Dirty Shoes opened for 'em

Soul Cleanse, Hair Pullers, and Virtual Soap

All were an opening act for Trickle Tickle and Geometrically Lost

Cell Phone Text, New Tech, and In Formation

Played with more Behind Threed and Hallucinogen Like Minds

Quick Death, Unseen Heart, opening act for quiet Blood

Loud Silence, Live Lost, Adventure Planned, Never Tainted's good friends

Fired Up Bananas, made I Feel Like Tacos laugh,

But they made Joseph Killed Jessica laugh too,

Olive Green Crayons and The Psychedelic Luau

The Stencils, The Chromosomes, the Carbon and Diamond duo

Boo Hoo I Want the Old Game Back, made The Happy Hippies laugh

Sonic Death Monkey and Flying fox played on stage one and two,

While on stage three IDK and Bananas with knives played one after the other

Emo Corner and What Does It Mean?

Both good friends with Thrift shop Psychics and Studies In Scarlet

Vines In The Sun and Pentagrammarians

Unanimousity were very metal, and they played on one stage while Stolen Grim opened for Tanned Sands

Plus Eyes Of Glory, and Every Day Romance, and don't forget Love Of Tangets

What's Nouveau and Mother Mother and the Time Travel Trio,

And Christian Science Reading Room was hard for Roller City 26 to comprehend

and ATM Slur was the remembered girl group With

Rising Darkness

and Blood Striped Candy Cane

nearing the end, purple death star, blood red angel, Blood Tastes Like Sugar

Confessing darkness, were given therapy from ChampionGhost

And Bonfire Babes played there too with Burnt Muffins

Poetic Brunette's, Gun The Gas, Burning the Evidence, Gothic Girlies, Radioactive Hamsters, We're On Leaf Patrol

Teal Lipstick & Red Eye shadow, Jail Break, Gated Community, Remote Vacation, Gun Metal Scraps

Binding The Books, Ink Blotches, 5 O'clock Shadow, Alive At Last, X Marks The Spot, Arrows Don't Point You In The Right Direction

You're On Fire, Sorry Won't Fix It This Time, Talking Puppets, We Spiked Your Punch

Lost minds, Dislodging Brains, Wounds Don't Always Heal Themselves

Gushing Love

The Coffee Mugs

Chocolate Stained Spoons, Caught Red Handed

Cuffed, Jailed, And Bailed

Bleed the Life Out of Me, You're A Fake, Love Is A Lie

The Fundamentals of Learning, The Banshee Screams In The Night

Auto Tune, Cashbox Cuties, Blank Screen, Mood Swings, Knocked into Oblivion, Pink Abyss

I'm Lost In Your Eyes, Page Turner, Ruling Out the Rules, Safety Pins, Blank Expressions

Dinosaurs Live under Rocks, Idiots Are Smarter Than We Think

Earthworms, Fireplace Ashes

Everything Is Better In The Dark, Heroines

Alarming Silence, Lab Rats, Breathing Fire, Diary Stories, How To Host A Murder

Hiring Hit Men, These Aren't The lyrics

Kudos, Green w00t!, salt?

African Picnic Desires, Choose Food, Tacos COOL, PSI Boxes


PSI Miami, Crayons for arms


Sammy Hammy began to cry

No one had loved him so much in his life

He gave his all, and the crowd cheered,

Sammy Hammy loved it but knew he was feared.


The fest continued for three whole Days

And Sammy Hammy was there in every way,

He gave away stuff, even signed autographs

he gave fans his e-mail and he had a couple laughs

And that memory was so special in his mind

He wrote it down so when old he wouldn't leave it behind


Sammy Hammy's growing, and that's a fact

He'll play anywhere, you just gotta ask

He's coming for you, no matter where you're at;

It's Sammy hammy & The Pink Straitjacket Cats!





A couple weeks later Sammy Hammy made an album

The fans lapped it up, he had thousands more and then some

Concert numbers grew, but the magic was gone

Sammy Hammy didn't know if he could go on.

