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"I remember..."

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I Remember- Chapter One: Lie in Waiting


Glad you come to visit me, Son. They keep on thinking I'm going to die soon. But I keep telling them I aint, I as strong as an Ox. They're young though. What can you specs? They haven't experienced Life's troubles like I have. It's what makes me strong, ya know?


Glad to hear you’re doing fine, Dad. They’re doctors though. They most likely know you better than you know yourself. You should perhaps give them a minute or two and listen.


Ah, perhappens you’re right. I still say I aint having no trouble. So how’s that wife of yours and the youngins?


Jenneye is doing fine. She just received a promotion to Marketing Director of the company. And Jill and Seth are doing fine too. They fight constantly but that can be expected from a brother and an older sister. Dad… you know what they say you have, right?


Aint got nothing the Good Lord aint given me.


They say you have cancer. But given your age and condition they don’t really expect you to live through the next few days, let alone the night. They want to keep you over.


How’s your mom doing? She doing okay? She aint come in here yet to see me.


Mom died a few years ago, Dad.


She did? Guess I forgot. Heh I might have that… oh what do they call it.. “Old-timers” disease. Heard it makes you forget things and lose your mind.


*Smiles* It’s called Alzheimer’s and you’ve had it for about ten years, Dad.


Guess so, Son. Guess so…


Have you written your will yet? Want to make sure to do that before the state gets it all. I know how much it means to you.


My Will? Whys do I have to write Will? That good ol’ fer nothing took my money yesterday. We went to the track to win dough. Bet it all on “Lady Luck”, and he won, too. I tell you… that Will is a thief. I always knew it.. I aint just never cared about it until then. Not tills he went up and stole my share.


You went to the track with Will 50 years ago, Dad. You were here in the hospital, asleep, yesterday.


50 years ago?! I aint that old…am I? *looks in the mirror* My.. Where have the years gone?


Guess they flew by. But you need to rest and get some sleep. You look tired.


I may be… but you may be right. I’ll take a nap. But don’t you go flying off. I want to talk to you when I wake up.


*Smiles again* Okay Dad. I’ll just have to take a nap with you then. *Sits in the chair and watches his father fall asleep. He then does the same… remembering his younger years of taking naps with his father*

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*wakes up and looks at the hospital bed* Dad? Dad? Dad!


*walks out of the wash closet with the sound of a flusher* Yeah, yeah hold yer horses. Now… Who be calling my name?


*sighs* Oh… I thought they took you away. I was scared for a second. Let me know when you’re going to use the bathroom, will you?


Who are you?


I’m Dan…


I had a son named Dan. You actually look like him. May be the same age. How old are you?


I am Dan… your son.


Oh, I know. I aint gone and forgotten you just yet. Just wanted to have a little fun. You remember fun, don’t ya?


Yes, I remember fun Father… but don’t do that. What if it really does happen? And in which it will… I just want to be sure it’s the real thing.


Now don’t you go fretting over this old body so soon. Aint no reason. Lord hasn’t called me yet.


Are you feeling okay this morning? You still look a little tired.


Just been up a few hours that’s all. *Goes to the window and looks out*


*looks at his wrist-watch*


Got some place to be?


Yeah. Have to be somewhere at ten o’clock. I’ll be back at around… say twelve or one. We’ll have lunch, okay?


Sounds like a date! I’ll see you then. Don’t be late.


Bye Dad… I love you.


I love you too, Son. I aint going to forget that. Neither that you’re my Son.


*Smiles, hugs his dad and leaves*



*sighs**Turns around to the door opening*


How are you feeling today, Jack?


A little tired. Could use some rest. Help me to the bed, will ya?


Of course. Let me just grab hold… and there. *lies him down on the bed*

You really love him, I can see that. You must be afraid of forgetting him.


Oh, I dread that day. I hope it never comes. I love him… so much. *tears start streaming down*

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How is your father, sweetie? Is he doing okay?


*hugs his wife* Oh… He’s doing as best as can be expected. He pretends to forget me sometimes but I wonder if he really is pretending sometimes. It worries me, he worries me.


He’ll be okay though, you know. He’s a tough man. He won’t give in that easily. I don’t think there’s anything in this world that will bring him down without a fight.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just… cannot imagine the day he completely forgets me.


You two shared a strong bond. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel.