Sammy talked about it with the band

They agreed, it wasn't fun, it just was so bland

But Sammy continued, the magic grew less,

And eventually Sammy hammy was put to the test.


Well, Sammy hammy, He was one strange Guy

He had all these dreams but no he's getting by

Sammy Hammy had just 11 friends online

But now he had these fans, but where they true in time?

No one understands little Sammy hammy


Sammy Hammy's growing, and that's a fact

He'll play anywhere, you just gotta ask

He's coming for you, no matter where you're at;

It's Sammy hammy & The Pink Straitjacket Cats!




The Best Days Of My Life


Everyone's got their say

On what's the best day ever,

'Well I've got a lot a lot of them, and I can't say

I was ever alone.



Julia hugged a tree and Turtle found a sack of plants,

And Rick becomes an Emo and tried to be a hippie but can't,

And I can't speak, I can't say a thing 'cause I'm high on life, I'm high on life,

It's not me, it's you

The best weeks of this life


Where did all that go? Do we still have it all?

Three down and I'm about to go,

If I give you my number, will you ever call...?

At all? At All?



Skittles goes through a hundred guys

And we got more members but they didn't fly

And Rick and Julia broke up and came back and broke up and again

And I went on a rampage, but hey, hey

I couldn't speak...I could not speak.


And Binh did some dances and Moly went to none at all,

And Moly formed a band but Summer made it fall

And we lived at the tables and Julie was forced to switch schools

I'm the only one to remember it all, I must be a fool


And Elana and Will went out and broke up and no one saw

Perhaps it was wrong of me to create this all?


And Jackie stayed silent but I guess she hates us all

And as summer went to Fall,

Alex was gone to some other school

And I remember The Endless days, oh how we were cool


Hear Me!


Oh, Oh.

You gave me the greatest time of my life....


Not Another Song About My Friends


I should of known, that when I work hard to make it work,

You didn't care

You didn't care

You didn't want my life's work

This one thing that lasts so long

Guess nothing can last forever


But hey, hey

I'll bet you're tired of these songs I wrote

And the way they make me cry

Make me cry like

Summer Of '69, or some other song

That you don't know and don't bother to know


My, My

Two years can go by so fast

So much happiness and laughter abound

Oh, how I wish you cared to be around

I'll miss you forever

I guess it couldn't last forever

We can never have that back


I just wanna know how it all goes wrong

Was it you? was it time?

Or was it me all along?

I should of known no matter how many tries

that it would fail I should of never supervised

I cared enough to let you explain your troubles to me

but now I know I can plainly see

You don't care if I'm around


But I do care


I care enough to write 5, or 10, or more than that

Write as many songs about you that I can

Let you know

You are my best friends

I don't want to see it end


I'll bet you're sick of it

So I'll plug in my four string and write some licks for this

'Cause when I write 'em, I still get that kick

That same thrill, the one I looked for for so many years

From true allies...


I guess nothing lasts forever



Annie 4:20


If you didn't know about Annie 4:20

Then there gonna hunt you down

'Cause everyone knows who she is in this town

But lemme tell you..


Well that's not her REAL name

Of course

But we'll get to that later.

Annie's got her drugs n' her alcohol

all laid in a neat little line

She never had any family, so

Dealing her junk is just fine.


People may know who annie is

But they don't know much about much about this

Never a nicer girl you would meet

Too bad she had to sell chemicals on the street.


People think...


Oh, Annie 4:20

where she goes it ain't sunny

at least for Annie 4:20

Used to be happy but she's got all the money


But no, no, That's all wrong!


Annie was different, homeless indeed

So despite the money donations she had

The college didn't accept her, she wasn;t what they



Annie's not bad, but her substances are

Wherever she is, trouble's not very far

'Cause she's getting shot at for her heinous crimes

But she's got friends who help her avoid jail time


But people still think...


Oh, Annie 4:20!

Where she goes it ain't sunny.