But enough of the sadness for now, sweetie. Are you going to get ready for the meeting?


It was nice, you know? Spending the night there. Not in the hospital, of course. But being there with him, again. It was like when I was young. I would jump in the bed with him when he would come home early from work. He’d hug me and I’d cuddle him and I just felt so loved and safe. Sometimes he would tell me a story or two. Most of the time I would fall asleep in the middle of them. *smiles**closes his eyes and tries not to cry**kisses his wife’s cheek and walks to the bedroom*


You don’t have to go to the meeting. Call them and tell them you can’t go. Tell them your father needs you. Tell them you want to be with your father.


I… I can’t.


Yes, you can. In fact, I will do it for you. Now you go get cleaned up and we’ll head on back over to the hospital. I know you want to be near him.


*hugs his wife, again, kissing her on the cheek. he rests his head on her shoulder and weeps*


It’s okay, honey. He’ll be alright. Now let’s get you cleaned up and back to him.


Thank you, Jen. I love you.


I love you too, Danny.


*embrace each other**he walks into the bedroom to take a shower and get dressed*



Your son will always be your son. Even if you do forget him now, you will know him There. There will be no sadness, no sickness, no needs or wants in His Kingdom. All will be perfect and we will know each other by name and face.


Lord is marvelous, isn’t He?


Amen, Jack. Amen.


I want to thank you for coming today, David. I know the Lord is in you and seeing you reminds me there’s hope and faith in Him.


Thank you, Jack. But all glory belongs to Him. You always were a strong man of faith, you know. Like Job, you never quit or took away your faith in God. I could tell the day we met in our first ministry class. You could always light up a room with your hopes.

Jack? Ol’Jack are you okay? Nurse! Someone get in here!

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I wonder how Dad is doing. He seemed a little too tired today before I left. He said he was up for a few hours before I woke.


I’m sure he is fine. Are you ready to go?


Yeah, just give me a second. Okay, ready.



How long was I out for?


Not long. Maybe an hour. Are you feeling okay?


What ya mean, Dave? Course I am okay. Never better.


That’s good to hear. They aren’t sure what happened but you dropped on them. You were easy to bring back though. They were quite shocked.


Heh. Told them I aint going down without a fight. Strong as an Ox I keeps telling them.


*smiles* And you prove it everywhere you go. *chuckle* Would you be hungry? They brought your food in.


Depends. What they bring me?


Hm… let’s see. Ham, broccoli, taters, and a roll. Looks like some fruit and juice too. Boy, this four star food is making me jealous. When did you become so lucky? *chuckles again*


*join in on the laughter* Oh, Son! Come on in! You, too, Jenneye!


What’s so funny?


Oh, nothing Dan. Just having a few laughs about food and luck. *continues to laugh but softer*


*Laughter slowly ends*


What’s this now? Going to eat without ? *lightly laughs*


Oh, no. They brought it in. We can go down to the café if you want. I hear they are having a nice grilled chicken with all the fixins’!


Sounds decadent. Well, I am ready to go. You ready, Dad? Oh, David, would you like to come too?


It would be my pleasure. I do enjoy a nice slice of chicken every now and then. I could use something to drink, also.


Well, it is settled. We go to the café. Would, uh, you like to help me up, Son?


*smiles* Sure thing. Oh, and here is your cane to help you walk.


Thanks. Let’s go.




Come on, honey. *wraps his arm around his wife* *she rests her head on his shoulder as they all go*

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[ Thank you for continuing, this story is so, so good! ]

Thank you. There are a few things in the story that are very special


First you will notice there are no names before the words. This is because while it is a story, I am more focused on what the people would be saying than sticking to normal writing for the like. Second, each post is the same length. I first write it on microsoft word so each post is a page exactly. Also, along with each page, are different events and not one page will continue to a second one.


The main thing about the story is the fact it's all and only about the words being exchanged and the events unfolding. As you notice, I seldom put actions in the *action*, this is because, again, I am more focused on the words. By doing this, I can create more emotion and a more indepth realism to the story than by saying a lot of extra stuff. Also, with it being just the words exchanged, there is no first or third person really. Some could argue because of the actions I put but I am the writer and I say there is no first/third person.


Throughout history, you will notice that many poets, writers, and singers will stray from the normal pattern of things to create beautiful and unique pieces. Call it poetic license if you will.