Used to be happy but now it's all about money


But that's not true

You see Annie was never happy

Annie knows what she does is wrong,

But she will always continue to what's going on


But one day Annie was finally caught

her friends were away that couldn't help so she fought

She was sent to therapy, where she met two other guys

Sammy Hammy and Akevin....

What could they do together, all three of them, oh I wonder why...

I wonder why...

I wonder why.

Perhaps Annie could see the errors of her ways...

I wonder...

I wonder...



Akevin: No Way In ****


Hello, my name is Akevin

But no one ever cared

All I needed was what we all want,

Peace And Love and Unity and Respect

I got no money, so I travel no where

I spread what I think but no one tends to care

The world is wrong, can't you see?

the world isn't what you see on TV.

Smash the box, get out and run

The world gets hotter, but juts have fun


I write my name on the back of wooden seats

I may scribble my teachings, I might get on my knees

You say it's for religion, But I can see right through

'Cause God didn't tell us to do what you will do

Clear away trees and ignore genocide

Poison the air and commit Homicide

All we want is Peace,

It's the same in every language



Maybe your a little busy for this hippie junk,

But It's the truth




Hello my name is Akevin

Can you save me?

I know you've heard it before


We better look at the real priority

Before you call me an Oddity

'Cause while you work on drugs and hookers

I'm trying to spread peace to the Onlookers


You say it's for religion, But I'm sorry, not a fact

People are dying, the abused women are crying

And are you really trying?


The rich get richer, and the poor just die

The media's spreading the lies

Hello, My name is Akevin

My money goes to peace

The world is heating up, and I'm not sure what to do

I feel on in a million, the only one who cares.


Is the world gonna change, There's no way in ****


Hey, My name is Akevin

And I suffer from a gun wound

Hear me, hear me

If I die give everything to the children

What's this?

Hey, I'm alive?

Doctor, Doctor, help me!




What in the world is wrong?

I can;t get health because my insurance is gone?

The more I suffer, the more you get paid

The man with the gun knew I was poor,

Someone, help me, heal me,

I can't die now


Will this system change and make me well?

Well There's no way in ****


Hello, my name is Akevin...

I think I'm still alive.



Tell Me


Tell me how,

I could be just like you,

When you are so high above me?

Flying in a place I could never see?

Tell Me,

How can i know you

Like you were a person like me?

How can I?

Can you tell me?


How can I know you if you're not around?

Will I see you again someday when I join you?



Tell me

Could you love me like I loved you?

Will you be the same?

Will you take me when I die?

Or am I just a fan in your eyes?


Could you tell me if I got just little while with you?


When you died, I think i cried

I didn't know you but something inside was down that day


Tell me?

Could you tell me if I saw you?

Will I remember your songs?

Could I know you?


Tell Me, Tell Me

Tell Me, Tell Me

Tell Me, Tell Me



I still remember the songs.


Where Is The Good In good Bye


Every time I drive by

Remembering tears will fill my eyes

The memories are too much, and they're really coming back

I wonder if I''l see any of you again,

Because I'm not coming home


I can't look at pictures of all of us

There's no flash and they're all dark

But I can still see you on the last day of this time.


I try not to remember but everything reminds me of us

I wrote about us everywhere I went and it was all to waste

The books fall apart just like we did

So many things we never got to do

so much i did and for all of you


I might break down when I read about our fun

everything we did

The tree-hugging in the sun

Will we be in one place at the same time again?


It wasn't very long but it seems like forever

We may never find each other

But we never say never

You will not understand

You mean the world to me

We were like diamonds embedded together in the ground

Perhaps Diamonds aren't forever

We wrote our names in psychedelic chalk on the fence

And people knew who we were everywhere we went

best friends forever

Forever, Forever

Forever, Forever

Does forever exist?


Best Friends Forever


Years go by so fast.

Best friends wear out last.

But i the real world no one sees how you hurt.


Everyone is too wrapped

In their own, silly life.

No one cares if people die.

Caring about you never got me anywhere

It only made me cry even more.


The years have gone so fast.

Best friends wear out first.

No sees how much it hurts.


I liked when we seemed like fraternal twins.

I liked the innocent world we were in.

But now we see that everyone is evil

Nothing lasts forever


So much for best friends.


You never cared to listen to me

But I listend to you.

You never tried to care about me

But I cared about you

You didn't want to hear about him

and the way he hurt me today

but I listened to your complaints

I let you use my stuff

But then you stole it

Missing for 7 years.


So much for Forever.

All I ever did was care about you.


No Longer Young


All My Life

I've had such a strife

and I've felt I had a hole inside me

I never knew what it was

Or what could fill it


And fourteen people can fill the gap

The fact I may leave them makes me sad


'cause it 's the best thing that's happened to me

But I don't want to leave it all behind


God, God, Is It true I'm No Longer Young




Is It true I'm no longer free?


Mother Am I Really Dying


I dn't know how to say this

And I dn't know how to tell you

I never kept a secret from you

Except this


I'm screaming at myself

But I have no idea why I am

Maybe I'm mental

and It's a near Insanity

These panic attacks, the memories

They will not pass.


My freinds, their lives are going on without me

Do they really care?

So depressed all the time

And hour after school is out

My brother calls me, yelling


I guess I;m the cause of all his problems

Looks like I'm not going home


People tell me I'm obsessed

But I'm too in love to let him go.

People lecture me

I just want to be free

To be free...

To be free...



Toss and turn in the night

I can't stand another night in this madwoman's ####

Mommy, why can't you come home?

I want my bed back

Sleep in the comfort of an unmade bed

With Boston's guitar and beutiful lyrics

Ringing through my ears


I try to be beautiful, and live up to what i read

In a fashion magizene

An issue of Cosmopolitan Bride

Lays on your bed.

Why does it make me so sad?

I just want to break down and start crying

But Mother, Am I Really Dying?



Flight Of Sleeping Colour


I wake up at midnight to the screaming

My hair and my clothes drenched from a nightmare

that comes true

my blanket wrapped around my leg

my heart beats loud and clear

Loud and Clear, Loud and Clear

Enough for everyone to hear


I'm trying to think

Think of a world where nothing goes wrong

But whenever i close my eyes tight

I see a clear image of the fight

But it's gleaming in color


I feel like I'm sleeping with my eyes open

Unconsious while still able to feel the world around me

Zinus is wrapped in a ball under a blanket

I feel as though he's choking

Libby's ears flatten as she sprints to me

with every shout and bang


I'm trying to block out the sounds

Maybe soon the voices will go away

It's the same as my sickening childlike terror


I'm trying to think

Of a world without wars inside homes

But whenever I try to rest for the night

I still see clearly the flashing strobe of the fight

And it's gleaming in color


I roll around

I hug my pillow but I feel like it's not my pillow

The typing, the screaming,

Every animal is in my room

the pounding, the crying,

The yelling, the close-dying



Because The Flight Of Sleeping Color

Needs to be a dream



Remember That Day


Remember that day Before today?

Remember that day when we were young?

Two-For-One for five nights

So good it oughta be a crime.


Sitting alone at a table

Pass me a note and slip it away

One Slip...


One Summer of youth

Two Summers, it seems so long ago

But now we're simply working for

some apprecation


Remember That Day?

Remember That Day when we were young?

Seems like every day is a fight

to keep the memory away

'Cause we'll never have

our moments back


It's a crime.


Remember The Night

The nights were we would dream of our future

But now that its here, we simply wanna go back


It's a crime.


Remember That Day?

When I said that we said we would be

Forever Young?

Now we fight to keep the same spark

When I first saw him

Seems so long ago


Now she's a goody-Good

and thinks she can't hang out with us anymore

she doesn't Remember That Day?

She obviously isn't good enough

for the ones


(Without) Fashion Magaizines on our walls

(who don't use) Using a smile to cover the truth

(Who don't think) That they need a diet

That's just us


Rememer That Day?

Remember That day when we were young?