I have actually cracked out a lot of writing for the story so far all that has been written has been posted.


The story "I remember" is about a father who has alzheimers and develops cancer and his son. The title "I remember, can mean many things. It could mean the father will always remember, or may not remember the son. It could mean something that hasn't been written in the story yet (possible hint right here so pay attention lol) it could be millions of things.

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Why are there no other people reading this? lol I feel sad now

There are lots of views, so people are reading it, just not replying.


I guess so lol... or it is that I am visiting the page too much lol


Still, a reply would make me feel less lonely lol


Which I thank you for Horatio, the reply

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Why are there no other people reading this? lol I feel sad now

There are lots of views, so people are reading it, just not replying.


I guess so lol... or it is that I am visiting the page too much lol


Still, a reply would make me feel less lonely lol


Which I thank you for Horatio, the reply

When a topic is very thought provoking, sometimes people do not reply. I am not sure why, but I have found this to be to be true.

I think thi is a great story. Perhaps it is closer to their hearts than they want to admit.

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Your story reminds me of a book called Tuesdays With Morrie.

A good book. A sad book.

Sad but wonderful. You need to read his other book... I am trying to remember the title. It is fantastic as well.

"the 5 people you meet in heaven"


i read your story too, Taynio, just didn't reply. sorry if you got lonely! it's a very good story.



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Your story reminds me of a book called Tuesdays With Morrie.

A good book. A sad book.

Sad but wonderful. You need to read his other book... I am trying to remember the title. It is fantastic as well.

"the 5 people you meet in heaven"


i read your story too, Taynio, just didn't reply. sorry if you got lonely! it's a very good story.



The other book by Mitch Albom is For One More Day.

You would like this one Taynio.

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  • 1 month later...


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I'd love to continue but I cannot. I am out of inspiration. You will find many things I write, stories and especially poems, that I never finish them. Now, with poems, it may seem as if they are complete... but I could go on forever. Yet I know I must stop. So I cut it short. With all of my writings, it's not about the quantity of words I put down, but the quality.

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  • 10 months later...

Chapter Five - The Sacrifice



Jack Chesne, a man of faith, of man of righteousness, a dedicated and annointed man of God...


We come to lay this flesh created by the Lord, God. His soul rejoices the triumphant victory of Jesus no longer on this planet, but now in the Calm of the All-Mighty King. It is said, and truth, that angels rejoice and praise the most, that the bells of Heaven ring the loudest, that the entire existence sings praises unto the Father when a new lost child has become found and accepts Jesus as their saviour. And there can be nothing more precious which makes God smile.


And so it was with Jack, dear friend and long-time apostle.


During these times, we seldom remember the bad that happened or occurred because of people. But Jack would want his story to be told. He would want you all to know what the Mighty Saviour Jesus brought him out of.


It was 1913 and a blessing of Heaven named Jack Chesne was brought to this place. His mother died shortly after child birth, leaving her husband to be a single parent and care for their only child. But at Jack's 13th birthday party, Jack Senior died an unexpected death due to unknown causes.


Left parentless and now homeless, Jack had to fend for himself. There were no records of any family, and there were no orphanages where he lived.


And so he roamed the streets as a beggar, feeding out of dumpsters and trash cans, sleeping in the wet, cold streets. But after 4 years of living the life of a vagrant, forgotten by society, a man was walking past the alley where Jack was sitting and watching the streets. Though harsh times and years can be seen on the young man's face, his eyes were sad, for he had no place to call his own.


And as it were, the man walking by stopped right where young Jack was sitting. The unknown man had nothing special about him, he looked rather normal. And he obviously wasn't rich. But as he stopped before Jack, he knelt down and lent out his hand.


Out of the corner of his eye, Jack noticed it and looked up. He asked "Why have you your hand out? Do I look like I have anything? I have nothing, sir. Please, don't humiliate me any more than what I already have." But the man kept his hand held out and replied. "Bless your heart, young child. Take my hand and follow me. I have someone I want you to meet."


We're told never to trust strangers. And Jack's father especially instilled into his head, but, with slight hesitation, Jack reluctantly agreed to go with the strange man. And on they walked until they came upon a normal building, one of the likes stunned Jack, for he never saw anything like it before, even with being in the same city. His father had never taken him to one. Nervous of the future, Jack took it one step at a time up the stairs.

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