One Dance, One Night,

Seemes like it should be a crime




Remember That Day?

Remember when we said we would be

Forever Young?

Can't we bring it back?


Oh, Memories Of Younger Days

The River Runs with sunlit rays

We ramble as the music plays!



Welcome to the Morgue


Say it's not so

Watching the graves eerily glow

Watching the bodies lifted up into the ground

watching the gravediggers not making a sound

watching the drunkards crash at midnight

watching the cars go out of sight

No one sees what the dead see

Not a living soul on this Earth

I watch my breath go cold

Eerie ringing bells strike the time


It's Morning again

They find the body all smashed up by cars

I watch them lift the body from the

expensive car

And I watch

And I wait

The bell strikes 1

It's Morning again

I follow the body

Limping Body with the blood streaming out

I follow, but I can't be seen from the black clothes

I follow into the morgue

Welcome to the morgue

As The ###### bodies are stuffed

into black coffins

Black as the morning

the clock strikes 2

It's Morning again

They're Mourning again

I watch them take the body into the grave

which is indoors in the Morgue

Welcome To The Morgue

"Run away, child, go home and sleep" they say

as the bright light reveals me

I let them out first and pretend to follow

But go back in

The clock strikes 3

It's Morning again

They're mourning again

And I whisper in the Corpse's ear

"It's morning again

They're mourning again

This is the Morgue

Welcome to the Morgue"

Come on in

Welcome to the Morgue

And I go outside and my breath freezes over

as I pass the store and The Restaurant and the Bar

Where more Drunkards will be greeted by me

In the Morgue

Welcome to the Morgue

The clock strikes 4

It's Morning again

The Families of Drunkards Mourning again

I pass the Hotels and the Bakery and School

and The burned down homes

and The Asylum

and Finally I reach the other Morgue

While the screams of Insanity Ring in my head

I stop and look at the Morgue

Come, my friend, into the home of the Corpses

Welcome to the Morgue.



How Can It Hurt (When It Looks So Good?)


To look like a model you put yourself through pain

You won't eat cause you just can't afford to gain

You gotta stop this all-I really think you should-

but how could it hurt when It looks so good?


all you buy is designer, you don't want any less

you won't step out of the house if youv've got one little mess

one day it'll come and betcha-I really think it could-

but how could it hurt when it looks so good?


one day when you are fifty, wrinkles will make you scream

all those expensive clothes will just be a dream

maybe if you stop-you'll get something better than wood-

but how could it hurt when it looks so good?


Your're face is stretched out in every which way

you got 99 injections to keep laugh lines away

now you better stop now-you really,really should-

but how how could it hurt when it looks so good?


you go from morning to night without eating a thing

you got red marks from a tight designer ring

one day you'll starve-I think you really could-

but how could it hurt when it looks so good?


you got pain in the feet from wearing high heels

they start to look like dust from not eating a meal

one day it'll be hurt so bad-it'll do you no good-

but how could it hurt when it looks so good?


How could it hurt when it looks so good?

How could it hurt when it looks so good?

How could it hurt when it looks so good?


Across The Dreamscape


Come with me and we shall Go

Across the Universe to a world

Where the sunsets Dream.

Across The Dreamscape, are you ready?

Let's leave this world for a while

for all we see or seem

is but a dream withen a dream...


Here we are, go on and on

don't stay to long, this world can

only be exist for so long

Across the dreamscape we shall go

But don't look down.


The sun gets higher and higher

as you and I get older

One day we find, the dream is gone

Gone and dead, gone and dead...

But here we are, young again

Across the Universe

To where these Sunsets dream


Here we are, go on and on

don't stay to long, this world

can only exist for so long

Across the Dreamscape we shall go,

Follow the Stars to this world

For all we see or seem

is but a dream within a dream...


Across the Dreamscape, where have you gone?

the sun is setting, it begins to dream

don't fall asleep, come back with me,

across the universe to where we belong

No, No, Don't sleep...

Across the dreamscape we shall go

Across the Universe we shall go

To where we belong


Across the Universe, go on and on

We couldn't stay to long, this world

could only exist so long

You were lost, I couldn't find you

I went back alone

Across the Dreamscape, Across The Universe

Follow the stars

Perhaps one day you'll come back

You'll go Across the Dreamscape,

But don't look down.


All the songs are copyrighted by me, Polly Odyssey. Don't steal them. Which means, don't write them down and tell your stupid friends you wrote them and don't show them to your band and record music for it. I'll hurt you.


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I've been waiting for this topic. =D


But it's just a tad hard to differentiate between songs. =/


Perhaps Horatio could go through it and bold the titles..? ;D

I can do that.

That's a wonderful idea, thanks Glowurm!


I might have missed one or two, so if I have, please let me know which ones to make bold.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~&


Sue me Bryan Adams


Oh these days they change

There's day I find strange where

I'm enraged I remember the days

and sometimes I'll pull out what we wrote

and remember, oh I remember


When i'm with you it;s ok but then I realise what you do and how I feel

And perhaps think is friends forever really real

I know...I know...

You may hate me and take the songs the wrong way

But I wouldn't hate you any day, in any way...

Can i say the same for you


If I said i'd die for you

If I said I've cried for you

If I said I've poured my existance into a nightmare series

of songs that are too long but by the time you hear I'll be long gone


If I said...


There's days I take the words we wrote

I pull out my old 4-string and play the words like music and it's better than the best

a true classic-it could be as good as all the rest

But you wouldn't listen anyway, would you, could you,

Could you just one day find a way to relate to me

for once...



I know I can't write the music like Adams, Simon, and Taupin

I can't do a song about my memories the way that they are meant to be

I know I can't draw Earthbound the way they look and how they are supposed to be

All I can do is cry over you


Real Real Real


I want to feel like you are all real to me

Oh how it feels so real

Real friends I can hold on to forever

Oh How it feels so real


I don't want to get put back in my place

But even when I bawl my own eyes out you say we are

still friends

I let you talk but you don't let me

And I'm sick of laboring over songs on how you make me feel

and oh how you taunt me

With your teenage love,

the one I never had

Because I loved him too much and

I didn't realise he didn't care abut it


And it felt real, too


Oh how do you make me feel (I'm not real)

Once again I'm last (I'm not real)

The way it make me feel

You make it clear (I'm Not real)


I'm here but I am not real

I am your slave

I am your eternal way of letting go of pain

Just throw it all on me I don't mind

Just thought I'd make you feel the same way I did but deal

You ought to feel that you aren't real

I'm there but not real


It Feels Like Christmas



And It's one day

Where I can find all my favourite things but they aren't things

Love, peace, joy, and of course there's you

Just spare me one day and don't blow me off this time


Let the world sing out in all our joy.

Let all the wars stop let us all love each other for once

Ceasefire, maybe, the struggle will never tire

And It's the joy of the season that makes me cry

It's a time when the doves find a reason to fly


While my blood may be warm but my fingers are cold

It's so hard to type out my words of protest so bold

But it's the seeking of happiness and peace that keeps me from growing old


And maybe, just maybe

We can keep the little children together, and let them live

Let all the suffering end

Let every girl and boy get brand-new toys and all the happiness in the world

I want them all to feel the way I do

The way I do when I'm around you

Good friends


Happiness surrounds me and keeps me warm.

And even when the stores get crowded in a swarm

It's still me, I feel like I'm ten again

No much younger, much younger

I feel like I'm young again


So I'll get us all together for a time I won't forget

Give each oher love if it's all we get

No matter who you are, let's realise that we're one.

Join hand in hand under teh clouds or the sun.


Watch the snow fall and watch the children watch the cold come

and the very next see what they've done,

But if you wake up real early you can see

The town covered in snow and white as can be, like a brand new sheet of paper waiting for art or a song


And while I wrap my tree in tinsel

The season wraps me in wonder


and it feels like Christmas


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine**

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